# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# noqa: D400
# Ablation Paths
This module evaluates the ablation paths.
Ablation Paths is a method to analyze the importance of hyperparameters in a configuration space.
Starting from a default configuration, the default configuration is iteratively changed to the
incumbent configuration by changing one hyperparameter at a time, choosing the
hyperparameter that leads to the largest improvement in the objective function at each step.
## Classes:
- Ablation: Provide an evaluator of the ablation paths.
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from deepcave.evaluators.ablation import Ablation
from deepcave.evaluators.epm.random_forest_surrogate import RandomForestSurrogate
from deepcave.runs import AbstractRun
from deepcave.runs.objective import Objective
from deepcave.utils.multi_objective_importance import get_weightings
class MOAblation(Ablation):
Provide an evaluator of the ablation paths.
Override: Multi-Objective case
run : AbstractRun
The run to analyze.
cs : ConfigurationSpace
The configuration space of the run.
hp_names : List[str]
A list of the hyperparameter names.
performances : Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
A dictionary containing the performances for each HP.
improvements : Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
A dictionary containing the improvements over the respective previous step for each HP.
objectives : Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]]
The objective(s) of the run.
default_config : Configurations
The default configuration of this configuration space.
Gets changed step by step towards the incumbent configuration.
def __init__(self, run: AbstractRun):
self.models: List = []
self.df_importances = pd.DataFrame([])
def get_importances(self) -> str:
Return the importance scores.
Dictionary with Hyperparameter names and the corresponding importance scores and
If the important scores are not calculated.
if self.df_importances is None:
raise RuntimeError("Importance scores must be calculated first.")
return self.df_importances.to_json()
def predict(self, cfg: list[Any], weighting: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Predict the performance of the input configuration.
The model results are weighted by the input weightings and summed.
cfg : Dict
weighting : List[float]
mean : float
The mean of the weighted sum of predictions.
var : float
The variance of the weighted sum of predictions.
mean, var = 0, 0
for model, w in zip(self.models, weighting):
pred, var_ = model.predict(np.array([cfg]))
mean += w * pred[0]
var += w * var_[0]
return mean, var
def calculate(
objectives: Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]], # noqa
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, # noqa
n_trees: int = 50, # noqa
seed: int = 0, # noqa
) -> None:
Calculate the MO ablation path performances and improvements.
objectives : Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]]
The objective(s) to be considered.
budget : Optional[Union[int, float]]
The budget to be considered. If None, all budgets of the run are considered.
Default is None.
n_trees : int
The number of trees for the surrogate model.
Default is 50.
seed : int
The seed for the surrogate model.
Default is 0.
assert isinstance(objectives, list)
for objective in objectives:
assert isinstance(objective, Objective)
df = self.run.get_encoded_data(objectives, budget, specific=True, include_config_ids=True)
# Obtain all configurations with theirs costs
df = df.dropna(subset=[obj.name for obj in objectives])
X = df[list(self.run.configspace.keys())].to_numpy()
# normalize objectives
objectives_normed = list()
for obj in objectives:
normed = obj.name + "_normed"
df[normed] = (df[obj.name] - df[obj.name].min()) / (
df[obj.name].max() - df[obj.name].min()
if obj.optimize == "upper":
df[normed] = 1 - df[normed]
# train one model per objective
Y = df[normed].to_numpy()
model = RandomForestSurrogate(self.cs, seed=seed, n_trees=n_trees)
model._fit(X, Y)
weightings = get_weightings(objectives_normed, df)
# calculate importance for each weighting generated from the pareto efficient points
for w in weightings:
df_res = self.calculate_ablation_path(df, objectives_normed, w, budget)
if df_res is None:
columns = ["hp_name", "importance", "variance", "new_performance", "weight"]
self.df_importances = pd.DataFrame(
0, index=np.arange(len(self.hp_names) + 1), columns=columns
self.df_importances["hp_name"] = ["Default"] + self.hp_names
df_res["weight"] = w[0]
self.df_importances = pd.concat([self.df_importances, df_res])
self.df_importances = self.df_importances.reset_index(drop=True)
def calculate_ablation_path(
df: pd.DataFrame,
objectives_normed: List[str],
weighting: np.ndarray,
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Calculate the ablation path performances.
