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Yaml search space utils

neps.search_spaces.yaml_search_space_utils #

SearchSpaceFromYamlFileError #


Bases: Exception

Exception raised for errors occurring during the initialization of the search space from a YAML file.


The type of the original exception.

TYPE: str


A detailed message that includes the type of the original exception and the error description.

TYPE: str


The original exception that was raised during the initialization of the search space from the YAML file.

TYPE: Exception

Example Usage

try: # Code to initialize search space from YAML file except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise SearchSpaceFromYamlFileError(e)

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def __init__(self, exception):
    self.exception_type = type(exception).__name__
    self.message = (
        f"Error occurred during initialization of search space from "
        f"YAML file.\n {self.exception_type}: {exception}"

check_keys #

    name: str,
    details: dict[str, str | int | float],
    allowed_keys: set,
    mandatory_keys: set,

Checks if all keys in 'my_dict' are contained in the set 'allowed_keys' and if all keys in 'mandatory_keys' are present in 'my_dict'. Raises an exception if an unallowed key is found or if a mandatory key is missing.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def check_keys(
    name: str,
    details: dict[str, str | int | float],
    allowed_keys: set,
    mandatory_keys: set,
    Checks if all keys in 'my_dict' are contained in the set 'allowed_keys' and
    if all keys in 'mandatory_keys' are present in 'my_dict'.
    Raises an exception if an unallowed key is found or if a mandatory key is missing.
    # Check for unallowed keys
    unallowed_keys = [key for key in details if key not in allowed_keys]
    if unallowed_keys:
        unallowed_keys_str = ", ".join(unallowed_keys)
        raise KeyError(
            f"Unallowed key(s) '{unallowed_keys_str}' found for parameter '" f"{name}'."

    # Check for missing mandatory keys
    missing_mandatory_keys = [key for key in mandatory_keys if key not in details]
    if missing_mandatory_keys:
        missing_keys_str = ", ".join(missing_mandatory_keys)
        raise KeyError(
            f"Missing mandatory key(s) '{missing_keys_str}' for parameter '" f"{name}'."

convert_scientific_notation #

    value: str | int | float, show_usage_flag=False
) -> float | (float, bool)

Convert a given value to a float if it's a string that matches scientific e notation. This is especially useful for numbers like "3.3e-5" which YAML parsers may not directly interpret as floats.

If the 'show_usage_flag' is set to True, the function returns a tuple of the float conversion and a boolean flag indicating whether scientific notation was detected.


The value to convert. Can be an integer, float, or a string representing a number, possibly in scientific notation.

TYPE: str | int | float


Optional; defaults to False. If True, the function also returns a flag indicating whether scientific notation was detected in the string.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


The value converted to float if 'show_usage_flag' is False. (float, bool): A tuple containing the value converted to float and a flag indicating scientific notation detection if 'show_usage_flag' is True.

TYPE: float | (float, bool)


If the value is a string and does not represent a valid number.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def convert_scientific_notation(value: str | int | float, show_usage_flag=False) \
        -> float | (float, bool):
    Convert a given value to a float if it's a string that matches scientific e notation.
    This is especially useful for numbers like "3.3e-5" which YAML parsers may not
    directly interpret as floats.

    If the 'show_usage_flag' is set to True, the function returns a tuple of the float
    conversion and a boolean flag indicating whether scientific notation was detected.

        value (str | int | float): The value to convert. Can be an integer, float,
                                   or a string representing a number, possibly in
                                   scientific notation.
        show_usage_flag (bool): Optional; defaults to False. If True, the function
                                also returns a flag indicating whether scientific
                                notation was detected in the string.

        float: The value converted to float if 'show_usage_flag' is False.
        (float, bool): A tuple containing the value converted to float and a flag
                       indicating scientific notation detection if 'show_usage_flag'
                       is True.

        ValueError: If the value is a string and does not represent a valid number.

    e_notation_pattern = r"^-?\d+(\.\d+)?[eE]-?\d+$"

    flag = False  # Flag if e notation was detected

    if isinstance(value, str):
        # Remove all whitespace from the string
        value_no_space = value.replace(" ", "")

        # check for e notation
        if re.match(e_notation_pattern, value_no_space):
            flag = True

    if show_usage_flag is True:
        return float(value), flag
        return float(value)

deduce_and_validate_param_type #

    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]
) -> str

Deduces the parameter type from details and validates them.


The name of the parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing parameter specifications.

TYPE: dict


The deduced parameter type ('int', 'float', 'categorical', or 'constant').

