Source code for smac.runner.abstract_serial_runner

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator

from smac.runhistory.dataclasses import TrialInfo, TrialValue
from smac.runner.abstract_runner import AbstractRunner

[docs]class AbstractSerialRunner(AbstractRunner):
[docs] def submit_trial(self, trial_info: TrialInfo) -> None: """This function submits a trial_info object in a serial fashion. As there is a single worker for this task, this interface can be considered a wrapper over the `run` method. Both result/exceptions can be completely determined in this step so both lists are properly filled. Parameters ---------- trial_info : TrialInfo An object containing the configuration launched. """ self._results_queue.append(self.run_wrapper(trial_info))
[docs] def iter_results(self) -> Iterator[tuple[TrialInfo, TrialValue]]: # noqa: D102 while self._results_queue: yield self._results_queue.pop(0)
[docs] def wait(self) -> None: """The SMBO/intensifier might need to wait for trials to finish before making a decision. For serial runners, no wait is needed as the result is immediately available. """ # There is no need to wait in serial runners. When launching a trial via submit, as # the serial trial uses the same process to run, the result is always available # immediately after. This method implements is just an implementation of the # abstract method via a simple return, again, because there is no need to wait return
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return False
[docs] def count_available_workers(self) -> int: """Returns the number of available workers. Serial workers only have one worker.""" return 1