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neps.search_spaces.architecture.graph #

EdgeData #

EdgeData(data: dict = None)

Class that holds data for each edge. Data can be shared between instances of the graph where the edges lives in.

Also defines the default key 'op', which is Identity(). It must be private always.

Items can be accessed directly as attributes with .key or in a dict-like fashion with [key]. To set a new item use .set().


Inject some initial data. Will be always private.

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def __init__(self, data: dict = None):
    Initializes a new EdgeData object.
    'op' is set as Identity() and private by default

        data (dict): Inject some initial data. Will be always private.
    if data is None:
        data = {}
    self._private = {}
    self._shared = {}

    # set internal attributes
    self._shared["_deleted"] = False
    self._private["_final"] = False

    # set defaults and potential input
    self.set("op", Identity(), shared=False)
    for k, v in data.items():
        self.set(k, v, shared=False)

clone #


Return a true deep copy of EdgeData. Even shared items are not shared anymore.


New independent instance.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def clone(self):
    Return a true deep copy of EdgeData. Even shared
    items are not shared anymore.

        EdgeData: New independent instance.
    return copy.deepcopy(self)

copy #


When a graph is copied to get multiple instances (e.g. when reusing subgraphs at more than one location) then this function will be called for all edges.

It will create a deep copy for the private entries but only a shallow copy for the shared entries. E.g. architectural weights should be shared, but parameters of a 3x3 convolution not.

Therefore 'op' must be always private.


A new EdgeData object with independent private items, but shallow shared items.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def copy(self):
    When a graph is copied to get multiple instances (e.g. when
    reusing subgraphs at more than one location) then
    this function will be called for all edges.

    It will create a deep copy for the private entries but
    only a shallow copy for the shared entries. E.g. architectural
    weights should be shared, but parameters of a 3x3 convolution not.

    Therefore 'op' must be always private.

        EdgeData: A new EdgeData object with independent private
            items, but shallow shared items.
    new_self = EdgeData()
    new_self._private = copy.deepcopy(self._private)
    new_self._shared = self._shared

    # we need to handle copy of graphs seperately
    for k, v in self._private.items():
        if isinstance(v, Graph):
            new_self._private[k] = v.copy()
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            new_self._private[k] = [
                i.copy() if isinstance(i, Graph) else i for i in v

    return new_self

delete #


Flag to delete the edge where this instance is attached to.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def delete(self):
    Flag to delete the edge where this instance is attached to.
    self._shared["_deleted"] = True

finalize #


Sets this edge as final. This means it cannot be changed anymore and will also not appear in the update functions of the graph.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def finalize(self):
    Sets this edge as final. This means it cannot be changed
    anymore and will also not appear in the update functions
    of the graph.
    self._private["_final"] = True
    return self

has #

has(key: str)

Checks whether key exists.


The key to check.

TYPE: str


True if key exists, False otherwise.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def has(self, key: str):
    Checks whether `key` exists.

        key (str): The key to check.

        bool: True if key exists, False otherwise.

    assert not key.startswith("_"), "Access to private keys not allowed!"
    return key in self._private.keys() or key in self._shared.keys()

is_deleted #


Returns true if the edge is flagged to be deleted

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def is_deleted(self):
    Returns true if the edge is flagged to be deleted
    return self._shared["_deleted"]

is_final #


True if the edge was finalized, False else

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def is_final(self):
        bool: True if the edge was finalized, False else
    return self._private["_final"]

remove #

remove(key: str)

Removes an item from the EdgeData


The key for the item to be removed.

TYPE: str

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def remove(self, key: str):
    Removes an item from the EdgeData

        key (str): The key for the item to be removed.
    if key in self._private:
        del self._private[key]
    elif key in self._shared:
        del self._shared[key]
        raise KeyError(f"Tried to delete unkown key {key}")

set #

set(key: str, value, shared=False)

Used to assign a new item to the EdgeData object.


The key.

