Getting Started

After you have followed the installation steps, you can start DeepCAVE via following command (in any directory):

$ deepcave

Additionally, you have several other options:

$ deepcave --open --n_workers=1 --config="path/to/your/"
  • --open: Automatically opens the DeepCAVE GUI in the browser after the DeepCAVE server has been started.

  • --n_workers: Number of workers to use for the queue.

  • --config: Path to a configuration file if you want to use a custom configuration (like changing ips, ports or refresh rate). The argument accepts both relative and absolute paths. However, make sure the path is enclosed in quotes.


The configuration file must include a Config class which inherits from Config. Also, you should avoid to name the file as this is reserved.

After hitting enter, you are automatically redirected to the interactive dashboard (if you added –open). In the dashboard, you will see the main page, in which you can select the runs you want to analyze. Please have a look at the following image to see the dashboard in action:


DeepCAVE uses runs to interprete data. A run is a collection of trials (a configuration with associated costs). Once valid runs (see converter) are found, you can select them to analyze them further. After selecting runs, you can also add them to groups to analyze combined runs easily.