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Configuring and Running Optimizations#

The function is the core interface for running Hyperparameter and/or architecture search using optimizers in NePS.

This document breaks down the core arguments that allow users to control the optimization process in NePS. Please see the documentation of for a full list.

Required Arguments#

To operate, NePS requires at minimum the following three arguments, pipeline_space=..., root_directory=...):

import neps

def run(learning_rate: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    # Your code here

    return loss
    run_pipeline=run, # (1)!
    pipeline_space={, # (2)!
        "learning_rate": neps.Float(1e-3, 1e-1, log=True),
        "epochs": neps.Integer(10, 100)
    root_directory="path/to/result_dir" # (3)!
  1. The objective function, targeted by NePS for minimization, by evaluation various configurations. It requires these configurations as input and should return either a dictionary or a sole loss value as the output. For correct setup instructions, refer to the run pipeline page
  2. This defines the search space for the configurations from which the optimizer samples. It accepts either a dictionary with the configuration names as keys, a path to a YAML configuration file, or a configSpace.ConfigurationSpace object. For comprehensive information and examples, please refer to the detailed guide available here
  3. The directory path where the information about the optimization and its progress gets stored. This is also used to synchronize multiple calls to for parallelization.

To learn more about the run_pipeline function and the pipeline_space configuration, please refer to the run pipeline and pipeline space pages.

Budget, how long to run?#

To define a budget, provide max_evaluations_total= to, to specify the total number of evaluations to conduct before halting the optimization process, or max_cost_total= to specify a cost threshold for your own custom cost metric, such as time, energy, or monetary.

def run(learning_rate: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    start = time.time()

    # Your code here
    end = time.time()
    duration = end - start
    return {"loss": loss, "cost": duration}
    max_evaluations_total=10, # (1)!
    max_cost_total=1000, # (2)!
  1. Specifies the total number of evaluations to conduct before halting the optimization process.
  2. Prevents the initiation of new evaluations once this cost threshold is surpassed. This can be any kind of cost metric you like, such as time, energy, or monetary, as long as you can calculate it. This requires adding a cost value to the output of the run_pipeline function, for example, return {'loss': loss, 'cost': cost}. For more details, please refer here

Getting some feedback, logging#

Most of NePS will not print anything to the console. To view the progress of workers, you can do so by enabling logging through logging.basicConfig.

import logging


Please refer to Python's logging documentation for more information on how to customize the logging output.

Continuing Runs#

To continue a run, all you need to do is provide the same root_directory= to as before, with an increased max_evaluations_total= or max_cost_total=.

def run(learning_rate: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    start = time.time()

    # Your code here
    end = time.time()
    duration = end - start
    return {"loss": loss, "cost": duration}
    # Increase the total number of trials from 10 as set previously to 50

If the run previously stopped due to reaching a budget and you specify the same budget, the worker will immediatly stop as it will remember the amount of budget it used previously.

Overwriting a Run#

To overwrite a run, simply provide the same root_directory= to as before, with the overwrite_working_directory=True argument.


This will delete the folder specified by root_directory= and all its contents.

Getting the results#

The results of the optimization process are stored in the root_directory= provided to To obtain a summary of the optimization process, you can enable the post_run_summary=True argument in, while will generate a summary csv after the run has finished.

The root directory after utilizing this argument will look like the following:

├── results
│  └── config_1
│      ├── config.yaml
│      ├── metadata.yaml
│      └── result.yaml
├── summary_csv         # Only if post_run_summary=True
│  ├── config_data.csv
│  └── run_status.csv
├── all_losses_and_configs.txt
├── best_loss_trajectory.txt
└── best_loss_with_config_trajectory.txt, post_run_summary=True)

To capture the results of the optimization process, you can use tensorbaord logging with various utilities to integrate closer to NePS. For more information, please refer to the analyses page page.