TYPE: str


The value to store

TYPE: object


Default: False. Whether the item should be a shallow copy between different instances of EdgeData (and consequently between different instances of Graph).

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def set(self, key: str, value, shared=False):
    Used to assign a new item to the EdgeData object.

        key (str): The key.
        value (object): The value to store
        shared (bool): Default: False. Whether the item should
            be a shallow copy between different instances of EdgeData
            (and consequently between different instances of Graph).
    assert isinstance(key, str), "Accepting only string keys, got {}".format(
    assert not key.startswith("_"), "Access to private keys not allowed!"
    assert not self.is_final(), "Trying to change finalized edge!"
    if shared:
        if key in self._private:
            raise ValueError("Key {} alredy defined as non-shared")
            self._shared[key] = value
        if key in self._shared:
            raise ValueError(f"Key {key} alredy defined as shared")
            self._private[key] = value

update #


Update the data in here. If the data is added as dict, then all variables will be handled as private.


If dict, then values will be set as private. If EdgeData then all entries will be replaced.

TYPE: EdgeData or dict

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def update(self, data):
    Update the data in here. If the data is added as dict,
    then all variables will be handled as private.

        data (EdgeData or dict): If dict, then values will be set as
            private. If EdgeData then all entries will be replaced.
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        for k, v in data.items():
            self.set(k, v)
    elif isinstance(data, EdgeData):
        # TODO: do update and not replace!
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {data}")

Graph #

Graph(name: str = None, scope: str = None)

Bases: Module, DiGraph

Base class for defining a search space. Add nodes and edges as for a directed acyclic graph in networkx. Nodes can contain graphs as children, also edges can contain graphs as operations.

Note, if a graph is copied, the shared attributes of its edges are shallow copies whereas the private attributes are deep copies.

To differentiate copies of the same graph you can define a scope with set_scope().

Graph at nodes:

graph = Graph() graph.add_node(1, subgraph=Graph())

If the node has more than one input use set_input() to define the routing to the input nodes of the subgraph.

Graph at edges:

graph = Graph() graph.add_nodes_from([1, 2]) graph.add_edge(1, 2, EdgeData({'op': Graph()}))

Modify the graph after definition

If you want to modify the graph e.g. in an optimizer once it has been defined already use the function update_edges() or update_nodes().

Use as pytorch module If you want to learn the weights of the operations or any other parameters of the graph you have to parse it first.

graph = getFancySearchSpace() graph.parse() logits = graph(data) optimizer.min(loss(logits, target))

To update the pytorch module representation (e.g. after removing or adding some new edges), you have to unparse. Beware that this is not fast, so it should not be done on each batch or epoch, rather once after discretizising. If you want to change the representation of the graph use rather some shared operation indexing at the edges.

graph.update(remove_random_edges) graph.unparse() graph.parse() logits = graph(data)

is set as sum.


When inheriting form Graph note that __init__() cannot take any parameters. This is due to the way how networkx is implemented, i.e. graphs are reconstructed internally and no parameters for init are considered.

Our recommended solution is to create static attributes before initialization and then load them dynamically in __init__().

def init(self): num_classes = self.NUM_CLASSES MyGraph.NUM_CLASSES = 42 my_graph_42_classes = MyGraph()

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def __init__(self, name: str = None, scope: str = None):
    Initialise a graph. The edges are automatically filled with an EdgeData object
    which defines the default operation as Identity. The default combination operation
    is set as sum.

        When inheriting form `Graph` note that `__init__()` cannot take any parameters.
        This is due to the way how networkx is implemented, i.e. graphs are reconstructed
        internally and no parameters for init are considered.

        Our recommended solution is to create static attributes before initialization and
        then load them dynamically in `__init__()`.

