Source code for smac.model.gaussian_process.priors.gamma_prior

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps

from smac.model.gaussian_process.priors.abstract_prior import AbstractPrior

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022,"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

[docs]class GammaPrior(AbstractPrior): """Implementation of gamma prior. f(x) = (x-loc)**(a-1) * e**(-(x-loc)) * (1/scale)**a / gamma(a) Parameters ---------- a : float The shape parameter. Must be greater than 0. scale : float The scale parameter (1/scale corresponds to parameter p in canonical form). Must be greather than 0. loc : float Mean parameter for the distribution. seed : int, defaults to 0 """ def __init__( self, a: float, scale: float, loc: float, seed: int = 0, ): super().__init__(seed=seed) assert a > 0 assert scale > 0 self._a = a self._loc = loc self._scale = scale @property def meta(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: D102 meta = super().meta meta.update( { "a": self._a, "loc": self._loc, "scale": self._scale, } ) return meta def _sample_from_prior(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: return self._rng.gamma(shape=self._a, scale=self._scale, size=n_samples) def _get_log_probability(self, theta: float) -> float: """Returns the log pdf of theta.""" if np.ndim(theta) != 0: raise NotImplementedError() return sps.gamma.logpdf(theta, a=self._a, scale=self._scale, loc=self._loc) def _get_gradient(self, theta: float) -> float: """Get gradient as computed by Wolfram Alpha.""" if np.ndim(theta) == 0: # Multiply by theta because of the chain rule... return ((self._a - 1) / theta - (1 / self._scale)) * theta else: raise NotImplementedError()