Source code for cave.utils.hpbandster_helpers

Here are helper functions needed to provide a certain behaviour of HpBandSter, such as special trajectories.

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

[docs]def format_budgets(budgets, allow_whitespace=False): """ Format budget-strings so that they are as short as possible while still distinguishable Parameters ---------- budgets: List[str] list with budgets allow_whitespace: bool if set to True, will return "budget 10.5" else "budget_10.5 Returns ------- formatted_budgets: Dict[float] -> str list with formatted budgets """ if len(budgets) == 0: return {None : None} def format_budget(b, round_to): return 'budget_{}'.format(int(b)) if float(b).is_integer() else 'budget_{:.{}f}'.format(b, round_to) round_to = 1 formatted_budgets = OrderedDict([(b, format_budget(b, round_to)) for b in budgets]) while len(set(formatted_budgets.values())) != len(formatted_budgets.values()): round_to += 1 formatted_budgets = OrderedDict([(b, format_budget(b, round_to)) for b in budgets]) if allow_whitespace: formatted_budgets = OrderedDict([(b, str(f).replace("_", " ")) for b, f in formatted_budgets.items()]) return formatted_budgets
[docs]def get_incumbent_trajectory(result, budgets=None, mode='racing'): """ Parameters ---------- result: hpbandster.core.result.Result result object budgets: List[str|int|float] or 'all' if a list of budgets, only consider those budgets (to enable trajectories for only a single budget) mode: str from ['racing', 'minimum', 'prefer_higher_budget'] Returns ------- trajectory: dict dictionary with all the config IDs, the times the runs finished, their respective budgets, and corresponding losses """ if budgets is None: budgets = list(result.HB_config['budgets']) if not isinstance(budgets, list): raise ValueError("%s not a valid argument for 'budgets'" % str(budgets)) if any([budget not in result.HB_config['budgets'] for budget in budgets]): raise ValueError("Budget '{}' (type: {}) does not exist. Choose from {}".format(str(budget), str(type(budget)), "[" + ", ".join([str(b) + " (type: " + str(type(b)) + ")" for b in result.HB_config['budgets']]) + "]")) if mode == 'racing': # Philipp's method all_runs = result.get_all_runs(only_largest_budget=False) all_runs = list(filter(lambda r: r.budget in budgets, all_runs)) all_runs.sort(key=lambda run: run.time_stamps['finished']) # ensure that all_runs and budgets is sorted in ascending order budgets.sort() return_dict = {'config_ids': [], 'times_finished': [], 'budgets': [], 'losses': [], 'config': [], } last_run = None for r in _compute_trajectory_racing(all_runs, budgets): if last_run is None or last_run is not r: return_dict['config_ids'].append(r.config_id) return_dict['times_finished'].append(r.time_stamps['finished']) return_dict['budgets'].append(r.budget) return_dict['losses'].append(r.loss) return_dict['config'].append(result.get_id2config_mapping()[r.config_id]) last_run = r return return_dict else: # HpBandSter's method (adapted for single budgets) if mode == 'minimum': return _get_incumbent_trajectory_hpbandster(result, budgets, bigger_is_better=False, non_decreasing_budget=False) elif mode == 'prefer_higher_budget': return _get_incumbent_trajectory_hpbandster(result, budgets, bigger_is_better=True, non_decreasing_budget=True) else: raise ValueError("'%s' not a supported method for get_incumbent_trajectory" % mode)
[docs]def _compute_trajectory_racing(all_runs, budgets): """ Computes the trajectory in racing mode. If there is at time T a current incumbent I on budget B, a configuration C can become a incumbent on a higher budget only if I is also evaluated on C. This means a configuration C can only be incumbent if the current incumbent is evaluated on the same budget. If the current incumbent is not available for a higher budget, the incumbent candidate for this higher budget is chosen as incumbent. If a configuration 'waits' for the incumbent to be evaluated on the same budget, its finishing time is set to the time the old incumbent is evaluated on the higher budget. Args: all_runs : list(hpbandster.core.Run) list of all hpbandster runs sorted ascending by its finishing time budgets : list(float) list of all budgets in ascending order Returns : Generator Generator representing the incumbents in order of appearance """ if len(all_runs) == 0: return [] # The current incumbents for all budgets # - key is the budget and value is the incumbent incumbents = OrderedDict() # The configurations seen for each budget seen = OrderedDict([(x, set()) for x in budgets]) # The configurations