        >>> def __init__(self):
        >>>     num_classes = self.NUM_CLASSES
        >>> MyGraph.NUM_CLASSES = 42
        >>> my_graph_42_classes = MyGraph()

    # super().__init__()

    # Make DiGraph a member and not inherit. This is because when inheriting from
    # `Graph` note that `__init__()` cannot take any parameters. This is due to
    # the way how networkx is implemented, i.e. graphs are reconstructed internally
    # and no parameters for init are considered.
    # Therefore __getattr__ and __iter__ forward the DiGraph methods for straight-forward
    # usage as if we would inherit.

    # self._nxgraph = nx.DiGraph()

    # Replace the default dicts at the edges with `EdgeData` objects
    # `EdgeData` can be easily customized and allow shared parameters
    # across different Graph instances.

    # self._nxgraph.edge_attr_dict_factory = lambda: EdgeData()
    self.edge_attr_dict_factory = lambda: EdgeData()

    # Replace the default dicts at the nodes to include `input` from the beginning.
    # `input` is required for storing the results of incoming edges.

    # self._nxgraph.node_attr_dict_factory = lambda: dict({'input': {}, 'comb_op': sum})
    self.node_attr_dict_factory = lambda: dict({"input": {}, "comb_op": sum})

    # remember to add all members also in `unparse()` = name
    self.scope = scope
    self.input_node_idxs = None
    self.is_parsed = False
    self._id = random.random()  # pytorch expects unique modules in `add_module()`

OPTIMIZER_SCOPE class-attribute instance-attribute #


Whether the search space has an interface to one of the tabular benchmarks which can then be used to query architecture performances.

If this is set to true then query() should be implemented.

__hash__ #


As it is very complicated to compare graphs (i.e. check all edge attributes, do the have shared attributes, ...) use just the name for comparison.

This is used when determining whether two instances are copies.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def __hash__(self):
    As it is very complicated to compare graphs (i.e. check all edge
    attributes, do the have shared attributes, ...) use just the name
    for comparison.

    This is used when determining whether two instances are copies.
    h = 0
    h += hash(
    h += hash(self.scope) if self.scope else 0
    h += hash(self._id)
    return h

add_edges_densly #


Adds edges to get a fully connected DAG without cycles

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def add_edges_densly(self):
    Adds edges to get a fully connected DAG without cycles

add_node #

add_node(node_index, **attr)

Adds a node to the graph.

Note that adding a node using an index that has been used already will override its attributes.


The index for the node. Expect to be >= 1.

TYPE: int


The attributes which can be added in a dict like form.


Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def add_node(self, node_index, **attr):
    Adds a node to the graph.

    Note that adding a node using an index that has been used already
    will override its attributes.

        node_index (int): The index for the node. Expect to be >= 1.
        **attr: The attributes which can be added in a dict like form.
    assert node_index >= 1, "Expecting the node index to be greater or equal 1"
    nx.DiGraph.add_node(self, node_index, **attr)

clone #


Deep copy of the current graph.


Deep copy of the graph.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def clone(self):
    Deep copy of the current graph.

        Graph: Deep copy of the graph.
    return copy.deepcopy(self)

compile #


Instanciates the ops at the edges using the arguments specified at the edges

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def compile(self):
    Instanciates the ops at the edges using the arguments specified at the edges
    for graph in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=False) + [self]:
        logger.debug(f"Compiling graph {}")
        for _, v, edge_data in
            if not edge_data.is_final():
                attr = edge_data.to_dict()
                op = attr.pop("op")

                if isinstance(op, list):
                    compiled_ops = []
                    for i, o in enumerate(op):
                        if inspect.isclass(o):
                            # get the relevant parameter if there are more.
                            a = {
                                k: v[i] if isinstance(v, list) else v
                                for k, v in attr.items()
                            logger.debug(f"op {o} already compiled. Skipping")
                    edge_data.set("op", compiled_ops)
                elif isinstance(op, AbstractPrimitive):
                    logger.debug(f"op {op} already compiled. Skipping")
                elif inspect.isclass(op) and issubclass(op, AbstractPrimitive):
                    # Init the class
                    if "op_name" in attr:
                        del attr["op_name"]
                    edge_data.set("op", op(**attr))
                elif isinstance(op, Graph):
                    pass  # This is already covered by _get_child_graphs
                    raise ValueError(f"Unkown format of op: {op}")

copy #


Copy as defined in networkx, i.e. a shallow copy.

