'''Script to run experiments on MDP Playground.
Takes a configuration file, experiment name and config number to run as
optional arguments.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import mdp_playground.config_processor as config_processor
import os
import logging
import dill as pickle
from ray import tune
# import configparser
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
[docs]def main(args):
#TODO Different seeds for Ray Trainer (TF, numpy, Python; Torch, Env), Environment (it has multiple sources of randomness too), Ray Evaluator
# docstring at beginning of the file is stored in __doc__
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', dest='config_file',
action='store', default='default_config',
help='Configuration file containing configuration to run '
'experiments. It must be a Python file so config can be '
'given programmatically. There are 2 types of configs - '
'VARIABLE CONFIG across the experiments and STATIC CONFIG '
'across the experiments. \nVARIABLE CONFIGS: The '
'OrderedDicts var_env_configs, var_agent_configs and '
'var_model_configs hold configuration options that are '
'variable for the environment, agent and model across the '
'current experiment. For each configuration option, the '
'option is the key in the dict and its value is a list of '
'values it can take for the current experiment. A '
'Cartesian product of these lists is taken to generate '
'various possible configurations to be run. For example, '
'you might want to vary "delay" for the current '
'experiment. Then "delay" would be a key in '
'var_env_configs dict and its value would be a list of '
'values it can take. Because Ray does not have a common '
'way to address this specification of configurations for '
'its agents, there are a few hacky ways to set '
'var_agent_configs and var_model_configs currently. '
'Please see sample experiment config files in the '
'experiments directory to see how to set the values for a '
'given algorithm. \n STATIC CONFIGS: env_config, '
'agent_config and model_config are dicts which hold the '
'static configuration for the current experiment as a '
'normal Python dict.')
# ####TODO Update docs regarding how to get configs to run: i.e., Cartesian
# product, or random, etc.
parser.add_argument('-e', '--exp-name', dest='exp_name', action='store',
help='The user-chosen name of the experiment. This is used'
' as the prefix of the output files (the prefix also '
'contains config_num if that is provided). It will save '
'stats to 2 CSV files, with the filenames as the one given'
' as argument'
' and another file with an extra "_eval" in the filename '
'that contains evaluation stats during the training. '
'Appends to existing files or creates new ones if they '
'don\'t exist.')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--config-num', dest='config_num', action='store',
default=None, type=int,
help='Used for running the configurations of experiments '
'in parallel. This is appended to the prefix of the output'
' files (after exp_name).'
' A Cartesian product of different configuration values '
'for the experiment will be taken and ordered as a list '
'and this number corresponds to the configuration number '
'in this list. Please look in to the code for details.')
# ###TODO Remove? #hack to run 1000 x 1000 env configs x agent configs.
# Storing all million of them in memory may be too inefficient?
parser.add_argument('-a', '--agent-config-num', dest='agent_config_num',
action='store', default=None, type=int,
help='Used for running the configurations of experiments '
'in parallel. This is appended to the prefix of the output'
' files (after exp_name).')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--framework', dest='framework', action='store',
default='ray', type=str, help='Specify framework to run '
'experiments (Current options: Ray Rllib, Stable Baselines'
parser.add_argument('-m', '--save-model', dest='save_model', action='store',
default=False, type=bool,
help='Option to save trained NN model and framework \
generated files at the end of '
parser.add_argument('-t', '--framework-dir', dest='framework_dir',
action='store', default='/tmp/', type=str,
help='Prefix of directory to be used by underlying '
'framework (e.g. Ray Rllib, Stable Baselines 3). This '
'name will be passed to the framework.')
# parser.add_argument('-t', '--tune-hps', dest='tune_hps', action='store',
# default=False, type=bool,
# help='Used for tuning the hyperparameters that can be '
# 'used for experiments later.'
# ' A Cartesian product of different configuration values '
# 'for the experiment will be taken and ordered as a list '
# 'and this number corresponds to the configuration number'
# ' in this list.'
# ' Please look in to the code for details.')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', default='WARNING',
help='Set log level.')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
print("Parsed arguments:", args)
log_levels = {
'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
'INFO': logging.INFO,
'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
'NOTSET': logging.NOTSET
log_level_ = log_levels[args.log_level]
except ValueError:
logging.error("Log level {} not in {}.".format(args.log_level,
config_file = args.config_file
if args.config_file[-3:] == '.py':
config_file = args.config_file[:-3]
# print("config_file_path:", config_file_path)
stats_file_name = os.path.abspath(args.exp_name)
if args.config_num is not None:
stats_file_name += '_' + str(args.config_num)
# elif args.agent_config_num is not None: ###IMP Commented out! If we append both these nums then, that can lead to 1M small files for 1000x1000 configs which doesn't play well with our Nemo cluster.
# stats_file_name += '_' + str(args.agent_config_num)
print("Stats file being written to:", stats_file_name)
config, final_configs = config_processor.process_configs(config_file, stats_file_prefix=stats_file_name, framework=args.framework, config_num=args.config_num, log_level=log_level_, framework_dir=args.framework_dir)
print("Configuration number(s) that will be run:", "all" if args.config_num is None else args.config_num)
# import default_config
# print("default_config:", default_config)
# print(os.path.abspath(args.config_file)) # 'experiments/dqn_seq_del.py'
import time
start = time.time()
if args.config_num is None:
# final_configs = config.final_configs
print("Total number of configs to run:", len(final_configs))
final_configs = [final_configs[args.config_num]]
for enum_conf_1, current_config_ in enumerate(final_configs):
print("current_config of agent to be run:", current_config_, enum_conf_1)
algorithm = config.algorithm
tune_config = current_config_
if 'timesteps_total' in dir(config):
timesteps_total = config.timesteps_total
timesteps_total = tune_config["timesteps_total"]
del tune_config["timesteps_total"] #hack Ray doesn't allow unknown configs
print("\n\033[1;32m======== Running on environment: " + tune_config["env"] \
+ " =========\033[0;0m\n")
print("\n\033[1;32m======== for " + str(timesteps_total) \
+ " steps =========\033[0;0m\n")
analysis = tune.run(
name=algorithm + '_' + str(stats_file_name.split('/')[-1]) + '_' \
, ####IMP "name" has to be specified, otherwise,
# it may lead to clashing for temp file in ~/ray_results/... directory.
"timesteps_total": timesteps_total,
local_dir=args.framework_dir + '/_ray_results_' + str(args.config_num),
#return_trials=True # add trials = tune.run( above
if args.save_model:
pickle.dump(analysis, open("{}_analysis.pickle".format(args.exp_name),
end = time.time()
print("No. of seconds to run:", end - start)
[docs]def cli():
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':