Source code for

from typing import (

import datetime
import distutils.util
import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys
import time
from argparse import (

import numpy as np

from smac.utils.constants import MAXINT, N_TREES
from import (

__author__ = "Marius Lindauer"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

in_reader = InputReader()
    Union[str, int, Dict, INSTANCE_TYPE, INSTANCE_FEATURES_TYPE, np.ndarray, List[str]],
parsed_scen_args = {}  # type: PARSED_SCENARIO_ARGS_TYPE
# Placeholder logger that will not be used in practice, but which will be replaced by
# the logger onces the parsing logic is instantiated
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def truthy(x: Any) -> bool: """Convert x into its truth value.""" if isinstance(x, bool): return x elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): return x != 0 elif isinstance(x, str): return bool(distutils.util.strtobool(x)) else: return False
[docs]def multi_objectives(x: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]: """Convert objectives into an array.""" if isinstance(x, str): # Convert a (comma-separated) string into list of strings. x = x.replace(", ", ",") return x.split(",") elif isinstance(x, List): return x else: raise RuntimeError("Expected string or list of strings, got %s" % type(x))
[docs]def cost_for_crash(x: Union[str, List]) -> Union[int, float, List[Union[int, float]]]: """Convert cost for crash into an array.""" if isinstance(x, List): x = [float(i) for i in x] else: if isinstance(x, str): if x[0] == "[" and x[-1] == "]": x = x[1:-1] # Convert a (comma-separated) string into list of strings. x = x.replace(", ", ",").split(",") x = [float(i) for i in x] if len(x) == 1: return x[0] return x
[docs]class CheckScenarioFileAction(Action): """Check scenario file given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: str, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Check scenario file given by user.""" fn = values if fn: if not os.path.isfile(fn): parser.exit(1, "Could not find scenario file: {}".format(fn)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ParseRandomConfigurationChooserAction(Action): """Parse random configuration chooser given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: IO, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Parse random configuration chooser given by user.""" module_file = values module_path = module_file.close() import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("smac.custom.random_configuration_chooser", module_path) assert spec is not None assert spec.loader is not None # please mypy rcc_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # type: ignore spec.loader.exec_module(rcc_module) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821 setattr(namespace, self.dest, rcc_module.RandomConfigurationChooserImpl()) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
[docs]class ProcessRunObjectiveAction(Action): """Process run objective given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: str, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Process run objective given by user.""" if values == "runtime": parsed_scen_args["cutoff_time_required"] = { "error": '--cutoff-time is required when --run-objective is set to "runtime"' } setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ParseOverallObjectiveAction(Action): """Parse overall objective given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: str, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Parse overall objective given by user.""" par_str = values if par_str[:3] in ["PAR", "par"]: par_str = par_str[3:] elif par_str[:4] in ["mean", "MEAN"]: par_str = par_str[4:] # Check for par-value as in "par10"/ "mean5" if par_str: parsed_scen_args["par_factor"] = int(par_str) else: logger.debug("No par-factor detected. Using 1 by default.") parsed_scen_args["par_factor"] = 1 setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ReadTrainInstFileAction(Action): """Read training instance file given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Optional[str], option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Read training instance file given by user.""" fn = values if fn: if os.path.isfile(fn): parsed_scen_args["train_insts"] = in_reader.read_instance_file(fn) else: parser.exit(1, "Could not find instance file: {}".format(fn)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ReadTestInstFileAction(Action): """Read test instance file given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Optional[str], option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Read test instance file given by user.""" fn = values if fn: if os.path.isfile(fn): parsed_scen_args["test_insts"] = in_reader.read_instance_file(fn) else: parser.exit(1, "Could not find test instance file: {}".format(fn)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ReadFeatureFileAction(Action): """Read feature file given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Optional[str], option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Read feature file given by user.""" fn = values if fn: if os.path.isfile(fn): instance_features = in_reader.read_instance_features_file(fn) ( parsed_scen_args["feature_names"], parsed_scen_args["feature_dict"], ) = instance_features parsed_scen_args["features"] = instance_features else: parser.exit(1, "Could not find feature file: {}".format(fn)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ReadPCSFileAction(Action): """Read PCS (parameter configuration space) file given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Optional[str], option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Read PCS (parameter configuration space) file given by user.""" fn = values if fn: if os.path.isfile(fn): cs = in_reader.read_pcs_file(fn) cs.seed(42) parsed_scen_args["cs"] = cs else: parser.exit(1, "Could not find pcs file: {}".format(fn)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ProcessOutputDirAction(Action): """Process output directory given by user."""
