Source code for

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import collections
import json
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import Configuration, ConfigurationSpace
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import (

from smac.stats.stats import Stats
from smac.utils.logging import format_array

__author__ = "Marius Lindauer"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

TrajEntry = collections.namedtuple(

[docs]class TrajLogger(object): """ Writes trajectory logs files and creates output directory if not exists already Parameters ---------- output_dir: str directory for logging (or None to disable logging) stats: Stats() Stats object Attributes ---------- stats logger output_dir aclib_traj_fn old_traj_fn trajectory """ def __init__(self, output_dir: Optional[str], stats: Stats) -> None: self.stats = stats self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__) self.output_dir = output_dir if output_dir is None or output_dir == "": self.output_dir = None "No output directory for trajectory logging " "specified -- trajectory will not be logged." ) else: if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError: e = OSError("Could not make output directory: {}.".format(output_dir)) self.logger.error("Could not make output directory.", exc_info=e) raise e self.old_traj_fn = os.path.join(output_dir, "traj_old.csv") if not os.path.isfile(self.old_traj_fn): with open(self.old_traj_fn, "w") as fp: fp.write( '"CPU Time Used","Estimated Training Performance",' '"Wallclock Time","Incumbent ID",' '"Automatic Configurator (CPU) Time",' '"Configuration..."\n' ) self.aclib_traj_fn = os.path.join(output_dir, "traj_aclib2.json") self.alljson_traj_fn = os.path.join(output_dir, "traj.json") self.trajectory = [] # type: List[TrajEntry]
[docs] def add_entry( self, train_perf: Union[float, np.ndarray], incumbent_id: int, incumbent: Configuration, budget: float = 0, ) -> None: """Adds entries to trajectory files (several formats) with using the same timestamps for each entry Parameters ---------- train_perf: float or np.ndarray estimated performance on training (sub)set incumbent_id: int id of incumbent incumbent: Configuration() current incumbent configuration budget: float budget used in intensifier to limit TA (default: 0) """ perf = format_array(train_perf) finished_ta_runs = self.stats.finished_ta_runs ta_time_used = self.stats.ta_time_used wallclock_time = self.stats.get_used_wallclock_time() self.trajectory.append( TrajEntry( perf, incumbent_id, incumbent, finished_ta_runs, ta_time_used, wallclock_time, budget, ) ) if self.output_dir is not None: self._add_in_old_format(perf, incumbent_id, incumbent, ta_time_used, wallclock_time) self._add_in_aclib_format(perf, incumbent_id, incumbent, ta_time_used, wallclock_time) self._add_in_alljson_format(perf, incumbent_id, incumbent, budget, ta_time_used, wallclock_time)
def _add_in_old_format( self, train_perf: Union[float, List[float]], incumbent_id: int, incumbent: Configuration, ta_time_used: float, wallclock_time: float, ) -> None: """Adds entries to old SMAC2-like trajectory file Parameters ---------- train_perf: float or list of floats Estimated performance on training (sub)set incumbent_id: int Id of incumbent incumbent: Configuration() Current incumbent configuration ta_time_used: float CPU time used by the target algorithm wallclock_time: float Wallclock time used so far """ conf = [] for p in incumbent: if not incumbent.get(p) is None: conf.append("%s='%s'" % (p, repr(incumbent[p]))) if isinstance(train_perf, float): # Make it compatible with old format with open(self.old_traj_fn, "a") as fp: fp.write( f"{ta_time_used:f}, {train_perf:f}, {wallclock_time:f}, {incumbent_id:d}, " f"{wallclock_time - ta_time_used:f}, {','.join(conf):s}\n" ) else: # We recommend to use pandas to read this csv file with open(self.old_traj_fn, "a") as fp: fp.write( f"{ta_time_used:f}, {train_perf}, {wallclock_time:f}, {incumbent_id:d}, " f"{wallclock_time - ta_time_used:f}, {','.join(conf):s}\n" ) def _add_in_aclib_format( self, train_perf: Union[float, List[float]], incumbent_id: int, incumbent: Configuration, ta_time_used: float, wallclock_time: float, ) -> None: """Adds entries to AClib2-like trajectory file Parameters ---------- train_perf: float or list of floats Estimated performance on training (sub)set incumbent_id: int Id of incumbent incumbent: Configuration() Current incumbent configuration ta_time_used: float CPU time used by the target algorithm wallclock_time: float Wallclock time used so far """ conf = [] for p in incumbent: if not incumbent.get(p) is None: conf.append("%s='%s'" % (p, repr(incumbent[p]))) traj_entry = { "cpu_time": ta_time_used, "wallclock_time": wallclock_time, "evaluations": self.stats.finished_ta_runs, "cost": format_array(train_perf, False), "incumbent": conf, "origin": incumbent.origin, } with open(self.aclib_traj_fn, "a") as fp: json.dump(traj_entry, fp) fp.write("\n") def _add_in_alljson_format( self, train_perf: Union[float, List[float]], incumbent_id: int, incumbent: Configuration, budget: float, ta_time_used: float, wallclock_time: float, ) -> None: """Adds entries to AClib2-like (but with configs as json) trajectory file Parameters ---------- train_perf: float or list of floats Estimated performance on training (sub)set incumbent_id: int Id of incumbent incumbent: Configuration() Current incumbent configuration budget: float budget (cutoff) used in intensifier to limit TA (default: 0) ta_time_used: float CPU time used by the target algorithm wallclock_time: float Wallclock time used so far """ traj_entry = { "cpu_time": ta_time_used, "wallclock_time": wallclock_time, "evaluations": self.stats.finished_ta_runs, "cost": train_perf, "incumbent": incumbent.get_dictionary(), "budget": budget, "origin": incumbent.origin, } with open(self.alljson_traj_fn, "a") as fp: json.dump(traj_entry, fp) fp.write("\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def read_traj_alljson_format( fn: str, cs: ConfigurationSpace, ) -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, int, Configuration]]]: """Reads trajectory from file Parameters ---------- fn: str Filename with saved runhistory in self._add_in_alljson_format format cs: ConfigurationSpace Configuration Space to translate dict object into Confiuration object Returns ------- trajectory: list Each entry in the list is a dictionary of the form { "cpu_time": float, "wallclock_time": float, "evaluations": int "cost": float or list of floats, "budget": budget, "incumbent": Configuration } """ trajectory = [] with open(fn) as fp: for line in fp: entry = json.loads(line) entry["incumbent"] = Configuration(cs, entry["incumbent"]) trajectory.append(entry) return trajectory
[docs] @staticmethod def read_traj_aclib_format( fn: str, cs: ConfigurationSpace, ) -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, int, Configuration]]]: """Reads trajectory from file Parameters ---------- fn: str Filename with saved runhistory in self._add_in_aclib_format format cs: ConfigurationSpace Configuration Space to translate dict object into Confiuration object Returns ------- trajectory: list Each entry in the list is a dictionary of the form { "cpu_time": float, "wallclock_time": float, "evaluations": int "cost": float or list of floats, "incumbent": Configuration } """ trajectory = [] with open(fn) as fp: for line in fp: entry = json.loads(line) entry["incumbent"] = TrajLogger._convert_dict_to_config(entry["incumbent"], cs=cs) trajectory.append(entry) return trajectory
@staticmethod def _convert_dict_to_config(config_list: List[str], cs: ConfigurationSpace) -> Configuration: """Since we save a configurations in a dictionary str->str we have to try to figure out the type (int, float, str) of each parameter value Parameters ---------- config_list: List[str] Configuration as a list of "str='str'" cs: ConfigurationSpace Configuration Space to translate dict object into Confiuration object """ config_dict = {} v = "" # type: Union[str, float, int, bool] for param in config_list: k, v = param.split("=") v = v.strip("'") hp = cs.get_hyperparameter(k) if isinstance(hp, FloatHyperparameter): v = float(v) elif isinstance(hp, IntegerHyperparameter): v = int(v) elif isinstance(hp, (CategoricalHyperparameter, Constant)): # Checking for the correct type requires jumping some hoops # First, we gather possible interpretations of our string interpretations = [v] # type: List[Union[str, bool, int, float]] if v in ["True", "False"]: # Special Case for booleans (assuming we support them) # This is important to avoid false positive warnings triggered by 1 == True or "False" == True interpretations.append(True if v == "True" else False) else: for t in [int, float]: try: interpretations.append(t(v)) except ValueError: continue # Second, check if it's in the choices / the correct type. legal = {interpretation for interpretation in interpretations if hp.is_legal(interpretation)} # Third, issue warnings if the interpretation is ambigious if len(legal) != 1: logging.getLogger("smac.trajlogger").warning( "Ambigous or no interpretation of value {} for hp {} found ({} possible interpretations). " "Passing string, but this will likely result in an error".format(v,, len(legal)) ) else: v = legal.pop() config_dict[k] = v config = Configuration(configuration_space=cs, values=config_dict) config.origin = "External Trajectory" return config