
DeepCAVE needs redis-server for the interactive mode.

brew install redis  # Mac
sudo apt-get install redis-server  # Linux


If you have problems see next section for extened instructions.


DeepCAVE is tested on Linux and Mac only. Since a bash script is used to start the services (redis, workers and webserver), it is not possible to run DeepCAVE on Windows.

The following commands install DeepCAVE. We recommend using anaconda as swig can be installed directly. If you use a different environment, make sure swig is installed.

conda create -n DeepCAVE python=3.9
conda activate DeepCAVE
conda install -c anaconda swig
pip install DeepCAVE

If you want to contribute to DeepCAVE get it from GitHub directly and install the dev package:

git clone
conda create -n DeepCAVE python=3.9
conda activate DeepCAVE
conda install -c anaconda swig
make install-dev

Redis Server

If you have problems installing redis-server try the following steps:

  1. First check if redis-server is available:

  1. If you see something like /usr/sbin/redis-server, then you simply have to expand your path:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin

Consider adding this to your ~/.bashrc file. Check if redis-server works now.

  1. If no redis-server was found, try to install it:

sudo apt-get install redis-server  # Linux
brew install redis  # Mac

4. If there was no redis-server found and you do not have admin access, do the following inside the DeepCAVE root folder:


mkdir -p vendors
cd vendors
tar -xzvf $filename
rm $filename
cd $file
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
cd ../../