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neps.utils.common #

Common utility functions used across the library.

MissingDependencyError #

    dep: str, cause: Exception, *args: Any

Bases: ImportError

Raise when a dependency is missing for an optional feature.

Source code in neps/utils/
def __init__(self, dep: str, cause: Exception, *args: Any):
    """Initialize the error with the missing dependency and the original error."""
    super().__init__(dep, cause, *args)
    self.dep = dep
    self.__cause__ = cause  # This is what `raise a from b` does

filter_instances #

    itr: Iterable[Any], *types: type
) -> list[Any]

Filter instances of a collection by the given types.

Source code in neps/utils/
def filter_instances(itr: Iterable[Any], *types: type) -> list[Any]:
    """Filter instances of a collection by the given types."""
    return [el for el in itr if isinstance(el, types)]

get_initial_directory #

    pipeline_directory: Path | str | None = None,
) -> Path

Find the initial directory based on its existence and the presence of the "" file.


The current config directory.

TYPE: Path | str | None DEFAULT: None


The initial directory.

Source code in neps/utils/
def get_initial_directory(pipeline_directory: Path | str | None = None) -> Path:
    """Find the initial directory based on its existence and the presence of
    the "" file.

        pipeline_directory: The current config directory.

        The initial directory.
    if pipeline_directory is not None:
        pipeline_directory = Path(pipeline_directory)
        trial = get_in_progress_trial()
        if trial is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No current trial was found to get the initial directory! This should not"
                " happen. Please report this issue and in the meantime you may provide"
                " a directory manually."
        pipeline_directory = trial.pipeline_dir

    # TODO(eddiebergman): Can we just make this a method of the Trial class somehow?
    # This relies on the fact it's always called "" which could subtly
    # break, if it were to be updated.

    # Recursively find the initial directory
    current_pipeline_directory = pipeline_directory
    while True:
        previous_pipeline_directory_id = current_pipeline_directory / ""
        if not previous_pipeline_directory_id.exists():
            # Initial directory found
            return pipeline_directory

        optim_result_dir = pipeline_directory.parent
        with"r") as config_id_file:
            config_id =

        current_pipeline_directory = optim_result_dir / f"config_{config_id}"

get_rnd_state #

get_rnd_state() -> dict

Current state of the global random number generators in a devoctorized format.

Source code in neps/utils/
def get_rnd_state() -> dict:
    """Current state of the global random number generators in a devoctorized format."""
    np_state = list(np.random.get_state())  # noqa: NPY002
    np_state[1] = np_state[1].tolist()  # type: ignore
    state = {
        "random_state": random.getstate(),
        "np_seed_state": np_state,
        "torch_seed_state": torch.random.get_rng_state().tolist(),
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        state["torch_cuda_seed_state"] = [
            dev.tolist() for dev in torch.cuda.get_rng_state_all()
    return state

get_searcher_data #

    searcher: str, searcher_path: Path | str | None = None
) -> dict[str, Any]

Returns the data from the YAML file associated with the specified searcher.


The name of the searcher.

TYPE: str


The path to the directory where the searcher defined YAML file is located.

TYPE: Path | str | None DEFAULT: None

dict[str, Any]

The content of the YAML file.

Source code in neps/utils/
def get_searcher_data(
    searcher: str,
    searcher_path: Path | str | None = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns the data from the YAML file associated with the specified searcher.

        searcher: The name of the searcher.
        searcher_path: The path to the directory where the searcher defined YAML file
            is located.

        The content of the YAML file.
    if searcher_path is not None:
        user_yaml_path = Path(searcher_path, searcher).with_suffix(".yaml")

        if not user_yaml_path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Failed to get info for searcher from user-defined YAML file. "
                f"File '{searcher}.yaml' does not exist at '{user_yaml_path}'"

        with"r") as file:
            data = yaml.safe_load(file)

        # TODO(eddiebergman): This is a bad idea as it relies on folder structure to be
        # correct, we should either have a dedicated resource folder or at least have
        # this defined as a constant somewhere, incase we access elsewhere.
        # Seems like we could just include this as a method on `SearcherConfigs` class.
        # TODO(eddiebergman): Need to make sure that these yaml files are actually
        # included in a source dist when published to PyPI.

        # This is pointing to yaml file directory elsewhere in the source code.
        resource_path = (
            / "optimizers"
            / "default_searchers"
            / searcher

        from import SearcherConfigs

        searchers = SearcherConfigs.get_searchers()

        if not resource_path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"Searcher '{searcher}' not in:\n{', '.join(searchers)}"

        with as file:
            data = yaml.safe_load(file)

    return data  # type: ignore

get_value #

get_value(obj: Any) -> Any

Honestly, don't know why you would use this. Please try not to.

Source code in neps/utils/
def get_value(obj: Any) -> Any:
    """Honestly, don't know why you would use this. Please try not to."""
    if obj is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float, bool)):
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return {key: get_value(value) for key, value in obj.items()}
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        return [get_value(item) for item in obj]

    return obj.__name__

has_instance #

has_instance(itr: Iterable[Any], *types: type) -> bool

Check if any instance in the collection is of the given types.

