Source code for carl.envs.gymnasium.carl_gymnasium_env

from __future__ import annotations

import gymnasium
import pygame
from gymnasium.core import Env

from carl.context.selection import AbstractSelector
from carl.envs.carl_env import CARLEnv
from carl.utils.types import Contexts

except:  # pragma: no cover
    import os  # pragma: no cover

    os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy"  # pragma: no cover

[docs] class CARLGymnasiumEnv(CARLEnv): env_name: str render_mode: str = "rgb_array" def __init__( self, env: Env | None = None, contexts: Contexts | None = None, obs_context_features: list[str] | None = None, # list the context features which should be added to the state obs_context_as_dict: bool = True, context_selector: AbstractSelector | type[AbstractSelector] | None = None, context_selector_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ CARL Gymnasium Environment. Parameters ---------- env : Env | None Gymnasium environment, the default is None. If None, instantiate the env with gymnasium's make function and `self.env_name` which is defined in each child class. contexts : Contexts | None, optional Context set, by default None. If it is None, we build the context set with the default context. obs_context_features : list[str] | None, optional Context features which should be included in the observation, by default None. If they are None, add all context features. context_selector: AbstractSelector | type[AbstractSelector] | None, optional The context selector (class), after each reset selects a new context to use. If None, use a round robin selector. context_selector_kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for the context selector, by default None. Only used when `context_selector` is not None. Attributes ---------- env_name: str The registered gymnasium environment name. """ if env is None: env = gymnasium.make(id=self.env_name, render_mode=self.render_mode) super().__init__( env=env, contexts=contexts, obs_context_features=obs_context_features, obs_context_as_dict=obs_context_as_dict, context_selector=context_selector, context_selector_kwargs=context_selector_kwargs, **kwargs, ) def _update_context(self) -> None: for k, v in self.context.items(): setattr(self.env.unwrapped, k, v)