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: Optional[str], option_string: str = None, ) -> None: """Process output directory given by user.""" directory = values if not directory: logger.debug("Deactivate output directory.") values = None else:"Output to {}".format(directory)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
[docs]class ConfigurableHelpFormatter(ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter): """Configurable Help Formatter. Can filter out developer options.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, help_type: str = "standard", **kwargs: Any): self.help_type = help_type super(ConfigurableHelpFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _add_item(self, func: Callable, args: Any) -> None: """ Add item to help formatter. Parameters ---------- func : Callable Function to call. args : Any Arguments to pass to function. """ def filter_actions(actions: List[Action]) -> List[Action]: filtered_actions = [] for action in actions: dev = False if isinstance(, str): if"[dev]"): dev = True else: for s in action.option_strings: if s.startswith("--dev"): dev = True break if not dev: filtered_actions.append(action) return filtered_actions if self.help_type == "standard": if func.__name__ == "_format_usage": args = (args[0], filter_actions(args[1]), args[2], args[3]) elif isinstance(args, list): if args: args = filter_actions(args) if not args: return self._current_section.items.append((func, args))
[docs]class SMACArgumentParser(ArgumentParser): """ArgumentParser that can be extended by additional parsers.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.additional_parsers = [] # type: List[ArgumentParser] self.help_type = "standard" # standard or dev super(SMACArgumentParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_help_type(self, help_type: str) -> None: """Set help type to `self.additional_parsers`.""" self.help_type = help_type for parser in self.additional_parsers: parser.help_type = help_type # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
[docs] def add_parser(self, additional_parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: """Add parser to `self.additional_parsers`.""" self.additional_parsers.append(additional_parser)
def _get_formatter(self) -> HelpFormatter: """Returns formatter from `self.formatter_class`.""" return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog, help_type=self.help_type) # type: ignore[call-arg] # noqa F821
[docs] def format_help(self) -> str: """Get help string from formatter.""" formatter = self._get_formatter() # usage formatter.add_usage( self.usage, # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821 self._actions, self._mutually_exclusive_groups, ) # description formatter.add_text(self.description) # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups def add_action_groups(parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: for action_group in parser._action_groups: formatter.start_section(action_group.title) formatter.add_text(action_group.description) formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions) formatter.end_section() add_action_groups(self) # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups from additional parsers for parser in self.additional_parsers: add_action_groups(parser) # epilog formatter.add_text(self.epilog) # determine help from format above return formatter.format_help()
[docs]class StandardHelpAction(Action): """Action to only show standard options in help message.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # super().__init__(default=SUPPRESS, nargs=0, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: SMACArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: list, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Action to only show standard options in help message.""" parser.set_help_type("standard") parser.print_help() parser.exit()
[docs]class DevHelpAction(Action): """Action to show standard and developer options in help message.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): # super().__init__(default=SUPPRESS, nargs=0, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[override] # noqa F821 self, parser: SMACArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, values: list, option_string: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Action to show standard and developer options in help message.""" parser.set_help_type("dev") parser.print_help() parser.exit()
