import operator
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from pandas import DataFrame
from cave.analyzer.parameter_importance.base_parameter_importance import BaseParameterImportance
[docs]class Fanova(BaseParameterImportance):
fANOVA (functional analysis of variance) computes the fraction of the variance in the cost space explained by
changing a parameter by marginalizing over all other parameters, for each parameter (or for pairs of
parameters). Parameters with high importance scores will have a large impact on the performance. To this end, a
random forest is trained as an empirical performance model on the available empirical data from the available
def __init__(self,
"""Wrapper for parameter_importance to save the importance-object/ extract the results. We want to show the
top X most important parameter-fanova-plots.
runscontainer: RunsContainer
contains all important information about the configurator runs
marginal_threshold: float
parameter/s must be at least this important to be mentioned
self.marginal_threshold = marginal_threshold
[docs] def get_name(self):
return 'fANOVA'
[docs] def postprocess(self, pimp, output_dir):
result = OrderedDict()
def parse_pairwise(p):
"""parse pimp's way of having pairwise parameters as key as str and return list of individuals"""
res = [tmp.strip('\' ') for tmp in p.strip('[]').split(',')]
return res
parameter_imp = {k: v * 100 for k, v in pimp.evaluator.evaluated_parameter_importance.items()}
param_imp_std = {}
if hasattr(pimp.evaluator, 'evaluated_parameter_importance_uncertainty'):
param_imp_std = {k: v * 100 for k, v in pimp.evaluator.evaluated_parameter_importance_uncertainty.items()}
for k in parameter_imp.keys():
self.logger.debug("fanova-importance for %s: mean (over trees): %f, std: %s", k, parameter_imp[k],
str(param_imp_std[k]) if param_imp_std else 'N/A')
# Split single and pairwise (pairwise are string: "['p1','p2']")
single_imp = {k: v for k, v in parameter_imp.items() if not k.startswith('[') and v > self.marginal_threshold}
pairwise_imp = {k: v for k, v in parameter_imp.items() if k.startswith('[') and v > self.marginal_threshold}
# Set internal parameter importance for further analysis (such as parallel coordinates)
self.fanova_single_importance = single_imp
self.fanova_pairwise_importance = single_imp
# Dicts to lists of tuples, sorted descending after importance
single_imp = OrderedDict(sorted(single_imp.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
pairwise_imp = OrderedDict(sorted(pairwise_imp.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
# Create table
table = []
if len(single_imp) > 0:
table.extend([(20*"-"+" Single importance: "+20*"-", 20*"-")])
for k, v in single_imp.items():
value = str(round(v, 4))
if param_imp_std:
value += " +/- " + str(round(param_imp_std[k], 4))
table.append((k, value))
if len(pairwise_imp) > 0:
table.extend([(20*"-"+" Pairwise importance: "+20*"-", 20*"-")])
for k, v in pairwise_imp.items():
name = ' & '.join(parse_pairwise(k))
value = str(round(v, 4))
if param_imp_std:
value += " +/- " + str(round(param_imp_std[k], 4))
table.append((name, value))
keys, fanova_table = [k[0] for k in table], [k[1:] for k in table]
df = DataFrame(data=fanova_table, index=keys)
result['Importance'] = {'table': df.to_html(escape=False, header=False, index=True, justify='left')}
# Get plot-paths
result['Marginals'] = {p: {'figure': os.path.join(output_dir, "fanova", p + '.png')} for p in single_imp.keys()}
# Right now no way to access paths of the plots -> file issue
pairwise_plots = {" & ".join(parse_pairwise(p)):
os.path.join(output_dir, 'fanova', '_'.join(parse_pairwise(p)) + '.png')
for p in pairwise_imp.keys()}
result['Pairwise Marginals'] = {p: {'figure': path}
for p, path in pairwise_plots.items() if os.path.exists(path)}
return result
[docs] def get_jupyter(self):
from IPython.core.display import HTML, Image, display
for b, result in self.result.items():
error = self.result[b]['else'] if 'else' in self.result[b] else None
if error:
# Show table
# Show plots
display(*list([Image(filename=d["figure"]) for d in self.result[b]['Marginals'].values()]))
display(*list([Image(filename=d["figure"]) for d in self.result[b]['Pairwise Marginals'].values()]))
# While working for a prettier solution, this might be an option:
# display(HTML(figure_to_html([d["figure"] for d in self.result[b]['Marginals'].values()] +
# [d["figure"] for d in self.result[b]['Pairwise Marginals'].values()],
# max_in_a_row=3, true_break_between_rows=True)))