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Weisfeiler lehman

neps.optimizers.bayesian_optimization.kernels.grakel_replace.weisfeiler_lehman #

The weisfeiler lehman kernel :cite:shervashidze2011weisfeiler.

WeisfeilerLehman #

    normalize: bool = False,
    h: int = 5,
    as_tensor: bool = True,

Bases: Kernel

Compute the Weisfeiler Lehman Kernel.

See :cite:shervashidze2011weisfeiler.


h : int, default=5 The number of iterations.

grakel.kernel_operators.Kernel or tuple, default=None

If tuple it must consist of a valid kernel object and a dictionary of parameters. General parameters concerning normalization, concurrency, .. will be ignored, and the ones of given on __init__ will be passed in case it is needed. Default base_graph_kernel is VertexHistogram.


If not None, the nodes will be assigned different weights according to this vector. Must be a dictionary with the following format: {'node_name1': weight1, 'node_name2': weight2 ... } Must be of the same length as the number of different node attributes


X : dict Holds a dictionary of fitted subkernel modules for all levels.


Holds the number of inputs.


Holds the number, of iterations.


A void function that initializes a base kernel object.


An inverse dictionary, used for relabeling on each iteration.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def __init__(
    normalize: bool = False,
    h: int = 5,
    as_tensor: bool = True,
    """Initialise a `weisfeiler_lehman` kernel."""
    super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, normalize=normalize)

    self.h = h
    self.base_graph_kernel = base_graph_kernel
        {"h": False, "base_graph_kernel": False, "layer_weights": False}
    self._base_graph_kernel = None
    self.weights = None
    self.node_weights = node_weights
    self.as_tensor = as_tensor
    self.layer_weights = layer_weights  # The weights of each layer. If None, each WL iteration has same weight
    self.feature_dims = [
    ]  # Record the dimensions of the vectors of each WL iteration
    self._params = None
    self._h = None
    self._nx = None
    self._inv_labels = None
    self._inv_label_node_attr = None
    self._label_node_attr = None
    self._feature_weight = None
    self._method_calling = None
    self._is_transformed = None
    self.X = None
    self._X_diag = None

    self.X_fit = dict()
    self.K_precomputed = dict()
    self.base_graph_kernel_precomputed = dict()

dK_dX #

dK_dX(X_test: None)

Do additional forward and backward pass, compute the kernel derivative wrt the testing location. If no test locations are provided, the derivatives are evaluated at the training points Returns

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def dK_dX(self, X_test: None):
    Do additional forward and backward pass, compute the kernel derivative wrt the testing location.
    If no test locations are provided, the derivatives are evaluated at the training points


diagonal #


Calculate the kernel matrix diagonal for fitted data.

A funtion called on transform on a seperate dataset to apply normalization on the exterior.




X_diag : np.array The diagonal of the kernel matrix, of the fitted data. This consists of kernel calculation for each element with itself.


The diagonal of the kernel matrix, of the transformed data. This consists of kernel calculation for each element with itself.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def diagonal(self):
    """Calculate the kernel matrix diagonal for fitted data.

    A funtion called on transform on a seperate dataset to apply
    normalization on the exterior.


    X_diag : np.array
        The diagonal of the kernel matrix, of the fitted data.
        This consists of kernel calculation for each element with itself.

    Y_diag : np.array
        The diagonal of the kernel matrix, of the transformed data.
        This consists of kernel calculation for each element with itself.

    # Check if fit had been called
    check_is_fitted(self, ["X"])
        check_is_fitted(self, ["_X_diag"])
        if self._is_transformed:
            Y_diag = self.X[0].diagonal()[1]
            for i in range(1, self._h):
                Y_diag += self.X[i].diagonal()[1]
    except NotFittedError:
        # Calculate diagonal of X
        if self._is_transformed:
            X_diag, Y_diag = self.X[0].diagonal()
            # X_diag is considered a mutable and should not affect the kernel matrix itself.
            X_diag.flags.writeable = True
            for i in range(1, self._h):
                x, y = self.X[i].diagonal()
                X_diag += x
                Y_diag += y
                self._X_diag = X_diag

            # case sub kernel is only fitted
            X_diag = self.X[0].diagonal()
            # X_diag is considered a mutable and should not affect the kernel matrix itself.
            X_diag.flags.writeable = True
            for i in range(1, self._n_iter):
                x = self.X[i].diagonal()
                X_diag += x
            self._X_diag = X_diag

    if self.as_tensor:
        self._X_diag = torch.tensor(self._X_diag)
        if Y_diag is not None:
            Y_diag = torch.tensor(Y_diag)
    if self._is_transformed:
        return self._X_diag, Y_diag
        return self._X_diag

fit_transform #

fit_transform(X: Iterable, y=None, gp_fit: bool = True)

Fit and transform, on the same dataset.


