Source code for cave.analyzer.performance.performance_table

from typing import List

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import Configuration
from pandas import DataFrame
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario

from cave.analyzer.base_analyzer import BaseAnalyzer
from cave.utils.helpers import get_cost_dict_for_config, get_timeout, combine_runhistories
from cave.utils.hpbandster_helpers import format_budgets
from cave.utils.statistical_tests import paired_permutation, paired_t_student
from cave.utils.timing import timing

[docs]class PerformanceTable(BaseAnalyzer): """ If the run-objective is 'runtime': PAR stands for Penalized Average Runtime. If there is a timeout in the scenario, runs that were thus cut off can be penalized with a factor (because we do not know how long it would have run). PAR1 is no penalty, PAR10 will count all cutoffs with a factor of 10. For timeouts: if there are multiple runs on the same configuration-instance pair (with different seeds), some resulting in timeouts and some not, the majority decides here. P-value (between 0 and 1) results from comparing default and incumbent using a paired permutation test with 10000 iterations (permuting instances) and tests against the null-hypothesis that the mean of performance between default and incumbent is equal. Oracle performance searches for the best single run per instance (so the best seed/configuration-pair that was seen) and aggregates over them. """ def __init__(self, runscontainer, ): super().__init__(runscontainer) self.rng = self.runscontainer.get_rng() self.scenario = self.runscontainer.scenario budgets = self.runscontainer.get_budgets() formatted_budgets = format_budgets(budgets) for budget, run in zip(budgets, self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(keep_budgets=True, keep_folders=False)): instances = [i for i in run.scenario.train_insts + run.scenario.test_insts if i] self.result[formatted_budgets[budget]] = { 'table' : self.get_performance_table( instances, run.validated_runhistory, run.default, run.incumbent, run.epm_runhistory, run.scenario, ), }
[docs] def get_name(self): return "Performance Table"
[docs] def get_performance_table(self, instances: List[str], validated_rh: RunHistory, default: Configuration, incumbent: Configuration, epm_rh: RunHistory, scenario: Scenario, ): oracle = self.get_oracle(instances, epm_rh) # To be set table, dataframe = self.create_performance_table(default, incumbent, epm_rh, oracle) return table
[docs] def create_performance_table(self, default, incumbent, epm_rh, oracle): """Create table, compare default against incumbent on train-, test- and combined instances. Listing PAR10, PAR1 and timeouts. Distinguishes between train and test, if available.""""... create performance table") cost_dict_def = get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, default) cost_dict_inc = get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, incumbent) def_par1, inc_par1 = self.get_parX(cost_dict_def, 1), self.get_parX(cost_dict_inc, 1) def_par10, inc_par10 = self.get_parX(cost_dict_def, 10), self.get_parX(cost_dict_inc, 10) ora_par1, ora_par10 = self.get_parX(oracle, 1), self.get_parX(oracle, 10) def_timeouts = get_timeout(epm_rh, default, self.scenario.cutoff) inc_timeouts = get_timeout(epm_rh, incumbent, self.scenario.cutoff) def_timeouts_tuple = self.timeouts_to_tuple(def_timeouts) inc_timeouts_tuple = self.timeouts_to_tuple(inc_timeouts) if self.scenario.cutoff: ora_timeout = self.timeouts_to_tuple({i: c < self.scenario.cutoff for i, c in oracle.items()}) data1, data2 = zip(*[(int(def_timeouts[i]), int(inc_timeouts[i])) for i in def_timeouts.keys()]) p_value_timeouts = "%.5f" % paired_permutation(data1, data2, self.rng, num_permutations=10000, logger=self.logger) else: ora_timeout = self.timeouts_to_tuple({}) p_value_timeouts = "N/A" # p-values (paired permutation) try: p_value_par10 = self._permutation_test(epm_rh, default, incumbent, 10000, 10) except ValueError as