

fmin_smac(func, x0, bounds[, maxfun, rng, ...])

Minimize a function func using the SMAC4HPO facade (i.e., a modified version of SMAC).

smac.facade.func_facade.fmin_smac(func, x0, bounds, maxfun=- 1, rng=None, scenario_args=None, tae_runner_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Minimize a function func using the SMAC4HPO facade (i.e., a modified version of SMAC). This function is a convenience wrapper for the SMAC4HPO class.

  • func (Callable) – Function to minimize.

  • x0 (List[float]) – Initial guess/default configuration.

  • bounds (List[List[float]]) – (min, max) pairs for each element in x, defining the bound on that parameters.

  • maxfun (int, optional) – Maximum number of function evaluations.

  • rng (np.random.RandomState, optional) – Random number generator used by SMAC.

  • scenario_args (Mapping[str,Any]) – Arguments passed to the scenario See smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario

  • **kwargs – Arguments passed to the optimizer class See ~smac.facade.smac_facade.SMAC

Return type

Tuple[Configuration, Union[ndarray, float], SMAC4HPO]


  • x (list) – Estimated position of the minimum.

  • f (Union[np.ndarray, float]) – Value of func at the minimum. Depending on the scenario_args, it could be a scalar value (for single objective problems) or a np.ndarray (for multi objective problems).

  • s (smac.facade.smac_hpo_facade.SMAC4HPO) – SMAC objects which enables the user to get e.g., the trajectory and runhistory.