X : iterable Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples.

Object, default=None

Ignored argument, added for the pipeline.


K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs] corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def fit_transform(
    self, X: Iterable, y=None, gp_fit: bool = True
    """Fit and transform, on the same dataset.

    X : iterable
        Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
        least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
        (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
        node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph
        format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data.
        The test samples.

    y : Object, default=None
        Ignored argument, added for the pipeline.

    K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs]
        corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between
        all pairs of graphs between target an features

    self._method_calling = 2
    self._is_transformed = False
    self.feature_dims = [
    ]  # Flush the feature dimensions
    if X is None:
        raise ValueError("transform input cannot be None")
        km, self.X = self.parse_input(X, gp_fit=gp_fit)

    return km

initialize #


Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def initialize(self):
    """Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization."""
    if not self._initialized["base_graph_kernel"]:
        base_graph_kernel = self.base_graph_kernel
        if base_graph_kernel is None:
            base_graph_kernel, params = VertexHistogram, dict()
        # TODO: make sure we're always passing like this
        elif type(base_graph_kernel) is type and issubclass(
            base_graph_kernel, Kernel
            params = dict()
                base_graph_kernel, params = base_graph_kernel
            except Exception as _error:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Base kernel was not formulated in "
                    "the correct way. "
                    "Check documentation."
                ) from _error

            if not (
                type(base_graph_kernel) is type
                and issubclass(base_graph_kernel, Kernel)
                raise TypeError(
                    "The first argument must be a valid "
                    "grakel.kernel.kernel Object"
            if not isinstance(params, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    "If the second argument of base "
                    "kernel exists, it must be a diction"
                    "ary between parameters names and "
            params.pop("normalize", None)

        params["normalize"] = False
        params["n_jobs"] = None
        self._base_graph_kernel = base_graph_kernel
        self._params = params
        self._initialized["base_graph_kernel"] = True

    if not self._initialized["h"]:
        if not isinstance(self.h, int) or self.h < 0:
            raise TypeError(
                "'h' must be a non-negative integer. Got h:" + str(self.h)
        self._h = self.h + 1
        self._initialized["h"] = True

        if self.layer_weights is None or self.layer_weights.shape[0] != self._h:
            self.layer_weights = np.ones((self._h,))
        if self.as_tensor and not isinstance(self.layer_weights, torch.Tensor):
            self.layer_weights = torch.tensor(self.layer_weights)

        self._initialized["h"] = True
        self._initialized["layer_weights"] = True

parse_input #

    X: Iterable,
    return_embedding_only: bool = False,
    gp_fit: bool = True,

Parse input for weisfeiler lehman.


X : iterable For the input to pass the test, we must have: Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.


Whether to return the embedding of the graphs only, instead of computing the kernel all the way to the end.


If False use precomputed vals for first N values, else compute them and save them


base_graph_kernel : object Returns base_graph_kernel.

if requires_grad is enabled and we call fit_transform or transform, an additional torch tensor K_grad is returned as well.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def parse_input(
    self, X: Iterable, return_embedding_only: bool = False, gp_fit: bool = True
    """Parse input for weisfeiler lehman.

