Source code for cave.plot.configurator_footprint

__author__ = "Marius Lindauer & Joshua Marben"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Joshua Marben"
__email__ = ""

import copy
import logging
import os
import time

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import CategoricalHyperparameter, UniformFloatHyperparameter
from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import Configuration, ConfigurationSpace
from ConfigSpace.util import impute_inactive_values
from bokeh.layouts import column, row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColorBar, LinearColorMapper, BasicTicker, CustomJS, Slider
from bokeh.models.filters import GroupFilter, BooleanFilter
from bokeh.models.sources import CDSView
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxButtonGroup, RadioButtonGroup, Button, Div
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from smac.epm.rf_with_instances import RandomForestWithInstances
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from smac.utils.constants import MAXINT

from cave.utils.convert_for_epm import convert_data_for_epm
from cave.utils.helpers import escape_parameter_name, get_config_origin, combine_runhistories
from import export_bokeh
from cave.utils.timing import timing

[docs]class ConfiguratorFootprintPlotter(object): def __init__(self, scenario: Scenario, rhs: RunHistory, incs: list=None, final_incumbent=None, rh_labels=None, max_plot: int=-1, contour_step_size=0.2, use_timeslider: bool=False, num_quantiles: int=10, timeslider_log: bool=True, rng=None, output_dir: str=None, ): """ Creating an interactive plot, visualizing the configuration search space. The runhistories are correlated to the individual runs. Each run consists of a runhistory (in the smac-format), a list of incumbents If the dict "additional_info" in the RunValues of the runhistory contains a nested dict with additional_info["timestamps"]["finished"], using those timestamps to sort data Parameters ---------- scenario: Scenario scenario rhs: List[RunHistory] runhistories from configurator runs, only data collected during optimization (no validation!) incs: List[List[Configuration]] incumbents per run, last entry is final incumbent final_incumbent: Configuration final configuration (best of all runs) max_plot: int maximum number of configs to plot, if -1 plot all contour_step_size: float step size of meshgrid to compute contour of fitness landscape use_timeslider: bool whether or not to have a time_slider-widget on cfp-plot INCREASES FILE-SIZE DRAMATICALLY num_quantiles: int number of quantiles for the slider/ number of static pictures timeslider_log: bool whether to use a logarithmic scale for the timeslider/quantiles rng: np.random.RandomState random number generator output_dir: str output directory """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__) self.rng = rng if rng is None: self.rng = np.random.RandomState(42) self.scenario = scenario self.rhs = rhs self.combined_rh = combine_runhistories(self.rhs) self.incs = incs self.rh_labels = rh_labels if rh_labels else [str(idx) for idx in range(len(self.rhs))] self.max_plot = max_plot self.use_timeslider = use_timeslider self.num_quantiles = num_quantiles self.contour_step_size = contour_step_size self.output_dir = output_dir self.timeslider_log = timeslider_log # Preprocess input self.default = scenario.cs.get_default_configuration() self.final_incumbent = final_incumbent self.configs_in_run = {label : rh.get_all_configs() for label, rh in zip(self.rh_labels, self.rhs)}
[docs] def run(self): """ Uses available Configurator-data to perform a MDS, estimate performance data and plot the configurator footprint. """ default = self.scenario.cs.get_default_configuration() self.combined_rh = self.reduce_runhistory(self.combined_rh, self.max_plot, keep=[a for b in self.incs for a in b]+[default]) conf_matrix, conf_list, runs_per_quantile, timeslider_labels = self.get_conf_matrix(self.combined_rh, self.incs) self.logger.debug("Number of Configurations: %d", conf_matrix.shape[0]) dists = self.get_distance(conf_matrix, self.scenario.cs) red_dists = self.get_mds(dists) contour_data = {} if not any([label.startswith('budget') for label in self.rh_labels]): contour_data['combined'] = self.get_pred_surface(self.combined_rh, X_scaled=red_dists, conf_list=copy.deepcopy(conf_list), contour_step_size=self.contour_step_size) for label, rh in zip(self.rh_labels, self.rhs): contour_data[label] = self.get_pred_surface(self.combined_rh, X_scaled=red_dists, conf_list=copy.deepcopy(conf_list), contour_step_size=self.contour_step_size) return self.plot(red_dists, conf_list, runs_per_quantile, inc_list=self.incs, contour_data=contour_data, use_timeslider=self.use_timeslider, timeslider_labels=timeslider_labels)
