Source code for deepcave.runs.converters.bohb

# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# noqa: D400

This module provides utilities for managing and processing data concerning a BOHB
(Bayesian Optimization and Hyperparameter Bandits) run.

## Classes
    - BOHBRun: Create a BOHB Run.

from typing import Any, Dict, Union

import os
from pathlib import Path

from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import ConfigurationSpace

from deepcave.runs import Status
from deepcave.runs.objective import Objective
from import Run
from deepcave.utils.hash import file_to_hash

[docs] class BOHBRun(Run): """ Create a BOHB (Bayesian Optimization and Hyperparameter Bandits) run. Properties ---------- path : Path The path to the run. """ prefix = "BOHB" _initial_order = 2 @property def hash(self) -> str: """ Get the hash of the current run. If the hash changes, the cache has to be cleared. This ensures that the cache always holds the latest results of the run. Returns ------- str The hash of the run. """ if self.path is None: return "" # Use hash of results.json as id return file_to_hash(self.path / "results.json") @property def latest_change(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Get the timestamp of the latest change. Returns ------- Union[float, int] The latest change. """ if self.path is None: return 0 return Path(self.path / "results.json").stat().st_mtime
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path: Union[Path, str]) -> "BOHBRun": """ Create a new BOHB run from a given path and add a new trial to it. Parameters ---------- path : Union[Path, str] The pathname to base the run on. Returns ------- The BOHB run """ path = Path(path) # Read configspace configspace = ConfigurationSpace.from_json(path / "configspace.json") # Read objectives # It has to be defined here, because the type of the objective is not known # Only lock lower objective = Objective("Cost", lower=0) run = BOHBRun(path.stem, configspace=configspace, objectives=objective, meta={}) run._path = path try: from hpbandster.core.result import logged_results_to_HBS_result except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The HpBandSter package is required to load BOHB runs. " "Please install it via `pip install deepcave[bohb]`" ) bohb = logged_results_to_HBS_result(str(path)) config_mapping = bohb.get_id2config_mapping() first_starttime = None for bohb_run in bohb.get_all_runs(): times = bohb_run.time_stamps starttime = times["started"] endtime = times["finished"] if first_starttime is None: first_starttime = starttime starttime = starttime - first_starttime endtime = endtime - first_starttime cost = bohb_run.loss budget = bohb_run.budget if not isinstance(, dict) or ( isinstance(, dict) and "state" not in ): status_string = "SUCCESS" else: status_string =["state"] config = config_mapping[bohb_run.config_id]["config"] additional: Dict[str, Any] = {} status: Status # QUEUED, RUNNING, CRASHED, REVIEW, TERMINATED, COMPLETED, SUCCESS if ( "SUCCESS" in status_string or "TERMINATED" in status_string or "COMPLETED" in status_string ): status = Status.SUCCESS elif ( "RUNNING" in status_string or "QUEUED" in status_string or "REVIEW" in status_string ): status = status_string # type: ignore else: status = Status.CRASHED if status != Status.SUCCESS: # Costs which failed, should not be included cost = None run.add( costs=[cost], # Having only single objective here config=config, budget=budget, seed=-1, start_time=starttime, end_time=endtime, status=status, additional=additional, ) return run
[docs] @classmethod def is_valid_run(cls, path_name: str) -> bool: """ Check whether the path name belongs to a valid bohb run. Parameters ---------- path_name: str The path to check. Returns ------- bool True if path is valid run. False otherwise. """ if os.path.isfile(path_name + "/configspace.json"): return True return False