Source code for deepcave.plugins.summary.overview

# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# noqa: D400
# Overview

This module provides utilities for visualizing an overview of the selected runs.

It holds the most important information, e.g. meta data, objectives and statistics.

The module includes a dynamic plugin for the overview.

## Classes
    - Overview: Visualize an overall overview of the selected run.

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List

import itertools

import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import (
from dash import dcc, html

from deepcave import config
from deepcave.plugins.dynamic import DynamicPlugin
from deepcave.plugins.summary.configurations import Configurations
from import Group
from deepcave.runs.status import Status
from deepcave.utils.layout import create_table, help_button
from deepcave.utils.styled_plotty import get_discrete_heatmap, save_image
from deepcave.utils.util import custom_round, get_latest_change

[docs] class Overview(DynamicPlugin): """Visualize an overall overview of the selected run.""" id = "overview" name = "Overview" icon = "fas fa-search" help = "docs/plugins/overview.rst" use_cache = False activate_run_selection = True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_output_layout(register: Callable) -> List[Any]: """ Get the layout for the output block. Parameters ---------- register : Callable Method to register the outputs. The register_input function is located in the Plugin superclass. Returns ------- List[Any] The layouts for the output block. """ return [ html.Div( id=register("card", "children"), className="mb-3", ), html.Hr(), html.H3("Meta"), html.Div(id=register("meta", "children")), html.Hr(), html.H3("Objectives"), html.Div(id=register("objectives", "children")), html.Hr(), html.H3("Statuses"), html.Div(id=register("status_text", "children"), className="mb-3"), dbc.Tabs( [ dbc.Tab( dcc.Graph( id=register("status_statistics", "figure"), style={"height": config.FIGURE_HEIGHT}, config={ "toImageButtonOptions": {"scale": config.FIGURE_DOWNLOAD_SCALE} }, ), label="Barplot", ), dbc.Tab( dcc.Graph( id=register("config_statistics", "figure"), style={"height": config.FIGURE_HEIGHT}, config={ "toImageButtonOptions": {"scale": config.FIGURE_DOWNLOAD_SCALE} }, ), label="Heatmap", ), dbc.Tab(html.Div(id=register("status_details", "children")), label="Details"), ] ), html.Hr(), html.H3("Configuration Space"), html.Div(id=register("configspace", "children")), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def load_outputs(run, *_: Any) -> List[Any]: # type: ignore """ Read in the raw data and prepare them for the layout. Note ---- The passed inputs are cleaned and therefore differs compared to 'load_inputs' or 'load_dependency_inputs'. Please see '_clean_inputs' for more information. Parameters ---------- run The selected run. Returns ------- List[Any] A list of the created tables of the overview. """ optimizer = run.prefix if isinstance(run, Group): optimizer = run.get_runs()[0].prefix performance_outputs = [] for idx, obj in enumerate(run.get_objectives()): # Get best cost for the objective, highest budget incumbent, _ = run.get_incumbent(objectives=obj, statuses=[Status.SUCCESS]) config_id = run.get_config_id(incumbent) avg_costs, std_costs = run.get_avg_costs(config_id) if len(run.get_seeds(include_combined=False)) > 1: best_performance = ( f"{custom_round(avg_costs[idx])} " f{custom_round(std_costs[idx])}" ) else: best_performance = f"{custom_round(avg_costs[idx])}" performance_outputs.append( html.Div( [ html.Span(f"Best {}: {best_performance} "), html.A( "(See Configuration)", href=Configurations.get_link(run, config_id), style={"color": "white"}, ), ], className="card-text", ), ) if isinstance(run, Group): runtime_str = "Maximum runtime" else: runtime_str = "Total runtime" # Design card for quick information here card = dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardHeader(html.H3("Quick Information", className="mb-0")), dbc.CardBody( [ html.Div( f"Optimizer: {optimizer}", className="card-text", ), html.Div( f"Latest change: {get_latest_change(run.latest_change)}", className="card-text", ), *performance_outputs, html.Div( [ html.Span( f"{runtime_str} [s]: " f"{max(trial.end_time for trial in run.history)}" ), ], className="card-text", ), html.Div( [ html.Span(f"Total configurations: {run.get_num_configs()}"), ], className="card-text", ), html.Div( [ html.Span(f"Total trials: {len(run.history)}"), ], className="card-text", ), ] ), ], color="secondary", inverse=True, ) # Meta meta: Dict[str, List[str]] = {"Attribute": [], "Value": []} for k, v in run.get_meta().items(): if k == "objectives": continue if isinstance(v, list): v = ", ".join(str(_v) for _v in v) meta["Attribute"].append(k) meta["Value"].append(str(v)) # Objectives objectives: Dict[str, List[str]] = {"Name": [], "Bounds": []} for objective in run.get_objectives(): objectives["Name"].append( objectives["Bounds"].append(f"[{objective.lower}, {objective.upper}]") # Budgets budgets = run.get_budgets(include_combined=False) # Seeds seeds = run.get_seeds(include_combined=False) # Budget-seed combinations formatted_budgets = [float(b) if isinstance(b, float) else b for b in budgets] budget_seed_combinations = list(itertools.product(formatted_budgets, seeds)) # Setup statistics dict for bar plot status_statistics: Dict[float, Dict[Status, int]] = {} for budget in budgets: budget = round(budget, 2) if budget not in status_statistics: status_statistics[budget] = {} for s in Status: status_statistics[budget][s] = 0 # Setup details dict for to collect information on failed trials status_details: Dict[str, List[Any]] = { "Configuration