TYPE: str


If the type cannot be deduced or the details don't align with expected

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def deduce_and_validate_param_type(
    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]
) -> str:
    Deduces the parameter type from details and validates them.

        name (str): The name of the parameter.
        details (dict): A dictionary containing parameter specifications.

        str: The deduced parameter type ('int', 'float', 'categorical', or 'constant').

        TypeError: If the type cannot be deduced or the details don't align with expected
    # Deduce type
    if "type" in details:
        param_type = details["type"].lower()
        # Logic to infer type if not explicitly provided
        param_type = deduce_param_type(name, details)

    # Validate details of a parameter based on (deduced) type
    validate_param_details(name, param_type, details)

    return param_type

deduce_param_type #

    name: str, details: dict[str, int | str | float]
) -> str

Deduces the parameter type based on the provided details.

The function interprets the 'details' dictionary to determine the parameter type. The dictionary should include key-value pairs that describe the parameter's characteristics, such as lower, upper, default value, or possible choices.


The name of the parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing parameter

TYPE: dict[str, int | str | float]


The deduced parameter type ('int', 'float', 'categorical', or 'constant').

TYPE: str


If the parameter type cannot be deduced from the details, or if the


param_type = deduce_param_type('example_param', {'lower': 0, 'upper': 10})

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def deduce_param_type(name: str, details: dict[str, int | str | float]) -> str:
    """Deduces the parameter type based on the provided details.

    The function interprets the 'details' dictionary to determine the parameter type.
    The dictionary should include key-value pairs that describe the parameter's
    characteristics, such as lower, upper, default value, or possible choices.

        name (str): The name of the parameter.
        details ((dict[str, int | str | float])): A dictionary containing parameter

        str: The deduced parameter type ('int', 'float', 'categorical', or 'constant').

        TypeError: If the parameter type cannot be deduced from the details, or if the
        provided details have inconsistent types for expected keys.

        param_type = deduce_param_type('example_param', {'lower': 0, 'upper': 10})"""
    # Logic to deduce type from details

    # check for int and float conditions
    if "lower" in details and "upper" in details:
        # Determine if it's an integer or float range parameter
        if isinstance(details["lower"], int) and isinstance(details["upper"], int):
            param_type = "int"
        elif isinstance(details["lower"], float) and isinstance(details["upper"], float):
            param_type = "float"
                details["lower"], flag_lower = convert_scientific_notation(
                    details["lower"], show_usage_flag=True
                details["upper"], flag_upper = convert_scientific_notation(
                    details["upper"], show_usage_flag=True
            except ValueError as e:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Inconsistent types for 'lower' and 'upper' in '{name}'. "
                    f"Both must be either integers or floats."
                ) from e

            # check if one value is e notation and if so convert it to float
            if flag_lower or flag_upper:
                    f"Because of e notation, Parameter {name} gets "
                    f"interpreted as float"
                param_type = "float"
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Inconsistent types for 'lower' and 'upper' in '{name}'. "
                    f"Both must be either integers or floats."
    # check for categorical condition
    elif "choices" in details:
        param_type = "categorical"

    # check for constant condition
    elif "value" in details:
        param_type = "constant"
        raise KeyError(
            f"Unable to deduce parameter type from {name} "
            f"with details {details}\n"
            "Supported parameters:\n"
            "Float and Integer: Expected keys: 'lower', 'upper'\n"
            "Categorical: Expected keys: 'choices'\n"
            "Constant: Expected keys: 'value'"
    return param_type

validate_categorical_parameter #

    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]

Validates a categorical parameter, including conversion of scientific notation values to floats within the choices.

This function ensures that the 'choices' key in the details is a list and attempts to convert any elements in scientific notation to floats. It also handles the 'default' value, converting it from scientific notation if necessary.


The name of the categorical parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. Required key is 'choices', with 'default' being optional.

TYPE: dict[str, str | int | float]


If 'choices' is not a list

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def validate_categorical_parameter(name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]):
    Validates a categorical parameter, including conversion of scientific notation
    values to floats within the choices.

    This function ensures that the 'choices' key in the details is a list and attempts
    to convert any elements in scientific notation to floats. It also handles the
    'default' value, converting it from scientific notation if necessary.

        name: The name of the categorical parameter.
        details: A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. Required key
                 is 'choices', with 'default' being optional.

