Source code for cave.plot.algorithm_footprint

import itertools
import logging
import os
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np, 'mpl_style'))  # noqa
from scipy import spatial
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score

from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, CustomJS, CDSView, GroupFilter
from bokeh.models.widgets import RadioButtonGroup
from bokeh.models.ranges import DataRange1d
from bokeh.layouts import row, column, widgetbox

from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory

from cave.utils.helpers import get_cost_dict_for_config
from import export_bokeh

__author__ = "Joshua Marben"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Joshua Marben"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class AlgorithmFootprintPlotter(object): """ Class that provides the algorithmic footprints after "Measuring algorithm footprints in instance space" (Kate Smith-Miles, Kate Smith-Miles) General procedure: - label for each algorithm each instance with the same metric - map the instances onto a plane using pca NOTE: The terms 'algorithm' and 'config/configuration' will be used synonymous throughout the class. """ def __init__(self, rh: RunHistory, train_inst_feat, test_inst_feat, algorithms, cutoff=np.inf, output_dir=None, rng=None): """ Parameters ---------- rh: RunHistory runhistory to take cost from train_inst_feat, test_inst_feat: dict[str->np.array] instances names mapped to features algorithms: List[Tuple(Configuration, str)] list with configs and descriptive names cutoff: int cutoff (if available) output_dir: str output directory """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__) self.output_dir = output_dir self.rng = rng if not self.rng: self.logger.debug("No randomstate passed. Generate deterministic random state.") self.rng = np.random.RandomState(42) self.rh = rh self.train_feats = train_inst_feat self.test_feats = test_inst_feat self.inst_to_feat = {**train_inst_feat, **test_inst_feat} # This is the order of instances: self.insts = list(train_inst_feat.keys()) + list(test_inst_feat.keys()) if self.output_dir and not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) self.algorithms = [config for config, name in algorithms] # Configuration-objects self.algo_name = {algo: name for algo, name in algorithms} # Mapping config to name self.name_algo = {name: algo for algo, name in algorithms} # and vice versa if len(self.algo_name.keys()) < len(self.name_algo.keys()): raise ValueError("Default and Incumbent are equal or some other error occured. Deactivate " "algorithm-footprints with --no_algorithm_footprint") self.algo_labels = {} # Maps algo -> label (good and bad) self.features = np.array([self.inst_to_feat[k] for k in self.insts]) self.features_2d = self._reduce_dim(self.features, 2) self.features_3d = self._reduce_dim(self.features, 3) # self.clusters, self.cluster_dict = self.get_clusters(self.features_2d) self.cutoff = cutoff self._label_instances()
[docs] def _reduce_dim(self, feature_array, n=2): """ Expects feature-array (not dict!), performs a PCA Parameters ---------- feature_array: np.array array containing features in order of self.inst_names n: int target dimension for pca, 2 or 3 Returns ------- feature_array_nd: np.array array with pca'ed features (n-dimensional) """ if n not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Only 2 and 3 supported as target dimension!") if feature_array.shape[1] > n: self.logger.debug("Use PCA to reduce features to %d dimensions", n) feature_array = StandardScaler().fit_transform(feature_array) feature_array = PCA(n_components=n).fit_transform(feature_array) return feature_array
[docs] def _get_cost(self, algorithm, instance=None): """ Return cost according to (possibly EPM-)validated runhistory. Parameters ---------- algorithm: Configuration config instance: str instance name """ if not hasattr(self, '__algo_cost'): self.__algo_cost = {} # Use function self._get_cost!! Maps algo -> {instance -> cost} if algorithm not in self.__algo_cost: #self.logger.debug("Getting cost for %s, using PAR1-score", self.algo_name[algorithm]) self.__algo_cost[algorithm] = get_cost_dict_for_config(self.rh, algorithm) if instance: return self.__algo_cost[algorithm][instance] else: return self.__algo_cost[algorithm]