[docs] @timing def get_pred_surface(self, rh, X_scaled, conf_list: list, contour_step_size): """fit epm on the scaled input dimension and return data to plot a contour plot of the empirical performance Parameters ---------- rh: RunHistory runhistory X_scaled: np.array configurations in scaled 2dim conf_list: list list of Configuration objects contour_step_size: float step-size for contour Returns ------- contour_data: (np.array, np.array, np.array) x, y, Z for contour plots """ # use PCA to reduce features to also at most 2 dims scen = copy.deepcopy(self.scenario) # pca changes feats if scen.feature_array.shape[1] > 2: self.logger.debug("Use PCA to reduce features to from %d dim to 2 dim", scen.feature_array.shape[1]) # perform PCA insts = scen.feature_dict.keys() feature_array = np.array([scen.feature_dict[i] for i in insts]) feature_array = StandardScaler().fit_transform(feature_array) feature_array = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(feature_array) # inject in scenario-object scen.feature_array = feature_array scen.feature_dict = dict([(inst, feature_array[idx, :]) for idx, inst in enumerate(insts)]) scen.n_features = 2 # convert the data to train EPM on 2-dim featurespace (for contour-data) self.logger.debug("Convert data for epm.") X, y, types = convert_data_for_epm(scenario=scen, runhistory=rh, impute_inactive_parameters=True, logger=self.logger) types = np.array(np.zeros((2 + scen.feature_array.shape[1])), dtype=np.uint) num_params = len(scen.cs.get_hyperparameters()) # impute missing values in configs and insert MDS'ed (2dim) configs to the right positions conf_dict = {} # Remove forbidden clauses (this is necessary to enable the impute_inactive_values-method, see #226) cs_no_forbidden = copy.deepcopy(conf_list[0].configuration_space) cs_no_forbidden.forbidden_clauses = [] for idx, c in enumerate(conf_list): c.configuration_space = cs_no_forbidden conf_list[idx] = impute_inactive_values(c) conf_dict[str(conf_list[idx].get_array())] = X_scaled[idx, :] # Debug compare elements: c1, c2 = {str(z) for z in X}, {str(z) for z in conf_dict.keys()} self.logger.debug("{} elements not in both sets, {} elements in both sets, X (len {}) and conf_dict (len {}) " "(might be a problem related to forbidden clauses?)".format(len(c1 ^ c2), len(c1 & c2), len(c1 ^ c2), len(c1), len(c2))) # self.logger.debug("Elements: {}".format(str(c1 ^ c2))) X_trans = [] # X_trans is the same as X but with reduced 2-dim features (so shape is (N, 2) instead of (N, M)) for x in X: x_scaled_conf = conf_dict[str(x[:num_params])] # append scaled config + pca'ed features (total of 4 values) per config/feature-sample X_trans.append(np.concatenate((x_scaled_conf, x[num_params:]), axis=0)) X_trans = np.array(X_trans) self.logger.debug("Train random forest for contour-plot. Shape of X: {}, shape of X_trans: {}".format(X.shape, X_trans.shape)) self.logger.debug("Faking configspace to be able to train rf...") # We need to fake config-space bypass imputation of inactive values in random forest implementation fake_cs = ConfigurationSpace(name="fake-cs-for-configurator-footprint") # We need to add fake hyperparameters. Always assume there are only two dimensions fake_cs.add_hyperparameters([ UniformFloatHyperparameter('fake-%d' % i, lower=0., upper=100000., default_value=0., log=False) for i in range(2) ]) bounds = np.array([(0, np.nan), (0, np.nan)], dtype=object) model = RandomForestWithInstances(fake_cs, types, bounds, seed = self.rng.randint(MAXINT), instance_features=np.array(scen.feature_array), ratio_features=1.0) start = time.time() model.train(X_trans, y) self.logger.debug("Fitting random forest took %f time", time.time() - start) x_min, x_max = X_scaled[:, 0].min() - 1, X_scaled[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X_scaled[:, 1].min() - 1, X_scaled[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, contour_step_size), np.arange(y_min, y_max, contour_step_size)) self.logger.debug("x_min: %f, x_max: %f, y_min: %f, y_max: %f", x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) self.logger.debug("Predict on %d samples in grid to get surface (step-size: %f)", np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()].shape[0], contour_step_size) start = time.time() Z, _ = model.predict_marginalized_over_instances(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) self.logger.debug("Predicting random forest took %f time", time.time() - start) return xx, yy, Z