Just handling recursively nested graphs seperately.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def copy(self):
    Copy as defined in networkx, i.e. a shallow copy.

    Just handling recursively nested graphs seperately.

    def copy_dict(d):
        copied_dict = d.copy()
        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, Graph):
                copied_dict[k] = v.copy()
            elif isinstance(v, list):
                copied_dict[k] = [
                    i.copy() if isinstance(i, Graph) else i for i in v
            elif isinstance(v, torch.nn.Module) or isinstance(v, AbstractPrimitive):
                copied_dict[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
        return copied_dict

    G = self.__class__()
    G.add_nodes_from((n, copy_dict(d)) for n, d in self._node.items())
        (u, v, datadict.copy())
        for u, nbrs in self._adj.items()
        for v, datadict in nbrs.items()
    G.scope = self.scope =
    return G

forward #

forward(x, *args)

Forward some data through the graph. This is done recursively in case there are graphs defined on nodes or as 'op' on edges.


The input. If the graph sits on a node the input can be a dict with {source_idx: Tensor} to be routed to the defined input nodes. If the graph sits on an edge, x is the feature tensor.

TYPE: Tensor or dict


This is only required to handle cases where the graph sits on an edge and receives an EdgeData object which will be ignored


Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def forward(self, x, *args):
    Forward some data through the graph. This is done recursively
    in case there are graphs defined on nodes or as 'op' on edges.

        x (Tensor or dict): The input. If the graph sits on a node the
            input can be a dict with {source_idx: Tensor} to be routed
            to the defined input nodes. If the graph sits on an edge,
            x is the feature tensor.
        args: This is only required to handle cases where the graph sits
            on an edge and receives an EdgeData object which will be ignored
    logger.debug(f"Graph {} called. Input {log_formats(x)}.")

    # Assign x to the corresponding input nodes

    for node_idx in lexicographical_topological_sort(self):
        node = self.nodes[node_idx]
            "Node {}-{}, current data {}, start processing...".format(
      , node_idx, log_formats(node)

        # node internal: process input if necessary
        if ("subgraph" in node and "comb_op" not in node) or (
            "comb_op" in node and "subgraph" not in node
                logging.WARN, "Comb_op is ignored if subgraph is defined!", n=1
        # TODO: merge 'subgraph' and 'comb_op'. It is basicallly the same thing. Also in parse()
        if "subgraph" in node:
            x = node["subgraph"].forward(node["input"])
            if len(node["input"].values()) == 1:
                x = list(node["input"].values())[0]
                x = node["comb_op"](
                    [node["input"][k] for k in sorted(node["input"].keys())]
        node["input"] = {}  # clear the input as we have processed it

        if (
            len(list(self.neighbors(node_idx))) == 0
            and node_idx < list(lexicographical_topological_sort(self))[-1]
            # We have more than one output node. This is e.g. the case for
            # auxillary losses. Attach them to the graph, handling must done
            # by the user.
                "Graph {} has more then one output node. Storing output of non-maximum index node {} at graph dict".format(
                    self, node_idx
            self.graph[f"out_from_{node_idx}"] = x
            # outgoing edges: process all outgoing edges
            for neigbor_idx in self.neighbors(node_idx):
                edge_data = self.get_edge_data(node_idx, neigbor_idx)
                # inject edge data only for AbstractPrimitive, not Graphs
                if isinstance(edge_data.op, Graph):
                    edge_output = edge_data.op.forward(x)
                elif isinstance(edge_data.op, AbstractPrimitive):
                        "Processing op {} at edge {}-{}".format(
                            edge_data.op, node_idx, neigbor_idx
                    edge_output = edge_data.op.forward(x)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unknown class as op: {}. Expected either Graph or AbstactPrimitive".format(
                self.nodes[neigbor_idx]["input"].update({node_idx: edge_output})

        logger.debug(f"Node {}-{node_idx}, processing done.")

    logger.debug(f"Graph {} exiting. Output {log_formats(x)}.")
    return x

get_all_edge_data #

    key: str, scope="all", private_edge_data: bool = False
) -> list

Get edge attributes of this graph and all child graphs in one go.


