Source code for smac.epm.gaussian_process.utils.prior

import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps

from smac.utils.constants import VERY_SMALL_NUMBER

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Freiburg-Hannover"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

[docs]class Prior(object): """Abstract base class to define the interface for priors of GP hyperparameter. This class is adapted from RoBO: Klein, A. and Falkner, S. and Mansur, N. and Hutter, F. RoBO: A Flexible and Robust Bayesian Optimization Framework in Python In: NIPS 2017 Bayesian Optimization Workshop [16.04.2019]: Whenever lnprob or the gradient is computed for a scalar input, we use math.* rather than np.* Parameters ---------- rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator """ def __init__(self, rng: np.random.RandomState): if rng is None: raise ValueError("Argument rng must not be `None`.") self.rng = rng
[docs] def lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta. Theta must be on a log scale! This method exponentiates theta and calls ``self._lnprob``. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration in log space. Returns ------- float The log probability of theta """ return self._lnprob(np.exp(theta))
def _lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta. Theta must be on the original scale. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration on the original scale. Returns ------- float The log probability of theta """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns ``n_samples`` from the prior. All samples are on a log scale. This method calls ``self._sample_from_prior`` and applies a log transformation to the obtained values. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ if np.ndim(n_samples) != 0: raise ValueError("argument n_samples needs to be a scalar (is %s)" % n_samples) if n_samples <= 0: raise ValueError("argument n_samples needs to be positive (is %d)" % n_samples) sample = np.log(self._sample_from_prior(n_samples=n_samples)) if np.any(~np.isfinite(sample)): raise ValueError("Sample %s from prior %s contains infinite values!" % (sample, self)) return sample
def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns ``n_samples`` from the prior. All samples are on a original scale. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Computes the gradient of the prior with respect to theta. Theta must be on the original scale. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration in log space Returns ------- float The gradient of the prior at theta. """ return self._gradient(np.exp(theta))
def _gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Computes the gradient of the prior with respect to theta. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration in the original space space Returns ------- float The gradient of the prior at theta. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class TophatPrior(Prior): def __init__(self, lower_bound: float, upper_bound: float, rng: np.random.RandomState): """Tophat prior as it used in the original spearmint code. This class is adapted from RoBO: Klein, A. and Falkner, S. and Mansur, N. and Hutter, F. RoBO: A Flexible and Robust Bayesian Optimization Framework in Python In: NIPS 2017 Bayesian Optimization Workshop Parameters ---------- lower_bound : float Lower bound of the prior. In original scale. upper_bound : float Upper bound of the prior. In original scale. rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator """ super().__init__(rng) self.min = lower_bound self._log_min = np.log(lower_bound) self.max = upper_bound self._log_max = np.log(upper_bound) if not (self.max > self.min): raise Exception("Upper bound of Tophat prior must be greater than the lower bound!") def _lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta. Parameters ---------- theta : float A hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- float """ if theta < self.min or theta > self.max: return -np.inf else: return 0 def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Return ``n_samples`` from the prior. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ if np.ndim(n_samples) != 0: raise ValueError("argument n_samples needs to be a scalar (is %s)" % n_samples) if n_samples <= 0: raise ValueError("argument n_samples needs to be positive (is %d)" % n_samples) p0 = np.exp(self.rng.uniform(low=self._log_min, high=self._log_max, size=(n_samples,))) return p0
[docs] def gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Computes the gradient of the prior with respect to theta. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration in log space Returns ------- (D) np.array The gradient of the prior at theta. """ return 0
[docs]class HorseshoePrior(Prior): def __init__(self, scale: float, rng: np.random.RandomState): """Horseshoe Prior as it is used in spearmint. This class is adapted from RoBO: Klein, A. and Falkner, S. and Mansur, N. and Hutter, F. RoBO: A Flexible and Robust Bayesian Optimization Framework in Python In: NIPS 2017 Bayesian Optimization Workshop Parameters ---------- scale: float Scaling parameter. See below how it is influencing the distribution. rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator """ super().__init__(rng) self.scale = scale self.scale_square = scale**2 def _lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta. Parameters ---------- theta : (D,) numpy array A hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- float """ # We computed it exactly as in the original spearmint code, they basically say that there's no analytical form # of the horseshoe prior, but that the multiplier is bounded between 2 and 4 and that they used the middle # See "The horseshoe estimator for sparse signals" by Carvalho, Poloson and Scott (2010), Equation 1. # # Compared to the paper by Carvalho, there's a constant multiplicator missing # Compared to Spearmint we first have to undo the log space transformation of the theta # Note: "undo log space transformation" is done in parent class if theta == 0: return np.inf # POSITIVE infinity (this is the "spike") else: a = math.log(1 + 3.0 * (self.scale_square / theta**2)) return math.log(a + VERY_SMALL_NUMBER) def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns N samples from the prior. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ # This is copied from RoBO - scale is most likely the tau parameter lamda = np.abs(self.rng.standard_cauchy(size=n_samples)) p0 = np.abs(self.rng.randn() * lamda * self.scale) return p0 def _gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Computes the gradient of the prior with respect to theta. Parameters ---------- theta : (D,) numpy array Hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- (D) np.array The gradient of the prior at theta. """ if theta == 0: return np.inf # POSITIVE infinity (this is the "spike") else: a = -(6 * self.scale_square) b = 3 * self.scale_square + theta**2 b *= math.log(3 * self.scale_square * theta ** (-2) + 1) b = max(b, 1e-14) return a / b