err: self.logger.debug(err, exc_info=1) p_value_par10 = np.nan p_value_par10 = "%.5f" % p_value_par10 if np.isfinite(p_value_par10) else 'N/A' try: p_value_par1 = self._permutation_test(epm_rh, default, incumbent, 10000, 1) except ValueError as err: self.logger.debug(err, exc_info=1) p_value_par1 = np.nan p_value_par1 = "%.5f" % p_value_par1 if np.isfinite(p_value_par1) else 'N/A' dec_place = 3 metrics = [] if self.scenario.run_obj == 'runtime': metrics.append('PAR10') metrics.append('PAR1') else: metrics.append('Quality') if self.scenario.cutoff: metrics.append('Timeouts') train, test = len(self.scenario.train_insts) > 1, len(self.scenario.test_insts) > 1 oracle = train or test # oracle only makes sense with instances # Create table array = [] if 'PAR10' in metrics: if train and test: values = [def_par10[0], inc_par10[0], ora_par10[0], def_par10[1], inc_par10[1], ora_par10[1]] elif oracle: values = [def_par10, inc_par10, ora_par10] # oracle only with instances else: values = [def_par10, inc_par10] values = [round(value, dec_place) if np.isfinite(value) else 'N/A' for value in values] if train or test: values.append(p_value_par10) array.append(values) if 'PAR1' in metrics or 'Quality' in metrics: if train and test: values = [def_par1[0], inc_par1[0], ora_par1[0], def_par1[1], inc_par1[1], ora_par1[1]] elif oracle: values = [def_par1, inc_par1, ora_par1] # oracle only with instances else: values = [def_par1, inc_par1] values = [round(value, dec_place) if np.isfinite(value) else 'N/A' for value in values] if train or test: values.append(p_value_par1) array.append(values) if 'Timeouts' in metrics: if train and test: values = ["{}/{}".format(def_timeouts_tuple[0][0], def_timeouts_tuple[0][1]), "{}/{}".format(inc_timeouts_tuple[0][0], inc_timeouts_tuple[0][1]), "{}/{}".format(ora_timeout[0][0], ora_timeout[0][1]), "{}/{}".format(def_timeouts_tuple[1][0], def_timeouts_tuple[1][1]), "{}/{}".format(inc_timeouts_tuple[1][0], inc_timeouts_tuple[1][1]), "{}/{}".format(ora_timeout[1][0], ora_timeout[1][1]), ] elif oracle: values = ["{}/{}".format(def_timeouts_tuple[0], def_timeouts_tuple[1]), "{}/{}".format(inc_timeouts_tuple[0], inc_timeouts_tuple[1]), "{}/{}".format(ora_timeout[0], ora_timeout[1])] else: values = ["{}/{}".format(def_timeouts_tuple[0], def_timeouts_tuple[1]), "{}/{}".format(inc_timeouts_tuple[0], inc_timeouts_tuple[1]),] if train or test: values.append(p_value_timeouts) array.append(values) array = np.array(array) columns = ['Default', 'Incumbent'] if oracle: columns.append('Oracle') if train and test: columns = columns + columns if train or test: columns.append('p-value') self.logger.debug(array) self.logger.debug(columns) df = DataFrame(data=array, index=metrics, columns=columns) table = df.to_html() if train and test: # Insert two-column-header table = table.split(sep='</thead>', maxsplit=1)[1] new_table = "<table border=\"3\" class=\"dataframe\">\n"\ " <col>\n"\ " <colgroup span=\"2\"></colgroup>\n"\ " <colgroup span=\"2\"></colgroup>\n"\ " <thead>\n"\ " <tr>\n"\ " <td rowspan=\"2\"></td>\n"\ " <th colspan=\"3\" scope=\"colgroup\">Train</th>\n"\ " <th colspan=\"3\" scope=\"colgroup\">Test</th>\n"\ " <th colspan=\"1\" scope=\"colgroup\">p-value</th>\n"\ " </tr>\n"\ " <tr>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Default</th>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Incumbent</th>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Oracle</th>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Default</th>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Incumbent</th>\n"\ " <th scope=\"col\">Oracle</th>\n"\ " </tr>\n"\ "</thead>\n" table = new_table + table return table, df
