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Promotion policy

neps.optimizers.multi_fidelity.promotion_policy #

AsyncPromotionPolicy #

AsyncPromotionPolicy(eta, **kwargs)

Bases: PromotionPolicy

Implements an asynchronous promotion from lower to higher fidelity.

Promotes whenever a higher fidelity has at least eta configurations.

Source code in neps/optimizers/multi_fidelity/
def __init__(self, eta, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(eta, **kwargs)

retrieve_promotions #

retrieve_promotions() -> dict

Returns the top 1/eta configurations per rung if enough configurations seen

Source code in neps/optimizers/multi_fidelity/
def retrieve_promotions(self) -> dict:
    """Returns the top 1/eta configurations per rung if enough configurations seen"""
    for rung in range(self.max_rung + 1):
        if rung == self.max_rung:
            # cease promotions for the highest rung (configs at max budget)
        # if less than eta configurations seen, no promotions occur as top_k=0
        top_k = len(self.rung_members_performance[rung]) // self.eta
        _ordered_idx = np.argsort(self.rung_members_performance[rung])
        self.rung_promotions[rung] = np.array(self.rung_members[rung])[_ordered_idx][
    return self.rung_promotions

PromotionPolicy #

PromotionPolicy(eta: int)

Bases: ABC

Base class for implementing a sampling straregy for SH and its subclasses

Source code in neps/optimizers/multi_fidelity/
def __init__(self, eta: int):
    self.rung_members: dict = {}
    self.rung_members_performance: dict = {}
    self.rung_promotions: dict = {}
    self.eta = eta  # type: int
    self.max_rung: int = None

SyncPromotionPolicy #

SyncPromotionPolicy(eta, **kwargs)

Bases: PromotionPolicy

Implements a synchronous promotion from lower to higher fidelity.

Promotes only when all predefined number of config slots are full.

Source code in neps/optimizers/multi_fidelity/
def __init__(self, eta, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(eta, **kwargs)
    self.config_map: dict = None
    self.rung_promotions = None

retrieve_promotions #

retrieve_promotions() -> dict

Returns the top 1/eta configurations per rung if enough configurations seen

Source code in neps/optimizers/multi_fidelity/
def retrieve_promotions(self) -> dict:
    """Returns the top 1/eta configurations per rung if enough configurations seen"""
    assert self.config_map is not None

    self.rung_promotions = {rung: [] for rung in self.config_map.keys()}
    total_rung_evals = 0
    for rung in reversed(sorted(self.config_map.keys())):
        total_rung_evals += len(self.rung_members[rung])
        if (
            total_rung_evals >= self.config_map[rung]
            and np.isnan(self.rung_members_performance[rung]).sum()
            # if rung is full but incomplete evaluations, pause on promotions, wait
            return self.rung_promotions
        if rung == self.max_rung:
            # cease promotions for the highest rung (configs at max budget)
        if (
            total_rung_evals >= self.config_map[rung]
            and np.isnan(self.rung_members_performance[rung]).sum() == 0
            # if rung is full and no incomplete evaluations, find promotions
            top_k = (self.config_map[rung] // self.eta) - (
                self.config_map[rung] - len(self.rung_members[rung])
            selected_idx = np.argsort(self.rung_members_performance[rung])[:top_k]
            self.rung_promotions[rung] = self.rung_members[rung][selected_idx]
    return self.rung_promotions