[docs]class CMDReader(object): """Use argparse to parse command line options. Attributes ---------- logger : Logger """ def __init__(self) -> None: global logger, parsed_scen_args self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__) logger = self.logger # initialized in _add_main_options self.parser = None # type: SMACArgumentParser # type: ignore[assignment] self.main_cmd_actions = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict] self.main_cmd_translations = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # initialized in _add_smac_options self.smac_parser = None # type: SMACArgumentParser # type: ignore[assignment] self.smac_cmd_actions = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict] self.smac_cmd_translations = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # initialized in _add_scen_options self.scen_parser = None # type: SMACArgumentParser # type: ignore[assignment] self.scen_cmd_actions = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict] self.scen_cmd_translations = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # needed for argument interdependencies self.parsed_scen_args = {} # type: PARSED_SCENARIO_ARGS_TYPE parsed_scen_args = self.parsed_scen_args # add arguments to parser self._add_main_options() self._add_smac_options() self._add_scen_options() @staticmethod def _extract_action_info(actions: List[Action]) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Extracts action information.""" extracted_info = {} translations = {} for action in actions: name_list = list(filter(lambda e: e.startswith("--"), action.option_strings)) if name_list: name = name_list[0] else: name = action.option_strings[0] dest = name if hasattr(action, "dest"): dest = action.dest cmd_action = ( dict() ) # type: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[str], Any], IO, None, Type, bool, Sequence[str], Iterable]] # noqa 501 cmd_action["dest"] = dest for name in action.option_strings: translations[name] = dest translations[name.lstrip("-")] = dest if hasattr(action, "type"): cmd_action["type"] = action.type else: cmd_action["type"] = str if hasattr(action, "default"): if action.default == SUPPRESS: continue cmd_action["default"] = action.default else: cmd_action["default"] = None if hasattr(action, "choices"): cmd_action["choices"] = action.choices else: cmd_action["choices"] = None if hasattr(action, "required"): cmd_action["required"] = action.required else: cmd_action["required"] = False if hasattr(action, "help"): cmd_action["help"] = else: cmd_action["help"] = None cmd_action["option_strings"] = action.option_strings extracted_info[name] = cmd_action return extracted_info, translations def _add_main_options(self) -> None: """Add main options.""" prog = sys.argv[0] if re.match("^python[0-9._-]*$", sys.argv[0]): prog = sys.argv[1] self.parser = SMACArgumentParser(formatter_class=ConfigurableHelpFormatter, add_help=False, prog=prog) # let a help message begin with "[dev]" to add a developer option req_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group("Required Options") req_opts.add_argument( "--scenario", "--scenario-file", "--scenario_file", dest="scenario_file", required=True, type=str, action=CheckScenarioFileAction, help="Scenario file in AClib format.", ) opt_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group("Optional Options") opt_opts.add_argument( "--help", action=StandardHelpAction, help="Show help messages for standard options.", ) opt_opts.add_argument( "--help-all", action=DevHelpAction, help="Show help messages for both standard and developer options.", ) opt_opts.add_argument("--seed", default=1, type=int, help="Random Seed.") opt_opts.add_argument( "--verbose", "--verbose-level", "--verbose_level", dest="verbose_level", default=logging.INFO, choices=["INFO", "DEBUG"], help="Verbosity level.", ) opt_opts.add_argument( "--mode", default="SMAC4AC", choices=["SMAC4AC", "ROAR", "Hydra", "PSMAC", "SMAC4HPO", "SMAC4BB"], help="Configuration mode.", ) opt_opts.add_argument( "--restore-state", "--restore_state", dest="restore_state", default=None, help="Path to directory with SMAC-files.", ) # list of runhistory dump files # scenario corresponding to --warmstart_runhistory; # pcs and feature space has to be identical to --scenario_file opt_opts.add_argument( "--warmstart-runhistory", "--warmstart_runhistory", dest="warmstart_runhistory", default=None, nargs="*", help=SUPPRESS, ) opt_opts.add_argument( "--warmstart-scenario", "--warmstart_scenario", dest="warmstart_scenario", default=None, nargs="*", help=SUPPRESS, ) # list