[docs] def _label_instances(self, epsilon=0.95): """ Returns dictionary with a label for each instance. Returns ------- labels: Dict[str:float] maps instance-names (strings) to label (floats) """ start = time.time() if len(self.algo_labels) > 0: return self.algo_labels = {a: {} for a in self.algo_name.keys()} for i in self.insts: best_cost = min([self._get_cost(a, i) for a in self.algo_name.keys()]) for a in self.algo_name.keys(): cost = self._get_cost(a, i) # self.logger.debug("%s on \'%s\': best/this (%f/%f=%f)", # self.algo_name[a], i, # best_cost, cost, # best_cost / cost) if (cost == 0 or (best_cost/cost >= epsilon and (not self.cutoff or not cost >= self.cutoff))): # Algorithm for instance is in threshhold epsilon and no timeout label = 1 else: label = 0 self.algo_labels[a][i] = label self.logger.debug("Labeling instances in %.2f secs.", time.time() - start)
# -~-~-~-~ FOOTPRINT
[docs] def footprint(self, a, density_threshold, purity_threshold): """ Calculating the footprint within a portfolio using convex hulls that depend on density and purity thresholds. (algorithm 1 in Smith-Miles 2014) We use 3 ways to refer to an instance here: name: the name (unique!) of the instance feat2d: the position as np.array tup: the tuple-version of feat2d (hashable...) Parameters ---------- a: Configuration configuration to get footprint of density_threshold: float minimum density that regions must show to be merged purity_threshold: float minimum purity (percentage of good instance) that regions must show to be merged Returns ------- footprint: float the size of all resulting convex hulls """ def get_2NN(x, X): """ Return indices in X of two nearest points in X to x. """ # map index to dist from point dist = [(i, np.linalg.norm(tmp - x)) for i, tmp in enumerate(X)] # sort after dist dist = sorted(dist, key=lambda x: x[1]) # return indices of the two smallest values return (dist[0][0], dist[1][0]) count_exceptions = 0 # -~-~ Initialise Stage # Map inst-names to feat2d (np.array) and tup (tuple) inst_feat2d = {i: self.features_2d[idx] for idx, i in enumerate(self.insts)} inst_tup = {i: tuple(pos) for i, pos in inst_feat2d.items()} # noqa # regions maps tuple(centroid) of region to inst-names in region regions = OrderedDict() # Instances (by name) in not_in_region not_in_region = self.insts[:] # Randomly select a good instance; good = [i for i in self.insts if self.algo_labels[a][i] == 1] if len(good) < 3: self.logger.debug("Less than 3 good instances found in %s, footprint" " not calculated.", self.algo_name[a]) return 0 # Repeat until no more triangles can be formed (at least 3 points left). while (len(not_in_region) >= 3): # Select random good instance TODO also from in_regions?!?! rand_good = self.rng.choice(good) try: not_in_region.remove(rand_good) # Remove here so it's not its own nearest neighbor except ValueError: pass # Form a closed region (triangle) with the two closest (smallest # Euclidean distance in feature space) instances to # rand_good, not already part of a triangle; idx1, idx2 = get_2NN(inst_feat2d[rand_good], [inst_feat2d[i] for i in not_in_region]) triangle = (rand_good, not_in_region[idx1], not_in_region[idx2]) # names triangle_feat = np.array([inst_feat2d[i] for i in triangle]) centroid = np.sum(np.array(triangle_feat), axis=0)/len(triangle) regions[tuple(centroid)] = triangle for p in triangle: try: not_in_region.remove(p) except ValueError: pass # -~-~ Merge Stage # Repeat the Merge Stage until there are no more pairs to consider. # If we iterated over whole list once, we are done. stop = False while not stop: stop = True centroids = list(regions.keys()) self.rng.shuffle(centroids) # Randomly select a closed region; for idx, cent in enumerate(centroids): reg = regions[cent] # inst-names! cent_array = np.array(cent) # Keys in dict are tuples! # Find the closest closed region (minimum Euclidean # centroid distance); remaining_centroids = [np.array(c) for c in regions.keys() if not c == cent] idx = get_2NN(cent_array, remaining_centroids)[0] nearest_cent = tuple(remaining_centroids[idx]) nearest_reg = regions[nearest_cent] # inst-names! # Check purity and density new_reg = tuple(set(reg) | set(nearest_reg)) # names new_reg_array = np.array([inst_feat2d[i] for i in new_reg]) # array try: combined_hull = spatial.ConvexHull(new_reg_array) except spatial.qhull.QhullError: count_exceptions += 1 continue density = len(new_reg)/combined_hull.volume purity = (len([i for i in reg if i in