[docs] @timing def get_distance(self, conf_matrix, cs: ConfigurationSpace): """ Computes the distance between all pairs of configurations. Parameters ---------- conf_matrx: np.array numpy array with cols as parameter values cs: ConfigurationSpace ConfigurationSpace to get conditionalities Returns ------- dists: np.array np.array with distances between configurations i,j in dists[i,j] or dists[j,i] """ self.logger.debug("Calculate distance between configurations.") n_confs = conf_matrix.shape[0] dists = np.zeros((n_confs, n_confs)) is_cat = [] depth = [] for _, param in cs._hyperparameters.items(): if type(param) == CategoricalHyperparameter: is_cat.append(True) else: is_cat.append(False) depth.append(self.get_depth(cs, param)) is_cat = np.array(is_cat) depth = np.array(depth) # TODO tqdm start = time.time() for i in range(n_confs): for j in range(i + 1, n_confs): dist = np.abs(conf_matrix[i, :] - conf_matrix[j, :]) dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 1 dist[np.logical_and(is_cat, dist != 0)] = 1 dist = np.sum(dist / depth) dists[i, j] = dist dists[j, i] = dist if 5 < n_confs and i % (n_confs // 5) == 0: self.logger.debug("%.2f%% of all distances calculated in %.2f seconds...", 100 * i / n_confs, time.time() - start) return dists
[docs] def get_depth(self, cs: ConfigurationSpace, param: str): """ Get depth in configuration space of a given parameter name breadth search until reaching a leaf for the first time Parameters ---------- cs: ConfigurationSpace ConfigurationSpace to get parents of a parameter param: str name of parameter to inspect """ parents = cs.get_parents_of(param) if not parents: return 1 new_parents = parents d = 1 while new_parents: d += 1 old_parents = new_parents new_parents = [] for p in old_parents: pp = cs.get_parents_of(p) if pp: new_parents.extend(pp) else: return d
[docs] @timing def get_mds(self, dists): """ Compute multi-dimensional scaling (using sklearn MDS) -- nonlinear scaling Parameters ---------- dists: np.array full matrix of distances between all configurations Returns ------- np.array scaled coordinates in 2-dim room """ # TODO there are ways to extend MDS to provide a transform-method. if # available, train on randomly sampled configs and plot all # TODO MDS provides 'n_jobs'-argument for parallel computing... mds = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=12345) dists = mds.fit_transform(dists) self.logger.debug("MDS-stress: %f", mds.stress_) return dists
[docs] def reduce_runhistory(self, rh: RunHistory, max_configs: int, keep=None): """ Reduce configs to desired number, by default just drop the configs with the fewest runs. Parameters ---------- rh: RunHistory runhistory that is to be reduced max_configs: int if > -1 reduce runhistory to at most max_configs keep: List[Configuration] list of configs that should be kept for sure (e.g. default, incumbents) Returns ------- rh: RunHistory reduced runhistory """ configs = rh.get_all_configs() if max_configs <= 0 or max_configs > len(configs): # keep all return rh runs = [(c, len(rh.get_runs_for_config(c, only_max_observed_budget=False))) for c in configs] if not keep: keep = [] runs = sorted(runs, key=lambda x: x[1])[-self.max_plot:] keep = [r[0] for r in runs] + keep"Reducing number of configs from %d to %d, dropping from the fewest evaluations", len(configs), len(keep)) new_rh = RunHistory() for k, v in list( c = rh.ids_config[k.config_id] if c in keep: new_rh.add(config=rh.ids_config[k.config_id], cost=v.cost, time=v.time, status=v.status, instance_id=k.instance_id, seed=k.seed) return new_rh
[docs] @timing def get_conf_matrix(self, rh, incs): """ Iterates through runhistory to get a matrix of configurations (in vector representation), a list of configurations and the number of runs per configuration in a quantiled manner. Parameters ---------- rh: RunHistory smac.runhistory incs: List[List[Configuration]] incumbents of configurator runs, last entry is final incumbent Returns ------- conf_matrix: np.array matrix of configurations in vector representation conf_list: np.array list of all Configuration objects that appeared in runhistory the order of this list is used to determine all kinds of properties in the plotting (but is arbitrarily determined) runs_per_quantile: np.array numpy array of runs per