CARLify your Environment

If you have an environment that you think would make an interesting addition to CARL, feel free to add it. Here is a short guide on what to do:

1. Create a CARL wrapper class for your environment. It should be a child class of CARLEnv and implement the setup and context changes of your environment.

2. Define the context. Provide a default context with all mutable features as well as bounds for all features.

3. If additional requirements need to be installed, add them as install options in setup.cfg. Make sure those changes are reflected in the ReadME as well, especially if there are any extra steps (e.g. data downloads) to the installation process.

4. Make a PR to the main branch of CARL. We’ll review it and try to clarify any open questions.

If you want to know if your environment would be a good fit or which context features could be interesting to vary, don’t hesitate to contact us!