Source code for cave.analyzer.performance.overview_table

import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import NumericalHyperparameter, CategoricalHyperparameter, OrdinalHyperparameter, \
from pandas import DataFrame

from cave.analyzer.base_analyzer import BaseAnalyzer
from cave.utils.helpers import get_config_origin

[docs]class OverviewTable(BaseAnalyzer): """ Meta data, i.e. number of instances and parameters as well as configuration budget. Statistics apply to the best run, if multiple configurator runs are compared. """ def __init__(self, runscontainer): super().__init__(runscontainer) self.output_dir = runscontainer.output_dir
[docs] def get_name(self): return "Meta Data"
[docs] def run(self): """ Generate tables. """ scenario = self.runscontainer.scenario # General infos general_dict = self._general_dict(scenario) html_table_general = DataFrame(data=OrderedDict([('General', general_dict)])) html_table_general = html_table_general.reindex(list(general_dict.keys())) html_table_general = html_table_general.to_html(escape=False, header=False, justify='left') self.result["General"] = {"table": html_table_general, "tooltip": "General information about the optimization scenario."} # Run-specific / budget specific infos for mode in ['parallel', 'budget']: runspec_dict = self._runspec_dict(identify=mode) if not runspec_dict: continue order_spec = list(list(runspec_dict.values())[0].keys()) # Get keys of any sub-dict for order html_table_specific = DataFrame(runspec_dict) html_table_specific = html_table_specific.reindex(order_spec) html_table_specific = html_table_specific.to_html(escape=False, justify='left') if mode == 'parallel': self.result["Parallel Runs"] = {"table": html_table_specific, "tooltip": "Information to individual parallel runs."} if mode == 'budget': self.result["Budgets"] = {"table": html_table_specific, "tooltip": "Statistics related to the budgets used in this optimization."} # ConfigSpace in tabular form cs_dict = self._configspace(scenario.cs) cs_table = DataFrame(data=cs_dict) html_table_cs = cs_table.to_html(escape=False, justify='left', index=False) self.result["Configuration Space"] = {"table": html_table_cs, "tooltip": "The parameter configuration space. " "(See"} return self.result
[docs] def _general_dict(self, scenario): """ Generate the meta-information that holds for all runs (scenario info etc) Parameters ---------- scenario: smac.Scenario scenario file to get information from """ # general stores information that holds for all runs, runspec holds information on a run-basis general = OrderedDict() if len(self.runscontainer.get_budgets()) > 1: general['# budgets'] = len(self.runscontainer.get_budgets()) if len(self.runscontainer.get_folders()) > 1: general['# parallel runs'] = len(self.runscontainer.get_folders()) # Scenario related general['# parameters'] = len(scenario.cs.get_hyperparameters()) general['Deterministic target algorithm'] = scenario.deterministic general['Optimized run objective'] = scenario.run_obj if scenario.cutoff or scenario.run_obj == 'runtime': general['Cutoff'] = scenario.cutoff if any([str(lim)!='inf' for lim in [scenario.wallclock_limit, scenario.ta_run_limit, scenario.algo_runs_timelimit]]): general['Walltime budget'] = scenario.wallclock_limit general['Runcount budget'] = scenario.ta_run_limit general['CPU budget'] = scenario.algo_runs_timelimit # Instances num_train, num_test = [len([i for i in insts if i]) for insts in [scenario.train_insts, scenario.test_insts]] if num_train > 0 or num_test > 0: general['# instances (train/test)'] = "{} / {}".format(num_train, num_test) # Features num_feats = scenario.n_features if scenario.feature_dict else 0 num_dup_feats = 0 if scenario.feature_dict: dup_feats = DataFrame(scenario.feature_array) num_dup_feats = len(dup_feats[dup_feats.duplicated()]) # only contains train instances if num_feats > 0: general['# features (duplicates)'] = "{} ({})".format(num_feats, num_dup_feats) general['----------'] = '----------' combined_run = self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(False, False)[0] combined_stats = self._stats_for_run(combined_run.original_runhistory, combined_run.scenario, combined_run.incumbent) for k, v in combined_stats.items(): general[k] = v return general