[docs] def get_parX(self, cost_dict, par=10): """Calculate parX-values from given cost_dict. First determine PAR-timeouts for each run on each instances, Second average over train/test if available, else just average. Parameters ---------- cost_dict: Dict[inst->cost] mapping instances to costs par: int par-factor to use Returns ------- (train, test) OR average -- tuple<float, float> OR float PAR10 values for train- and test-instances, if available as tuple else the general average """ insts = [i for i in self.scenario.train_insts + self.scenario.test_insts if i] missing = set(insts) - set(cost_dict.keys()) if missing: self.logger.debug("Missing instances in cost_dict for parX: %s", str(missing)) # Catch wrong config if par != 1 and not self.scenario.cutoff: self.logger.debug("No par%d possible, since scenario has not specified cutoff-time", par) if len(self.scenario.train_insts) > 1 and len(self.scenario.test_insts) > 1: return (np.nan, np.nan) else: return np.nan # Penalize if self.scenario.cutoff and self.scenario.run_obj == 'runtime': cost_dict = [(k, cost_dict[k]) if cost_dict[k] < self.scenario.cutoff else (k, self.scenario.cutoff * par) for k in cost_dict] else: cost_dict = [(k, cost_dict[k]) for k in cost_dict]"Calculating penalized average runtime without cutoff...") # Average if len(self.scenario.train_insts) > 1 and len(self.scenario.test_insts) > 1: train = np.mean([c for i, c in cost_dict if i in self.scenario.train_insts]) test = np.mean([c for i, c in cost_dict if i in self.scenario.test_insts]) return (train, test) else: return np.mean([c for i, c in cost_dict])
[docs] def timeouts_to_tuple(self, timeouts): """ Get number of timeouts in config Parameters ---------- timeouts: dict[i -> bool] mapping instances to whether timeout was on that instance Returns ------- timeouts: tuple(int, int) tuple (timeouts, total runs) """ cutoff = self.scenario.cutoff train = self.scenario.train_insts test = self.scenario.test_insts if len(train) > 1 and len(test) > 1: if not cutoff: return (("N", "A"), ("N", "A")) train_timeout = len([i for i in timeouts if (not timeouts[i] and i in train)]) test_timeout = len([i for i in timeouts if (not timeouts[i] and i in test)]) return ((train_timeout, len([i for i in timeouts if i in train])), (test_timeout, len([i for i in timeouts if i in test]))) else: if not cutoff: return ("N", "A") timeout = len([i for i in timeouts if not timeouts[i]]) return (timeout, len([i for i in timeouts if i in train]))
[docs] @timing def get_oracle(self, instances, rh): """Estimation of oracle performance. Collects best performance seen for each instance in any run. Parameters ---------- instances: List[str] list of instances in question rh: RunHistory or List[RunHistory] runhistory or list of runhistories (will be combined) Results ------- oracle: dict[str->float] best seen performance per instance {inst : performance} """ if isinstance(rh, list): rh = combine_runhistories(rh) self.logger.debug("Calculating oracle performance") oracle = {} for c in rh.get_all_configs(): costs = get_cost_dict_for_config(rh, c) for i in costs.keys(): if i not in oracle: oracle[i] = costs[i] elif oracle[i] > costs[i]: oracle[i] = costs[i] return oracle
[docs] @timing def _permutation_test(self, epm_rh, default, incumbent, num_permutations, par=1): if par != 1 and not self.scenario.cutoff: return np.nan cutoff = self.scenario.cutoff def_cost = get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, default, par=par, cutoff=cutoff) inc_cost = get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, incumbent, par=par, cutoff=cutoff) data1, data2 = zip(*[(def_cost[i], inc_cost[i]) for i in def_cost.keys()]) p = paired_permutation(data1, data2, self.rng, num_permutations=num_permutations, logger=self.logger) self.logger.debug("p-value for def/inc-difference: %f (permutation test " "with %d permutations and par %d)", p, num_permutations, par) return p
[docs] def _paired_t_test(self, epm_rh, default, incumbent, num_permutations): def_cost, inc_cost = get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, default), get_cost_dict_for_config(epm_rh, incumbent) data1, data2 = zip(*[(def_cost[i], inc_cost[i]) for i in def_cost.keys()]) p = paired_t_student(data1, data2, logger=self.logger) self.logger.debug("p-value for def/inc-difference: %f (paired t-test)", p) return p