df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with encoded data.
objectives_normed : List[str]
The normed objective names to be considered.
weighting : np.ndarray
The weighting of the objective values.
budget : Optional[Union[int, float]]
The budget to be considered. If None, all budgets of the run are considered.
Default is None.
df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with results of the ablation calculation.
# Get the incumbent configuration
incumbent_cfg_id = np.argmin(
sum(df[obj] * w for obj, w in zip(objectives_normed, weighting))
incumbent_config = self.run.get_config(df.iloc[incumbent_cfg_id]["config_id"])
# Get the default configuration
self.default_config = self.cs.get_default_configuration()
default_encode = self.run.encode_config(self.default_config, specific=True)
# Obtain the predicted cost of the default and incumbent configuration
def_cost, def_std = self.predict(default_encode, weighting)
inc_cost, _ = self.predict(
self.run.encode_config(incumbent_config, specific=True), weighting
if inc_cost > def_cost:
"The predicted incumbent objective is worse than the predicted default "
f"objective for budget: {budget}. Aborting ablation path calculation."
return None
# Copy the hps names as to not remove objects from the original list
hp_it = self.hp_names.copy()
df_abl = pd.DataFrame([])
df_abl = pd.concat(
"hp_name": "Default",
"importance": 0,
"variance": def_std,
"new_performance": def_cost,
for i in range(len(hp_it)):
# Get the results of the current ablation iteration
continue_ablation, max_hp, max_hp_cost, max_hp_std = self.ablation(
budget, incumbent_config, def_cost, hp_it, weighting
if not continue_ablation:
diff = def_cost - max_hp_cost
def_cost = max_hp_cost
df_abl = pd.concat(
"hp_name": max_hp,
"importance": diff,
"variance": max_hp_std,
"new_performance": max_hp_cost,
index=[i + 1],
# Remove the current best hp for keeping the order right
return df_abl.reset_index(drop=True)
def ablation(
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]],
incumbent_config: Any,
def_cost: Any,
hp_it: List[str],
weighting: np.ndarray[Any, Any],
) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any]:
Calculate the ablation importance for each hyperparameter.
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]]
The budget of the run.
incumbent_config: Any
The incumbent configuration.
def_cost: Any
The default cost.
hp_it: List[str]
A list of the HPs that still have to be looked at.
weighting : np.ndarray[Any, Any]
The weighting of the objective values.
Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any]
continue_ablation, max_hp, max_hp_performance, max_hp_std
max_hp = ""
max_hp_difference = 0
for hp in hp_it:
if hp in incumbent_config.keys() and hp in self.default_config.keys():
config_copy = copy.copy(self.default_config)
config_copy[hp] = incumbent_config[hp]
new_cost, _ = self.predict(
self.run.encode_config(config_copy, specific=True), weighting
difference = def_cost - new_cost
# Check for the maximum difference hyperparameter in this round
if difference > max_hp_difference:
max_hp = hp
max_hp_difference = difference
hp_count = len(list(self.cs.keys()))
if max_hp != "":
# For the maximum impact hyperparameter, switch the default with the incumbent value
self.default_config[max_hp] = incumbent_config[max_hp]
max_hp_cost, max_hp_std = self.predict(
self.run.encode_config(self.default_config, specific=True), weighting
return True, max_hp, max_hp_cost, max_hp_std
f"End ablation at step {hp_count - len(hp_it) + 1}/{hp_count} "
f"for budget {budget} (remaining hyperparameters not activate in incumbent or "
"default configuration)."
return False, None, None, None