        TypeError: If 'choices' is not a list
    # check if all keys are allowed to use and if the mandatory ones are provided
        {"choices", "type", "is_fidelity", "default", "default_confidence"},

    if not isinstance(details["choices"], list):
        raise TypeError(f"The 'choices' for '{name}' must be a list.")
    for i, element in enumerate(details["choices"]):
            converted_value, e_flag = convert_scientific_notation(
                element, show_usage_flag=True
            if e_flag:
                ] = converted_value  # Replace the element at the same position
        except ValueError:
            pass  # If a ValueError occurs, simply continue to the next element
    if "default" in details:
        e_flag = False
            # check if e notation, if then convert to number
            default, e_flag = convert_scientific_notation(
                details["default"], show_usage_flag=True
        except ValueError:
            pass  # if default value is not in a numeric format, Value Error occurs
        if e_flag is True:
            details["default"] = default

validate_constant_parameter #

    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]

Validates a constant parameter, including conversion of values in scientific notation to floats.

This function checks the 'value' key in the details dictionary and converts any value expressed in scientific notation to a float. It ensures that the mandatory 'value' key is provided and appropriately formatted.


The name of the constant parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. The required key is 'value'.

TYPE: dict[str, str | int | float]

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def validate_constant_parameter(name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]):
    Validates a constant parameter, including conversion of values in scientific
    notation to floats.

    This function checks the 'value' key in the details dictionary and converts any
    value expressed in scientific notation to a float. It ensures that the mandatory
    'value' key is provided and appropriately formatted.

        name: The name of the constant parameter.
        details: A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. The required
                 key is 'value'.
    # check if all keys are allowed to use and if the mandatory ones are provided
    check_keys(name, details, {"value", "type", "is_fidelity"}, {"value"})

    # check for e notation and convert it to float
    e_flag = False
        converted_value, e_flag = convert_scientific_notation(
            details["value"], show_usage_flag=True
    except ValueError:
        # if the value is not able to convert to float a ValueError get raised by
        # convert_scientific_notation function
    if e_flag:
        details["value"] = converted_value

validate_float_parameter #

    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]

Validates and processes a float parameter's details, converting scientific notation values to float where necessary.

This function checks the type of 'lower' and 'upper', and the 'default' value (if present) for a float parameter. It handles conversion of values in scientific notation (e.g., 1e-5) to float.


The name of the float parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. Expected keys include 'lower', 'upper', and optionally 'default', among others.

TYPE: dict[str, str | int | float]


If 'lower', 'upper', or 'default' are not valid floats or cannot be converted from scientific notation to floats.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def validate_float_parameter(name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]):
    Validates and processes a float parameter's details, converting scientific
    notation values to float where necessary.

    This function checks the type of 'lower' and 'upper', and the 'default'
    value (if present) for a float parameter. It handles conversion of values in
    scientific notation (e.g., 1e-5) to float.

        name: The name of the float parameter.
        details: A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. Expected keys
                 include 'lower', 'upper', and optionally 'default', among others.

        TypeError: If 'lower', 'upper', or 'default' are not valid floats or cannot
                   be converted from scientific notation to floats.
    # check if all keys are allowed to use and if the mandatory ones are provided
        {"lower", "upper", "type", "log", "is_fidelity", "default", "default_confidence"},
        {"lower", "upper"},

    if not isinstance(details["lower"], float) or not isinstance(details["upper"], float):
            # for numbers like 1e-5 and 10^
            details["lower"] = convert_scientific_notation(details["lower"])
            details["upper"] = convert_scientific_notation(details["upper"])
        except ValueError as e:
            raise TypeError(
                f"'lower' and 'upper' must be integer for " f"integer parameter '{name}'."
            ) from e
    if "default" in details:
        if not isinstance(details["default"], float):
                details["default"] = convert_scientific_notation(details["default"])
            except ValueError as e:
                raise TypeError(
                    f" default'{details['default']}' must be float for float "
                    f"parameter {name} "
                ) from e

validate_integer_parameter #

    name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]

Validates and processes an integer parameter's details, converting scientific notation to integers where necessary.

This function checks the type of 'lower' and 'upper', and the 'default' value (if present) for an integer parameter. It also handles conversion of values in scientific notation (e.g., 1e2) to integers.


The name of the integer parameter.

TYPE: str


A dictionary containing the parameter's specifications. Expected keys include 'lower', 'upper', and optionally 'default', among others.

TYPE: dict[str, str | int | float]


If 'lower', 'upper', or 'default' are not valid integers or cannot be converted from scientific notation to integers.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def validate_integer_parameter(name: str, details: dict[str, str | int | float]):
    Validates and processes an integer parameter's details, converting scientific
    notation to integers where necessary.

    This function checks the type of 'lower' and 'upper', and the 'default'
    value (if present) for an integer parameter. It also handles conversion of values
    in scientific notation (e.g., 1e2) to integers.

        name (str): The name of the integer parameter.
        details (dict[str, str | int | float]): A dictionary containing the parameter's
                                                specifications. Expected keys include
                                                'lower', 'upper', and optionally 'default',
                                                among others.

