Source code for cave.analyzer.performance.plot_scatter

import os
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import Configuration
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory

from cave.analyzer.base_analyzer import BaseAnalyzer
from cave.plot.scatter import plot_scatter_plot
from cave.utils.helpers import get_cost_dict_for_config, NotApplicable
from cave.utils.hpbandster_helpers import format_budgets

[docs]class PlotScatter(BaseAnalyzer): """ Scatter plots show the costs of the default and optimized parameter configuration on each instance. Since this looses detailed information about the individual cost on each instance by looking at aggregated cost values in tables, scatter plots provide a more detailed picture. They provide insights whether overall performance improvements can be explained only by some outliers or whether they are due to improvements on the entire instance set. On the left side the training-data is scattered, on the right side the test-data is scattered. """ def __init__(self, runscontainer, ): """ Creates a scatterplot of the two configurations on the given set of instances. Saves plot to file. """ super().__init__(runscontainer) formatted_budgets = format_budgets(self.runscontainer.get_budgets()) for budget, run in zip(self.runscontainer.get_budgets(), self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(keep_budgets=True, keep_folders=False)): self.result[formatted_budgets[budget]] = self._plot_scatter( default=run.default, incumbent=run.incumbent, rh=run.epm_runhistory, train=run.scenario.train_insts, test=run.scenario.test_insts, run_obj=run.scenario.run_obj, cutoff=run.scenario.cutoff, output_dir=run.output_dir, )
[docs] def get_name(self): return "Scatter Plot"
[docs] def _plot_scatter(self, default: Configuration, incumbent: Configuration, rh: RunHistory, train: List[str], test: Union[List[str], None], run_obj: str, cutoff, output_dir): """ Parameters ---------- default, incumbent: Configuration configurations to be compared rh: RunHistory runhistory to use for cost-estimations train[, test]: list(str) instance-names run_obj: str run-objective (time or quality) cutoff: float maximum runtime of ta output_dir: str output directory """ out_fn_base = os.path.join(output_dir, 'scatter_')"... plotting scatter") metric = run_obj timeout = cutoff labels = ["default {}".format(run_obj), "incumbent {}".format(run_obj)] def_costs = get_cost_dict_for_config(rh, default).items() inc_costs = get_cost_dict_for_config(rh, incumbent).items() out_fns = [] if len(train) <= 1 and len(test) <= 1: raise NotApplicable("No instances, so no scatter-plot.") for insts, name in [(train, 'train'), (test, 'test')]: if len(insts) <= 1: self.logger.debug("No %s instances, skipping scatter", name) continue default = np.array([v for k, v in def_costs if k in insts]) incumbent = np.array([v for k, v in inc_costs if k in insts]) min_val = min(min(default), min(incumbent)) out_fn = out_fn_base + name + '.png' out_fns.append(plot_scatter_plot((default,), (incumbent,), labels, metric=metric, min_val=min_val, max_val=timeout, out_fn=out_fn)) self.logger.debug("Plotted scatter to %s", out_fn) return {'figure' : out_fns if len(out_fns) > 0 else None}