Source code for cave.analyzer.performance.algorithm_footprint

import os

from bokeh.embed import components
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import show

from cave.analyzer.base_analyzer import BaseAnalyzer
from cave.plot.algorithm_footprint import AlgorithmFootprintPlotter
from cave.utils.helpers import NotApplicable
from cave.utils.timing import timing

[docs]class AlgorithmFootprint(BaseAnalyzer): """ The instance features are projected into a two/three dimensional space using principal component analysis (PCA) and the footprint of each algorithm is plotted, i.e., on which instances the default or the optimized configuration performs well. In contrast to the other analysis methods in this section, these plots allow insights into which of the two configurations performs well on specific types or clusters of instances. Inspired by Smith-Miles. """ @timing def __init__(self, runscontainer, density=200, purity=0.95): """ Parameters ---------- runscontainer: RunsContainer contains all important information about the configurator runs """ super().__init__(runscontainer) # Aggregated run over current runscontainer"Note: Algorithm Footprint does not support budgets / fidelities yet.") agg_run = self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(False, False)[0] algorithms = [(agg_run.default, "default"), (agg_run.incumbent, "incumbent")] epm_rh = agg_run.epm_runhistory train = agg_run.scenario.train_insts test = agg_run.scenario.test_insts features = agg_run.scenario.feature_dict cutoff = agg_run.scenario.cutoff output_dir = agg_run.output_dir rng = agg_run.rng # filter instance features self.logger.debug("Features: " + str(features)) train_feats = {k: v for k, v in features.items() if k in train} test_feats = {k: v for k, v in features.items() if k in test} if not (train_feats or test_feats): self.logger.warning("No instance-features could be detected. " "No algorithm footprints available.") raise NotApplicable("Could not detect any instances.")"... algorithm footprints for: {}".format(",".join([a[1] for a in algorithms]))) try: self.footprint = AlgorithmFootprintPlotter(epm_rh, train_feats, test_feats, algorithms, cutoff, output_dir, rng=rng) except ValueError as err: self.logger.debug(err, exc_info=1) self.error = str(err)
[docs] def get_name(self): return "Algorithm Footprint"
[docs] def _plot(self): # Plot footprints bokeh_plot = self.footprint.plot_interactive_footprint() self.plots3d = self.footprint.plot3d() return bokeh_plot
[docs] def get_jupyter(self): bokeh_plot = self._plot() output_notebook() show(bokeh_plot)
[docs] def get_html(self, d=None, tooltip=None): if self.error: if d is not None: d["Algorithm Footprint"] = {"else": self.error} return self.error else: bokeh_components = components(self._plot()) if d is not None: d["Algorithm Footprint"] = {"tooltip" : self.__doc__} # Interactive bokeh-plot d["Algorithm Footprint"]["Interactive Algorithm Footprint"] = {"bokeh" : bokeh_components} for plots in self.plots3d: header = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(plots[0])[1])[0][10:-2] header = header[0].upper() + header[1:].replace('_', ' ') d["Algorithm Footprint"][header] = {"figure_x2": plots} return bokeh_components
[docs] def get_plots(self): all_plots = [] for plots in self.plots3d: all_plots.extend(plots) return all_plots