# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
# noqa: D400
This module provides utilities to calculate the local parameter importance (LPI).
## Classes
- LPI: This class calculates the local parameter importance (LPI).
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ConfigSpace import Configuration
from ConfigSpace.c_util import change_hp_value
from ConfigSpace.util import impute_inactive_values
from deepcave.evaluators.epm.fanova_forest import FanovaForest
from deepcave.evaluators.lpi import LPI
from deepcave.runs import AbstractRun
from deepcave.runs.objective import Objective
from deepcave.utils.multi_objective_importance import get_weightings
# https://github.com/automl/ParameterImportance/blob/f4950593ee627093fc30c0847acc5d8bf63ef84b/pimp/evaluator/local_parameter_importance.py#L27
class MOLPI(LPI):
Calculate the multi-objective local parameter importance (LPI).
Override: to train the random forest with an arbitrary weighting of the objectives
(multi-objective case).
run : AbstractRun
The AbstractRun to get the importance from.
cs : ConfigurationSpace
The configuration space of the run.
hp_names : List[str]
The names of the Hyperparameters.
variances : Dict[Any, list]
The overall variances per tree.
importances : dict
The importances of the Hyperparameters.
continuous_neighbors : int
The number of neighbors chosen for continuous Hyperparameters.
incumbent : Configuration
The incumbent of the run.
default : Configuration
A configuration containing Hyperparameters with default values.
incumbent_array : numpy.ndarray
The internal vector representation of the incumbent.
seed : int
The seed. If not provided it will be random.
rs : RandomState
A random state with a given seed value.
def __init__(self, run: AbstractRun):
self.importances: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None
def calculate(
objectives: Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]] = None,
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
continous_neighbors: int = 500,
n_trees: int = 10,
seed: int = 0,
) -> None:
Prepare the data and train a RandomForest model.
objectives : Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]], optional
Considered objectives. By default, None. If None, all objectives are considered.
budget : Optional[Union[int, float]], optional
Considered budget. By default, None. If None, the highest budget is chosen.
continuous_neighbors : int, optional
How many neighbors should be chosen for continuous hyperparameters (HPs).
By default, 500.
n_trees : int, optional
The number of trees for the fanova forest.
Default is 10.
seed : Optional[int], optional
The seed. By default None. If None, a random seed is chosen.
if objectives is None:
objectives = self.run.get_objectives()
if budget is None:
budget = self.run.get_highest_budget()
# Set variables
self.continous_neighbors = continous_neighbors
self.default = self.cs.get_default_configuration()
self.seed = seed
self.rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
# Get data
df = self.run.get_encoded_data(
# normalize objectives
assert isinstance(objectives, list)
objectives_normed = list()
for obj in objectives:
normed = obj.name + "_normed"
df[normed] = (df[obj.name] - df[obj.name].min()) / (
df[obj.name].max() - df[obj.name].min()
if obj.optimize == "upper":
df[normed] = 1 - df[normed]
df = df.dropna(subset=objectives_normed)
X = df[self.hp_names].to_numpy()
df_all = pd.DataFrame([])
weightings = get_weightings(objectives_normed, df)
# calculate importance for each weighting generated from the pareto efficient points
for w in weightings:
Y = sum(df[obj] * weighting for obj, weighting in zip(objectives_normed, w)).to_numpy()
# Use same forest as for fanova
self._model = FanovaForest(self.cs, n_trees=n_trees, seed=seed)
self._model.train(X, Y)
incumbent_cfg_id = np.argmin(sum(df[obj] * w for obj, w in zip(objectives_normed, w)))
self.incumbent = self.run.get_config(df.iloc[incumbent_cfg_id]["config_id"])
self.incumbent_array = self.incumbent.get_array()
importances = self.calc_one_weighting()
df_res = pd.DataFrame(importances).loc[0:1].T.reset_index()
df_res["weight"] = w[0]
df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df_res])
self.importances = df_all.rename(
columns={0: "importance", 1: "variance", "index": "hp_name"}
self.importances = self.importances.map(
lambda x: max(x, 0) if not isinstance(x, str) else x
) # no negative values
def calc_one_weighting(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]:
Prepare the data after a model has be trained for one weighting.
imp_var_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]
Dictionary of importances and variances.