ID": [], "Budget": [], "Seed": [], "Status": [], "Error": [], } status_count = {} budget_count = {} len_trials = 0 for trial in run.get_trials(): budget = round(trial.budget, 2) seed = trial.seed len_trials += 1 # Status count over budget for bar plot status_statistics[budget][trial.status] += 1 # Total status count for text information if trial.status not in status_count: status_count[trial.status] = 1 else: status_count[trial.status] += 1 # Total budget count for text information if budget not in budget_count: budget_count[budget] = 1 else: budget_count[budget] += 1 # Add to table data if trial.status != Status.SUCCESS: link = Configurations.get_link(run, trial.config_id) status_details["Configuration ID"] += [ html.A(trial.config_id, href=link, target="_blank") ] status_details["Budget"] += [budget] status_details["Seed"] += [seed] status_details["Status"] += [trial.status.to_text()] if "traceback" in trial.additional: traceback = trial.additional["traceback"] status_details["Error"] += [help_button(traceback)] else: status_details["Error"] += ["No traceback available."] # Successful / unsuccessful trials rate for text information successful_trials_rate = status_count[Status.SUCCESS] / len_trials * 100 successful_trials_rate = round(successful_trials_rate, 2) trials_rates = [] for status, count in status_count.items(): if status == Status.SUCCESS: continue rate = round(count / len_trials * 100, 2) trials_rates += [status.to_text() + f" ({rate}%)"] # Add an "or" to the last rate if successful_trials_rate != 100 and len(trials_rates) > 0: unsuccessful_trials_text = "The other trials are " if len(trials_rates) == 1: unsuccessful_trials_text += trials_rates[0] elif len(trials_rates) == 2: unsuccessful_trials_text += "either " unsuccessful_trials_text += trials_rates[0] + " or " + trials_rates[1] else: unsuccessful_trials_text += "either " trials_rates[-1] = " or " + trials_rates[-1] unsuccessful_trials_text += ", ".join(trials_rates) unsuccessful_trials_text += "." else: unsuccessful_trials_text = "" # Budget rate for text information budget_rate = [ str(round(count / len_trials * 100, 2)) + "%" for count in budget_count.values() ] budget_rate_text = "/".join(budget_rate) budget_keys_text_list = [str(key) for key in budget_count.keys()] budget_keys_text = "/".join(budget_keys_text_list) # Text information status_text = f""" Taking all evaluated trials into account, {successful_trials_rate}% have been successful. {unsuccessful_trials_text} Moreover, {budget_rate_text} of the trials were evaluated on budget {budget_keys_text}, respectively. """ # Status statistics for bar plot: remove status that are not used for budget in list(status_statistics.keys()): for status in list(status_statistics[budget].keys()): if status_statistics[budget][status] == 0: del status_statistics[budget][status] # Config statistics for heatmap showing on which budget / seed a configuration was evaluated config_statistics = {} configs = run.get_configs() config_ids = list(configs.keys()) z_values = np.zeros((len(config_ids), len(budget_seed_combinations))).tolist() z_labels = np.zeros((len(config_ids), len(budget_seed_combinations))).tolist() for i, config_id in enumerate(configs.keys()): for j, (b, s) in enumerate(budget_seed_combinations): trial_key = run.get_trial_key(config_id, b, s) trial = run.get_trial(trial_key) status = Status.NOT_EVALUATED if trial is not None: status = trial.status z_values[i][j] = status.value z_labels[i][j] = status.to_text() config_statistics["X"] = budget_seed_combinations config_statistics["Y"] = config_ids config_statistics["Z_values"] = z_values config_statistics["Z_labels"] = z_labels # Prepare configspace table configspace: Dict[str, List] = { "Hyperparameter": [], "Possible Values": [], "Default": [], "Log": [], } for hp_name, hp in run.configspace.get_hyperparameters_dict().items(): log = False value = None if ( isinstance(hp, UniformIntegerHyperparameter) or isinstance(hp, NormalIntegerHyperparameter) or isinstance(hp, UniformFloatHyperparameter) or isinstance(hp, NormalFloatHyperparameter) ): value = str([hp.lower, hp.upper]) log = hp.log elif isinstance(hp, CategoricalHyperparameter): value = ", ".join([str(i) for i in hp.choices]) elif isinstance(hp, OrdinalHyperparameter): value = ", ".join([str(i) for i in hp.sequence]) elif isinstance(hp, Constant): value = str(hp.value) default = str(hp.default_value) log_str = str(log) configspace["Hyperparameter"].append(hp_name) configspace["Possible Values"].append(value) configspace["Default"].append(default) configspace["Log"].append(log_str) stats_data = [] for budget, stats in status_statistics.items(): x = [s.to_text() for s in stats.keys()] trace = go.Bar(x=x, y=list(stats.values()), name=budget) stats_data.append(trace) stats_layout = go.Layout( legend={"title": "Budget"}, barmode="group", xaxis=dict(title="Status"), yaxis=dict(title="Number of configurations"), margin=config.FIGURE_MARGIN, font=dict(size=config.FIGURE_FONT_SIZE), ) stats_figure = go.Figure(data=stats_data, layout=stats_layout) save_image(stats_figure, "status_bar.pdf") config_layout = go.Layout( legend={"title": "Status"}, xaxis=dict(title="Budget (Seed)"), yaxis=dict(title="Configuration ID"), margin=config.FIGURE_MARGIN, font=dict(size=config.FIGURE_FONT_SIZE), ) config_figure = go.Figure( data=get_discrete_heatmap( config_statistics["X"], config_statistics["Y"], config_statistics["Z_values"], config_statistics["Z_labels"], ), layout=config_layout, ) save_image(config_figure, "status_heatmap.pdf") return [ card, create_table(meta, fixed=True), create_table(objectives, fixed=True), status_text, stats_figure, config_figure, create_table(status_details), create_table(configspace, mb=False), ]