Source code for deepcave.evaluators.epm.random_forest

# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# noqa: D400
# RandomForest

This module can be used for training and using a Random Forest Regression model.

A pyrfr wrapper is used for simplification.

## Classes
    - RandomForest: A random forest wrapper for pyrfr.

## Constants
    PYRFR_MAPPING : Dict[str, str]

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import functools
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pyrfr.regression as regression
from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import (
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

from deepcave.evaluators.epm.utils import get_types

    "n_trees": "num_trees",
    "bootstrapping": "do_bootstrapping",
    "max_features": "tree_opts.max_features",
    "min_samples_split": "tree_opts.min_samples_to_split",
    "min_samples_leaf": "tree_opts.min_samples_in_leaf",
    "max_depth": "tree_opts.max_depth",
    "eps_purity": "tree_opts.epsilon_purity",
    "max_nodes": "tree_opts.max_num_nodes",

[docs] class RandomForest: """ A random forest wrapper for pyrfr. This is handy because only the configuration space needs to be passed. and have a working version without specifying e.g. types and bounds. Note ---- This wrapper also supports instances. Properties ---------- cs : ConfigurationSpace The configuration space. log_y : bool Whether y should be treated as a logarithmic transformation. seed : int The seed. If not provided, it is random. types : List[int] The types of the Hyperparameters. bounds : List[Tuple[float, float]] The bounds of the Hyperparameters. n_params : int The number of Hyperparameters in the configuration space. n_features : int The number of features. pca_components : int The number of components to keep for the principal component analysis (PCA). pca : PCA The principal component analysis (PCA) object. scaler : MinMaxScaler A MinMaxScaler to scale the features. instance_features : ndarray The instance features. """ def __init__( self, configspace: ConfigurationSpace, n_trees: int = 16, ratio_features: float = 5.0 / 6.0, min_samples_split: int = 3, min_samples_leaf: int = 3, max_depth: int = 2**20, max_nodes: int = 2**20, eps_purity: float = 1e-8, bootstrapping: bool = True, instance_features: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, pca_components: Optional[int] = 2, log_y: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = 0, ): self.cs = configspace self.log_y = log_y self.seed = seed # Set types and bounds automatically types, self.bounds = get_types(configspace, instance_features) self.types = np.array(types) # Prepare everything for PCA self.n_params = len(list(configspace.values())) self.n_features = 0 if instance_features is not None: self.n_features = instance_features.shape[1] self._pca_applied = False self.pca_components = pca_components self.pca = PCA(n_components=self.pca_components) self.scaler = MinMaxScaler() self.instance_features = instance_features # Calculate max number of features max_features = max(1, int(len(self.types) * ratio_features)) if ratio_features <= 1.0 else 0 # Prepare the model self._model = self._get_model() self._model.options = self._get_model_options( n_trees=n_trees, max_features=max_features, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, max_depth=max_depth, max_nodes=max_nodes, eps_purity=eps_purity, bootstrapping=bootstrapping, ) def _get_model(self) -> regression.base_tree: """ Return the internal model. Returns ------- model : regression.base_tree Model which is used internally. """ return regression.binary_rss_forest() def _get_model_options(self, **kwargs: Union[int, float, bool]) -> regression.forest_opts: """ Get model options from kwargs. The mapping `PYRFR_MAPPING` is used in combination with a recursive attribute setter to set the options for the pyrfr model. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : Dict[str, Any] The key word arguments for the model options. Returns ------- options : regression.forest_opts Random forest options. """ # Now the options are set options = regression.forest_opts() def rgetattr(obj: object, attr: str, *args: Any) -> Any: def _getattr(obj: object, attr: object) -> Any: attr = str(attr) return getattr(obj, attr, *args) return functools.reduce(_getattr, [obj] + attr.split(".")) def rsetattr(obj: object, attr: str, val: Any) -> None: pre, _, post = attr.rpartition(".") return setattr(rgetattr(obj, pre) if pre else obj, post, val) for k, v in kwargs.items(): new_k = PYRFR_MAPPING[k] rsetattr(options, new_k, v) return options def _impute_inactive(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Impute inactive values in X. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Data points. Returns ------- np.ndarray Imputed data points. Raises ------ ValueError If Hyperparameter is not supported. """ conditional: Dict[int, bool] = {} impute_values: Dict[int, float] = {} X = X.copy() for idx, hp in enumerate(list(self.cs.values())): if idx not in conditional: parents = self.cs.parents_of[] if len(parents) == 0: conditional[idx] = False else: conditional[idx] = True if isinstance(hp, CategoricalHyperparameter): impute_values[idx] = len(hp.choices) elif isinstance(hp, (UniformFloatHyperparameter, UniformIntegerHyperparameter)): impute_values[idx] = -1 elif isinstance(hp, Constant): impute_values[idx] = 1 else: raise ValueError if conditional[idx] is True: nonfinite_mask = ~np.isfinite(X[:, idx]) X[nonfinite_mask, idx] = impute_values[idx] return X def _check_dimensions(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> None: """ Check if the dimensions of X and Y are correct with respect to features. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Input data points. Y : Optional[np.ndarray], optional Target values. By default None. Raises ------ ValueError If any dimension of X or Y is incorrect or unsuitable. """ if len(X.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected 2d array, got {len(X.shape)}d array.") if X.shape[1] != self.n_params + self.n_features: raise ValueError( f"Feature mismatch: X should have {self.n_params} features, but has {X.shape[1]}" ) if Y is not None: if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"X.shape[0] ({X.shape[0]}) != y.shape[0] ({Y.shape[0]})") def _get_data_container( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> regression.default_data_container: """ Fill a pyrfr default data container. The goal here is, that the forest knows categoricals and bounds for continuous data. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_features] Input data points. y : np.ndarray [n_samples, ] Target values. Returns ------- data : regression.default_data_container The filled data container that pyrfr can interpret. """ # retrieve the types and the bounds from the ConfigSpace data = regression.default_data_container(X.shape[1]) for i, (mn, mx) in enumerate(self.bounds): if np.isnan(mx): data.set_type_of_feature(i, mn) else: data.set_bounds_of_feature(i, mn, mx) for row_X, row_y in zip(X, y): data.add_data_point(row_X, row_y) return data
[docs] def train(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Train the random forest on X and Y. Transform X if principal component analysis (PCA) is applied. Afterwards, `_train` is called. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_features (config + instance features)] Input data points. Y : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_objectives] Target values. `n_objectives` must match the number of target names specified in the constructor. """ self._check_dimensions(X, Y) # Reduce dimensionality of features of larger than PCA_DIM self._pca_applied = False if ( self.pca_components and X.shape[0] > self.pca.n_components and self.n_features >= self.pca_components ): X_features = X[:, -self.n_features :] # Scale features X_features = self.scaler.fit_transform(X_features) X_features = np.nan_to_num(X_features) # if features with max == min # PCA X_features = self.pca.fit_transform(X_features) X = np.hstack((X[:, : self.n_params], X_features)) # Adopt types self.types = np.array( np.hstack((self.types[: self.n_params], np.zeros((X_features.shape[1])))), dtype=np.uint, ) self._pca_applied = True self._train(X, Y)
def _train(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Train the random forest on X and Y. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Input data points. Y : np.ndarray Target values. """ # Now we can start to prepare the data for the pyrfr data = self._get_data_container(X, Y.flatten()) seed = self.seed rng = regression.default_random_engine(seed) # Set more specific model options and finally fit it self._model.options.num_data_points_per_tree = X.shape[0], rng=rng)
