# Copyright 2021-2024 The DeepCAVE Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# noqa: D400
# Ablation Paths
This module evaluates the ablation paths.
Ablation Paths is a method to analyze the importance of hyperparameters in a configuration space.
Starting from a default configuration, the default configuration is iteratively changed to the
incumbent configuration by changing one hyperparameter at a time, choosing the
hyperparameter that leads to the largest improvement in the objective function at each step.
## Classes:
- Ablation: Provide an evaluator of the ablation paths.
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from deepcave.evaluators.epm.random_forest_surrogate import RandomForestSurrogate
from deepcave.runs import AbstractRun
from deepcave.runs.objective import Objective
from deepcave.utils.logs import get_logger
class Ablation:
Provide an evaluator of the ablation paths.
run : AbstractRun
The run to analyze.
cs : ConfigurationSpace
The configuration space of the run.
hp_names : List[str]
A list of the hyperparameter names.
performances : Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
A dictionary containing the performances for each HP.
improvements : Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
A dictionary containing the improvements over the respective previous step for each HP.
objectives : Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]]
The objective(s) of the run.
default_config : Configurations
The default configuration of this configuration space.
Gets changed step by step towards the incumbent configuration.
def __init__(self, run: AbstractRun):
self.run = run
self.cs = run.configspace
self.hp_names = list(self.cs.keys())
self.performances: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None
self.improvements: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None
self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__)
def calculate(
objectives: Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]], # noqa
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, # noqa
n_trees: int = 50, # noqa
seed: int = 0, # noqa
) -> None:
Calculate the ablation path performances and improvements.
objectives : Optional[Union[Objective, List[Objective]]]
The objective(s) to be considered.
budget : Optional[Union[int, float]]
The budget to be considered. If None, all budgets of the run are considered.
Default is None.
n_trees : int
The number of trees for the surrogate model.
Default is 50.
seed : int
The seed for the surrogate model.
Default is 0.
if isinstance(objectives, list) and len(objectives) > 1:
raise ValueError("Only one objective is supported for ablation paths.")
objective = objectives[0] if isinstance(objectives, list) else objectives
assert isinstance(objective, Objective)
performances: OrderedDict = OrderedDict()
improvements: OrderedDict = OrderedDict()
df = self.run.get_encoded_data(objective, budget, specific=True)
# Obtain all configurations with theirs costs
df = df.dropna(subset=[objective.name])
X = df[list(self.run.configspace.keys())].to_numpy()
Y = df[objective.name].to_numpy()
# A Random Forest Regressor is used as surrogate model
self._model = RandomForestSurrogate(self.cs, seed=seed, n_trees=n_trees)
self._model._fit(X, Y)
# Get the incumbent configuration
incumbent_config, _ = self.run.get_incumbent(budget=budget, objectives=objective)
incumbent_encode = self.run.encode_config(incumbent_config)
# Get the default configuration
self.default_config = self.cs.get_default_configuration()
default_encode = self.run.encode_config(self.default_config)
# Obtain the predicted cost of the default and incumbent configuration
def_cost, def_std = self._model.predict(np.array([default_encode]))
def_cost, def_std = def_cost[0], def_std[0]
inc_cost, _ = self._model.predict(np.array([incumbent_encode]))
# For further calculations, assume that the objective is to be minimized
if objective.optimize == "upper":
def_cost = -def_cost
inc_cost = -inc_cost
if inc_cost > def_cost:
"The predicted incumbent objective is worse than the predicted default "
f"objective for budget: {budget}. Aborting ablation path calculation."
performances = OrderedDict({hp_name: (0, 0) for hp_name in ["default"] + self.hp_names})
improvements = OrderedDict({hp_name: (0, 0) for hp_name in ["default"] + self.hp_names})
# Copy the hps names as to not remove objects from the original list
hp_it = self.hp_names.copy()
# Add improvement and performance of the default configuration
improvements["default"] = (0, 0)
if objective.optimize == "upper":
performances["default"] = (-def_cost, def_std)
performances["default"] = (def_cost, def_std)
for i in range(len(hp_it)):
# Get the results of the current ablation iteration
continue_ablation, max_hp, max_hp_cost, max_hp_std = self._ablation(
objective, budget, incumbent_config, def_cost, hp_it
if not continue_ablation:
if objective.optimize == "upper":
# For returning the importance, flip back the objective if it was flipped before
performances[max_hp] = (-max_hp_cost, max_hp_std)
performances[max_hp] = (max_hp_cost, max_hp_std)
impr_std = np.sqrt(def_std**2 + max_hp_std**2)
improvements[max_hp] = ((def_cost - max_hp_cost), impr_std)
# New 'default' cost and std
def_cost = max_hp_cost
def_std = max_hp_std
# Remove the current best hp for keeping the order right
self.performances = performances
self.improvements = improvements
def get_ablation_improvements(self) -> Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]:
Get the ablation improvements.
Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
A dictionary containing the ablation improvements.
If the ablation improvements have not been calculated.
if self.improvements is None:
raise RuntimeError("Ablation improvements must be calculated first.")
return self.improvements
def _ablation(
objective: Objective,
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]],
incumbent_config: Any,
def_cost: Any,
hp_it: List[str],
) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any]:
Calculate the ablation importance for each hyperparameter.
objective: Objective
The objective to be considered.
budget: Optional[Union[int, float]]
The budget of the run.
incumbent_config: Any
The incumbent configuration.
def_cost: Any
The default cost.
hp_it: List[str]
A list of the HPs that still have to be looked at.
Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any]
continue_ablation, max_hp, max_hp_performance, max_hp_std
max_hp = ""
max_hp_difference = -np.inf
for hp in hp_it:
if hp in incumbent_config.keys() and hp in self.default_config.keys():
config_copy = copy.copy(self.default_config)
config_copy[hp] = incumbent_config[hp]
new_cost, _ = self._model.predict(np.array([self.run.encode_config(config_copy)]))
if objective.optimize == "upper":
new_cost = -new_cost
difference = def_cost - new_cost
# Check for the maximum difference hyperparameter in this round
if difference >= max_hp_difference:
max_hp = hp
max_hp_difference = difference
hp_count = len(list(self.cs.keys()))
if max_hp != "":
# For the maximum impact hyperparameter, switch the default with the incumbent value
self.default_config[max_hp] = incumbent_config[max_hp]
max_hp_cost, max_hp_std = self._model.predict(
if objective.optimize == "upper":
max_hp_cost = -max_hp_cost
return True, max_hp, max_hp_cost[0], max_hp_std[0]
f"End ablation at step {hp_count - len(hp_it) + 1}/{hp_count} "
f"for budget {budget} (remaining hyperparameters not activate in incumbent or "
"default configuration)."
return False, None, None, None