configuration per quantile labels: List[str] labels for timeslider (i.e. wallclock-times) """ conf_list = [] conf_matrix = [] # Get all configurations. Index of c in conf_list serves as identifier for c in rh.get_all_configs(): if c not in conf_list: conf_matrix.append(c.get_array()) conf_list.append(c) for inc in [a for b in incs for a in b]: if inc not in conf_list: conf_matrix.append(inc.get_array()) conf_list.append(inc) # Sanity check, number quantiles must be smaller than the number of configs if self.num_quantiles >= len(conf_list):"Number of quantiles %d bigger than number of configs %d, reducing to %d quantiles", self.num_quantiles, len(conf_list), len(conf_list) - 1) self.num_quantiles = len(conf_list) - 1 # We want to visualize the development over time, so we take # screenshots of the number of runs per config at different points # in (i.e. different quantiles of) the runhistory, LAST quantile # is full history!! labels, runs_per_quantile = self._get_runs_per_config_quantiled(rh, conf_list, quantiles=self.num_quantiles) assert(len(runs_per_quantile) == self.num_quantiles) # Get minimum and maximum for sizes of dots self.min_runs_per_conf = min([i for i in runs_per_quantile[-1] if i > 0]) self.max_runs_per_conf = max(runs_per_quantile[-1]) self.logger.debug("Min runs per conf: %d, Max runs per conf: %d", self.min_runs_per_conf, self.max_runs_per_conf) self.logger.debug("Gathered %d configurations from 1 runhistories." % len(conf_list)) runs_per_quantile = np.array([np.array(run) for run in runs_per_quantile]) return np.array(conf_matrix), np.array(conf_list), runs_per_quantile, labels
[docs] @timing def _get_runs_per_config_quantiled(self, rh, conf_list, quantiles): """Returns a list of lists, each sublist representing the current state at that timestep (quantile). The current state means a list of times each config was evaluated at that timestep. Parameters ---------- rh: RunHistory rh to be split up conf_list: list list of all Configuration objects that appear in runhistory quantiles: int number of fractions to split rh into Returns: -------- labels: List[str] labels for timeslider (i.e. wallclock-times) runs_per_quantile: np.array numpy array of runs per configuration per quantile """ runs_total = len( # Iterate over the runhistory's entries in ranges and creating each # sublist from a "snapshot"-runhistory labels, last_time_seen = [], -1 # label, means wallclocktime at splitting points r_p_q_p_c = [] # runs per quantile per config as_list = list( scale = np.geomspace if self.timeslider_log else np.linspace # Trying to work with timestamps if they are available timestamps = None try: as_list = sorted(as_list, key=lambda x: x[1].additional_info['timestamps']['finished']) timestamps = [x[1].additional_info['timestamps']['finished'] for x in as_list] time_ranges = scale(timestamps[0], timestamps[-1], num=quantiles+1, endpoint=True) ranges = [] idx = 0 for time_idx, time in enumerate(time_ranges): while len(timestamps) - 1 > idx and (timestamps[idx] < time or idx <= time_idx): idx += 1 ranges.append(idx) except (KeyError, TypeError) as err: self.logger.debug(err) self.logger.debug("Failed to sort by timestamps... only a reason to worry if this is BOHB-analysis") ranges = [int(x) for x in scale(1, runs_total, num=quantiles+1)] # Fix possible wrong values ranges[0] = 0 ranges[-1] = len(as_list) self.logger.debug("Creating %d quantiles with a total number of runs of %d", quantiles, runs_total) self.logger.debug("Ranges: %s", str(ranges)) for r in range(len(ranges))[1:]: if ranges[r] <= ranges[r-1]: if ranges[r-1] + 1 >= len(as_list): raise RuntimeError("There was a problem with the quantiles of the configuration footprint. " "Please report this Error on \"\" and provide the debug.txt-file.") ranges[r] = ranges[r-1] + 1 self.logger.debug("Fixed ranges to: %s", str(ranges)) # Sanity check if not ranges[0] == 0 or not ranges[-1] == len(as_list) or not len(ranges) == quantiles + 1: raise RuntimeError("Sanity check on range-creation in configurator footprint went wrong. " "Please report this Error on \"\" and provide the debug.txt-file.") tmp_rh = RunHistory() for i, j in zip(ranges[:-1], ranges[1:]): for idx in range(i, j): k, v = as_list[idx] tmp_rh.add(config=rh.ids_config[k.config_id], cost=v.cost, time=v.time, status=v.status, instance_id=k.instance_id, seed=k.seed, additional_info=v.additional_info) if timestamps: labels.append("{0:.2f}".format(timestamps[j - 1])) r_p_q_p_c.append([len(tmp_rh.get_runs_for_config(c, only_max_observed_budget=False)) for c in conf_list]) self.logger.debug("Labels: " + str(labels)) return labels, r_p_q_p_c