The key of the attribute

TYPE: str


The scope to be applied

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'all'


Whether to return data from graph copies as well.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


All data in a list.

TYPE: list

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def get_all_edge_data(
    self, key: str, scope="all", private_edge_data: bool = False
) -> list:
    Get edge attributes of this graph and all child graphs in one go.

        key (str): The key of the attribute
        scope (str): The scope to be applied
        private_edge_data (bool): Whether to return data from graph copies as well.

        list: All data in a list.
    assert scope is not None
    result = []
    for graph in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=not private_edge_data) + [
        if (
            scope == "all"
            or graph.scope == scope
            or (isinstance(scope, list) and graph.scope in scope)
            for _, _, edge_data in
                if edge_data.has(key):
    return result

get_dense_edges #


Returns the edge indices (i, j) that would make a fully connected DAG without circles such that i < j and i != j. Assumes nodes are already created.


list of edge indices.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def get_dense_edges(self):
    Returns the edge indices (i, j) that would make a fully connected
    DAG without circles such that i < j and i != j. Assumes nodes are
    already created.

        list: list of edge indices.
    edges = []
    nodes = sorted(list(self.nodes()))
    for i in nodes:
        for j in nodes:
            if i != j and j > i:
                edges.append((i, j))
    return edges

modules_str #


Once the graph has been parsed, prints the modules as they appear in pytorch.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def modules_str(self):
    Once the graph has been parsed, prints the modules as they appear in pytorch.
    if self.is_parsed:
        result = ""
        for g in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=True) + [self]:
            result += "Graph {}:\n {}\n==========\n".format(
      , torch.nn.Module.__repr__(g)
        return result
        return self.__repr__()

num_input_nodes #

num_input_nodes() -> int

The number of input nodes, i.e. the nodes without an incoming edge.


Number of input nodes.

TYPE: int

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def num_input_nodes(self) -> int:
    The number of input nodes, i.e. the nodes without an
    incoming edge.

        int: Number of input nodes.
    return sum(self.in_degree(n) == 0 for n in self.nodes)

parse #


Convert the graph into a neural network which can then be optimized by pytorch.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def parse(self):
    Convert the graph into a neural network which can then
    be optimized by pytorch.
    for node_idx in lexicographical_topological_sort(self):
        if "subgraph" in self.nodes[node_idx]:
            if isinstance(self.nodes[node_idx]["comb_op"], torch.nn.Module):
        for neigbor_idx in self.neighbors(node_idx):
            edge_data = self.get_edge_data(node_idx, neigbor_idx)
            if isinstance(edge_data.op, Graph):
            elif edge_data.op.get_embedded_ops():
                for primitive in edge_data.op.get_embedded_ops():
                    if isinstance(primitive, Graph):
    self.is_parsed = True

prepare_discretization #


In some cases the search space is manipulated before the final discretization is happening, e.g. DARTS. In such chases this should be defined in the search space, so all optimizers can call it.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def prepare_discretization(self):
    In some cases the search space is manipulated before the final
    discretization is happening, e.g. DARTS. In such chases this should
    be defined in the search space, so all optimizers can call it.

prepare_evaluation #


In some cases the evaluation architecture does not match the searched one. An example is where the makro_model is extended to increase the parameters. This is done here.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def prepare_evaluation(self):
    In some cases the evaluation architecture does not match the searched
    one. An example is where the makro_model is extended to increase the
    parameters. This is done here.

reset_weights #

reset_weights(inplace: bool = False)

Resets the weights for the 'op' at all edges.