of trajectory dump files, reads runhistory and uses final incumbent as challenger opt_opts.add_argument( "--warmstart-incumbent", "--warmstart_incumbent", dest="warmstart_incumbent", default=None, nargs="*", help=SUPPRESS, ) req_opts.add_argument( "--random_configuration_chooser", default=None, type=FileType("r"), help="[dev] path to a python module containing a class `RandomConfigurationChooserImpl`" "implementing the interface of `RandomConfigurationChooser`", ) req_opts.add_argument( "--hydra_iterations", default=3, type=int, help="[dev] number of hydra iterations. Only active if mode is set to Hydra", ) req_opts.add_argument( "--hydra_validation", default="train", choices=["train", "val10", "val20", "val30", "val40", "val50", "none"], type=str.lower, help="[dev] set to validate incumbents on. valX =>" " validation set of size training_set * 0.X", ) req_opts.add_argument( "--incumbents_per_round", default=1, type=int, help="[dev] number of configurations to keep per psmac/hydra iteration.", dest="hydra_incumbents_per_round", ) req_opts.add_argument( "--n_optimizers", default=1, type=int, help="[dev] number of optimizers to run in parallel per psmac/hydra iteration.", dest="hydra_n_optimizers", ) req_opts.add_argument( "--psmac_validate", default=False, type=truthy, help="[dev] Validate all psmac configurations.", ) ( self.main_cmd_actions, self.main_cmd_translations, ) = CMDReader._extract_action_info(self.parser._actions) def _add_smac_options(self) -> None: """Add SMAC options.""" self.smac_parser = SMACArgumentParser(formatter_class=ConfigurableHelpFormatter, add_help=False) smac_opts = self.smac_parser.add_argument_group("SMAC Options") smac_opts.add_argument( "--abort-on-first-run-crash", "--abort_on_first_run_crash", dest="abort_on_first_run_crash", default=True, type=truthy, help="If true, *SMAC* will abort if the first run of " "the target algorithm crashes.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--limit-resources", "--limit_resources", dest="limit_resources", default=False, type=truthy, help="If true, *SMAC* will use pynisher to limit time and memory for " "the target algorithm. Allows SMAC to use all resources available. " "Applicable only to func TAEs. Set to 'False' by default. " "(Warning: This only works on Linux. Use with caution!)", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--minr", "--minR", dest="minR", default=1, type=int, help="[dev] Minimum number of calls per configuration.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--maxr", "--maxR", dest="maxR", default=2000, type=int, help="[dev] Maximum number of calls per configuration.", ) self.output_dir_arg = smac_opts.add_argument( "--output-dir", "--output_dir", dest="output_dir", type=str, action=ProcessOutputDirAction, default="smac3-output_%s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_%f")), help="Specifies the output-directory for all emerging " "files, such as logging and results.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--input-psmac-dirs", "--input_psmac_dirs", dest="input_psmac_dirs", default=None, help="For parallel SMAC, multiple output-directories " "are used.", ) # TODO: type (list of strings? --> str, nargs=*) smac_opts.add_argument( "--shared-model", "--shared_model", dest="shared_model", default=False, type=truthy, help="Whether to run SMAC in parallel mode.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--random-configuration-chooser", "--random_configuration_chooser", dest="random_configuration_chooser", default=None, type=FileType("r"), action=ParseRandomConfigurationChooserAction, help="[dev] path to a python module containing a class" "`RandomConfigurationChooserImpl` implementing" "the interface of `RandomConfigurationChooser`", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--hydra-iterations", "--hydra_iterations", dest="hydra_iterations", default=3, type=int, help="[dev] number of hydra iterations. Only active if mode is set to Hydra", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--use-ta-time", "--use_ta_time", dest="use_ta_time", default=False, type=truthy, help="[dev] Instead of measuring SMAC's wallclock time, " "only consider time reported by the target algorithm (ta).", ) # Hyperparameters smac_opts.add_argument( "--always-race-default", "--always_race_default", dest="always_race_default", default=False, type=truthy, help="[dev] Race new incumbents always against default " "configuration.