from typing import Optional
import logging
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
import smac.epm.base_imputor
from smac.epm.base_epm import BaseEPM
__author__ = "Katharina Eggensperger"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Katharina Eggensperger"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.0.1"
[docs]class RFRImputator(smac.epm.base_imputor.BaseImputor):
"""Imputor using pyrfr's Random Forest regressor.
**Note:** Sets var_threshold as the lower bound on the variance for the
predictions of the random forest
rng : np.random.RandomState
Will be used to draw a seed (currently not used)
cutoff : float
Cutoff value for this scenario (upper runnning time limit)
threshold : float
Highest possible values (e.g. cutoff * parX).
model : BaseEPM
Predictive model (i.e. RandomForestWithInstances)
change_threshold : float
Stop imputation if change is less than this.
max_iter : int
Maximum number of imputation iterations.
logger : logging.Logger
max_iter : int
change_threshold : float
cutoff : float
threshold : float
seed : int
Created by drawing random int from rng
model : BaseEPM
Predictive model (i.e. RandomForestWithInstances)
var_threshold: float
def __init__(
rng: np.random.RandomState,
cutoff: float,
threshold: float,
model: BaseEPM,
change_threshold: float = 0.01,
max_iter: int = 2,
super(RFRImputator, self).__init__()
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__)
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.change_threshold = change_threshold
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.threshold = threshold
self.seed = rng.randint(low=0, high=1000)
self.model = model
# Never use a lower variance than this
self.var_threshold = 10**-2
[docs] def impute(
censored_X: np.ndarray,
censored_y: np.ndarray,
uncensored_X: np.ndarray,
uncensored_y: np.ndarray,
) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Imputes censored runs and returns new y values.
censored_X : np.ndarray [N, M]
Feature array of all censored runs.
censored_y : np.ndarray [N, 1]
Target values for all runs censored runs.
uncensored_X : np.ndarray [N, M]
Feature array of all non-censored runs.
uncensored_y : np.ndarray [N, 1]
Target values for all non-censored runs.
imputed_y : np.ndarray
Same shape as censored_y [N, 1]
if censored_X.shape[0] == 0:
self.logger.critical("Nothing to impute, return None")
return None
censored_y = censored_y.flatten()
uncensored_y = uncensored_y.flatten()
# first learn model without censored data
self.model.train(uncensored_X, uncensored_y)
self.logger.debug("Going to impute %d y-values with %s" % (censored_X.shape[0], str(self.model)))
imputed_y = None # define this, if imputation fails
# Define variables
y = np.empty((0,)) # This only defines the type, the actual value will not be used later on.
it = 1
change = 0
while True:
self.logger.debug("Iteration %d of %d" % (it, self.max_iter))
# predict censored y values
y_mean, y_var = self.model.predict(censored_X)
assert y_var is not None # please mypy
y_var[y_var < self.var_threshold] = self.var_threshold
y_stdev = np.sqrt(y_var)[:, 0]
y_mean = y_mean[:, 0]
# ignore the warnings of truncnorm.stats
# since we handle them appropriately
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"invalid value encountered in (subtract|true_divide|power).*")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"divide by zero encountered in (true_divide|log).*")
imputed_y = truncnorm.stats(
a=(censored_y - y_mean) / y_stdev,
b=(self.threshold - y_mean) / y_stdev,
imputed_y = np.array(imputed_y)
nans = ~np.isfinite(imputed_y)
n_nans = sum(nans)
if n_nans > 0:
# Replace all nans with maximum of predicted perf and censored value
# this happens if the prediction is far smaller than the
# censored data point
self.logger.debug("Going to replace %d nan-value(s) with " "max(captime, predicted mean)" % n_nans)
imputed_y[nans] = np.max([censored_y[nans], y_mean[nans]], axis=0)
if it > 1:
# Calc mean difference between imputed values this and last
# iteration, assume imputed values are always concatenated
# after uncensored values
change = np.mean(np.abs(imputed_y - y[uncensored_y.shape[0] :]) / y[uncensored_y.shape[0] :])
# lower all values that are higher than threshold
# should probably never happen
imputed_y[imputed_y >= self.threshold] = self.threshold
self.logger.debug("Change: %f" % change)
X = np.concatenate((uncensored_X, censored_X))
y = np.concatenate((uncensored_y, imputed_y))
if change > self.change_threshold or it == 1:
self.model.train(X, y)
it += 1
if it > self.max_iter:
self.logger.debug("Imputation used %d/%d iterations, last_change=%f" % (it - 1, self.max_iter, change))
# replace all y > cutoff with PAR10 values (i.e., threshold)
imputed_y = np.array(imputed_y, dtype=float)
imputed_y[imputed_y >= self.cutoff] = self.threshold
if not np.isfinite(imputed_y).all():
self.logger.critical("Imputed values are not finite, %s" % str(imputed_y))
return np.reshape(imputed_y, [imputed_y.shape[0], 1])