    X : iterable
        For the input to pass the test, we must have:
        Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
        least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
        (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
        node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given
        graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.

    return_embedding_only: bool
        Whether to return the embedding of the graphs only, instead of computing the kernel all
        the way to the end.

    gp_fit: bool
        If False use precomputed vals for first N values, else compute them and save them

    base_graph_kernel : object
    Returns base_graph_kernel.

    if requires_grad is enabled and we call fit_transform or transform, an additional torch tensor
    K_grad is returned as well.

    if self._method_calling not in [1, 2]:
        raise ValueError(
            "method call must be called either from fit " + "or fit-transform"
    elif hasattr(self, "_X_diag"):
        # Clean _X_diag value
        delattr(self, "_X_diag")

    # skip kernel computation if we have already computed the corresponding kernel
    if self._h in self.K_precomputed.keys() and self.X_fit[self._h] == X:
        K = self.K_precomputed[self._h]
        base_graph_kernel = self.base_graph_kernel_precomputed[self._h]
        # Input validation and parsing
        if not isinstance(X,
            raise TypeError("input must be an iterable\n")
            nx = 0
            Gs_ed, L, distinct_values, extras = dict(), dict(), set(), dict()
            for idx, x in enumerate(iter(X)):
                is_iter = isinstance(x,
                if is_iter:
                    x = list(x)
                if is_iter and (len(x) == 0 or len(x) >= 2):
                    if len(x) == 0:
                        warnings.warn("Ignoring empty element on index: " + str(idx))
                        if len(x) > 2:
                            extra = tuple()
                            if len(x) > 3:
                                extra = tuple(x[3:])
                            x = Graph(
                                x[0], x[1], x[2], graph_format=self._graph_format
                            extra = (
                            ) + extra
                            x = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, graph_format=self._graph_format)
                            extra = tuple()

                elif isinstance(x, Graph):
                    el = x.get_labels(
                    if el is None:
                        extra = tuple()
                        extra = (el,)

                    raise TypeError(
                        "each element of X must be either a "
                        + "graph object or a list with at least "
                        + "a graph like object and node labels "
                        + "dict \n"
                Gs_ed[nx] = x.get_edge_dictionary()
                L[nx] = x.get_labels(purpose="dictionary")
                extras[nx] = extra
                distinct_values |= set(L[nx].values())
                nx += 1
            if nx == 0:
                raise ValueError("parsed input is empty")

        # Save the number of "fitted" graphs.
        self._nx = nx
        WL_labels_inverse = OrderedDict()

        # assign a number to each label
        label_count = 0
        for dv in sorted(list(distinct_values)):
            WL_labels_inverse[dv] = label_count
            label_count += 1

        # Initalize an inverse dictionary of labels for all iterations
        self._inv_labels = (
        )  # Inverse dictionary of labels, in term of the *previous layer*
        self._inv_labels[0] = deepcopy(WL_labels_inverse)
        )  # Update the zeroth iteration feature dim

        self._inv_label_node_attr = (
        )  # Inverse dictionary of labels, in term of the *node attribute*
        self._label_node_attr = (
        )  # Same as above, but with key and value inverted
        self._label_node_attr[0], self._inv_label_node_attr[0] = self.translate_label(
            WL_labels_inverse, 0

        if self.node_weights is not None:
            self._feature_weight = OrderedDict()
            # Ensure the order is the same
            self._feature_weight[0] = self._compute_feature_weight(
                self.node_weights, 0, WL_labels_inverse
            self._feature_weight = None

        def generate_graphs(label_count: int, WL_labels_inverse):
            new_graphs = list()
            for j in range(self._nx):
                new_labels = dict()
                for k in L[j].keys():
                    new_labels[k] = WL_labels_inverse[L[j][k]]
                L[j] = new_labels
                # add new labels
                new_graphs.append((Gs_ed[j], new_labels) + extras[j])
            yield new_graphs

            for i in range(1, self._h):
                label_set, WL_labels_inverse, L_temp = set(), dict(), dict()
                for j in range(nx):
                    # Find unique labels and sort
                    # them for both graphs
                    # Keep for each node the temporary
                    L_temp[j] = dict()
                    for v in Gs_ed[j].keys():
                        credential = (
                            + ","
                            + str(sorted(L[j][n] for n in Gs_ed[j][v].keys()))
                        L_temp[j][v] = credential

                label_list = sorted(list(label_set))
                for dv in label_list:
                    WL_labels_inverse[dv] = label_count
                    label_count += 1