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--intensification-percentage", "--intensification_percentage", dest="intensification_percentage", default=0.5, type=float, help="[dev] The fraction of time to be used on " "intensification (versus choice of next " "Configurations).", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--transform_y", "--transform-y", dest="transform_y", choices=["NONE", "LOG", "LOGS", "INVS"], default="NONE", help="[dev] Transform all observed cost values" " via log-transformations or inverse scaling." ' The subfix "s" indicates that SMAC scales the' " y-values accordingly to apply the transformation.", ) # RF Hyperparameters smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_num_trees", "--rf-num-trees", dest="rf_num_trees", default=N_TREES, type=int, help="[dev] Number of trees in the random forest (> 1).", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_do_bootstrapping", "--rf-do-bootstrapping", dest="rf_do_bootstrapping", default=True, type=bool, help="[dev] Use bootstraping in random forest.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_ratio_features", "--rf-ratio-features", dest="rf_ratio_features", default=5.0 / 6.0, type=float, help="[dev] Ratio of sampled features in each split ([0.,1.]).", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_min_samples_split", "--rf-min-samples-split", dest="rf_min_samples_split", default=3, type=int, help="[dev] Minimum number of samples" " to split for building a tree in the random forest.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_min_samples_leaf", "--rf-min-samples-leaf", dest="rf_min_samples_leaf", default=3, type=int, help="[dev] Minimum required number of" " samples in each leaf of a tree in the random forest.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rf_max_depth", "--rf-max-depth", dest="rf_max_depth", default=20, type=int, help="[dev] Maximum depth of each tree in the random forest.", ) # AcquisitionOptimizer SLS smac_opts.add_argument( "--sls_n_steps_plateau_walk", "--sls-n-steps-plateau-walk", dest="sls_n_steps_plateau_walk", default=10, type=int, help="[dev] Maximum number of steps on plateaus during " "the optimization of the acquisition function.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--sls_max_steps", "--sls-max-steps", dest="sls_max_steps", default=None, type=int, help="[dev] Maximum number of local search steps in one iteration" " during the optimization of the acquisition function.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--acq_opt_challengers", "--acq-opt-challengers", dest="acq_opt_challengers", default=5000, type=int, help="[dev] Number of challengers returned by acquisition function" " optimization. Also influences the number of randomly sampled" " configurations to optimized the acquisition function", ) # Intensification smac_opts.add_argument( "--intens_adaptive_capping_slackfactor", "--intens-adaptive-capping-slackfactork", dest="intens_adaptive_capping_slackfactor", default=1.2, type=float, help="[dev] Slack factor of adpative capping (factor * adpative cutoff)." " Only active if obj is runtime." " If set to very large number it practically deactivates adaptive capping.", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--intens_min_chall", "--intens-min-chall", dest="intens_min_chall", default=2, type=int, help="[dev] Minimal number of challengers to be" " considered in each intensification run (> 1)." " Set to 1 and in combination with very small intensification-percentage." " it will deactivate randomly sampled configurations" " (and hence, extrapolation of random forest will be an issue.)", ) smac_opts.add_argument( "--rand_prob", "--rand-prob", dest="rand_prob", default=0.5, type=float, help="[dev] probablity to run a random configuration" " instead of configuration optimized on the acquisition function", ) self.parser.add_parser(self.smac_parser) ( self.smac_cmd_actions, self.smac_cmd_translations, ) = CMDReader._extract_action_info(self.smac_parser._actions) def _add_scen_options(self) -> None: """Add scenario options.""" self.scen_parser = SMACArgumentParser(formatter_class=ConfigurableHelpFormatter, add_help=False) scen_opts = self.scen_parser.add_argument_group("Scenario Options") scen_opts.add_argument( "--algo", "--ta", dest="ta", type=shlex.split, help="[dev] Specifies the target algorithm call that *SMAC* " "will optimize. Interpreted as a bash-command.