Source code for smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import copy
import math

import gpytorch
import numpy as np
import torch
from gpytorch import settings
from gpytorch.kernels import Kernel, MaternKernel, ProductKernel, ScaleKernel
from gpytorch.lazy import (
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from gpytorch.means.mean import Mean
from gpytorch.utils.cholesky import psd_safe_cholesky
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Kernel as SKLKernels

from smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels import ConstantKernel, WhiteKernel

[docs]class MixedKernel(ProductKernel): """ A special form of ProductKernel. It is composed of a cont_kernel and a cat_kernel that work with continuous and categorical parameters, respectively. Its forward pass allows an additional parameter to determine if only cont_kernel is applied to the input. """ def __init__(self, cont_kernel: Kernel, cat_kernel: Kernel): kernels = cont_kernel.kernels if isinstance(cont_kernel, ProductKernel) else [cont_kernel] kernels += cat_kernel.kernels if isinstance(cat_kernel, ProductKernel) else [cat_kernel] super().__init__(*kernels) self.cont_kernel = cont_kernel self.cat_kernel = cat_kernel
[docs] def forward( self, x1: torch.Tensor, x2: torch.Tensor, diag: bool = False, cont_only: bool = False, **params: Any ) -> gpytorch.lazy.LazyTensor: """Compute kernel values, if cont_only is True, then the categorical kernel is omitted""" if not cont_only: return super().forward(x1, x2, diag, **params) else: return self.cont_kernel(x1, x2, diag, **params)
[docs]def construct_gp_kernel( kernel_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], cont_dims: np.ndarray, cat_dims: np.ndarray ) -> Union[Kernel, SKLKernels]: """ Construct a GP kernel with the given kernel init argument, the cont_dims, and cat_dims of the problem. Since the subspace might not have the same number of dimensions as the global search space. We need to reconstruct the kernel every time when a new subspace is generated. Parameters ---------- kernel_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] kernel kwargs. Arguments to initialize the kernels. It needs to contain the following items: cont_kernel: type of continuous kernels cont_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for continuous kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior cat_kernel: type of categorical kernels cat_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for categorical kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior scale_kernel: type of scale kernels scale_kernel_kwargs: additional arguments for scale kernels, for instance, length constraints and prior cont_dims: np.ndarray dimensions of continuous hyperparameters cat_dims: np.ndarray dimensions of categorical hyperparameters Returns ------- kernel: Union[Kernel, SKLKernels] constructed kernels """ if len(cont_dims) > 0: cont_kernel_class = kernel_kwargs.get("cont_kernel", MaternKernel) cont_kernel_kwargs = kernel_kwargs.get("cont_kernel_kwargs", {}) cont_kernel = cont_kernel_class( ard_num_dims=cont_dims.shape[-1], active_dims=tuple(cont_dims), **cont_kernel_kwargs ).double() if len(cat_dims) > 0: cat_kernel_class = kernel_kwargs.get("cat_kernel", MaternKernel) cat_kernel_kwargs = kernel_kwargs.get("cat_kernel_kwargs", {}) cat_kernel = cat_kernel_class( ard_num_dims=cat_dims.shape[-1], active_dims=tuple(cat_dims), **cat_kernel_kwargs ).double() if len(cont_dims) > 0 and len(cat_dims) > 0: if isinstance(cont_kernel, SKLKernels): base_kernel = cont_kernel * cat_kernel else: base_kernel = MixedKernel(cont_kernel=cont_kernel, cat_kernel=cat_kernel) elif len(cont_dims) > 0 and len(cat_dims) == 0: base_kernel = cont_kernel elif len(cont_dims) == 0 and len(cat_dims) > 0: base_kernel = cat_kernel else: raise ValueError("Either cont_dims or cat_dims must exist!") if isinstance(base_kernel, SKLKernels): scale_kernel_class = kernel_kwargs.get("scale_kernel", ConstantKernel) scale_kernel_kwargs = kernel_kwargs.get("scale_kernel_kwargs", {}) scale_kernel = scale_kernel_class(**scale_kernel_kwargs) noise_kernel_class = kernel_kwargs.get("noise_kernel", WhiteKernel) noise_kernel_kwargs = kernel_kwargs.get("noise_kernel_kwargs", {}) noise_kernel = noise_kernel_class(**noise_kernel_kwargs) gp_kernel = scale_kernel * base_kernel + noise_kernel else: scale_kernel_class = kernel_kwargs.get("scale_kernel", ScaleKernel) scale_kernel_kwargs = kernel_kwargs.get("scale_kernel_kwargs", {}) gp_kernel = scale_kernel_class(base_kernel=base_kernel, **scale_kernel_kwargs) return gp_kernel