[docs] def _runspec_dict(self, identify='parallel'): """ identify-keyword specifies whether to use path or budget for name """ if identify not in ['parallel', 'budget']: raise ValueError("illegal use of _runspec_dict") if (identify == 'budget' and len(self.runscontainer.get_budgets()) <= 1 and (self.runscontainer.get_budgets() is None or self.runscontainer.get_budgets()[0] == 0.0)): return False if (identify == 'parallel' and len(self.runscontainer.get_folders()) <= 1): return False runspec = OrderedDict() runs = self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(keep_folders=identify=='parallel', keep_budgets=identify=='budget') for idx, run in enumerate(runs): if identify == 'budget' and len(set(run.reduced_to_budgets)) != 1: raise ValueError("Runs processed here should only have a single budget specified (%s)." % run.reduced_to_budgets) self.logger.debug("Path to folder for run no. {}: {}".format(idx, str(run.path_to_folder))) name = os.path.basename(run.path_to_folder) if identify == 'parallel' else str(run.reduced_to_budgets[0]) runspec[name] = self._stats_for_run(run.original_runhistory, run.scenario, run.incumbent) return runspec
[docs] def _stats_for_run(self, rh, scenario, incumbent): result = OrderedDict() all_configs = rh.get_all_configs() default = scenario.cs.get_default_configuration() # Runtime statistics all_ta_runtimes = [run_value.time for run_value in] result['Total time spent evaluating configurations'] = "{:.2f} sec".format(np.sum(all_ta_runtimes)) result['Average time per configuration (mean / std)'] = '{:5.2f} sec (± {:5.2f})'.format(np.mean(all_ta_runtimes), np.std(all_ta_runtimes)) # Number of evaluations ta_evals = [len(rh.get_runs_for_config(c, only_max_observed_budget=True)) for c in all_configs] result['# evaluated configurations'] = len(all_configs) if not scenario.deterministic: result['# evaluations in total'] = np.sum(ta_evals) result['# evaluations for default/incumbent'] = "{}/{}".format(len(rh.get_runs_for_config(default, only_max_observed_budget=True)), len(rh.get_runs_for_config(incumbent, only_max_observed_budget=True))) result['# runs per configuration (min, mean and max)'] = "{}/{:.2f}/{}".format( np.min(ta_evals), np.mean(ta_evals), np.max(ta_evals)) # Info about configurations num_changed_params = len([p for p in scenario.cs.get_hyperparameter_names() if default[p] != incumbent[p]]) result['# changed parameters (default to incumbent)'] = num_changed_params # Origins origins = [get_config_origin(c) for c in all_configs] origins = {o : origins.count(o) for o in set(origins)} if not (list(origins.keys()) == ["Unknown"]): result['Configuration origins'] = ", ".join(['{} : {}'.format(o, n) for o, n in origins.items()]) return result
[docs] def _configspace(self, cs): """ Return configspace in table-format """ d = OrderedDict([("Parameter", []), ("Type", []), ("Range/Choices", []), ("Default", [])] ) for hp in cs.get_hyperparameters(): d["Parameter"].append( d["Type"].append(type(hp).__name__) if isinstance(hp, NumericalHyperparameter): d["Range/Choices"].append("[{}, {}]{}".format(hp.lower, hp.upper, ' (log)' if hp.log else '')) elif isinstance(hp, CategoricalHyperparameter): d["Range/Choices"].append("{}".format(hp.choices)) elif isinstance(hp, OrdinalHyperparameter): d["Range/Choices"].append("{}".format(hp.sequence)) elif isinstance(hp, Constant): d["Range/Choices"].append("{}".format(hp.default_value)) else: d["Range/Choices"].append("?") d["Default"].append(hp.default_value) return d