

ROAR(scenario[, tae_runner, ...])

Facade to use ROAR mode.

class smac.facade.roar_facade.ROAR(scenario, tae_runner=None, tae_runner_kwargs=None, runhistory=None, intensifier=None, intensifier_kwargs=None, acquisition_function_optimizer=None, acquisition_function_optimizer_kwargs=None, multi_objective_algorithm=None, multi_objective_kwargs=None, initial_design=None, initial_design_kwargs=None, initial_configurations=None, stats=None, rng=None, run_id=None, dask_client=None, n_jobs=1)[source]

Bases: smac.facade.smac_ac_facade.SMAC4AC

Facade to use ROAR mode.

  • scenario (smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario) – Scenario object

  • tae_runner (smac.tae.base.BaseRunner or callable) – Callable or implementation of BaseRunner. In case a callable is passed it will be wrapped by ExecuteTAFuncDict. If not set, it will be initialized with the ExecuteTARunOld.

  • tae_runner_kwargs (Optional[Dict]) – arguments passed to constructor of ‘~tae_runner’

  • runhistory (RunHistory) – Runhistory to store all algorithm runs

  • intensifier (AbstractRacer) – intensification object to issue a racing to decide the current incumbent

  • intensifier_kwargs (Optional[Dict]) – arguments passed to the constructor of ‘~intensifier’

  • acquisition_function_optimizer (AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer) – Object that implements the AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer. Will use smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.RandomSearch if not set. Can be used to perform random search over a fixed set of configurations.

  • acquisition_function_optimizer_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Arguments passed to constructor of ~acquisition_function_optimizer

  • multi_objective_algorithm (Optional[Type["AbstractMultiObjectiveAlgorithm"]]) – Class that implements multi objective logic. If None, will use:

  • smac.optimizer.multi_objective.aggregation_strategy.MeanAggregationStrategy – Multi objective only becomes active if the objective specified in ~scenario.run_obj is a List[str] with at least two entries.

  • multi_objective_kwargs (Optional[Dict]) – Arguments passed to ~multi_objective_algorithm.

  • initial_design (InitialDesign) – initial sampling design

  • initial_design_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – arguments passed to constructor of ~initial_design

  • initial_configurations (List[Configuration]) – list of initial configurations for initial design – cannot be used together with initial_design

  • stats (Stats) – optional stats object

  • rng (Optional[int, np.random.RandomState]) – Random number generator

  • run_id (Optional[int]) – Run ID will be used as subfolder for output_dir.

  • dask_client (dask.distributed.Client) – User-created dask client, can be used to start a dask cluster and then attach SMAC to it.

  • n_jobs (int, optional) – Number of jobs. If > 1 or -1, this creates a dask client if dask_client is None. Will be ignored if dask_client is not None. If None, this value will be set to 1, if -1, this will be set to the number of cpu cores.


See also