Source code for smac.runner.target_function_runner

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable

import copy
import inspect
import math
import time
import traceback
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import Configuration
from pynisher import MemoryLimitException, WallTimeoutException, limit

from smac.runner.abstract_runner import StatusType
from smac.runner.abstract_serial_runner import AbstractSerialRunner
from smac.scenario import Scenario
from smac.utils.logging import get_logger

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022,"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class TargetFunctionRunner(AbstractSerialRunner): """Class to execute target functions which are python functions. Evaluates function for given configuration and resource limit. The target function can either return a float (the loss), or a tuple with the first element being a float and the second being additional run information. In a multi-objective setting, the float value is replaced by a list of floats. Parameters ---------- target_function : Callable The target function. scenario : Scenario required_arguments : list[str], defaults to [] A list of required arguments, which are passed to the target function. """ def __init__( self, scenario: Scenario, target_function: Callable, required_arguments: list[str] = [], ): super().__init__(scenario=scenario, required_arguments=required_arguments) self._target_function = target_function # Check if target function is callable if not callable(self._target_function): raise TypeError( "Argument `target_function` must be a callable but is type" f"`{type(self._target_function)}`." ) # Signatures here signature = inspect.signature(self._target_function).parameters for argument in required_arguments: if argument not in signature.keys(): raise RuntimeError( f"Target function needs to have the arguments {required_arguments} " f"but could not find {argument}." ) # Now we check for additional arguments which are not used by SMAC # However, we only want to warn the user and not for key in list(signature.keys())[1:]: if key not in required_arguments: logger.warning(f"The argument {key} is not set by SMAC: Consider removing it from the target function.") # Pynisher limitations if (memory := self._scenario.trial_memory_limit) is not None: unit = None if isinstance(memory, (tuple, list)): memory, unit = memory memory = int(math.ceil(memory)) if unit is not None: memory = (memory, unit) if (time := self._scenario.trial_walltime_limit) is not None: time = int(math.ceil(time)) self._memory_limit = memory self._algorithm_walltime_limit = time @property def meta(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: D102 meta = super().meta # Partial's don't have a __code__ attribute but are a convenient # way a user might want to pass a function to SMAC, specifying # keyword arguments. f = self._target_function if isinstance(f, partial): f = f.func meta.update({"code": str(f.__code__.co_code)}) meta.update({"code-partial-args": repr(f)}) else: meta.update({"code": str(self._target_function.__code__.co_code)}) return meta
[docs] def run( self, config: Configuration, instance: str | None = None, budget: float | None = None, seed: int | None = None, **dask_data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any], ) -> tuple[StatusType, float | list[float], float, dict]: """Calls the target function with pynisher if algorithm wall time limit or memory limit is set. Otherwise, the function is called directly. Parameters ---------- config : Configuration Configuration to be passed to the target function. instance : str | None, defaults to None The Problem instance. budget : float | None, defaults to None A positive, real-valued number representing an arbitrary limit to the target function handled by the target function internally. seed : int, defaults to None dask_data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any] This kwargs must be empty when we do not use dask! () When a user scatters data from their local process to the distributed network, this data is distributed in a round-robin fashion grouping by number of cores. Roughly speaking, we can keep this data in memory and then we do not have to (de-)serialize the data every time we would like to execute a target function with a big dataset. For example, when your target function has a big dataset shared across all the target function, this argument is very useful. Returns ------- status : StatusType Status of the trial. cost : float | list[float] Resulting cost(s) of the trial. runtime : float The time the target function took to run. additional_info : dict All further additional trial information. """ # The kwargs are passed to the target function. kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {} kwargs.update(dask_data_to_scatter) if "seed" in self._required_arguments: kwargs["seed"] = seed if "instance" in self._required_arguments: kwargs["instance"] = instance if "budget" in self._required_arguments: kwargs["budget"] = budget # Presetting cost: float | list[float] = self._crash_cost runtime = 0.0 additional_info = {} status = StatusType.CRASHED # If memory limit or walltime limit is set, we wanna use pynisher target_function: Callable if self._memory_limit is not None or self._algorithm_walltime_limit is not None: target_function = limit( self._target_function, memory=self._memory_limit, wall_time=self._algorithm_walltime_limit, wrap_errors=True, # Hard to describe; see ) else: target_function = self._target_function # We don't want the user to change the configuration config_copy = copy.deepcopy(config) # Call target function try: start_time = time.time() rval = self(config_copy, target_function, kwargs) runtime = time.time() - start_time status = StatusType.SUCCESS except WallTimeoutException: status = StatusType.TIMEOUT except MemoryLimitException: status = StatusType.MEMORYOUT except Exception as e: cost = np.asarray(cost).squeeze().tolist() additional_info = { "traceback": traceback.format_exc(), "error": repr(e), } status = StatusType.CRASHED if status != StatusType.SUCCESS: return status, cost, runtime, additional_info if isinstance(rval, tuple): result, additional_info = rval else: result, additional_info = rval, {} # Do some sanity checking (for multi objective) error = f"Returned costs {result} does not match the number of objectives {self._objectives}." # If dict convert to array and make sure the order is correct if isinstance(result, dict): if len(result) != len(self._objectives): raise RuntimeError(error) ordered_cost: list[float] = [] for name in self._objectives: if name not in result: raise RuntimeError(f"Objective {name} was not found in the returned costs.") ordered_cost.append(result[name]) result = ordered_cost if isinstance(result, list): if len(result) != len(self._objectives): raise RuntimeError(error) if isinstance(result, float): if isinstance(self._objectives, list) and len(self._objectives) != 1: raise RuntimeError(error) cost = result if cost is None: status = StatusType.CRASHED cost = self.crash_cost # We want to get either a float or a list of floats. cost = np.asarray(cost).squeeze().tolist() return status, cost, runtime, additional_info
[docs] def __call__( self, config: Configuration, algorithm: Callable, algorithm_kwargs: dict[str, Any], ) -> ( float | list[float] | dict[str, float] | tuple[float, dict] | tuple[list[float], dict] | tuple[dict[str, float], dict] ): """Calls the algorithm, which is processed in the ``run`` method.""" return algorithm(config, **algorithm_kwargs)