good]) + len([i for i in nearest_reg if i in good])) / float(len(new_reg)) if density > density_threshold and purity > purity_threshold: self.logger.debug("Purity: %f, density: %f", purity, density) regions.pop(cent) regions.pop(nearest_cent) new_centroid = tuple(np.sum(new_reg_array, axis=0)/len(new_reg)) regions[new_centroid] = new_reg stop = False break # We now have final regions -> return sum of individual convex hulls area = 0 for reg in regions.values(): try: hull = spatial.ConvexHull(np.array([inst_feat2d[p] for p in reg])) area += hull.volume except spatial.qhull.QhullError: count_exceptions += 1 pass self.logger.debug("Area for %s is %f (%d Qhull-exceptions, %d/%d good " "insts, %d regions)", self.algo_name[a], area, count_exceptions, len(good), len(self.insts), len(regions)) return area
# -~-~-~ PLOTS
[docs] def _get_good_bad(self, conf, insts=[]): """ Creates a list of indices for good and bad instances for a configuration. Parameters ---------- conf: Configuration configuration for which to plot good vs bad insts: List[str] instances to be plotted Returns ------- outpath: str output path """ if len(insts) == 0: insts = self.insts good_idx, bad_idx = [], [] for k, v in self._get_cost(conf).items(): # Only consider passed insts if k not in insts: continue # Append inst-idx either to good or to bad if self.algo_labels[conf][k] == 0: bad_idx.append(self.insts.index(k)) else: good_idx.append(self.insts.index(k)) assert(len(good_idx) == len(set(good_idx))) assert(len(bad_idx) == len(set(bad_idx))) good_idx, bad_idx = np.array(good_idx), np.array(bad_idx) self.logger.debug("for config %s good: %d, bad: %d", self.algo_name[conf], len(good_idx), len(bad_idx)) return (good_idx, bad_idx)
[docs] def plot_interactive_footprint(self): """Use bokeh to create an interactive algorithm footprint with zoom and hover tooltips. Should avoid problems with overplotting (since we can zoom) and provide better information about instances.""" features = np.array(self.features_2d) instances = self.insts runhistory = self.rh algo = {v: k for k, v in self.algo_name.items()} incumbent = algo['incumbent'] default = algo['default'] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=features[:, 0], y=features[:, 1])) # Add all necessary information for incumbent and default source.add(instances, 'instance_name') instance_set = ['train' if i in self.train_feats.keys() else 'test' for i in instances] source.add(instance_set, 'instance_set') # train or test for config, name in [(incumbent, 'incumbent'), (default, 'default')]: cost = get_cost_dict_for_config(runhistory, config) source.add([cost[i] for i in instances], '{}_cost'.format(name)) # TODO should be in function good, bad = self._get_good_bad(config) color = [1 if idx in good else 0 for idx, i in enumerate(instances)] # TODO end color = ['blue' if c else 'red' for c in color] self.logger.debug("%s colors: %s", name, str(color)) source.add(color, '{}_color'.format(name)) source.add(['default_color'], 'color') # Define what appears in tooltips hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('instance name', '@instance_name'), ('def cost', '@default_cost'), ('inc_cost', '@incumbent_cost'), ('set', '@instance_set'), ]) # Add radio-button def_inc_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data =; if ( == 0) { data['color'] = data['default_color']; } else { data['color'] = data['incumbent_color']; } source.change.emit(); """) def_inc_radio_button = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["default", "incumbent"], active=0, callback=def_inc_callback) # Plot x_range = DataRange1d(bounds='auto', start=min(features[:, 0]) - 1, end=max(features[:, 0]) + 1) y_range = DataRange1d(bounds='auto', start=min(features[:, 1]) - 1, end=max(features[:, 1]) + 1) p = figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=600, tools=[hover, 'save', 'wheel_zoom', 'box_zoom', 'pan', 'reset'], active_drag='box_zoom', x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) # Scatter train and test individually to toggle them train_view = CDSView(source=source, filters=[GroupFilter(column_name='instance_set', group='train')]) test_view = CDSView(source=source, filters=[GroupFilter(column_name='instance_set', group='test')]) train = p.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=source, view=train_view, color='color') test = p.