Source code in neps/utils/
def has_instance(itr: Iterable[Any], *types: type) -> bool:
    """Check if any instance in the collection is of the given types."""
    return any(isinstance(el, types) for el in itr)

instance_from_map #

    mapping: dict[str, Any],
    request: str | list | tuple | type,
    name: str = "mapping",
    allow_any: bool = True,
    as_class: bool = False,
    kwargs: dict | None = None
) -> Any

Get an instance of an class from a mapping.


Mapping from string keys to classes or instances

TYPE: dict[str, Any]


A key from the mapping. If allow_any is True, could also be an object or a class, to use a custom object.

TYPE: str | list | tuple | type


Name of the mapping used in error messages

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'mapping'


If set to True, allows using custom classes/objects.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


If the class should be returned without beeing instanciated

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Arguments used for the new instance, if created. Its purpose is to serve at default arguments if the user doesn't built the object.

TYPE: dict | None DEFAULT: None


if the request is invalid (not a string if allow_any is False), or invalid key.

Source code in neps/utils/
def instance_from_map(  # noqa: C901, PLR0912
    mapping: dict[str, Any],
    request: str | list | tuple | type,
    name: str = "mapping",
    allow_any: bool = True,
    as_class: bool = False,
    kwargs: dict | None = None,
) -> Any:
    """Get an instance of an class from a mapping.

        mapping: Mapping from string keys to classes or instances
        request: A key from the mapping. If allow_any is True, could also be an
            object or a class, to use a custom object.
        name: Name of the mapping used in error messages
        allow_any: If set to True, allows using custom classes/objects.
        as_class: If the class should be returned without beeing instanciated
        kwargs: Arguments used for the new instance, if created. Its purpose is
            to serve at default arguments if the user doesn't built the object.

        ValueError: if the request is invalid (not a string if allow_any is False),
            or invalid key.
    # Split arguments of the form (request, kwargs)
    args_dict = kwargs or {}
    if isinstance(request, Sequence) and not isinstance(request, str):
        if len(request) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "When building an instance and specifying arguments, "
                "you should give a pair (class, arguments)"
        request, req_args_dict = request

        if not isinstance(req_args_dict, Mapping):
            raise ValueError("The arguments should be given as a dictionary")

        args_dict = {**args_dict, **req_args_dict}

    # Then, get the class/instance from the request
    if isinstance(request, str):
        if request not in mapping:
            raise ValueError(f"{request} doesn't exists for {name}")

        instance = mapping[request]
    elif allow_any:
        instance = request
        raise ValueError(f"Object {request} invalid key for {name}")

    if isinstance(instance, MissingDependencyError):
        raise instance

    # Check if the request is a class if it is mandatory
    if (args_dict or as_class) and not is_partial_class(instance):
        raise ValueError(
            f"{instance} is not a class and can't be used with additional arguments"

    # Give the arguments to the class
    if args_dict:
        instance = partial(instance, **args_dict)

    if as_class:
        return instance

    if is_partial_class(instance):
            instance = instance()
        except TypeError as e:
            raise TypeError(f"{e} when calling {instance} with {args_dict}") from e

    return instance

is_partial_class #

is_partial_class(obj: Any) -> bool

Check if the object is a (partial) class, or an instance.

Source code in neps/utils/
def is_partial_class(obj: Any) -> bool:
    """Check if the object is a (partial) class, or an instance."""
    if isinstance(obj, partial):
        obj = obj.func
    return inspect.isclass(obj)

load_checkpoint #

    directory: Path | str | None = None,
    checkpoint_name: str = "checkpoint",
    model: Module | None = None,
    optimizer: Optimizer | None = None,
) -> dict | None

Load a checkpoint and return the model state_dict and checkpoint values.


Directory where the checkpoint is located.

TYPE: Path | str | None DEFAULT: None


The name of the checkpoint file.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'checkpoint'


The PyTorch model to load.

TYPE: Module | None DEFAULT: None


The optimizer to load.

TYPE: Optimizer | None DEFAULT: None

dict | None

A dictionary containing the checkpoint values, or None if the checkpoint file does not exist hence no checkpointing was previously done.

Source code in neps/utils/
def load_checkpoint(
    directory: Path | str | None = None,
    checkpoint_name: str = "checkpoint",
    model: torch.nn.Module | None = None,
    optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer | None = None,
) -> dict | None:
    """Load a checkpoint and return the model state_dict and checkpoint values.

        directory: Directory where the checkpoint is located.
        checkpoint_name: The name of the checkpoint file.
        model: The PyTorch model to load.
        optimizer: The optimizer to load.