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[docs] def _get_size(self, r_p_c): """Returns size of scattered points in dependency of runs per config Parameters ---------- r_p_c: list[int] list with runs per config in order of self.conf_list Returns ------- sizes: list[int] list with appropriate sizes for dots """ normalization_factor = self.max_runs_per_conf - self.min_runs_per_conf min_size, enlargement_factor = 5, 20 if normalization_factor == 0: # All configurations same size normalization_factor = 1 min_size = 12 sizes = min_size + ((r_p_c - self.min_runs_per_conf) / normalization_factor) * enlargement_factor sizes *= np.array([0 if r == 0 else 1 for r in r_p_c]) # 0 size if 0 runs return sizes
[docs] def _get_color(self, types): """Determine appropriate color for all configurations Parameters: ----------- types: List[str] type of configuration Returns: -------- colors: list list of color per config """ colors = [] for t in types: if t == "Default": colors.append('orange') elif "Incumbent" in t: colors.append('red') else: colors.append('white') return colors
[docs] @timing def _plot_contour(self, p, contour_data, x_range, y_range): """Plot contour data. Parameters ---------- p: bokeh.plotting.figure figure to be drawn upon contour_data: Dict[str -> np.array] dict from labels to array with contour data x_range: List[float, float] min and max of x-axis y_range: List[float, float] min and max of y-axis Returns ------- handles: dict[str -> tuple(ImageGlyph, tuple(float, float))] mapping from label to image glyph and min/max-tuple """ unique = np.unique(np.concatenate([contour_data[label][2] for label in contour_data.keys()])) color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette="Viridis256", low=np.min(unique), high=np.max(unique)) handles = {} default_label = 'combined' if 'combined' in contour_data.keys() else list(contour_data.keys())[0] for label, data in contour_data.items(): unique = np.unique(contour_data[label][2]) handles[label] = (p.image(image=contour_data[label], x=x_range[0], y=y_range[0], dw=x_range[1] - x_range[0], dh=y_range[1] - y_range[0], color_mapper=color_mapper), (np.min(unique), np.max(unique))) if not label == default_label and len(contour_data) > 1: handles[label][0].visible = False color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, ticker=BasicTicker(desired_num_ticks=15), label_standoff=12, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0)) color_bar.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt' p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') return handles, color_mapper
[docs] def _create_views(self, source, used_configs): """Create views in order of plotting, so more interesting views are plotted on top. Order of interest: default > final-incumbent > incumbent > candidate local > random num_runs (ascending, more evaluated -> more interesting) Individual views are necessary, since bokeh can only plot one marker-type (circle, triangle, ...) per 'scatter'-call Parameters ----------: source: ColumnDataSource containing relevant information for plotting used_configs: List[Configuration] configs that are contained in this source. necessary to plot glyphs for the independent runs so they can be toggled. not all configs are in every source because of efficiency: no need to have 0-runs configs Returns ------- views: List[CDSView] views in order of plotting views_by_run: Dict[ConfiguratorRun -> List[int]] maps each run to a list of indices of the related glyphs in the returned 'views'-list markers: List[string] markers (to the view with the same index) """ def _get_marker(t, o): """ returns marker according to type t and origin o """ if t == "Default": shape = 'triangle' elif t == 'Final Incumbent': shape = 'inverted_triangle' else: shape = 'square' if t == "Incumbent" else 'circle' shape += '_x' if o.startswith("Acquisition Function") else '' return shape views, markers = [], [] views_by_run = {run : [] for run in self.configs_in_run} idx = 0 for t in ['Candidate', 'Incumbent', 'Final Incumbent', 'Default']: for o in ['Unknown', 'Random', 'Acquisition Function']: for z in sorted(list(set(['zorder'])), key=lambda x: int(x)): for run, configs in self.configs_in_run.items(): booleans = [True if c in configs else False for c in used_configs] view = CDSView(source=source, filters=[ GroupFilter(column_name='type', group=t), GroupFilter(column_name='origin', group=o), GroupFilter(column_name='zorder', group=z), BooleanFilter(booleans)]) views.append(view) # all views views_by_run[run].append(idx) # views sorted by runs idx += 1 markers.append(_get_marker(t, o)) self.logger.debug("%d different glyph renderers, %d different zorder-values", len(views), len(set(['zorder']))) return (views, views_by_run, markers)