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=source, view=test_view, color='color') p.xaxis.axis_label, p.yaxis.axis_label = 'principal component 1', 'principal component 2' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "15pt" train_test_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, train_view=train, test_view=test), code=""" var data =; if ( == 0) { train_view.visible = true; test_view.visible = true; } else if ( == 1) { train_view.visible = true; test_view.visible = false; } else { train_view.visible = false; test_view.visible = true; } """) train_test_radio_button = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["all", "train", "test"], active=0, callback=train_test_callback) # Export and return if self.output_dir: path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "content/images/algorithm_footprint.png") export_bokeh(p, path, self.logger) layout = column(p, row(widgetbox(def_inc_radio_button), widgetbox(train_test_radio_button))) return layout
[docs] def plot3d(self): """ Plot 3d-version of the algorithm footprint from four different angles. """ plots = [] for a in self.algorithms: # Plot without clustering (for all insts) out_fns = [os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'footprint_' + self.algo_name[a] + '_3d_{}.png'.format(i)) for i in range(4)] self.logger.debug("Plot saved to '%s'", out_fns) fig, ax = plt.subplots() good_idx, bad_idx = self._get_good_bad(a) good = np.array([self.features_3d[idx] for idx in good_idx]) bad = np.array([self.features_3d[idx] for idx in bad_idx]) axes = {0: 'principal component 1', 1: 'principal component 2', 2: 'principal component 3'} for out_fn, axes_ordered in zip(out_fns, list(itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2]))[:len(out_fns)]): # Plot 3d fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x, y, z = axes_ordered if len(good) > 0: ax.scatter(xs=good[:, x], ys=good[:, y], zs=good[:, z], color="blue") if len(bad) > 0: ax.scatter(xs=bad[:, x], ys=bad[:, y], zs=bad[:, z], color="red") ax.set_xlabel(axes[x], fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel(axes[y], fontsize=12) ax.set_zlabel(axes[z], fontsize=12) plt.tight_layout() # for out_fn, angle in zip(out_fns, range(20, 381, 90)): # ax.view_init(30, angle) fig.savefig(out_fn) plt.close(fig) plots.append(out_fns) return plots
# -~-~- CLUSTER
[docs] def plot_points_per_cluster(self): """ Plot good versus bad for passed config per cluster. Parameters ---------- conf: Configuration configuration for which to plot good vs bad out: str output path Returns ------- outpaths: List[str] output paths per cluster """ # For Development/Debug: algo_fp_debug = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'debug', 'algo_fp') if not os.path.exists(algo_fp_debug): os.makedirs(algo_fp_debug) for e in np.hstack([np.arange(0.0, 1.0, .95), np.arange(0.96, 1.0, 0.02)]): self._label_instances(e) for a in self.algorithms: # Plot without clustering (for all insts) suffix = 'all_{:4.3f}.png'.format(e) path = os.path.join(algo_fp_debug, '_'.join([self.algo_name[a], suffix])) path = self.plot2d(a, path) self.logger.debug("Plot saved to '%s'", path) self._label_instances() for c in self.cluster_dict.keys(): # Plot per cluster path = os.path.join(algo_fp_debug, 'cluster_' + str(c) + '_fp_' + self.algo_name[a] + '_0.95.png') path = self.plot2d(a, path, self.cluster_dict[c])
[docs] def get_clusters(self, features_2d): """ Mapping instances to clusters, using silhouette-scores to determine number of cluster. Returns ------- paths: List[str] paths to plots """ # get silhouette scores for k_means with 2 to 12 clusters # use number of clusters with highest silhouette score best_score, best_n_clusters = -1, -1 min_clusters, max_clusters = 2, min(features_2d.shape[0], 12) clusters = None for n_clusters in range(min_clusters, max_clusters): km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters) y_pred = km.fit_predict(features_2d) score = silhouette_score(features_2d, y_pred) if score > best_score: best_n_clusters = n_clusters best_score = score clusters = y_pred self.logger.debug("%d clusters detected using silhouette scores", best_n_clusters) cluster_dict = {n: [] for n in range(best_n_clusters)} for i, c in enumerate(clusters): cluster_dict[c].append(self.insts[i]) self.logger.debug("Distribution over clusters: %s", str({k: len(v) for k, v in cluster_dict.items()})) return clusters, cluster_dict