

ExecuteTARunAClib(ta, stats[, ...])

Executes a target algorithm run with a given configuration on a given instance and some resource limitations.

class smac.tae.execute_ta_run_aclib.ExecuteTARunAClib(ta, stats, multi_objectives=['cost'], run_obj='runtime', par_factor=1, cost_for_crash=2147483647.0, abort_on_first_run_crash=True)[source]

Bases: smac.tae.serial_runner.SerialRunner

Executes a target algorithm run with a given configuration on a given instance and some resource limitations.

Uses the AClib 2.0 style

run(config, instance, cutoff=None, seed=12345, budget=None, instance_specific='0')[source]

Runs target algorithm <self.ta> with configuration <config> on instance <instance> with instance specifics.

<specifics> for at most.

<cutoff> seconds and random seed <seed>

  • config (Configuration) – Dictionary param -> value

  • instance (str) – Problem instance

  • cutoff (float) – Runtime cutoff

  • seed (int) – Random seed

  • budget (float (optional)) – Not implemented

  • instance_specific (str) – Instance specific information – ignored here

Return type

Tuple[StatusType, float, float, Dict]


  • status (enum of StatusType (int)) – {SUCCESS, TIMEOUT, CRASHED, ABORT}

  • cost (float) – cost/regret/quality/runtime (float) (None, if not returned by TA)

  • runtime (float) – runtime (None if not returned by TA)

  • additional_info (dict) – all further additional run information