[docs] @timing def _scatter(self, p, source, views, markers): """ Parameters ---------- p: bokeh.plotting.figure figure source: ColumnDataSource data container views: List[CDSView] list with views to be plotted (in order!) markers: List[str] corresponding markers to the views Returns ------- scatter_handles: List[GlyphRenderer] glyph renderer per view """ scatter_handles = [] for view, marker in zip(views, markers): scatter_handles.append(p.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=source, view=view, color='color', line_color='black', size='size', marker=marker, )) return scatter_handles
[docs] def _plot_get_source(self, conf_list, runs, X, inc_list, hp_names): """ Create ColumnDataSource with all the necessary data Contains for each configuration evaluated on any run: - all parameters and values - origin (if conflicting, origin from best run counts) - type (default, incumbent or candidate) - # of runs - size - color Parameters ---------- conf_list: list[Configuration] configurations runs: list[int] runs per configuration (same order as conf_list) X: np.array configuration-parameters as 2-dimensional array inc_list: list[Configuration] incumbents for this conf-run hp_names: list[str] names of hyperparameters Returns ------- source: ColumnDataSource source with attributes as requested conf_list: List[Configuration] filtered conf_list with only configs we actually plot (i.e. > 0 runs) """ # Remove all configurations without any runs keep = [i for i in range(len(runs)) if runs[i] > 0] runs = np.array(runs)[keep] conf_list = np.array(conf_list)[keep] X = X[keep] inc_list = [a for b in inc_list for a in b] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=X[:, 0], y=X[:, 1])) for k in hp_names: # Add parameters for each config source.add([c[k] if c[k] else "None" for c in conf_list], escape_parameter_name(k)) conf_types = ["Default" if c == self.default else "Final Incumbent" if c == self.final_incumbent else "Incumbent" if c in inc_list else "Candidate" for c in conf_list] # We group "Local Search" and "Random Search (sorted)" both into local origins = [get_config_origin(c) for c in conf_list] source.add(conf_types, 'type') source.add(origins, 'origin') sizes = self._get_size(runs) sizes = [s * 3 if conf_types[idx] == "Default" else s for idx, s in enumerate(sizes)] source.add(sizes, 'size') source.add(self._get_color(['type']), 'color') source.add(runs, 'runs') # To enforce zorder, we categorize all entries according to their size # Since we plot all different zorder-levels sequentially, we use a # manually defined level of influence num_bins = 20 # How fine-grained the size-ordering should be min_size, max_size = min(['size']), max(['size']) step_size = (max_size - min_size) / num_bins if step_size == 0: step_size = 1 zorder = [str(int((s - min_size) / step_size)) for s in['size']] source.add(zorder, 'zorder') # string, so we can apply group filter return source, conf_list
[docs] def plot(self, X, conf_list: list, runs_per_quantile, inc_list: list=None, contour_data=None, use_timeslider=False, use_checkbox=True, timeslider_labels=None): """ plots sampled configuration in 2d-space; uses bokeh for interactive plot saves results in self.output, if set Parameters ---------- X: np.array np.array with 2-d coordinates for each configuration conf_list: list list of ALL configurations in the same order as X runs_per_quantile: list[np.array] configurator-run to be analyzed, as a np.array with the number of target-algorithm-runs per config per quantile. inc_list: list list of incumbents (Configuration) contour_data: list contour data (xx,yy,Z) use_timeslider: bool whether or not to have a time_slider-widget on cfp-plot INCREASES FILE-SIZE DRAMATICALLY use_checkbox: bool have checkboxes to toggle individual runs Returns ------- (script, div): str script and div of the bokeh-figure over_time_paths: List[str] list with paths to the different quantiled timesteps of the configurator run (for static evaluation) """ if not inc_list: inc_list = [] over_time_paths = [] # development of the search space over time hp_names = [ for k in # Hyperparameter names