[docs]class FITCKernel(Kernel): def __init__( self, base_kernel: Kernel, X_inducing: torch.Tensor, likelihood: GaussianLikelihood, X_out: torch.Tensor, y_out: torch.Tensor, active_dims: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, ): r"""A reimplementation of FITC Kernel that computes the posterior explicitly for globally augmented local GP. This should work exactly the same as a gpytorch.kernel.InducingPointKernel. However, it takes much less time when combined with LGPGA. References: Edward Snelson and Zoubin Ghahramani. Sparse Gaussian processes using pseudo-inputs. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006. The MIT Press. Mean value is computed with: \mathbf{\mu_{l'}} = \mathbf{K_{l',u} \Sigma K_{u,1} \Lambda}^{-1}\mathbf{y_g} \label{eq:mean_sgp} and variance value: \mathbf{\sigma}^2_{l'} = \mathbf{K_{l',l'}} - \mathbf{Q_{l', l'} + \mathbf{K_{l', u}\Sigma K_{u, l'}}} \mathbf{\Sigma} = (\mathbf{K_{u,u}} + \mathbf{K_{u, g} \Lambda}^{-1}\mathbf{K_{g,u}})^{-1} \mathbf{\Lambda} = diag[\mathbf{K_{g,g}-Q_{g,g}} + \sigma^2_{noise}\idenmat] ---------- base_kernel: Kernel base kernel function X_inducing: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, D) inducing points, a torch tensor with shape (N_inducing, D), N_inducing is the number of the inducing points likelihood: GaussianLikelihood GP likelihood X_out: torch.Tensor (N_out,D) data features outside the subregion, it needs to be of size (N_out, D), N_out is the number of points outside the subspace y_out: torch.Tensor data observations outside the subregion active_dims: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int]] = None Set this if you want to compute the covariance of only a few input dimensions. The ints corresponds to the indices of the dimensions. Default: `None`. """ super(FITCKernel, self).__init__(active_dims=active_dims) self.has_lengthscale = base_kernel.has_lengthscale self.base_kernel = base_kernel self.likelihood = likelihood if X_inducing.ndimension() == 1: X_inducing = X_inducing.unsqueeze(-1) self.X_out = X_out self.y_out = y_out self.register_parameter(name="X_inducing", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(X_inducing)) def _clear_cache(self) -> None: if hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_mat"): del self._cached_kernel_mat if hasattr(self, "_cached_inducing_sigma"): del self._cached_inducing_sigma if hasattr(self, "_cached_poster_mean_mat"): del self._cached_poster_mean_mat if hasattr(self, "_train_cached_k_u1"): del self._train_cached_k_u1 if hasattr(self, "_train_cached_lambda_diag_inv"): del self._train_cached_lambda_diag_inv if hasattr(self, "_train_cached_posterior_mean"): del self._train_cached_posterior_mean if hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_inv_root"): del self._cached_kernel_inv_root @property def _inducing_mat(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes inducing matrix, K(X_inducing, X_inducing) Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, N_inducing) K(X_inducing, X_inducing) """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_mat"): return self._cached_kernel_mat else: res = delazify(self.base_kernel(self.X_inducing, self.X_inducing)) if not self._cached_kernel_mat = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _inducing_inv_root(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the inverse of the inducing matrix: K_inv(X_inducing, X_inducing) = K(X_inducing, X_inducing)^(-1) Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, N_inducing) K_inv(X_inducing, X_inducing) """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_inv_root"): return self._cached_kernel_inv_root else: chol = psd_safe_cholesky(self._inducing_mat, upper=True, jitter=settings.cholesky_jitter.value()) eye = torch.eye(chol.size(-1), device=chol.device, dtype=chol.dtype) inv_root = torch.triangular_solve(eye, chol)[0] res = inv_root if not self._cached_kernel_inv_root = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _k_u1(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the covariance matrix between the X_inducing and X_out : K(X_inducing, X_out) Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, N_out) K(X_inducing, X_out) """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_k_u1"): return self._cached_k_u1 else: res = delazify(self.base_kernel(self.X_inducing, self.X_out)) if not self._cached_k_u1 = res # type: torch.Tensor else: self._train_cached_k_u1 = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _lambda_diag_inv(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the inverse of