cave.plot.configurator_footprint module¶
(scenario: smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario, rhs: smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory, incs: list = None, final_incumbent=None, rh_labels=None, max_plot: int = -1, contour_step_size=0.2, use_timeslider: bool = False, num_quantiles: int = 10, timeslider_log: bool = True, rng=None, output_dir: str = None)[source]¶ Bases:
Creating an interactive plot, visualizing the configuration search space. The runhistories are correlated to the individual runs. Each run consists of a runhistory (in the smac-format), a list of incumbents If the dict “additional_info” in the RunValues of the runhistory contains a nested dict with additional_info[“timestamps”][“finished”], using those timestamps to sort data
- Parameters
scenario (Scenario) – scenario
rhs (List[RunHistory]) – runhistories from configurator runs, only data collected during optimization (no validation!)
incs (List[List[Configuration]]) – incumbents per run, last entry is final incumbent
final_incumbent (Configuration) – final configuration (best of all runs)
max_plot (int) – maximum number of configs to plot, if -1 plot all
contour_step_size (float) – step size of meshgrid to compute contour of fitness landscape
use_timeslider (bool) – whether or not to have a time_slider-widget on cfp-plot INCREASES FILE-SIZE DRAMATICALLY
num_quantiles (int) – number of quantiles for the slider/ number of static pictures
timeslider_log (bool) – whether to use a logarithmic scale for the timeslider/quantiles
rng (np.random.RandomState) – random number generator
output_dir (str) – output directory
- Returns
radiobuttongroup (RadioButtonGroup) – radiobuttongroup widget to select one of the elements
title (Div) – text-element to “show title” of widget
(source, used_configs)[source]¶ Create views in order of plotting, so more interesting views are plotted on top. Order of interest: default > final-incumbent > incumbent > candidate
- local > random
num_runs (ascending, more evaluated -> more interesting)
Individual views are necessary, since bokeh can only plot one marker-type (circle, triangle, …) per ‘scatter’-call
- Parameters
source (ColumnDataSource) – containing relevant information for plotting
used_configs (List[Configuration]) – configs that are contained in this source. necessary to plot glyphs for the independent runs so they can be toggled. not all configs are in every source because of efficiency: no need to have 0-runs configs
- Returns
views (List[CDSView]) – views in order of plotting
views_by_run (Dict[ConfiguratorRun -> List[int]]) – maps each run to a list of indices of the related glyphs in the returned ‘views’-list
markers (List[string]) – markers (to the view with the same index)
(types)[source]¶ Determine appropriate color for all configurations
- types: List[str]
type of configuration
- colors: list
list of color per config
(rh, conf_list, quantiles)[source]¶ Returns a list of lists, each sublist representing the current state at that timestep (quantile). The current state means a list of times each config was evaluated at that timestep.
- Parameters
rh (RunHistory) – rh to be split up
conf_list (list) – list of all Configuration objects that appear in runhistory
quantiles (int) – number of fractions to split rh into
Returns –
-------- –
labels (List[str]) – labels for timeslider (i.e. wallclock-times)
runs_per_quantile (np.array) – numpy array of runs per configuration per quantile
(r_p_c)[source]¶ Returns size of scattered points in dependency of runs per config
- Parameters
r_p_c (list[int]) – list with runs per config in order of self.conf_list
- Returns
sizes – list with appropriate sizes for dots
- Return type
(all_glyphs, overtime_groups, run_groups, slider_labels=None)[source]¶ Combine timeslider for quantiles and checkboxes for individual runs in a single javascript-snippet
- Parameters
all_glyphs (List[Glyph]) – togglable bokeh-glyphs
run_groups (overtime_groups,) – mapping labels to indices of the all_glyphs-list
slider_labels (Union[None, List[str]]) – if provided, used as labels for timeslider-widget
- Returns
time_slider, checkbox, select_all, select_none (Widget) – desired interlayed bokeh-widgets
checkbox_title (Div) – text-element to “show title” of checkbox
(p, contour_data, x_range, y_range)[source]¶ Plot contour data.
