from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union
import logging
import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import UniformFloatHyperparameter # type: ignore
from smac.configspace import Configuration, ConfigurationSpace
from smac.facade.smac_hpo_facade import SMAC4HPO
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunKey
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from smac.tae.execute_func import ExecuteTAFuncArray
__author__ = "Marius Lindauer, Matthias Feurer"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
[docs]def fmin_smac(
func: Callable,
x0: List[float],
bounds: List[Iterable[float]],
maxfun: int = -1,
rng: Optional[Union[np.random.RandomState, int]] = None,
scenario_args: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
tae_runner_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[Configuration, Union[np.ndarray, float], SMAC4HPO]:
"""Minimize a function func using the SMAC4HPO facade (i.e., a modified version of SMAC). This
function is a convenience wrapper for the SMAC4HPO class.
func : Callable
Function to minimize.
x0 : List[float]
Initial guess/default configuration.
bounds : List[List[float]]
``(min, max)`` pairs for each element in ``x``, defining the bound on
that parameters.
maxfun : int, optional
Maximum number of function evaluations.
rng : np.random.RandomState, optional
Random number generator used by SMAC.
scenario_args: Mapping[str,Any]
Arguments passed to the scenario
See smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario
Arguments passed to the optimizer class
See ~smac.facade.smac_facade.SMAC
x : list
Estimated position of the minimum.
f : Union[np.ndarray, float]
Value of `func` at the minimum. Depending on the scenario_args, it could be a scalar value
(for single objective problems) or a np.ndarray (for multi objective problems).
s : :class:`smac.facade.smac_hpo_facade.SMAC4HPO`
SMAC objects which enables the user to get
e.g., the trajectory and runhistory.
# create configuration space
cs = ConfigurationSpace()
# Adjust zero padding
tmplt = "x{0:0" + str(len(str(len(bounds)))) + "d}"
for idx, (lower_bound, upper_bound) in enumerate(bounds):
parameter = UniformFloatHyperparameter(
name=tmplt.format(idx + 1),
# create scenario
scenario_dict = {
"run_obj": "quality",
"cs": cs,
"deterministic": True,
"initial_incumbent": "DEFAULT",
if scenario_args is not None:
if maxfun > 0:
scenario_dict["runcount_limit"] = maxfun
scenario = Scenario(scenario_dict)
# Handle optional tae arguments
if tae_runner_kwargs is not None:
if "ta" not in tae_runner_kwargs:
tae_runner_kwargs.update({"ta": func})
tae_runner_kwargs = {"ta": func}
smac = SMAC4HPO(
smac.logger = logging.getLogger(smac.__module__ + "." + smac.__class__.__name__)
incumbent = smac.optimize()
config_id = smac.solver.runhistory.config_ids[incumbent]
run_key = RunKey(config_id, None, 0)
incumbent_performance =[run_key]
incumbent = np.array([incumbent[tmplt.format(idx + 1)] for idx in range(len(bounds))], dtype=float)
return incumbent, incumbent_performance.cost, smac