NePS utilizes the file-system and locks as a means of communication for implementing parallelization and resuming runs. As a result, you can start multiple from different processes however you like and they will synchronize, as long as they share the same root_directory=. Any new workers that come online will automatically pick up work and work together to until the budget is exhausted.

    max_evaluations_per_run=10, # (1)!
    continue_until_max_evaluation_completed=True, # (2)!
    overwrite_working_directory=False, #!!!
  1. Limits the number of evaluations for this specific call of
  2. Evaluations in-progress count towards max_evaluations_total, halting new ones when this limit is reached. Setting this to True enables continuous sampling of new evaluations until the total of completed ones meets max_evaluations_total, optimizing resource use in time-sensitive scenarios.


Ensure overwrite_working_directory=False to prevent newly spawned workers from deleting the shared directory!

# Start 3 workers
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YAML Configuration#

You have the option to configure all arguments using a YAML file through For more on yaml usage, please visit the dedicated page on usage of YAML with NePS.

In Progress

This feature is currently in development and is subject to change.

Parameters not explicitly defined within this file will receive their default values.

# path/to/your/config.yaml
    path: "path/to/your/" # File path of the run_pipeline function
    name: "name_of_your_run_pipeline" # Function name
  pipeline_space: "path/to/your/search_space.yaml" # Path of the search space yaml file
  root_directory: "neps_results"  # Output directory for results
  max_evaluations_total: 100
  post_run_summary: # Defaults applied if left empty
  searcher: "bayesian_optimization"
    initial_design_size: 5
    surrogate_model: "gp""path/to/your/config.yaml")


Currently we have a strict usage for run_args. So you can define either all arguments by providing them directly to or via the yaml file. This might change in the future. If you use yaml, directly provided arguments get overwritten either by the defined yaml config or the default value.

Handling Errors#

Things go wrong during optimization runs and it's important to consider what to do in these cases. By default, NePS will halt the optimization process when an error but you can choose to ignore_errors=, providing a loss_value_on_error= and cost_value_on_error= to control what values should be reported to the optimization process.

def run(learning_rate: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    if whoops_my_gpu_died():
        raise RuntimeError("Oh no! GPU died!")

    return loss
    loss_value_on_error=100, # (1)!
    cost_value_on_error=10, # (2)!
    ignore_errors=True, # (3)!
  1. If an error occurs, the loss value for that configuration will be set to 100.
  2. If an error occurs, the cost value for that configuration will be set to 100.
  3. Continue the optimization process even if an error occurs, otherwise throwing an exception and halting the process.


Any runs that error will still count towards the total max_evaluations_total or max_evaluations_per_run.

Selecting an Optimizer#

By default NePS intelligently selects the most appropriate search strategy based on your defined configurations in pipeline_space=, one of the arguments to

The characteristics of your search space, as represented in the pipeline_space=, play a crucial role in determining which optimizer NePS will choose. This automatic selection process ensures that the strategy aligns with the specific requirements and nuances of your search space, thereby optimizing the effectiveness of the hyperparameter and/or architecture optimization.

You can also manually select a specific or custom optimizer that better matches your specific needs. For more information about the available searchers and how to customize your own, refer here.

Managing Experiments#

While tuning pipelines, it is common to run multiple experiments, perhaps varying the search space, the metric, the model or any other factors of your development. We provide two extra arguments to help manage directories for these, development_stage_id= and task_id=.

def run1(learning_rate: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    # Only tuning learning rate


def run2(learning_rate: float, l2: float, epochs: int) -> float:
    # Tuning learning rate and l2 regularization

    task_id="l2_regularization", # (1)!
    development_stage_id="003", # (2)!
  1. An identifier used when working with multiple development stages. Instead of creating new root directories, use this identifier to save the results of an optimization run in a separate dev_id folder within the root_directory.
  2. An identifier used when the optimization process involves multiple tasks. This functions similarly to development_stage_id=, but it creates a folder named after the task_id=, providing an organized way to separate results for different tasks within the root_directory=.


  • pre_load_hooks=: A list of hook functions to be called before loading results.