conf_list[0].configuration_space.get_hyperparameters()] # bokeh-figure x_range = [min(X[:, 0]) - 1, max(X[:, 0]) + 1] y_range = [min(X[:, 1]) - 1, max(X[:, 1]) + 1] # Get individual sources for quantiles sources, used_configs = zip(*[self._plot_get_source(conf_list, quantiled_run, X, inc_list, hp_names) for quantiled_run in runs_per_quantile]) # We collect all glyphs in one list # Then we have to dicts to identify groups of glyphs (for interactivity) # They map the name of the group to a list of indices (of the respective glyphs that are in the group) # Those indices refer to the main list of all glyphs # This is necessary to enable interactivity for two inputs at the same time all_glyphs = [] overtime_groups = {} run_groups = {run : [] for run in self.configs_in_run.keys()} # Iterate over quantiles (this updates overtime_groups) for idx, source, u_cfgs in zip(range(len(sources)), sources, used_configs): # Create new plot if necessary (only plot all quantiles in one single plot if timeslider is on) if not use_timeslider or idx == 0: p = self._create_figure(x_range, y_range) if contour_data is not None: # TODO contour_handles, color_mapper = self._plot_contour(p, contour_data, x_range, y_range) # Create views and scatter views, views_by_run, markers = self._create_views(source, u_cfgs) scatter_handles = self._scatter(p, source, views, markers) self.logger.debug("Quantile %d: %d scatter-handles", idx, len(scatter_handles)) if len(scatter_handles) == 0: self.logger.debug("No configs in quantile %d (?!)", idx) continue # Add to groups start = len(all_glyphs) all_glyphs.extend(scatter_handles) overtime_groups[str(idx)] = [str(i) for i in range(start, len(all_glyphs))] for run, indices in views_by_run.items(): run_groups[run].extend([str(start + i) for i in indices]) # Write to file if self.output_dir: file_path = "cfp_over_time/configurator_footprint" + str(idx) + ".png" over_time_paths.append(os.path.join(self.output_dir, file_path)) self.logger.debug("Saving plot to %s", over_time_paths[-1]) export_bokeh(p, over_time_paths[-1], self.logger) # Add hovertool (define what appears in tooltips) # TODO add only important parameters (needs to change order of exec pimp before conf-footprints) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('type', '@type'), ('origin', '@origin'), ('runs', '@runs')] + [(k, '@' + escape_parameter_name(k)) for k in hp_names], renderers=all_glyphs) p.add_tools(hover) # Build dashboard timeslider, checkbox, select_all, select_none, checkbox_title = self._get_widgets(all_glyphs, overtime_groups, run_groups, slider_labels=timeslider_labels) contour_checkbox, contour_title = self._contour_radiobuttongroup(contour_handles, color_mapper) layout = p if use_timeslider: self.logger.debug("Adding timeslider") layout = column(layout, widgetbox(timeslider)) if use_checkbox: self.logger.debug("Adding checkboxes") layout = row(layout, column(widgetbox(checkbox_title), widgetbox(checkbox), row(widgetbox(select_all, width=100), widgetbox(select_none, width=100)), widgetbox(contour_title), widgetbox(contour_checkbox))) if self.output_dir: path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "content/images/configurator_footprint.png") export_bokeh(p, path, self.logger) return layout, over_time_paths
[docs] def _get_widgets(self, all_glyphs, overtime_groups, run_groups, slider_labels=None): """Combine timeslider for quantiles and checkboxes for individual runs in a single javascript-snippet Parameters ---------- all_glyphs: List[Glyph] togglable bokeh-glyphs overtime_groups, run_groups: Dicŧ[str -> List[int] mapping labels to indices of the all_glyphs-list slider_labels: Union[None, List[str]] if provided, used as labels for timeslider-widget Returns ------- time_slider, checkbox, select_all, select_none: Widget desired interlayed bokeh-widgets checkbox_title: Div text-element to "show title" of checkbox """ aliases = ['glyph' + str(idx) for idx, _ in enumerate(all_glyphs)] labels_overtime = list(overtime_groups.keys()) labels_runs = list(run_groups.keys()) code = "" # Define javascript variable with important arrays code += "var glyphs = [" + ", ".join(aliases) + "];" code += "var overtime = [" + ','.join(['[' + ','.join(overtime_groups[l]) + ']' for l in labels_overtime]) + '];' code += "var runs = [" + ','.join(['[' + ','.join(run_groups[l]) + ']' for l in labels_runs]) + '];' # Deactivate all glyphs code += """ glyphs.forEach(function(g) { g.visible = false; })""" # Add function for array-union (to combine all relevant glyphs for