        TypeError: If 'lower', 'upper', or 'default' are not valid integers or cannot
                   be converted from scientific notation to integers.
    # check if all keys are allowed to use and if the mandatory ones are provided
        {"lower", "upper", "type", "log", "is_fidelity", "default", "default_confidence"},
        {"lower", "upper"},

    if not isinstance(details["lower"], int) or not isinstance(details["upper"], int):
            # for numbers like 1e2 and 10^
            lower, flag_lower = convert_scientific_notation(
                details["lower"], show_usage_flag=True
            upper, flag_upper = convert_scientific_notation(
                details["upper"], show_usage_flag=True
            # check if one value format is e notation and if its an integer
            if flag_lower or flag_upper:
                if lower == int(lower) and upper == int(upper):
                    details["lower"] = int(lower)
                    details["upper"] = int(upper)
                    raise TypeError()
                raise TypeError()
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            raise TypeError(
                f"'lower' and 'upper' must be integer for " f"integer parameter '{name}'."
            ) from e
    if "default" in details:
        if not isinstance(details["default"], int):
                # convert value can raise ValueError
                default = convert_scientific_notation(details["default"])
                if default == int(default):
                    details["default"] = int(default)
                    raise TypeError()  # type of value is not int
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"default value {details['default']} "
                    f"must be integer for integer parameter {name}"
                ) from e

validate_param_details #

    name: str,
    param_type: str,
    details: dict[str, int | str | float],

Validates the details of a parameter based on its type.

This function checks the format and type-specific details of a parameter specified in a YAML file. It ensures that the 'name' of the parameter is a string and its 'details' are provided as a dictionary. Depending on the parameter type, it delegates the validation to the appropriate type-specific validation function.

Parameters: name (str): The name of the parameter. It should be a string. param_type (str): The type of the parameter. Supported types are 'int' (or 'integer'), 'float', 'cat' (or 'categorical'), and 'const' (or 'constant'). details (dict): The detailed configuration of the parameter, which includes its attributes like 'lower', 'upper', 'default', etc.

KeyError: If the 'name' is not a string or 'details' is not a dictionary, or if the necessary keys in the 'details' are missing based on the parameter type. TypeError: If the 'param_type' is not one of the supported types.

Example Usage: validate_param_details("learning_rate", "float", {"lower": 0.01, "upper": 0.1, "default": 0.05})

Source code in neps/search_spaces/
def validate_param_details(
    name: str, param_type: str, details: dict[str, int | str | float]
    Validates the details of a parameter based on its type.

    This function checks the format and type-specific details of a parameter
    specified in a YAML file. It ensures that the 'name' of the parameter is a string
    and its 'details' are provided as a dictionary. Depending on the parameter type,
    it delegates the validation to the appropriate type-specific validation function.

    name (str): The name of the parameter. It should be a string.
    param_type (str): The type of the parameter. Supported types are 'int' (or 'integer'),
                      'float', 'cat' (or 'categorical'), and 'const' (or 'constant').
    details (dict): The detailed configuration of the parameter, which includes its
                    attributes like 'lower', 'upper', 'default', etc.

    KeyError: If the 'name' is not a string or 'details' is not a dictionary, or if
              the necessary keys in the 'details' are missing based on the parameter type.
    TypeError: If the 'param_type' is not one of the supported types.

    Example Usage:
    validate_param_details("learning_rate", "float", {"lower": 0.01, "upper": 0.1,
    "default": 0.05})
    if not (isinstance(name, str) and isinstance(details, dict)):
        raise KeyError(
            f"Invalid format for {name} in YAML file. "
            f"Expected 'name' as string and corresponding 'details' as a "
            f"dictionary. Found 'name' type: {type(name).__name__}, 'details' "
            f"type: {type(details).__name__}."
    param_type = param_type.lower()
    # init parameter by checking type
    if param_type in ("int", "integer"):
        validate_integer_parameter(name, details)

    elif param_type == "float":
        validate_float_parameter(name, details)

    elif param_type in ("cat", "categorical"):
        validate_categorical_parameter(name, details)

    elif param_type in ("const", "constant"):
        validate_constant_parameter(name, details)
        # Handle unknown parameter types
        raise TypeError(
            f"Unsupported parameter type'{details['type']}' for '{name}'.\n"
            f"Supported Types for argument type are:\n"
            "For integer parameter: int, integer\n"
            "For float parameter: float\n"
            "For categorical parameter: cat, categorical\n"
            "For constant parameter: const, constant\n"