lambda matrix, it is computed by \Lambda = diag[\mathbf{K_{X_out,X_out}-Q_{X_out,X_out}} + \sigma^2_{noise}\idenmat] and Q{X_out, X_out} = K(X_out, X_inducing) K^{-1}(X_inducing,X_inducing) K(X_inducing, X_out) Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_out, N_out) inverse of the diagonal matrix lambda """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_lambda_diag_inv"): return self._cached_lambda_diag_inv else: diag_k11 = delazify(self.base_kernel(self.X_out, diag=True)) diag_q11 = delazify(RootLazyTensor(self._k_u1.transpose(-1, -2).matmul(self._inducing_inv_root))).diag() # Diagonal correction for predictive posterior correction = (diag_k11 - diag_q11).clamp(0, math.inf) sigma = self.likelihood._shaped_noise_covar(correction.shape).diag() res = delazify(DiagLazyTensor((correction + sigma).reciprocal())) if not self._cached_lambda_diag_inv = res # type: torch.Tensor else: self._train_cached_lambda_diag_inv = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _inducing_sigma(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the inverse of lambda matrix, it is computed by \mathbf{\Sigma} = (\mathbf{K_{X_inducing,X_inducing}} + \mathbf{K_{X_inducing, X_out} \Lambda}^{-1}\mathbf{K_{X_out,X_inducing}}) Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, N_inducing) \Sigma """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_inducing_sigma"): return self._cached_inducing_sigma else: k_u1 = self._k_u1 res = PsdSumLazyTensor( self._inducing_mat, MatmulLazyTensor(k_u1, MatmulLazyTensor(self._lambda_diag_inv, k_u1.transpose(-1, -2))), ) res = delazify(res) if not self._cached_inducing_sigma = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _inducing_sigma_inv_root(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Inverse of Sigma matrix: Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, N_inducing) \Sigma ^{-1} """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root"): return self._cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root else: chol = psd_safe_cholesky(self._inducing_sigma, upper=True, jitter=settings.cholesky_jitter.value()) eye = torch.eye(chol.size(-1), device=chol.device, dtype=chol.dtype) inv_root = torch.triangular_solve(eye, chol)[0] res = inv_root if not self._cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root = res # type: torch.Tensor return res @property def _poster_mean_mat(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""A cached value for computing the posterior mean of a sparse kernel it is defined by \Sigma K_{u, 1} \Lambda}^{-1}\mathbf{y_out} Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor (N_inducing, 1) cached posterior mean """ if not and hasattr(self, "_cached_poster_mean_mat"): return self._cached_poster_mean_mat else: inducing_sigma_inv_root = self._inducing_sigma_inv_root sigma = RootLazyTensor(inducing_sigma_inv_root) k_u1 = self._k_u1 lambda_diag_inv = self._lambda_diag_inv res_mat = delazify(MatmulLazyTensor(sigma, MatmulLazyTensor(k_u1, lambda_diag_inv))) res = torch.matmul(res_mat, self.y_out) if not self._cached_poster_mean_mat = res # type: torch.Tensor return res def _get_covariance(self, x1: torch.Tensor, x2: torch.Tensor) -> gpytorch.lazy.LazyTensor: r"""Compute the posterior covariance matrix of a sparse kernel explicitly Parameters ---------- x1: torch.Tensor(N_x1, D) first input of the FITC kernel x2: torch.Tensor(N_x2, D) second input of the FITC kernel Returns ------- res: Optional[torch.Tensor (N_x1, 1), PsdSumLazyTensor] a cached value for computing the posterior mean, it is defined by \Sigma K_{u, 1} \Lambda}^{-1}\mathbf{y_out} """ k_x1x2 = self.base_kernel(x1, x2) k_x1u = delazify(self.base_kernel(x1, self.X_inducing)) inducing_inv_root = self._inducing_inv_root inducing_sigma_inv_root = self._inducing_sigma_inv_root if torch.equal(x1, x2): q_x1x2 = RootLazyTensor(k_x1u.matmul(inducing_inv_root)) s_x1x2 = RootLazyTensor(k_x1u.matmul(inducing_sigma_inv_root)) else: k_x2u = delazify(self.base_kernel(x2, self.X_inducing)) q_x1x2 = MatmulLazyTensor( k_x1u.matmul(inducing_inv_root), k_x2u.matmul(inducing_inv_root).transpose(-1, -2) ) s_x1x2 = MatmulLazyTensor( k_x1u.matmul(inducing_sigma_inv_root), k_x2u.matmul(inducing_sigma_inv_root).transpose(-1, -2) ) covar = PsdSumLazyTensor(k_x1x2, -1.0 * q_x1x2, s_x1x2) if k_iu = self.base_kernel(x1, self.X_inducing) sigma = RootLazyTensor(inducing_sigma_inv_root) k_u1 = self._train_cached_k_u1 if hasattr(self, "_train_cached_k_u1") else self._k_u1 lambda_diag_inv = ( self._train_cached_lambda_diag_inv if hasattr(self, "_train_cached_lambda_diag_inv") else self._lambda_diag_inv ) mean = torch.matmul( delazify(MatmulLazyTensor(k_iu, MatmulLazyTensor(sigma, MatmulLazyTensor(k_u1, lambda_diag_inv)))), self.y_out, ) self._train_cached_posterior_mean = mean # type: torch.Tensor return covar