[docs]class LognormalPrior(Prior): def __init__( self, sigma: float, rng: np.random.RandomState, mean: float = 0, ): """Log normal prior. This class is adapted from RoBO: Klein, A. and Falkner, S. and Mansur, N. and Hutter, F. RoBO: A Flexible and Robust Bayesian Optimization Framework in Python In: NIPS 2017 Bayesian Optimization Workshop Parameters ---------- sigma: float Specifies the standard deviation of the normal distribution. rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator mean: float Specifies the mean of the normal distribution """ super().__init__(rng) if mean != 0: raise NotImplementedError(mean) self.sigma = sigma self.sigma_square = sigma**2 self.mean = mean self.sqrt_2_pi = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) def _lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta. Parameters ---------- theta : float A hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- float """ if theta <= self.mean: return -1e25 else: rval = -((math.log(theta) - self.mean) ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma_square) - math.log( self.sqrt_2_pi * self.sigma * theta ) return rval def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns N samples from the prior. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return self.rng.lognormal(mean=self.mean, sigma=self.sigma, size=n_samples) def _gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Computes the gradient of the prior with respect to theta. Parameters ---------- theta : (D,) numpy array Hyperparameter configuration in log space Returns ------- (D) np.array The gradient of the prior at theta. """ if theta <= 0: return 0 else: # derivative of log(1 / (x * s^2 * sqrt(2 pi)) * exp( - 0.5 * (log(x ) / s^2))^2)) # This is without the mean!!! return -(self.sigma_square + math.log(theta)) / (self.sigma_square * (theta)) * theta
[docs]class SoftTopHatPrior(Prior): def __init__(self, lower_bound: float, upper_bound: float, exponent: float, rng: np.random.RandomState) -> None: super().__init__(rng) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error") self.lower_bound = lower_bound try: self._log_lower_bound = np.log(lower_bound) except RuntimeWarning as w: if "invalid value encountered in log" in w.args[0]: raise ValueError("Invalid lower bound %f (cannot compute log)" % lower_bound) raise w self.upper_bound = upper_bound try: self._log_upper_bound = np.log(upper_bound) except RuntimeWarning as w: if "invalid value encountered in log" in w.args[0]: raise ValueError("Invalid lower bound %f (cannot compute log)" % lower_bound) raise w if exponent <= 0: raise ValueError("Exponent cannot be less or equal than zero (but is %f)" % exponent) self.exponent = exponent
[docs] def lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Return the log probability of theta.""" # We need to use lnprob here instead of _lnprob to have the squared function work # in the logarithmic space, too. if np.ndim(theta) == 0: if theta < self._log_lower_bound: return -((theta - self._log_lower_bound) ** self.exponent) elif theta > self._log_upper_bound: return -((self._log_upper_bound - theta) ** self.exponent) else: return 0 else: raise NotImplementedError()
def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns N samples from the prior. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return np.exp(self.rng.uniform(self._log_lower_bound, self._log_upper_bound, size=(n_samples,)))
[docs] def gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Returns the gradient of the prior at theta.""" if np.ndim(theta) == 0: if theta < self._log_lower_bound: return -self.exponent * (theta - self._log_lower_bound) elif theta > self._log_upper_bound: return self.exponent * (self._log_upper_bound - theta) else: return 0 else: raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "SoftTopHatPrior(lower_bound=%f, upper_bound=%f)" % ( self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, )
[docs]class GammaPrior(Prior): def __init__(self, a: float, scale: float, loc: float, rng: np.random.RandomState): """Gamma prior. f(x) = (x-loc)**(a-1) * e**(-(x-loc)) * (1/scale)**a / gamma(a) Parameters ---------- a: float > 0 shape parameter scale: float > 0 scale parameter (1/scale corresponds to parameter p in canonical form) loc: float mean parameter for the distribution rng: np.random.RandomState Random number generator """ super().__init__(rng) self.a = a self.loc = loc self.scale = scale def _lnprob(self, theta: float) -> float: """Returns the logpdf of theta. Parameters ---------- theta : float Hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- float """ if np.ndim(theta) != 0: raise NotImplementedError() return sps.gamma.logpdf(theta, a=self.a, scale=self.scale, loc=self.loc) def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns N samples from the prior. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples that will be drawn. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return self.rng.gamma(shape=self.a, scale=self.scale, size=n_samples) def _gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """As computed by Wolfram Alpha. Parameters ---------- theta: float A hyperparameter configuration Returns ------- float """ if np.ndim(theta) == 0: # Multiply by theta because of the chain rule... return ((self.a - 1) / theta - (1 / self.scale)) * theta else: raise NotImplementedError()