- Parameters
p (bokeh.plotting.figure) – figure to be drawn upon
contour_data (Dict[str -> np.array]) – dict from labels to array with contour data
x_range (List[float, float]) – min and max of x-axis
y_range (List[float, float]) – min and max of y-axis
- Returns
handles – mapping from label to image glyph and min/max-tuple
- Return type
dict[str -> tuple(ImageGlyph, tuple(float, float))]
(conf_list, runs, X, inc_list, hp_names)[source]¶ Create ColumnDataSource with all the necessary data Contains for each configuration evaluated on any run:
all parameters and values
origin (if conflicting, origin from best run counts)
type (default, incumbent or candidate)
# of runs
- Parameters
conf_list (list[Configuration]) – configurations
runs (list[int]) – runs per configuration (same order as conf_list)
X (np.array) – configuration-parameters as 2-dimensional array
inc_list (list[Configuration]) – incumbents for this conf-run
hp_names (list[str]) – names of hyperparameters
- Returns
source (ColumnDataSource) – source with attributes as requested
conf_list (List[Configuration]) – filtered conf_list with only configs we actually plot (i.e. > 0 runs)
(p, source, views, markers)[source]¶ - Parameters
p (bokeh.plotting.figure) – figure
source (ColumnDataSource) – data container
views (List[CDSView]) – list with views to be plotted (in order!)
markers (List[str]) – corresponding markers to the views
- Returns
scatter_handles – glyph renderer per view
- Return type
(rh, incs)[source]¶ Iterates through runhistory to get a matrix of configurations (in vector representation), a list of configurations and the number of runs per configuration in a quantiled manner.
- Parameters
rh (RunHistory) – smac.runhistory
incs (List[List[Configuration]]) – incumbents of configurator runs, last entry is final incumbent
- Returns
conf_matrix (np.array) – matrix of configurations in vector representation
conf_list (np.array) – list of all Configuration objects that appeared in runhistory the order of this list is used to determine all kinds of properties in the plotting (but is arbitrarily determined)
runs_per_quantile (np.array) – numpy array of runs per configuration per quantile
labels (List[str]) – labels for timeslider (i.e. wallclock-times)
(cs: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, param: str)[source]¶ Get depth in configuration space of a given parameter name breadth search until reaching a leaf for the first time
- Parameters
cs (ConfigurationSpace) – ConfigurationSpace to get parents of a parameter
param (str) – name of parameter to inspect
(conf_matrix, cs: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace)[source]¶ Computes the distance between all pairs of configurations.
- Parameters
conf_matrx (np.array) – numpy array with cols as parameter values
cs (ConfigurationSpace) – ConfigurationSpace to get conditionalities
- Returns
dists – np.array with distances between configurations i,j in dists[i,j] or dists[j,i]
- Return type
(dists)[source]¶ Compute multi-dimensional scaling (using sklearn MDS) – nonlinear scaling
- Parameters
dists (np.array) – full matrix of distances between all configurations
- Returns
scaled coordinates in 2-dim room
- Return type
(rh, X_scaled, conf_list: list, contour_step_size)[source]¶ fit epm on the scaled input dimension and return data to plot a contour plot of the empirical performance
- Parameters
rh (RunHistory) – runhistory
X_scaled (np.array) – configurations in scaled 2dim
conf_list (list) – list of Configuration objects
contour_step_size (float) – step-size for contour
- Returns
contour_data – x, y, Z for contour plots
- Return type
(np.array, np.array, np.array)
(X, conf_list: list, runs_per_quantile, inc_list: list = None, contour_data=None, use_timeslider=False, use_checkbox=True, timeslider_labels=None)[source]¶ plots sampled configuration in 2d-space; uses bokeh for interactive plot saves results in self.output, if set
- Parameters
X (np.array) – np.array with 2-d coordinates for each configuration
conf_list (list) – list of ALL configurations in the same order as X
runs_per_quantile (list[np.array]) – configurator-run to be analyzed, as a np.array with the number of target-algorithm-runs per config per quantile.
inc_list (list) – list of incumbents (Configuration)
contour_data (list) – contour data (xx,yy,Z)
use_timeslider (bool) – whether or not to have a time_slider-widget on cfp-plot INCREASES FILE-SIZE DRAMATICALLY
use_checkbox (bool) – have checkboxes to toggle individual runs
- Returns
(script, div) (str) – script and div of the bokeh-figure
over_time_paths (List[str]) – list with paths to the different quantiled timesteps of the configurator run (for static evaluation)
(rh: smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory, max_configs: int, keep=None)[source]¶ Reduce configs to desired number, by default just drop the configs with the fewest runs.
- Parameters
rh (RunHistory) – runhistory that is to be reduced
max_configs (int) – if > -1 reduce runhistory to at most max_configs
keep (List[Configuration]) – list of configs that should be kept for sure (e.g. default, incumbents)
- Returns
rh – reduced runhistory
- Return type