[docs] def posterior_mean(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ The posterior mean of the FITC kernel, will serve as the prior mean of the dense kernel. Parameters ---------- inputs: torch.Tensor(N_inputs, D) input of the FITC kernel Returns ------- res: Torch.Tensor (N_inputs, 1) The posterior mean of the FITC Kernel """ if and hasattr(self, "_train_cached_posterior_mean"): return self._train_cached_posterior_mean if inputs.ndimension() == 1: inputs = inputs.unsqueeze(1) k_iu = delazify(self.base_kernel(inputs, self.X_inducing, cont_only=True)) poster_mean = self._poster_mean_mat res = torch.matmul(k_iu, poster_mean) return res
[docs] def forward( self, x1: torch.Tensor, x2: torch.Tensor, diag: bool = False, **kwargs: Dict ) -> gpytorch.lazy.LazyTensor: """Compute the kernel function""" covar = self._get_covariance(x1, x2) if if not torch.equal(x1, x2): raise RuntimeError("x1 should equal x2 in training mode") if diag: return covar.diag() else: return covar
[docs] def num_outputs_per_input(self, x1: torch.Tensor, x2: torch.Tensor) -> int: """ Number of outputs given the inputs if x1 is of size `n x d` and x2 is size `m x d`, then the size of the kernel will be `(n * num_outputs_per_input) x (m * num_outputs_per_input)` Parameters ---------- x1: torch.Tensor the first input of the kernel x2: torch.Tensor the second input of the kernel Returns ------- res: int for base kernels such as matern or RBF kernels, this value needs to be 1. """ return self.base_kernel.num_outputs_per_input(x1, x2)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Dict) -> "FITCKernel": replace_inv_root = False replace_kernel_mat = False replace_k_u1 = False replace_lambda_diag_inv = False replace_inducing_sigma = False replace_inducing_sigma_inv_root = False replace_poster_mean = False if hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_inv_root"): replace_inv_root = True kernel_inv_root = self._cached_kernel_inv_root if hasattr(self, "_cached_kernel_mat"): replace_kernel_mat = True kernel_mat = self._cached_kernel_mat if hasattr(self, "_cached_k_u1"): replace_k_u1 = True k_u1 = self._cached_k_u1 if hasattr(self, "_cached_lambda_diag_inv"): replace_lambda_diag_inv = True lambda_diag_inv = self._cached_lambda_diag_inv if hasattr(self, "_cached_inducing_sigma"): replace_inducing_sigma = True inducing_sigma = self._cached_inducing_sigma if hasattr(self, "_cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root"): replace_inducing_sigma_inv_root = True inducing_sigma_inv_root = self._cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root if hasattr(self, "_cached_poster_mean_mat"): replace_poster_mean = True poster_mean_mat = self._cached_poster_mean_mat cp = self.__class__( base_kernel=copy.deepcopy(self.base_kernel), X_inducing=copy.deepcopy(self.X_inducing), X_out=self.X_out, y_out=self.y_out, likelihood=copy.deepcopy(self.likelihood), active_dims=self.active_dims, ) if replace_inv_root: cp._cached_kernel_inv_root = kernel_inv_root if replace_kernel_mat: cp._cached_kernel_mat = kernel_mat if replace_k_u1: cp._cached_k_u1 = k_u1 if replace_lambda_diag_inv: cp._cached_lambda_diag_inv = lambda_diag_inv if replace_inducing_sigma: cp._cached_inducing_sigma = inducing_sigma if replace_inducing_sigma_inv_root: cp._cached_inducing_sigma_inv_root = inducing_sigma_inv_root if replace_poster_mean: cp._cached_poster_mean_mat = poster_mean_mat return cp
[docs]class FITCMean(Mean): def __init__(self, covar_module: FITCKernel, batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(), **kwargs: Dict): """ Read the posterior mean value of the given fitc kernel and serve as a prior mean value for the second stage Parameters ---------- covar_module: FITCKernel a FITC kernel batch_shape: torch.size batch size """ super(FITCMean, self).__init__() self.covar_module = covar_module self.batch_shape = batch_shape self.covar_module = covar_module
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the posterior mean from the cached value of FITC kernels Parameters ---------- input: torch.Tensor(N_xin, D) input torch Tensor Returns ------- res: torch.Tensor(N_xin) posterior mean value of FITC GP model """ # detach is applied here to avoid updating the same parameter twice in the same iteration # which might result in an error res = self.covar_module.posterior_mean(input).detach() return res