        A dictionary containing the checkpoint values, or None if the checkpoint file
        does not exist hence no checkpointing was previously done.
    if directory is None:
        trial = get_in_progress_trial()

        if trial is None:
            return None

        directory = trial.disk.previous_pipeline_dir
        if directory is None:
            return None

    directory = Path(directory)
    checkpoint_path = (directory / checkpoint_name).with_suffix(".pth")

    if not checkpoint_path.exists():
        return None

    checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)

    if model is not None and "model_state_dict" in checkpoint:

    if optimizer is not None and "optimizer_state_dict" in checkpoint:

    return checkpoint  # type: ignore

load_lightning_checkpoint #

    checkpoint_dir: Path | str,
    previous_pipeline_directory: Path | str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Path, dict] | tuple[None, None]

Load the latest checkpoint file from the specified directory.

This function searches for possible checkpoint files in the checkpoint_dir and loads the latest one if found. It returns a tuple with the checkpoint path and the loaded checkpoint data.


The previous pipeline directory.

TYPE: Path | str | None DEFAULT: None


The directory where checkpoint files are stored.

TYPE: Path | str

tuple[Path, dict] | tuple[None, None]

A tuple containing the checkpoint path (str) and the loaded checkpoint data (dict) or (None, None) if no checkpoint files are found in the directory.

Source code in neps/utils/
def load_lightning_checkpoint(
    checkpoint_dir: Path | str,
    previous_pipeline_directory: Path | str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Path, dict] | tuple[None, None]:
    """Load the latest checkpoint file from the specified directory.

    This function searches for possible checkpoint files in the `checkpoint_dir` and loads
    the latest one if found. It returns a tuple with the checkpoint path and the loaded
    checkpoint data.

        previous_pipeline_directory: The previous pipeline directory.
        checkpoint_dir: The directory where checkpoint files are stored.

        A tuple containing the checkpoint path (str) and the loaded checkpoint data (dict)
        or (None, None) if no checkpoint files are found in the directory.
    if previous_pipeline_directory is None:
        trial = get_in_progress_trial()
        if trial is not None:
            previous_pipeline_directory = trial.disk.previous_pipeline_dir

        if previous_pipeline_directory is None:
            return None, None

    # Search for possible checkpoints to continue training
    ckpt_files = list(Path(checkpoint_dir).glob("*.ckpt"))

    if len(ckpt_files) == 0:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            "No checkpoint files were located in the checkpoint directory"

    if len(ckpt_files) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "The number of checkpoint files is more than expected (1) "
            "which makes if difficult to find the correct file."
            " Please save other checkpoint files in a different directory."

    assert len(ckpt_files) == 1
    checkpoint_path = ckpt_files[0]
    checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)
    return checkpoint_path, checkpoint

save_checkpoint #

    directory: Path | str | None = None,
    checkpoint_name: str = "checkpoint",
    values_to_save: dict | None = None,
    model: Module | None = None,
    optimizer: Optimizer | None = None,
) -> None

Save a checkpoint including model state_dict and optimizer state_dict to a file.


Directory where the checkpoint will be saved.

TYPE: Path | str | None DEFAULT: None


Additional values to save in the checkpoint.

TYPE: dict | None DEFAULT: None


The PyTorch model to save.

TYPE: Module | None DEFAULT: None


The optimizer to save.

TYPE: Optimizer | None DEFAULT: None


The name of the checkpoint file.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'checkpoint'

Source code in neps/utils/
def save_checkpoint(
    directory: Path | str | None = None,
    checkpoint_name: str = "checkpoint",
    values_to_save: dict | None = None,
    model: torch.nn.Module | None = None,
    optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Save a checkpoint including model state_dict and optimizer state_dict to a file.

        directory: Directory where the checkpoint will be saved.
        values_to_save: Additional values to save in the checkpoint.
        model: The PyTorch model to save.
        optimizer: The optimizer to save.
        checkpoint_name: The name of the checkpoint file.
    if directory is None:
        in_progress_trial = get_in_progress_trial()

        if in_progress_trial is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No current trial was found to save the checkpoint! This should not"
                " happen. Please report this issue and in the meantime you may provide a"
                " directory manually."
        directory = in_progress_trial.pipeline_dir

    directory = Path(directory)
    checkpoint_path = (directory / checkpoint_name).with_suffix(".pth")

    saved_dict = {}

    if model is not None:
        saved_dict["model_state_dict"] = model.state_dict()
    if optimizer is not None:
        saved_dict["optimizer_state_dict"] = optimizer.state_dict()

    if values_to_save is not None:
        saved_dict.update(values_to_save), checkpoint_path)

set_rnd_state #

set_rnd_state(state: dict) -> None

Set the global random number generators to the given state.

Source code in neps/utils/
def set_rnd_state(state: dict) -> None:
    """Set the global random number generators to the given state."""
            tuple(rnd_s) if isinstance(rnd_s, list) else rnd_s
            for rnd_s in state["random_state"]
    np.random.set_state(tuple(state["np_seed_state"]))  # noqa: NPY002
    if torch.cuda.is_available() and "torch_cuda_seed_state" in state:
            [torch.ByteTensor(dev) for dev in state["torch_cuda_seed_state"]]