

construct_gp_kernel(kernel_kwargs, ...)

Construct a GP kernel with the given kernel init argument, the cont_dims, and cat_dims of the problem.


FITCKernel(base_kernel, X_inducing, ...[, ...])

FITCMean(covar_module[, batch_shape])

MixedKernel(cont_kernel, cat_kernel)

A special form of ProductKernel.

class smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing.FITCKernel(base_kernel, X_inducing, likelihood, X_out, y_out, active_dims=None)[source]

Bases: gpytorch.kernels.kernel.Kernel

forward(x1, x2, diag=False, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the kernel function

Return type


num_outputs_per_input(x1, x2)[source]

Number of outputs given the inputs if x1 is of size n x d and x2 is size m x d, then the size of the kernel will be (n * num_outputs_per_input) x (m * num_outputs_per_input)

  • x1 (torch.Tensor) – the first input of the kernel

  • x2 (torch.Tensor) – the second input of the kernel


res – for base kernels such as matern or RBF kernels, this value needs to be 1.

Return type



The posterior mean of the FITC kernel, will serve as the prior mean of the dense kernel.


inputs (torch.Tensor(N_inputs, D)) – input of the FITC kernel


res – The posterior mean of the FITC Kernel

Return type

Torch.Tensor (N_inputs, 1)

class smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing.FITCMean(covar_module, batch_shape=torch.Size([]), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: gpytorch.means.mean.Mean


Compute the posterior mean from the cached value of FITC kernels


input (torch.Tensor(N_xin, D)) – input torch Tensor


res – posterior mean value of FITC GP model

Return type


class smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing.MixedKernel(cont_kernel, cat_kernel)[source]

Bases: gpytorch.kernels.kernel.ProductKernel

A special form of ProductKernel. It is composed of a cont_kernel and a cat_kernel that work with continuous and categorical parameters, respectively. Its forward pass allows an additional parameter to determine if only cont_kernel is applied to the input.

forward(x1, x2, diag=False, cont_only=False, **params)[source]

Compute kernel values, if cont_only is True, then the categorical kernel is omitted

Return type


smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing.construct_gp_kernel(kernel_kwargs, cont_dims, cat_dims)[source]

Construct a GP kernel with the given kernel init argument, the cont_dims, and cat_dims of the problem. Since the subspace might not have the same number of dimensions as the global search space. We need to reconstruct the kernel every time when a new subspace is generated.

  • kernel_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

    kernel kwargs. Arguments to initialize the kernels. It needs to contain the following items:

    cont_kernel: type of continuous kernels cont_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for continuous kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior cat_kernel: type of categorical kernels cat_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for categorical kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior scale_kernel: type of scale kernels scale_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for scale kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior

  • cont_dims (np.ndarray) – dimensions of continuous hyperparameters

  • cat_dims (np.ndarray) – dimensions of categorical hyperparameters


kernel – constructed kernels

Return type

Union[Kernel, SKLKernels]