                # Recalculate labels
                new_graphs = list()
                for j in range(nx):
                    new_labels = dict()
                    for k in L_temp[j].keys():
                        new_labels[k] = WL_labels_inverse[L_temp[j][k]]
                    L[j] = new_labels
                    # relabel
                    new_graphs.append((Gs_ed[j], new_labels) + extras[j])
                self._inv_labels[i] = WL_labels_inverse
                # Compute the translated inverse node label
                ) = self.translate_label(
                    WL_labels_inverse, i, self._label_node_attr[i - 1]
                    self.feature_dims[-1] + len(self._label_node_attr[i])
                # Compute the feature weight of the current layer
                if self.node_weights is not None:
                    self._feature_weight[i] = self._compute_feature_weight(
                        self.node_weights, i, self._inv_label_node_attr[i]
                # assert len(self._feature_weight[i] == len(WL_labels_inverse))
                yield new_graphs

        # Initialise the base graph kernel.
        base_graph_kernel = {}

        K = []
        for i, g in enumerate(generate_graphs(label_count, WL_labels_inverse)):
            param = self._params
            if self._feature_weight is not None:
                param.update({"mahalanobis_precision": self._feature_weight[i]})
            base_graph_kernel.update({i: self._base_graph_kernel(**param)})
            if return_embedding_only:
                        label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],
                if self._method_calling == 1:
                        label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],
                        * base_graph_kernel[i].fit_transform(
                            label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],

        if gp_fit:
            self.X_fit[self._h] = X
            self.K_precomputed[self._h] = K
            self.base_graph_kernel_precomputed[self._h] = base_graph_kernel

    if return_embedding_only:
        return K
    elif self._method_calling == 1:
        return base_graph_kernel
    elif self._method_calling == 2:
        if self.as_tensor:
            K = torch.stack(K, dim=0).sum(dim=0)
            return K, base_graph_kernel
        return np.sum(K, axis=0), base_graph_kernel

transform #

transform(X: Iterable, return_embedding_only: bool = True)

Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset.


X : iterable Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples.


Whether to return the embedding of the graphs only, instead of computing the kernel all the way to the end.


K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs] corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def transform(self, X: Iterable, return_embedding_only: bool = True):
    """Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset.

    X : iterable
        Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
        least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
        (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
        node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph
        format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data.
        The test samples.

    return_embedding_only: bool
        Whether to return the embedding of the graphs only, instead of computing the kernel all
        the way to the end.
    K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs]
        corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between
        all pairs of graphs between target an features

    self._method_calling = 3
    # Check is fit had been called
    check_is_fitted(self, ["X", "_nx", "_inv_labels"])

    # Input validation and parsing
    if X is None:
        raise ValueError("transform input cannot be None")
        if not isinstance(X,
            raise ValueError("input must be an iterable\n")
            nx = 0
            distinct_values = set()
            Gs_ed, L = dict(), dict()
            for i, x in enumerate(iter(X)):
                is_iter = isinstance(x,
                if is_iter:
                    x = list(x)
                if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 2, 3]:
                    if len(x) == 0:
                        warnings.warn("Ignoring empty element on index: " + str(i))

                    elif len(x) in [2, 3]:
                        x = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, self._graph_format)
                elif isinstance(x, Graph):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "each element of X must have at "
                        + "least one and at most 3 elements\n"
                Gs_ed[nx] = x.get_edge_dictionary()
                L[nx] = x.get_labels(purpose="dictionary")

                # Hold all the distinct values
                distinct_values |= {
                    v for v in L[nx].values() if v not in self._inv_labels[0]
                nx += 1
            if nx == 0:
                raise ValueError("parsed input is empty")

    nl = len(self._inv_labels[0])
    WL_labels_inverse = {
        dv: idx for (idx, dv) in enumerate(sorted(list(distinct_values)), nl)
    WL_labels_inverse = OrderedDict(WL_labels_inverse)

    def generate_graphs_transform(WL_labels_inverse, nl):
        # calculate the kernel matrix for the 0 iteration
        new_graphs = list()
        for j in range(nx):
            new_labels = dict()
            for k, v in L[j].items():
                if v in self._inv_labels[0]:
                    new_labels[k] = self._inv_labels[0][v]
                    new_labels[k] = WL_labels_inverse[v]
            L[j] = new_labels
            # produce the new graphs
            new_graphs.append([Gs_ed[j], new_labels])
        yield new_graphs

        for i in range(1, self._h):
            new_graphs = list()
            L_temp, label_set = dict(), set()
            nl += len(self._inv_labels[i])
            for j in range(nx):
                # Find unique labels and sort them for both graphs
                # Keep for each node the temporary
                L_temp[j] = dict()
                for v in Gs_ed[j].keys():
                    credential = (
                        + ","
                        + str(sorted(L[j][n] for n in Gs_ed[j][v].keys()))
                    L_temp[j][v] = credential
                    if credential not in self._inv_labels[i]:

            # Calculate the new label_set
            WL_labels_inverse = dict()
            if len(label_set) > 0:
                for dv in sorted(list(label_set)):
                    idx = len(WL_labels_inverse) + nl
                    WL_labels_inverse[dv] = idx

            # Recalculate labels
            new_graphs = list()
            for j in range(nx):
                new_labels = dict()
                for k, v in L_temp[j].items():
                    if v in self._inv_labels[i]:
                        new_labels[k] = self._inv_labels[i][v]
                        new_labels[k] = WL_labels_inverse[v]
                L[j] = new_labels
                # Create the new graphs with the new labels.
                new_graphs.append([Gs_ed[j], new_labels])
            yield new_graphs

    if return_embedding_only:
        K = []
        for i, g in enumerate(generate_graphs_transform(WL_labels_inverse, nl)):
                    label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],
        return K

    # Calculate the kernel matrix without parallelization
    if self.as_tensor:
        summand = [
            * self.X[i].transform(
                label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],
            for i, g in enumerate(generate_graphs_transform(WL_labels_inverse, nl))
        K = torch.stack(summand, dim=0).sum(dim=0)
        K = np.sum(
                * self.X[i].transform(
                    label_end_idx=self.feature_dims[i + 1],
                for (i, g) in enumerate(
                    generate_graphs_transform(WL_labels_inverse, nl)

    self._is_transformed = True
    if self.normalize:
        X_diag, Y_diag = self.diagonal()
        if self.as_tensor:
            div_ = torch.sqrt(torch.ger(Y_diag, X_diag))
            K /= div_
            old_settings = np.seterr(divide="ignore")
            K = np.nan_to_num(np.divide(K, np.sqrt(np.outer(Y_diag, X_diag))))

    return K

translate_label staticmethod #

    curr_layer: dict, h: int, prev_layer: dict = None

Translate the label to be in terms of the node attributes curr_layer: the WL_label_inverse object. A dictionary with element of the format of


label_in_node_attr: in terms of {encoding: pattern}, but pattern is always in term of the node attribute inv_label_in_node_attr: in terms of {pattern: encoding}

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def translate_label(curr_layer: dict, h: int, prev_layer: dict = None):
    """Translate the label to be in terms of the node attributes
    curr_layer: the WL_label_inverse object. A dictionary with element of the format of
    {pattern: encoding}

       label_in_node_attr: in terms of {encoding: pattern}, but pattern is always in term of the node attribute
       inv_label_in_node_attr: in terms of {pattern: encoding}

    if h == 0:
        return {v: str(k) for k, v in curr_layer.items()}, curr_layer
        assert prev_layer is not None
        label_in_node_attr, inv_label_in_node_attr = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
        for pattern, encoding in curr_layer.items():
            # current pattern is in terms of the encoding previous layer. Find the pattern from the prev_layer
            root, leaf = literal_eval(pattern)
            root_ = prev_layer[root]
            leaf_ = [prev_layer[i] for i in leaf]
            label_in_node_attr.update({encoding: "~".join([root_] + leaf_)})
            inv_label_in_node_attr.update({"~".join([root_] + leaf_): encoding})
        return label_in_node_attr, inv_label_in_node_attr

efit #

efit(obj, data)

Fit an object on data.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def efit(obj, data):
    """Fit an object on data."""

efit_transform #

efit_transform(obj, data)

Fit-Transform an object on data.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def efit_transform(obj, data):
    """Fit-Transform an object on data."""
    return obj.fit_transform(data)

etransform #

etransform(obj, data)

Transform an object on data.

Source code in neps/optimizers/bayesian_optimization/kernels/grakel_replace/
def etransform(obj, data):
    """Transform an object on data."""
    return obj.transform(data)