cave.analyzer.configurator.parallel_coordinates module¶
(runscontainer, pc_sort_by: str = None, params: Union[int, List[str]] = None, n_configs: int = None, max_runs_epm: int = None)[source]¶ Bases:
Previously used by Golovin et al. to study the frequency of chosen parameter settings in black-box-optimization. Each line corresponds to one configuration in the runhistory and shows the parameter settings and the corresponding (estimated) average cost. To handle large configuration spaces with hundreds of parameters, the (at most) 10 most important parameters based on a fANOVA parameter importance analysis are plotted. To emphasize better configurations, the performance is encoded in the color of each line, ranging from blue to red. These plots provide insights into whether the configurator focused on specific parameter values and how these correlate to their costs.
NOTE: the given RunHistory should contain only optimization and no validation to analyze the explored parameter-space.
This function prepares the data from a SMAC-related format (using runhistories and parameters) to a more general format (using a dataframe). The resulting dataframe is passed to the parallel_coordinates-routine
- Parameters
params (Union[int, List[str]]) – either directly the parameters to displayed or the number of parameters (will try to define the most important ones
n_configs (int) – number of configs to be plotted
pc_sort_by (str) – defines the pimp-method by which to choose the plotted parameters
max_runs_epm (int) – maximum number of runs to train the epm with. this should prevent MemoryErrors
(original_rh: smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory, validated_rh: smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory, validator: smac.utils.validate.Validator, scenario: smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario, default: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration, incumbent: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration, param_imp: Union[None, Dict[str, float]], output_dir: str, cs: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, runtime: bool = False)[source]¶ Preprocess data and save in to enable fast replots
- original_rh: RunHistory
runhistory that should contain only runs that were executed during search
- validated_rh: RunHistory
runhistory that may contain as many runs as possible, also external runs. this runhistory will be used to build the EPM
- validator: Validator
validator to be used to estimate costs for configurations
- scenario: Scenario
scenario object to take instances from
- default, incumbent: Configuration
default and incumbent, they will surely be displayed
- param_imp: Union[None, Dict[str->float]
if given, maps parameter-names to importance
- output_dir: str
output directory for plots
- cs: ConfigurationSpace
parameter configuration space to be visualized
- runtime: boolean
runtime will be on logscale
(d)¶ Check if there is bokeh-plots in the output of this analyzer by checking the result-dictionary for the bokeh keyword.
(d=None, tooltip=None)[source]¶ General reports in html-format, to be easily integrated in html-code. WORKS ALSO FOR BOKEH-OUTPUT.
- Parameters
d (Dictionary) – a dictionary that will be later turned into a website
tooltip (string) – tooltip to be displayed in report. optional, will overwrite the docstrings that are used by default.
- Returns
script, div – header and body part of html-code
- Return type
str, str
()¶ Depending on analysis, this creates jupyter-notebook compatible output.