Do the operation in place or return a modified copy.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Returns: Graph: Returns the modified version of the graph.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def reset_weights(self, inplace: bool = False):
    Resets the weights for the 'op' at all edges.

        inplace (bool): Do the operation in place or
            return a modified copy.
        Graph: Returns the modified version of the graph.

    def weight_reset(m):
        if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear):

    if inplace:
        graph = self
        graph = self.clone()


    return graph

set_at_edges #

set_at_edges(key, value, shared=False)

Sets the attribute for all edges in this and any child graph

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def set_at_edges(self, key, value, shared=False):
    Sets the attribute for all edges in this and any child graph
    for graph in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=shared) + [self]:
        logger.debug(f"Updating edges of graph {}")
        for _, _, edge_data in
            if not edge_data.is_final():
                edge_data.set(key, value, shared)

set_input #

set_input(node_idxs: list)

Route the input from specific parent edges to the input nodes of this subgraph. Inputs are assigned in lexicographical order.

Example: - Parent node (i.e. node where self is located on) has two incoming edges from nodes 3 and 5. - self has two input nodes 1 and 2 (i.e. nodes without an incoming edge) - node_idxs = [5, 3] Then input of node 5 is routed to node 1 and input of node 3 is routed to node 2.

Similarly, if node_idxs = [5, 5] then input of node 5 is routed to both node 1 and 2. Warning: In this case the output of another incoming edge is ignored!

Should be used in a builder-like pattern: 'subgraph'=Graph().set_input([5, 3])


The index of the nodes where the data is coming from.

TYPE: list


self with input node indices set.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def set_input(self, node_idxs: list):
    Route the input from specific parent edges to the input nodes of
    this subgraph. Inputs are assigned in lexicographical order.

    - Parent node (i.e. node where `self` is located on) has two
      incoming edges from nodes 3 and 5.
    - `self` has two input nodes 1 and 2 (i.e. nodes without
      an incoming edge)
    - `node_idxs = [5, 3]`
    Then input of node 5 is routed to node 1 and input of node 3
    is routed to node 2.

    Similarly, if `node_idxs = [5, 5]` then input of node 5 is routed
    to both node 1 and 2. Warning: In this case the output of another
    incoming edge is ignored!

    Should be used in a builder-like pattern: `'subgraph'=Graph().set_input([5, 3])`

        node_idx (list): The index of the nodes where the data is coming from.

        Graph: self with input node indices set.

    num_innodes = sum(self.in_degree(n) == 0 for n in self.nodes)
    assert num_innodes == len(
    ), "Expecting node index for every input node. Excpected {}, got {}".format(
        num_innodes, len(node_idxs)
    self.input_node_idxs = node_idxs  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return self

set_scope #

set_scope(scope: str, recursively=True)

Sets the scope of this instance of the graph.

The function should be used in a builder-like pattern 'subgraph'=Graph().set_scope("scope").


the scope

TYPE: str


Also set the scope for all child graphs. default True

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


self with the setted scope.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def set_scope(self, scope: str, recursively=True):
    Sets the scope of this instance of the graph.

    The function should be used in a builder-like pattern

        scope (str): the scope
        recursively (bool): Also set the scope for all child graphs.
            default True

        Graph: self with the setted scope.
    self.scope = scope
    if recursively:
        for g in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=False):
            g.scope = scope
    return self

unparse #


Undo the pytorch parsing by reconstructing the graph uusing the networkx data structures.

This is done recursively also for child graphs.


An unparsed shallow copy of the graph.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def unparse(self):
    Undo the pytorch parsing by reconstructing the graph uusing the
    networkx data structures.

    This is done recursively also for child graphs.

