Adding a Plugin¶
This tutorial will guide you through the steps to add a new plugin in DeepCAVE. We will create a simple plugin that demonstrates the basic structure and functionality. By the end of this tutorial, you will hopefully have a better understanding of how to create and use plugins in DeepCAVE.
Step 1: Create the plugin class¶
Start by creating a new Python file in the deepcave/plugins directory of your DeepCAVE installation. For example, you can create a file named
Define the basic structure of the plugin. You can start by using the following code:
class MyFirstPlugin(PluginType): id = "my_first_plugin" name = "My first plugin" icon = "My first plugin icon" @staticmethod def get_input_layout(register: Callable) -> List[]: """ Define the input block of the plugin. """ @staticmethod def get_filter_layout(register: Callable) -> List[]: """ Define the filter block of the plugin. """ def load_inputs(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Load the content for the defined inputs in 'get_input_layout' and 'get_filter_layout'. """ def load_dependency_inputs(self, run: AbstractRun, previous_inputs: Dict[str, Any], inputs: Dict[str, Any],) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Works like 'load_inputs' but called after inputs have changed. """ @staticmethod def process(run: AbstractRun, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Process your input data and return raw data to be used in the output layout. """ @staticmethod def get_output_layout(register: Callable): """ Define the output block of the plugin. """ @staticmethod def load_outputs(runs, inputs, outputs) -> go.Figure: """ Load the raw output data for the plugin and create a figure to be shown in the output block. """
Understand the structure of the layout¶
To understand where each part of the layout belongs to, please refer to the following depiction:

Step 2: Register your plugin¶
To fully integrate your plugin, you need to add it to the list of available plugins per category in the deepcave/ file. The plugin needs to be imported and then added to the plugin dictionary. In addition, please add a short description to the file of the corresponding category in the deepcave/plugins directory.
Step 3: Decide on your plugin type¶
Your plugin can either be dynamic or static. You need to substitute PluginType in the example code with either DynamicPlugin or StaticPlugin.
If your plugin needs more processing time or computing power, we recommend you choose StaticPlugin as your plugin type, as this way it will not immediately start processing once you select it. Otherwise you can choose the DynamicPlugin, which will execute directly when you select the plugin (see static plugin for more information).
Step 4: Adjust the functions of your plugin¶
In Step 1 you saw how the basic structure of the plugin should look like. Please refer to the api references documentation, so you can fit these functions to your specific needs.
Note that you might want to add a check_runs_compatability functionality if you want to analyze more than one run.
Step 5: Fit the plugin to your needs¶
Adjustment 1: Activate run selection¶
You can add a select bar at the top of your plugin, where the run(s) to analyze can be manually selected. To do this, simply add activate_run_selection to your class variables and set it to True.
Adjustment 2: Icon¶
You can choose your own icon from the Font Awesome library. Please note that at this moment icons from the newer versions may not be available.
# Example icon icon = "fas fa-chart-line"
Step 6: Document your plugin¶
To document your plugin, create a corresponding .rst file under docs/plugins and add it to the docs/plugins/ file. Additionally, define a class variable in your with the path to your documentation, called help.
# Example of help variable
help = "docs/plugins/my_first_plugin.rst"
Step 7: Congratulate yourself¶
Congratulations, you just wrote your first DeepCAVE plugin! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.