the different runs) code += """ // union function function union_arrays(x, y) { var obj = {}; for (var i = x.length-1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[x[i]] = x[i]; for (var i = y.length-1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[y[i]] = y[i]; var res = [] for (var k in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) // <-- optional res.push(obj[k]); } return res; }""" # Add logging code += """ console.log("Timeslider: " + time_slider.value); console.log("Checkbox: " +;""" # Set timeslider title (to enable log-scale and print wallclocktime-labels) if slider_labels: code += "var slider_labels = " + str(slider_labels) + ";" code += "console.log(\"Detected slider_labels: \" + slider_labels);" code += "time_slider.title = \"Until wallclocktime \" + slider_labels[time_slider.value - 1] + \". Step no.\"; " title = "Until wallclocktime " + slider_labels[-1] + ". Step no. " else: title = "Quantile on {} scale".format("logarithmic" if self.timeslider_log else "linear") code += "time_slider.title = \"{}\";".format(title); # Combine checkbox-arrays, intersect with time_slider and set all selected glyphs to true code += """ var activate = []; // if we want multiple checkboxes at the same time, we need to combine the arrays { activate = union_arrays(activate, runs[c]); }) // now the intersection of timeslider-activated and checkbox-activated activate = activate.filter(value => -1 !== overtime[time_slider.value - 1].indexOf(value)); activate.forEach(function(idx) { glyphs[idx].visible = true; }) """ num_quantiles = len(overtime_groups) if num_quantiles > 1: timeslider = Slider(start=1, end=num_quantiles, value=num_quantiles, step=1, title=title) else: timeslider = Slider(start=1, end=2, value=1) labels_runs = [label.replace('_', ' ') if label.startswith('budget') else label for label in labels_runs] checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=labels_runs, active=list(range(len(labels_runs)))) args = {name: glyph for name, glyph in zip(aliases, all_glyphs)} args['time_slider'] = timeslider args['checkbox'] = checkbox callback = CustomJS(args=args, code=code) timeslider.js_on_change('value', callback) checkbox.callback = callback checkbox_title = Div(text="Showing only configurations evaluated in:") # Add all/none button to checkbox code_all = " = " + str(list(range(len(labels_runs)))) + ";" + code code_none = " = [];" + code select_all = Button(label="All", callback=CustomJS(args=args, code=code_all)) select_none = Button(label="None", callback=CustomJS(args=args, code=code_none)) return timeslider, checkbox, select_all, select_none, checkbox_title
[docs] def _contour_radiobuttongroup(self, contour_data, color_mapper): """ Returns ------- radiobuttongroup: RadioButtonGroup radiobuttongroup widget to select one of the elements title: Div text-element to "show title" of widget """ labels = [l.replace('_', ' ') if l.startswith('budget') else l for l in contour_data.keys()] aliases = ['glyph' + str(i) for i in range(len(labels))] values = list(contour_data.values()) glyphs = [v[0] for v in values] mins = [v[1][0] for v in values] maxs = [v[1][1] for v in values] args = {name: glyph for name, glyph in zip(aliases, glyphs)} args['colormapper'] = color_mapper # Create javascript-code code = "var len_labels = " + str(len(aliases)) + "," code += "glyphs = [ " + ','.join(aliases) + '],' code += "mins = " + str(mins) + ',' code += "maxs = " + str(maxs) + ';' code += """ for (i = 0; i < len_labels; i++) { if ( === i) { // console.log('Setting to true: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = true; colormapper.low = mins[i]; colormapper.high = maxs[i]; } else { // console.log('Setting to false: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = false; } } """ # Create the actual checkbox-widget callback = CustomJS(args=args, code=code) radio = RadioButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=0, callback=callback) title = Div(text="Data used to estimate contour-plot") return radio, title
[docs] def _create_figure(self, x_range, y_range): p = figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=600, tools=['save', 'box_zoom', 'wheel_zoom', 'reset'], x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) p.xaxis.axis_label = "MDS-X" p.yaxis.axis_label = "MDS-Y" p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "15pt" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "15pt" p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.title.text_font_size = "15pt" return p