Adding a Converter


This tutorial will guide you through the steps to add a new converter in DeepCAVE. We will create a simple converter that demonstrates the basic structure and functionality. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to create and use converters in DeepCAVE.

Step 1: Create the converter class

  1. Start by creating a new Python file in the deepcave/runs/converters directory of your DeepCAVE installation. For example, you can name it

  2. Define the basic structure of your converter. You can start by using the following code:

    from import Run
    class MyFirstConverter(Run):
        def hash(self) -> str:
            Return a unique hash for the run (e.g., hashing the trial history).
        def latest_change(self) -> float:
            Return the timestamp of the latest change.
        def from_path(cls, path: str) -> 'Run':
            Return a Run object from a given path.
        def is_valid_run(cls, path: str) -> bool:
            Check if the path belongs to a valid run.

Step 2: Register your converter

After creating your new converter, you need to add it to the list of available converters in the deepcave/ file. In addition, please add a short description to the file in the deepcave/runs/converters directory.

The next time you select a run, DeepCAVE will automatically use this converter as long as the from_path method did not fail.

Step 3: Implement the methods

  1. hash: This method should return a unique hash for the run. You might hash the trial history or use another unique identifier.

  2. latest_change: This method should return the timestamp of the latest change.

  3. from_path: This method should return a Run object from a given path. Inside this method, you have to provide a configspace, objectives, and meta data, as well as the trials, which have to be added to the newly created run object.

  4. is_valid_run: This method should return True if the given path belongs to a valid run. Valid means that the given run directory contains all files that are necessary for further processing (e.g. a configspace.json).

Step 5: Document your converter

To document your converter, create a corresponding .rst file under docs/converters and add it to the docs/converters/index.rst file. Additionally, define a help class variable in pointing to your documentation file:

# Example of help variable
help = "docs/converters/my_first_converter.rst"

Step 5: Congratulate yourself

Congratulations! You’ve just created your first DeepCAVE converter. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.