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--execdir", dest="execdir", default=".", type=str, help="[dev] Specifies the path to the execution-directory.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--deterministic", dest="deterministic", default=True, type=truthy, help="[dev] If true, SMAC assumes that the target function or algorithm is deterministic" " (the same static seed of 0 is always passed to the function/algorithm)." " If false, different random seeds are passed to the target function/algorithm.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--run-obj", "--run_obj", dest="run_obj", type=str, action=ProcessRunObjectiveAction, required=True, choices=["runtime", "quality"], help="[dev] Defines what metric to optimize. When " "optimizing runtime, *cutoff_time* is " "required as well.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--multi-objectives", "--multi_objectives", dest="multi_objectives", default="cost", type=multi_objectives, help="List of string or comma-separated strings of objectives to optimize.", ) self.overall_obj_arg = scen_opts.add_argument( "--overall-obj", "--overall_obj", dest="overall_obj", type=str, action=ParseOverallObjectiveAction, default="par10", help="[dev] PARX, where X is an integer defining the " "penalty imposed on timeouts (i.e. runtimes that " "exceed the *cutoff-time*).", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--save-instantly", "--save_instantly", "--save-results-instantly", dest="save_instantly", default=True, type=truthy, help="If true, runhistory and stats are saved immediately on changes. " "Otherwise, runhistory and states are only saved once after the optimization " "process has finished.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--par-factor", "--par_factor", dest="par_factor", type=float, default=10.0, help=SUPPRESS, ) # added after parsing --overall-obj scen_opts.add_argument( "--cost-for-crash", "--cost_for_crash", dest="cost_for_crash", default=float(MAXINT), type=cost_for_crash, help="[dev] Defines the cost-value for crashed runs " "on scenarios with quality as run-obj. " "If multi-objective is used, a list or comma separated string is accepted too.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--cutoff-time", "--cutoff_time", "--cutoff", dest="cutoff", default=None, type=float, help="[dev] Maximum runtime, after which the " "target algorithm is cancelled. **Required " "if *run_obj* is runtime.**", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--memory-limit", "--memory_limit", dest="memory_limit", type=float, help="[dev] Maximum available memory the target algorithm " "can occupy before being cancelled in MB.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--tuner-timeout", "--tuner_timeout", "--algo-runs-timelimit", "--algo_runs_timelimit", dest="algo_runs_timelimit", default=float("inf"), type=float, help="[dev] Maximum amount of CPU-time used for optimization.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--wallclock-limit", "--wallclock_limit", dest="wallclock_limit", default=float("inf"), type=float, help="[dev] Maximum amount of wallclock-time used for optimization.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--always-race-default", "--always_race_default", dest="always_race_default", default=False, type=truthy, help="[dev] Race new incumbents always against default configuration.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--runcount-limit", "--runcount_limit", "--ta-run-limit", "--ta_run_limit", dest="ta_run_limit", default=float("inf"), type=float, help="[dev] Maximum number of algorithm-calls during optimization.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--instance-file", "--instance_file", "--train-inst-fn", "--train_inst_fn", dest="train_inst_fn", type=str, action=ReadTrainInstFileAction, help="[dev] Specifies the file with the training-instances.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--instances", "--train-insts", "--train_insts", dest="train_insts", default=[[None]], # overridden by --instance-file help=SUPPRESS, ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--test-instance-file", "--test_instance_file", "--test-inst-fn", "--test_inst_fn", dest="test_inst_fn", type=str, action=ReadTestInstFileAction, help="[dev] Specifies the file with the test-instances.