# Get neighborhood sampled on an unit-hypercube.
neighborhood = self._get_neighborhood()
# The delta performance is needed from the default configuration and the incumbent
def_perf, def_var = self._predict_mean_var(self.default)
inc_perf, inc_var = self._predict_mean_var(self.incumbent)
delta = def_perf - inc_perf
# These are used for plotting and hold the predictions for each neighbor of each parameter.
# That means performances holds the mean, variances the variance of the forest.
performances: Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]] = {}
variances: Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]] = {}
# These are used for importance and hold the corresponding importance/variance over
# neighbors. Only import if NOT quantifying importance via performance-variance across
# neighbors.
# Nested list of values per tree in random forest.
predictions: Dict[str, List[List[np.ndarray]]] = {}
# Iterate over parameters
for hp_idx, hp_name in enumerate(self.incumbent.keys()):
if hp_name not in neighborhood:
performances[hp_name] = []
variances[hp_name] = []
predictions[hp_name] = []
incumbent_added = False
incumbent_idx = 0
# Iterate over neighbors
for unit_neighbor, neighbor in zip(neighborhood[hp_name][0], neighborhood[hp_name][1]):
if not incumbent_added:
# Detect incumbent
if unit_neighbor > self.incumbent_array[hp_idx]:
incumbent_added = True
incumbent_idx += 1
# Create the neighbor-Configuration object
new_array = self.incumbent_array.copy()
new_array = change_hp_value(
self.cs, new_array, hp_name, unit_neighbor, self.cs.index_of[hp_name]
new_config = impute_inactive_values(Configuration(self.cs, vector=new_array))
# Get the leaf values
x = np.array(new_config.get_array())
leaf_values = self._model.get_leaf_values(x)
# And the prediction/performance/variance
predictions[hp_name].append([np.mean(tree_pred) for tree_pred in leaf_values])
if len(neighborhood[hp_name][0]) > 0:
neighborhood[hp_name][0] = np.insert(
neighborhood[hp_name][0], incumbent_idx, self.incumbent_array[hp_idx]
neighborhood[hp_name][1] = np.insert(
neighborhood[hp_name][1], incumbent_idx, self.incumbent[hp_name]
neighborhood[hp_name][0] = np.array(self.incumbent_array[hp_idx])
neighborhood[hp_name][1] = [self.incumbent[hp_name]]
if not incumbent_added:
# Avoid division by zero
if delta == 0:
delta = 1
# Creating actual importance value (by normalizing over sum of vars)
num_trees = len(list(predictions.values())[0][0])
hp_names = list(performances.keys())
overall_var_per_tree = {}
for hp_name in hp_names:
hp_variances = []
for tree_idx in range(num_trees):
variance = np.var([neighbor[tree_idx] for neighbor in predictions[hp_name]])
hp_variances += [variance]
overall_var_per_tree[hp_name] = hp_variances
# Sum up variances per tree across parameters
sum_var_per_tree = [
sum([overall_var_per_tree[hp_name][tree_idx] for hp_name in hp_names])
for tree_idx in range(num_trees)
# Normalize
overall_var_per_tree = {
p: [
t / sum_var_per_tree[idx] if sum_var_per_tree[idx] != 0.0 else np.nan
for idx, t in enumerate(trees)
for p, trees in overall_var_per_tree.items()
imp_var_dict = {
k: (np.mean(overall_var_per_tree[k]), np.var(overall_var_per_tree[k]))
for k in overall_var_per_tree
return imp_var_dict
def get_importances_(self, hp_names: List[str]) -> str:
Return the importance scores from the passed Hyperparameter names.
hp_names : Optional[List[str]]
Selected Hyperparameter names to get the importance scores from. If None, all
Hyperparameters of the configuration space are used.
Dictionary with Hyperparameter names and the corresponding importance scores and
If the important scores are not calculated.
if self.importances is None:
raise RuntimeError("Importance scores must be calculated first.")
if hp_names:
return self.importances.loc[self.importances["hp_name"].isin(hp_names)].to_json()
return self.importances.to_json()