import warnings
from typing import List
from bokeh.embed import components
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, Range1d
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn, Select
from bokeh.plotting import show, figure
from pandas import DataFrame
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
from cave.analyzer.base_analyzer import BaseAnalyzer
from cave.utils.hpbandster_helpers import format_budgets
[docs]class BudgetCorrelation(BaseAnalyzer):
Use spearman correlation to get a correlation-value and a p-value for every pairwise combination of budgets.
First value is the correlation, second is the p-value (the p-value roughly estimates the likelihood to obtain
this correlation coefficient with uncorrelated datasets).
This can be used to estimate how well a budget approximates the function to be optimized.
def __init__(self,
runscontainer: RunsContainer
contains all important information about the configurator runs
self.runs = self.runscontainer.get_aggregated(keep_budgets=True, keep_folders=False)
self.budget_names = list(format_budgets(self.runscontainer.get_budgets(), allow_whitespace=True).values())
self.logger.debug("Budget names: %s", str(self.budget_names))
# To be set
self.dataframe = None
[docs] def get_name(self):
return "Budget Correlation"
[docs] def _get_table(self, runs):
table = []
for b1 in runs:
for b2 in runs:
configs = set(b1.combined_runhistory.get_all_configs()).intersection(
if len(configs) < 1:
costs = list(zip(*[(b1.combined_runhistory.get_cost(c),
b2.combined_runhistory.get_cost(c)) for c in configs]))
rho, p = spearmanr(costs[0], costs[1])
# Differentiate to generate upper diagonal
if runs.index(b2) < runs.index(b1):
table[-1].append("{:.2f} ({} samples)".format(rho, len(costs[0])))
return DataFrame(data=table, columns=self.budget_names, index=self.budget_names)
[docs] def plot(self):
"""Create table and plot that reacts to selection of cells by updating the plotted data to visualize
return self._plot(self.runs)
[docs] def _plot(self, runs):
Create table and plot that reacts to selection of cells by updating the plotted data to visualize correlation.
runs: List[ConfiguratorRun]
list with runs (budgets) to be compared
df = self._get_table(runs)
# Create CDS from pandas dataframe
budget_names = list(df.columns.values)
data = dict(df[budget_names])
data["Budget"] = df.index.tolist()
table_source = ColumnDataSource(data)
# Create bokeh-datatable
columns = [TableColumn(field='Budget', title="Budget", sortable=False, width=20)] + [
TableColumn(field=header, title=header, default_sort='descending', width=10)
for header in budget_names
bokeh_table = DataTable(source=table_source, columns=columns, index_position=None, sortable=False,
height=20 + 30 * len(data["Budget"]))
# Create CDS for scatter-plot
all_configs = set([a for b in [run.original_runhistory.get_all_configs() for run in runs] for a in b])
data = {self.budget_names[idx]: [run.original_runhistory.get_cost(c) if c in # TODO
run.original_runhistory.get_all_configs() else
None for c in all_configs] for idx, run in enumerate(runs)}
data['x'] = []
data['y'] = []
# Default scatter should be lowest vs highest:
for x, y in zip(data[budget_names[0]], data[budget_names[-1]]):
if x is not None and y is not None:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as list_of_warnings:
# Catch unmatching column lengths warning
scatter_source = ColumnDataSource(data=data)
for w in list_of_warnings:
self.logger.debug("During budget correlation a %s was raised: %s", str(w.category), w.message)
# Create figure and dynamically updating plot (linked with table)
min_val = min([min([v for v in val if v]) for val in data.values() if len(val) > 0])
max_val = max([max([v for v in val if v]) for val in data.values() if len(val) > 0])
padding = (max_val - min_val) / 10 # Small padding to border (fraction of total intervall)
min_val -= padding
max_val += padding
p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
y_range=Range1d(start=min_val, end=max_val, bounds=(min_val, max_val)),
x_range=Range1d(start=min_val, end=max_val, bounds=(min_val, max_val)),
x_axis_label=budget_names[0], y_axis_label=budget_names[-1])'x', y='y',
# x=jitter('x', 0.1), y=jitter('y', 0.1),
source=scatter_source, size=5, color="navy", alpha=0.5)
code_budgets = 'var budgets = ' + str(budget_names) + '; console.log(budgets);'
code_try = 'try {'
code_get_selected_cell = """
// This first part only extracts selected row and column!
var grid = document.getElementsByClassName('grid-canvas')[0].children;
var row = '';
var col = '';
for (var i=0,max=grid.length;i<max;i++){
if (grid[i].outerHTML.includes('active')){
for (var j=0,jmax=grid[i].children.length;j<jmax;j++){
col = col - 1;
console.log('row', row, budgets[row]);
console.log('col', col, budgets[col]);
table_source.selected.indices = []; // Reset, so gets triggered again when clicked again
code_selected = """
row = budgets.indexOf(select_x.value);
col = budgets.indexOf(select_y.value);
code_update_selection_values = """
select_x.value = budgets[row];
select_y.value = budgets[col];
code_update_plot = """
// This is the actual updating of the plot
if (row => 0 && col > 0) {
// Copy relevant arrays
var new_x =[budgets[row]].slice();
var new_y =[budgets[col]].slice();
// Remove all pairs where one value is null
while ((next_null = new_x.indexOf(null)) > -1) {
new_x.splice(next_null, 1);
new_y.splice(next_null, 1);
while ((next_null = new_y.indexOf(null)) > -1) {
new_x.splice(next_null, 1);
new_y.splice(next_null, 1);
// Assign new data to the plotted columns['x'] = new_x;['y'] = new_y;
// Update axis-labels
xaxis.attributes.axis_label = budgets[row];
yaxis.attributes.axis_label = budgets[col];
// Update ranges
var min = Math.min(...[Math.min(...new_x), Math.min(...new_y)])
max = Math.max(...[Math.max(...new_x), Math.max(...new_y)]);
var padding = (max - min) / 10;
console.log(min, max, padding);
xr.start = min - padding;
yr.start = min - padding;
xr.end = max + padding;
yr.end = max + padding;
code_catch = """
} catch(err) {
code_selected = code_budgets + code_try + code_selected + code_update_plot + code_catch
select_x = Select(title="X-axis:", value=budget_names[0], options=budget_names)
select_y = Select(title="Y-axis:", value=budget_names[-1], options=budget_names)
callback_select = CustomJS(args=dict(scatter_source=scatter_source,
select_x=select_x, select_y=select_y,
xaxis=p.xaxis[0], yaxis=p.yaxis[0],
xr=p.x_range, yr=p.y_range,
), code=code_selected)
select_x.js_on_change('value', callback_select)
select_y.js_on_change('value', callback_select)
code_table_cell = code_budgets + code_try + code_get_selected_cell + code_update_selection_values
code_table_cell += code_update_plot + code_catch
callback_table_cell = CustomJS(args=dict(table_source=table_source,
select_x=select_x, select_y=select_y,
xaxis=p.xaxis[0], yaxis=p.yaxis[0],
xr=p.x_range, yr=p.y_range,
), code=code_table_cell)
table_source.selected.js_on_change('indices', callback_table_cell)
layout = column(bokeh_table, row(p, column(select_x, select_y)))
return layout
[docs] def get_html(self, d=None, tooltip=None):
script, div = components(self.plot())
if d is not None:
d["Budget Correlation"] = {
"bokeh": (script, div),
"tooltip": self.__doc__,
return script, div
[docs] def get_jupyter(self):