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--test-instances", "--test_instances", "--test-insts", "--test_insts", dest="test_insts", default=[[None]], # overridden by --test-instance-file help=SUPPRESS, ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--feature-file", "--feature_file", "--feature-fn", "--feature_fn", dest="feature_fn", type=str, action=ReadFeatureFileAction, help="[dev] Specifies the file with the instance-features.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--features", "--feature-dict", "--feature_dict", dest="feature_dict", default={}, # instance name -> feature vector, overridden by --feature-file help=SUPPRESS, ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--feature-names", "--feature_names", dest="feature_names", type=list, # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821 help=SUPPRESS, ) # added after parsing --features scen_opts.add_argument( "--initial-incumbent", "--initial_incumbent", dest="initial_incumbent", default="DEFAULT", type=str, choices=["DEFAULT", "RANDOM", "LHD", "SOBOL", "FACTORIAL"], help="[dev] DEFAULT is the default from the PCS.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--paramfile", "--param-file", "--param_file", "--pcs-fn", "--pcs_fn", dest="pcs_fn", type=str, action=ReadPCSFileAction, help="[dev] Specifies the path to the " "PCS-file.", ) scen_opts.add_argument( "--cs", default=None, # ConfigSpace object, overridden by --paramfile help=SUPPRESS, ) self.parser.add_parser(self.scen_parser) ( self.scen_cmd_actions, self.scen_cmd_translations, ) = CMDReader._extract_action_info(self.scen_parser._actions)
[docs] def parse_main_command(self, main_cmd_opts: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[Namespace, List[str]]: """Parse main options.""" args_, misc = self.parser.parse_known_args(main_cmd_opts) try: misc.remove(self.parser.prog) except ValueError: pass return args_, misc
[docs] def parse_smac_command( self, smac_dict: dict = {}, smac_cmd_opts: List[str] = [], ) -> Tuple[Namespace, Dict, List[str]]: """Parse SMAC options.""" # transform smac dict to smac_args try: smac_cmd_opts.remove(self.parser.prog) except ValueError: pass smac_cmd = [] misc_dict = {} parsed_smac_args = {} for k, v in smac_dict.items(): if k in self.smac_cmd_translations: if not isinstance( v, ( str, bool, int, float, ), ): parsed_smac_args[self.smac_cmd_translations[k]] = v else: smac_cmd.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-")) smac_cmd.append(v) else: misc_dict[k] = v smac_cmd.extend(smac_cmd_opts) args_, misc_cmd = self.smac_parser.parse_known_args([str(e) for e in smac_cmd]) # execute output_dir action for default value if args_.output_dir == self.output_dir_arg.default: self.output_dir_arg(self.parser, args_, self.output_dir_arg.default) if args_.shared_model and args_.input_psmac_dirs is None: # per default, we assume that # all pSMAC runs write to the default output dir args_.input_psmac_dirs = "smac3-output*/run*/" # copy parsed smac args to smac_args_ for k, v in parsed_smac_args.items(): setattr(args_, k, v) return args_, misc_dict, misc_cmd
[docs] def parse_scenario_command( self, scenario_file: str = None, scenario_dict: dict = {}, scenario_cmd_opts: List[str] = [], ) -> Namespace: """Parses scenario options. Parameters ---------- scenario_file : str, optional Path to the scenario file, by default None scenario_dict : dict, optional Mappings of scenario options to values, by default {} scenario_cmd_opts : List[str], optional Scenario options from command line, by default [] Returns ------- Namespace Parsed scenario arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If scenario is not a string or dictionary. """ # read scenario file scenario_file_dict = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if isinstance(scenario_file, str): scenario_file_dict = in_reader.read_scenario_file(scenario_file) elif scenario_file is None: pass else: raise ValueError("Scenario has to be a string or a dictionary") # add options from scenario dict (with overwriting) scenario_file_dict.update(scenario_dict) # transform scenario dict to scen_args scen_dict = scenario_file_dict scen_cmd = [] misc_dict = {} self.parsed_scen_args.clear() for k, v in scen_dict.items(): if k in self.scen_cmd_translations: if not isinstance( v, ( str, bool, int, float, ), ): # e.g. train_insts, test_insts, cs, features self.parsed_scen_args[self.scen_cmd_translations[k]] = v else: scen_cmd.