        Graph: An unparsed shallow copy of the graph.
    g = self.__class__()

    graph_nodes = self.nodes
    graph_edges = self.edges

    # unparse possible child graphs
    # be careful with copying/deepcopying here cause of shared edge data
    for _, data in
        if "subgraph" in data:
            data["subgraph"] = data["subgraph"].unparse()
    for _, _, data in
        if isinstance(data.op, Graph):
            data.set("op", data.op.unparse())

    # create the new graph
    # Remember to add all members here to update. I know it is ugly but don't know better
    g.graph.update(self.graph) =
    g.input_node_idxs = self.input_node_idxs
    g.scope = self.scope
    g.is_parsed = False
    g._id = self._id

    return g

update_edges #

    update_func: Callable,
    private_edge_data: bool = False,

This updates the edge data of this graph and all child graphs. This is the preferred way to manipulate the edges after the definition of the graph, e.g. by optimizers who want to insert their own op. update_func(current_edge_data). This way optimizers can initialize and store necessary information at edges.

Note that edges marked as 'final' will not be updated here.


Function which accepts one argument called current_edge_data. and returns the modified EdgeData object.

TYPE: callable


Can be "all" or list of scopes to be updated.

TYPE: str or list(str DEFAULT: 'all'


If set to true, this means update_func will be applied to all edges. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SHARED ATTRIBUTES. Shared attributes should be set only once, we take care it is syncronized across all copies of this graph.

The only usecase for setting it to true is when actually changing op during the initialization of the optimizer (e.g. replacing it with MixedOp or SampleOp)

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def update_edges(
    self, update_func: Callable, scope="all", private_edge_data: bool = False
    This updates the edge data of this graph and all child graphs.
    This is the preferred way to manipulate the edges after the definition
    of the graph, e.g. by optimizers who want to insert their own op.
    `update_func(current_edge_data)`. This way optimizers
    can initialize and store necessary information at edges.

    Note that edges marked as 'final' will not be updated here.

        update_func (callable): Function which accepts one argument called `current_edge_data`.
            and returns the modified EdgeData object.
        scope (str or list(str)): Can be "all" or list of scopes to be updated.
        private_edge_data (bool): If set to true, this means update_func will be
            applied to all edges. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SHARED
            ATTRIBUTES. Shared attributes should be set only once, we
            take care it is syncronized across all copies of this graph.

            The only usecase for setting it to true is when actually changing
            `op` during the initialization of the optimizer (e.g. replacing it
            with MixedOp or SampleOp)
    Graph._verify_update_function(update_func, private_edge_data)
    assert scope is not None
    for graph in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances=not private_edge_data) + [
        if (
            scope == "all"
            or scope == graph.scope
            or (isinstance(scope, list) and graph.scope in scope)
            logger.debug(f"Updating edges of graph {}")
            for u, v, edge_data in
                if not edge_data.is_final():
                    edge = AttrDict(head=u, tail=v, data=edge_data)

update_nodes #

    update_func: Callable,
    single_instances: bool = True,

Update the nodes of the graph and its incoming and outgoing edges by iterating over the graph and applying update_func to each of it. This is the preferred way to change the search space once it has been defined.

Note that edges marked as 'final' will not be updated here.


Function that accepts three incoming parameters named node, in_edges, out_edges. - node is a tuple (int, dict) containing the index and the attributes of the current node. - in_edges is a list of tuples with the index of the tail of the edge and its EdgeData. - `out_edges is a list of tuples with the index of the head of the edge and its EdgeData.

TYPE: callable


Can be "all" or list of scopes to be updated. Only graphs and child graphs with the specified scope are considered

TYPE: str or list(str DEFAULT: 'all'


If set to false, this means update_func will be applied to nodes of all copies of a graphs. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SHARED ATTRIBUTES, i.e. when manipulating the shared data of incoming or outgoing edges. Shared attributes should be set only once, we take care it is syncronized across all copies of this graph.

The only usecase for setting it to true is when actually changing op during the initialization of the optimizer (e.g. replacing it with MixedOp or SampleOp)

TYPE: bool

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def update_nodes(
    self, update_func: Callable, scope="all", single_instances: bool = True
    Update the nodes of the graph and its incoming and outgoing edges by iterating over the
    graph and applying `update_func` to each of it. This is the
    preferred way to change the search space once it has been defined.