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Predict means and variances for a given X. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_features (config + instance features)] Training samples. Returns ------- means : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_objectives] Predictive mean. vars : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_objectives] or [n_samples, n_samples] Predictive variance or standard deviation. """ self._check_dimensions(X) if self._pca_applied: try: X_features = X[:, -self.n_features :] X_features = self.scaler.transform(X_features) X_features = self.pca.transform(X_features) X = np.hstack((X[:, : self.n_params], X_features)) except NotFittedError: pass # PCA not fitted if only one training sample with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", "Predicted variances are smaller than 0. Setting those variances to 0." ) mean, var = self._predict(X) if len(mean.shape) == 1: mean = mean.reshape((-1, 1)) if var is not None and len(var.shape) == 1: var = var.reshape((-1, 1)) return mean, var
def _predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Predict means and variances for a given X. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_features (config + instance features)] Returns ------- means : np.ndarray [n_samples, 1] Predictive mean. vars : np.ndarray [n_samples, 1] Predictive variance. """ self._check_dimensions(X) X = self._impute_inactive(X) if self.log_y: all_preds = [] third_dimension = 0 # Gather data in a list of 2d arrays and get statistics about the required size of the # 3d array for row_X in X: preds_per_tree = self._model.all_leaf_values(row_X) all_preds.append(preds_per_tree) max_num_leaf_data = max(map(len, preds_per_tree)) third_dimension = max(max_num_leaf_data, third_dimension) # Transform list of 2d arrays into a 3d array num_trees = self._model.options.num_trees shape = (X.shape[0], num_trees, third_dimension) preds_as_array = np.zeros(shape) * np.nan for i, preds_per_tree in enumerate(all_preds): for j, pred in enumerate(preds_per_tree): preds_as_array[i, j, : len(pred)] = pred # Do all necessary computation with vectorized functions preds_as_array = np.log(np.nanmean(np.exp(preds_as_array), axis=2) + VERY_SMALL_NUMBER) # Compute the mean and the variance across the different trees means = preds_as_array.mean(axis=1) vars_ = preds_as_array.var(axis=1) else: means, vars_ = [], [] for row_X in X: mean_, var = self._model.predict_mean_var(row_X) means.append(mean_) vars_.append(var) means = np.array(means) vars_ = np.array(vars_) return means.reshape((-1, 1)), vars_.reshape((-1, 1))
[docs] def predict_marginalized(self, X: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Predict mean and variance marginalized over all instances. Return the predictive mean and variance marginalized over all instances for a set of configurations. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [n_samples, n_features (config)] Returns ------- means : np.ndarray of shape = [n_samples, 1] Predictive mean vars : np.ndarray of shape = [n_samples, 1] Predictive variance """ self._check_dimensions(X) if self.instance_features is None or len(self.instance_features) == 0: mean_, var = self.predict(X) assert var is not None # please mypy var[var < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER] = VERY_SMALL_NUMBER var[np.isnan(var)] = VERY_SMALL_NUMBER return mean_, var X = self._impute_inactive(X) # marginalized predictions for each tree dat_ = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self._model.options.num_trees)) for i, x in enumerate(X): # marginalize over instances # 1. get all leaf values for each tree preds_trees: List[List[float]] = [[] for i in range(self._model.options.num_trees)] for feat in self.instance_features: x_ = np.concatenate([x, feat]) preds_per_tree = self._model.all_leaf_values(x_) for tree_id, preds in enumerate(preds_per_tree): preds_trees[tree_id] += preds # 2. average in each tree if self.log_y: for tree_id in range(self._model.options.num_trees): dat_[i, tree_id] = np.log(np.exp(np.array(preds_trees[tree_id])).mean()) else: for tree_id in range(self._model.options.num_trees): dat_[i, tree_id] = np.array(preds_trees[tree_id]).mean() # 3. compute statistics across trees mean_ = dat_.mean(axis=1) var = dat_.var(axis=1) var[var < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER] = VERY_SMALL_NUMBER if len(mean_.shape) == 1: mean_ = mean_.reshape((-1, 1)) if len(var.shape) == 1: var = var.reshape((-1, 1)) return mean_, var
[docs] def get_leaf_values(self, x: np.ndarray) -> regression.binary_rss_forest: """ Get the leaf values of the model. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Input data array. Returns ------- regression.binary_rss_forest The leaf values of the model. """ return self._model.all_leaf_values(x)