import itertools
import numpy as np
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Whisker
from bokeh.models import FactorRange, Range1d
from bokeh.palettes import d3
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import dodge
[docs]def whisker_quantiles(data):
Data is expected as a dictionary {budget : {parameter : {folder : importance }}}
hyperparameters = []
for hp2folders in data.values():
for hp in hp2folders.keys():
if not hp in hyperparameters:
# Bokeh plot
colors = itertools.cycle(d3['Category10'][10])
# Create data to plot the error-bars (whiskers)
whiskers_data = {}
for budget in data.keys():
whiskers_data.update({'base_' + str(budget): [], 'lower_' + str(budget): [], 'upper_' + str(budget): []})
# Generate whiskers data in bokeh-ColumnDataSource
for (budget, imp_dict) in data.items():
for p, imp in imp_dict.items():
mean = np.nanmean(np.array(list(imp.values())))
std = np.nanstd(np.array(list(imp.values())))
if not np.isnan(mean) and not np.isnan(std):
whiskers_data['lower_' + str(budget)].append(mean - std)
whiskers_data['upper_' + str(budget)].append(mean + std)
whiskers_data['base_' + str(budget)].append(p)
whiskers_datasource = ColumnDataSource(whiskers_data)
plot = figure(x_range=FactorRange(factors=hyperparameters, bounds='auto'),
y_range=Range1d(0, 1, bounds='auto'),
plot_width=800, plot_height=300,
dodgies = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.25, len(data)) if len(data) > 1 else [0] # No dodge if only one budget
# Plot
for (budget, imp_dict), d, color in zip(data.items(), dodgies, colors):
for p, imp in imp_dict.items():
for i in imp.values():
if np.isnan(i):
continue[(p, d)], y=[i], color=color, fill_alpha=0.4,
legend="Budget %s" % str(budget) if len(data) > 1 else '')
if not 'base_' + str(budget) in whiskers_data:
base=dodge('base_' + str(budget), d, plot.x_range),
lower='lower_' + str(budget),
upper='upper_' + str(budget),
plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Importance"
return plot