Source code for cave.reader.smac3_reader

import os
import shutil
import typing

from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import ConfigurationSpace, Configuration
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import FloatHyperparameter, IntegerHyperparameter, Constant, CategoricalHyperparameter
from ConfigSpace.read_and_write import json as pcs_json
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from import InputReader
from import TrajLogger

from cave.reader.base_reader import BaseReader, changedir

[docs]class SMAC3Reader(BaseReader):
[docs] def get_scenario(self): run_1_existed = os.path.exists('run_1') in_reader = InputReader() # Create Scenario (disable output_dir to avoid cluttering) scen_fn = os.path.join(self.folder, 'scenario.txt') if not os.path.isfile(scen_fn): scen_fn = self.get_glob_file(self.folder, 'scenario.txt') scen_dict = in_reader.read_scenario_file(scen_fn) scen_dict['output_dir'] = "" with changedir(self.ta_exec_dir): # We always prefer the less error-prone json-format if available: pcs_fn = scen_dict.get('pcs_fn', 'no_pcs_fn') cs_json = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pcs_fn), 'configspace.json') if not pcs_fn.endswith('.json') and os.path.exists(cs_json): self.logger.debug("Detected, '%s' ignoring '%s'", cs_json, pcs_fn) with open(cs_json, 'r') as fh: scen_dict['cs'] = scen_dict['pcs_fn'] = cs_json self.logger.debug("Creating scenario from '%s'", self.ta_exec_dir) scen = Scenario(scen_dict) if (not run_1_existed) and os.path.exists('run_1'): shutil.rmtree('run_1') return scen
[docs] def get_runhistory(self, cs): """ Returns ------- rh: RunHistory runhistory """ rh_fn = os.path.join(self.folder, 'runhistory.json') if not os.path.isfile(rh_fn): rh_fn = self.get_glob_file(self.folder, 'runhistory.json') rh = RunHistory() try: rh.load_json(rh_fn, cs) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.warning("%s not found. trying to read SMAC3-output, " "if that's not correct, change it with the " "--file_format option!", rh_fn) raise return rh
[docs] def get_validated_runhistory(self, cs): """ Returns ------- validated_rh: RunHistory runhistory with validation-data, if available """ rh_fn = os.path.join(self.folder, 'validated_runhistory.json') rh = RunHistory() try: rh.load_json(rh_fn, cs) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.warning("%s not found. trying to read SMAC3-validation-output, " "if that's not correct, change it with the " "--validation_format option!", rh_fn) raise return rh
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, cs): def alternative_configuration_recovery(config_list: typing.List[str], cs: ConfigurationSpace): """ Used to recover ints and bools as categoricals or constants from trajectory """ config_dict = {} for param in config_list: k,v = param.split("=") v = v.strip("'") hp = cs.get_hyperparameter(k) if isinstance(hp, FloatHyperparameter): v = float(v) elif isinstance(hp, IntegerHyperparameter): v = int(v) ################# DIFFERENCE: ################ elif isinstance(hp, CategoricalHyperparameter) or isinstance(hp, Constant): if isinstance(hp.default_value, bool): v = True if v == 'True' else False elif isinstance(hp.default_value, int): v = int(v) elif isinstance(hp.default_value, float): v = float(v) else: v = v ############################################## config_dict[k] = v config = Configuration(configuration_space=cs, values=config_dict) config.origin = "External Trajectory" return config TrajLogger._convert_dict_to_config = alternative_configuration_recovery # Try to find trajectory in "alljson"-format todo instead just convert "old" smac data to new smac data traj_fn = os.path.join(self.folder, 'traj.json') if os.path.isfile(traj_fn): self.logger.debug("Found trajectory file in alljson-format at %s", traj_fn) return TrajLogger.read_traj_alljson_format(fn=traj_fn, cs=cs) self.logger.debug("%s not found. Trying to find in subfolders.") try: return TrajLogger.read_traj_alljson_format(fn=self.get_glob_file(self.folder, 'traj.json'), cs=cs) except FileNotFoundError:"Globbed approach failed. Trying old format.") old_traj_fn = os.path.join(self.folder, 'traj_aclib2.json') if os.path.isfile(old_traj_fn): self.logger.debug("Found trajectory file in aclib2-format (deprecated) at %s", old_traj_fn) return TrajLogger.read_traj_aclib_format(fn=old_traj_fn, cs=cs) try: return TrajLogger.read_traj_aclib_format(fn=self.get_glob_file(self.folder, 'traj_aclib2.json'), cs=cs) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("Neither 'traj.json' nor 'traj_aclib2.json in %s or subdirectories.", self.folder) traj = TrajLogger.read_traj_aclib_format(fn=traj_fn, cs=cs) return traj
[docs] @classmethod def check_for_files(cls, path): for f in ["scenario.txt", 'runhistory.json', "traj_aclib2.json"]: if not (cls.get_glob_file(path, f, 0) or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))): break else: return True return False