which are available for each budget. # It is used to perform a lookup if a configuration is actually evaluated # on a budget. upcoming = OrderedDict([(x, set()) for x in budgets]) for a in all_runs: upcoming[a.budget].add(a.config_id) # The current incumbent to observe current_incumbent_budget = budgets[0] # Iterate over all timestamps (ordered) for run in all_runs: if run.loss is None or not np.isfinite(run.loss): continue # Add config id to seen list for this budget seen[run.budget].add(run.config_id) # Update incumbent for budget if for a budget no configuration has been # seen or the loss is smaller than the current incumbent on this budget if run.budget not in incumbents \ or run.loss < incumbents[run.budget].loss: incumbents[run.budget] = run # Make a forward check if the current incumbent is actually available # on the higher budget. Set the incumbent candidate of the higher budget # to the current incumbent if the incumbent on the current budget is not # available on the next budget if budgets.index(run.budget) == budgets.index(current_incumbent_budget) + 1 \ and incumbents[current_incumbent_budget].config_id not in \ upcoming[run.budget]: current_incumbent_budget = run.budget # If there are potential candidates for the higher budgets, a change of # the incumbent on the current budget could lead to a series of new # incumbents on the higher budgets. Therefore, iterate over the higher # budgets and check if there are new incumbents if run.config_id == incumbents[current_incumbent_budget].config_id: # Go through all higher budgets in order for next_budget in [x for x in budgets if x > current_incumbent_budget]: # Check if changing the last incumbent is also tested on a # higher budget. Break if it is not if next_budget not in incumbents or \ (incumbents[current_incumbent_budget].config_id not in seen[next_budget] and incumbents[current_incumbent_budget].config_id in upcoming[next_budget]): break # Increase the budget to be shown current_incumbent_budget = next_budget # Update the finished time to the time of setting as incumbent incumbents[current_incumbent_budget].time_stamps['finished'] = run.time_stamps['finished'] yield incumbents[current_incumbent_budget]
[docs]def _get_incumbent_trajectory_hpbandster(result, budgets, bigger_is_better=True, non_decreasing_budget=True): """ Returns the best configurations over time !! Copied from hpbandster and modified to enable getting trajectories for individual budgets !! Parameters ---------- result: result budgets: List[budgets] or 'all' or 'only_largest' budgets to be considered bigger_is_better:bool flag whether an evaluation on a larger budget is always considered better. If True, the incumbent might increase for the first evaluations on a bigger budget non_decreasing_budget: bool flag whether the budget of a new incumbent should be at least as big as the one for the current incumbent. Returns ------- dict: dictionary with all the config IDs, the times the runs finished, their respective budgets, and corresponding losses """ all_runs = result.get_all_runs(only_largest_budget=False) id2config = result.get_id2config_mapping() if isinstance(budgets, list): all_runs = list(filter(lambda r: r.budget in budgets, all_runs)) elif budgets == 'all': pass elif budgets == 'only_largest': all_runs = result.get_all_runs(only_largest_budget=True) all_runs.sort(key=lambda r: r.time_stamps['finished']) return_dict = { 'config_ids' : [], 'times_finished': [], 'budgets' : [], 'losses' : [], 'config' : [], } current_incumbent = float('inf') incumbent_budget = result.HB_config['min_budget'] for r in all_runs: if r.loss is None or not np.isfinite(r.loss): continue new_incumbent = False if bigger_is_better and r.budget > incumbent_budget: new_incumbent = True if r.loss < current_incumbent: new_incumbent = True if non_decreasing_budget and r.budget < incumbent_budget: new_incumbent = False if new_incumbent: current_incumbent = r.loss incumbent_budget = r.budget return_dict['config_ids'].append(r.config_id) return_dict['times_finished'].append(r.time_stamps['finished']) return_dict['budgets'].append(r.budget) return_dict['losses'].append(r.loss) return_dict['config'].append(id2config[r.config_id]) if current_incumbent != r.loss: r = all_runs[-1] return_dict['config_ids'].append(return_dict['config_ids'][-1]) return_dict['times_finished'].append(r.time_stamps['finished']) return_dict['budgets'].append(return_dict['budgets'][-1]) return_dict['losses'].append(return_dict['losses'][-1]) return_dict['config'].append(id2config[return_dict['config_ids'][-1]]) return (return_dict)