    Note that edges marked as 'final' will not be updated here.

        update_func (callable): Function that accepts three incoming parameters named
            `node, in_edges, out_edges`.
                - `node` is a tuple (int, dict) containing the
                  index and the attributes of the current node.
                - `in_edges` is a list of tuples with the index of
                  the tail of the edge and its EdgeData.
                - `out_edges is a list of tuples with the index of
                  the head of the edge and its EdgeData.
        scope (str or list(str)): Can be "all" or list of scopes to be updated. Only graphs
            and child graphs with the specified scope are considered
        single_instance (bool): If set to false, this means update_func will be
            applied to nodes of all copies of a graphs. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SHARED
            ATTRIBUTES, i.e. when manipulating the shared data of incoming or outgoing edges.
            Shared attributes should be set only once, we take care it is syncronized across
            all copies of this graph.

            The only usecase for setting it to true is when actually changing
            `op` during the initialization of the optimizer (e.g. replacing it
            with MixedOp or SampleOp)
    assert scope is not None
    for graph in self._get_child_graphs(single_instances) + [self]:
        if (
            scope == "all"
            or graph.scope == scope
            or (isinstance(scope, list) and graph.scope in scope)
            logger.debug(f"Updating nodes of graph {}")
            for node_idx in lexicographical_topological_sort(graph):
                node = (node_idx, graph.nodes[node_idx])
                in_edges = list(graph.in_edges(node_idx, data=True))  # (v, u, data)
                in_edges = [
                    (v, data) for v, u, data in in_edges if not data.is_final()
                ]  # u is same for all
                out_edges = list(
                    graph.out_edges(node_idx, data=True)
                )  # (v, u, data)
                out_edges = [
                    (u, data) for v, u, data in out_edges if not data.is_final()
                ]  # v is same for all
                update_func(node=node, in_edges=in_edges, out_edges=out_edges)

iter_flatten #


Flatten a potentially deeply nested python list

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def iter_flatten(iterable):
    Flatten a potentially deeply nested python list
    # taken from
    it = iter(iterable)
    for e in it:
        if isinstance(e, (list, tuple)):
            yield from iter_flatten(e)
            yield e

log_first_n #

log_first_n(lvl, msg, n=1, *, name=None, key='caller')

Log only for the first n times. Args: lvl (int): the logging level msg (str): n (int): name (str): name of the logger to use. Will use the caller's module by default. key (str or tuple[str]): the string(s) can be one of "caller" or "message", which defines how to identify duplicated logs. For example, if called with n=1, key="caller", this function will only log the first call from the same caller, regardless of the message content. If called with n=1, key="message", this function will log the same content only once, even if they are called from different places. If called with n=1, key=("caller", "message"), this function will not log only if the same caller has logged the same message before.

Source code in neps/search_spaces/architecture/
def log_first_n(lvl, msg, n=1, *, name=None, key="caller"):
    Log only for the first n times.
        lvl (int): the logging level
        msg (str):
        n (int):
        name (str): name of the logger to use. Will use the caller's module by default.
        key (str or tuple[str]): the string(s) can be one of "caller" or
            "message", which defines how to identify duplicated logs.
            For example, if called with `n=1, key="caller"`, this function
            will only log the first call from the same caller, regardless of
            the message content.
            If called with `n=1, key="message"`, this function will log the
            same content only once, even if they are called from different places.
            If called with `n=1, key=("caller", "message")`, this function
            will not log only if the same caller has logged the same message before.
    if isinstance(key, str):
        key = (key,)
    assert len(key) > 0

    caller_module, caller_key = _find_caller()
    hash_key = ()
    if "caller" in key:
        hash_key = hash_key + caller_key
    if "message" in key:
        hash_key = hash_key + (msg,)

    _LOG_COUNTER[hash_key] += 1
    if _LOG_COUNTER[hash_key] <= n:
        logging.getLogger(name or caller_module).log(lvl, msg)