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-")) scen_cmd.append(str(v)) else: misc_dict[k] = v scen_cmd.extend(scenario_cmd_opts) if misc_dict.keys(): self.logger.warning("Adding unsupported scenario options: {}".format(misc_dict)) for k, v in misc_dict.items(): self.parsed_scen_args[k] = v # Fail in a later version: # self.scen_parser.exit(1, 'Error: Unknown arguments: {}'.format(misc_dict)) # append rest of arguments (= override) options from scenario file and # parse them with the scenario parser scen_args_, misc = self.scen_parser.parse_known_args([str(e) for e in scen_cmd]) if misc: self.scen_parser.exit(1, "Error: Can not parse arguments: {}".format(misc)) # execute overall_obj action for default value if scen_args_.overall_obj == self.overall_obj_arg.default: self.overall_obj_arg(self.scen_parser, scen_args_, self.overall_obj_arg.default) # make checks that argparse can't perform natively if "cutoff_time_required" in self.parsed_scen_args: if self.parsed_scen_args["cutoff_time_required"] and not scen_args_.cutoff: self.parser.exit(1, "Error: {}".format(self.parsed_scen_args["cutoff_time_required"]["error"])) # type: ignore # noqa 501 self.parsed_scen_args.pop("cutoff_time_required") # copy parsed scenario args to scen_args_ # par_factor, train_insts, test_insts, (features, features_names), feature_dict, cs for k, v in self.parsed_scen_args.items(): setattr(scen_args_, k, v) return scen_args_
[docs] def read_smac_scenario_dict_cmd( self, dict_cmd: dict, scenario_file: str = None, ) -> Tuple[Namespace, Namespace]: """Reads smac and scenario options provided in a dictionary. Returns ------- smac_args_, scen_args_: smac and scenario options parsed with corresponding ArgumentParser """ smac_args_, misc_dict, misc_cmd = self.parse_smac_command(smac_dict=dict_cmd) scen_args_ = self.parse_scenario_command( scenario_file=scenario_file, scenario_dict=misc_dict, scenario_cmd_opts=misc_cmd, ) return smac_args_, scen_args_
[docs] def read_cmd( self, commandline_arguments: Sequence[str] = tuple(sys.argv[1:]), ) -> Tuple[Namespace, Namespace, Namespace]: """Reads command line options (main, smac and scenario options) Returns ------- smac_args_, scen_args_: parsed arguments; main, smac and scenario options parsed with corresponding ArgumentParser """ main_args_, misc = self.parse_main_command(main_cmd_opts=commandline_arguments) smac_args_, misc_dict, misc_cmd = self.parse_smac_command(smac_cmd_opts=misc) scen_args_ = self.parse_scenario_command( scenario_file=main_args_.scenario_file, scenario_dict=misc_dict, scenario_cmd_opts=misc_cmd, ) return main_args_, smac_args_, scen_args_
@staticmethod def _write_options_to_doc(_arguments: dict, path: str, exclude: List[str]) -> None: """Writes options to the documentation.""" with open(path, "w") as fh: for arg in sorted(_arguments.keys()): print_arg = arg.lstrip("-").replace("-", "_") if print_arg in exclude: continue if _arguments[arg]["help"] == SUPPRESS: continue fh.write(":{}: ".format(print_arg)) fh.write("{}".format(_arguments[arg]["help"].lstrip("[dev] "))) if "default" in _arguments[arg] and _arguments[arg]["default"]: fh.write(" Default: {}.".format(_arguments[arg]["default"])) if "choice" in _arguments[arg] and _arguments[arg]["choice"]: fh.write(" Must be from: {}.".format(_arguments[arg]["choice"])) fh.write("\n") fh.write("\n\n")
[docs] def write_main_options_to_doc(self, path: str = "main_options.rst") -> None: """Writes the SMAC option-list to file for autogeneration in documentation. The list is created in doc/ and read in doc/options.rst. Parameters ---------- path: string Where to write to (relative to doc-folder since executed in """ exclude = [] # type: List _arguments = self.main_cmd_actions CMDReader._write_options_to_doc(_arguments, path, exclude)
[docs] def write_smac_options_to_doc(self, path: str = "smac_options.rst") -> None: """Writes the SMAC option-list to file for autogeneration in documentation. The list is created in doc/ and read in doc/options.rst. Parameters ---------- path: string Where to write to (relative to doc-folder since executed in """ exclude = [] # type: List _arguments = self.smac_cmd_actions CMDReader._write_options_to_doc(_arguments, path, exclude)
[docs] def write_scenario_options_to_doc(self, path: str = "scenario_options.rst") -> None: """Writes the Scenario option-list to file for autogeneration in documentation. The list is created in doc/ and read in doc/options.rst. Parameters ---------- path: string Where to write to (relative to doc-folder since executed in """ exclude = ["cs", "features", "instances", "test_instances"] _arguments = self.scen_cmd_actions CMDReader._write_options_to_doc(_arguments, path, exclude)