Source code for smac.tae.execute_func

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import inspect
import math
import time
import traceback

import numpy as np
import pynisher

from smac.configspace import Configuration
from smac.stats.stats import Stats
from smac.tae import StatusType
from smac.tae.serial_runner import SerialRunner
from smac.utils.constants import MAX_CUTOFF, MAXINT
from smac.utils.logging import PickableLoggerAdapter

__author__ = "Marius Lindauer, Matthias Feurer"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Marius Lindauer"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.0.2"

[docs]class AbstractTAFunc(SerialRunner): """Baseclass to execute target algorithms which are python functions. **Note:*** Do not use directly Parameters ---------- ta : callable Function (target algorithm) to be optimized. stats: Stats() stats object to collect statistics about runtime and so on multi_objectives: List[str] names of the objectives, by default it is a single objective parameter "cost" run_obj: str run objective of SMAC memory_limit : int, optional Memory limit (in MB) that will be applied to the target algorithm. par_factor: int penalization factor cost_for_crash : float cost that is used in case of crashed runs (including runs that returned NaN or inf) use_pynisher: bool use pynisher to limit resources; if disabled * TA func can use as many resources as it wants (time and memory) --- use with caution * all runs will be returned as SUCCESS if returned value is not None Attributes ---------- memory_limit use_pynisher """ def __init__( self, ta: Callable, stats: Stats, multi_objectives: List[str] = ["cost"], run_obj: str = "quality", memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, par_factor: int = 1, cost_for_crash: float = float(MAXINT), abort_on_first_run_crash: bool = False, use_pynisher: bool = True, ): super().__init__( ta=ta, stats=stats, multi_objectives=multi_objectives, run_obj=run_obj, par_factor=par_factor, cost_for_crash=cost_for_crash, abort_on_first_run_crash=abort_on_first_run_crash, ) self.ta = ta self.stats = stats self.multi_objectives = multi_objectives self.run_obj = run_obj self.par_factor = par_factor self.cost_for_crash = cost_for_crash self.abort_on_first_run_crash = abort_on_first_run_crash signature = inspect.signature(ta).parameters self._accepts_seed = "seed" in signature.keys() self._accepts_instance = "instance" in signature.keys() self._accepts_budget = "budget" in signature.keys() if not callable(ta): raise TypeError("Argument `ta` must be a callable, but is %s" % type(ta)) self._ta = cast(Callable, ta) if memory_limit is not None: memory_limit = int(math.ceil(memory_limit)) self.memory_limit = memory_limit self.use_pynisher = use_pynisher self.logger = PickableLoggerAdapter(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def run( self, config: Configuration, instance: Optional[str] = None, cutoff: Optional[float] = None, seed: int = 12345, budget: Optional[float] = None, instance_specific: str = "0", ) -> Tuple[StatusType, float, float, Dict]: """Runs target algorithm <self._ta> with configuration <config> for at most <cutoff> seconds, allowing it to use at most <memory_limit> RAM. Whether the target algorithm is called with the <instance> and <seed> depends on the subclass implementing the actual call to the target algorithm. Parameters ---------- config : Configuration, dictionary (or similar) Dictionary param -> value instance : str, optional Problem instance cutoff : float, optional Wallclock time limit of the target algorithm. If no value is provided no limit will be enforced. It is casted to integer internally. seed : int Random seed budget : float, optional A positive, real-valued number representing an arbitrary limit to the target algorithm Handled by the target algorithm internally instance_specific: str Instance specific information (e.g., domain file or solution) Returns ------- status: enum of StatusType (int) {SUCCESS, TIMEOUT, CRASHED, ABORT} cost: np.ndarray cost/regret/quality/runtime (float) (None, if not returned by TA) runtime: float runtime (None if not returned by TA) additional_info: dict all further additional run information """ obj_kwargs = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, None]] if self._accepts_seed: obj_kwargs["seed"] = seed if self._accepts_instance: obj_kwargs["instance"] = instance if self._accepts_budget: obj_kwargs["budget"] = budget cost = self.cost_for_crash # type: Union[float, List[float]] if self.use_pynisher: # walltime for pynisher has to be a rounded up integer if cutoff is not None: cutoff = int(math.ceil(cutoff)) if cutoff > MAX_CUTOFF: raise ValueError( "%d is outside the legal range of [0, 65535] " "for cutoff (when using pynisher, due to OS limitations)" % cutoff ) arguments = { "logger": self.logger, "wall_time_in_s": cutoff, "mem_in_mb": self.memory_limit, } # call ta try: obj = pynisher.enforce_limits(**arguments)(self._ta) rval = self._call_ta(obj, config, obj_kwargs) except Exception as e: cost = np.asarray(cost).squeeze().tolist() exception_traceback = traceback.format_exc() error_message = repr(e) additional_info = { "traceback": exception_traceback, "error": error_message, } return StatusType.CRASHED, cost, 0.0, additional_info # type: ignore if isinstance(rval, tuple): result = rval[0] additional_run_info = rval[1] else: result = rval additional_run_info = {} # get status, cost, time if obj.exit_status is pynisher.TimeoutException: status = StatusType.TIMEOUT elif obj.exit_status is pynisher.MemorylimitException: status = StatusType.MEMOUT elif obj.exit_status == 0 and result is not None: status = StatusType.SUCCESS cost = result # type: ignore # noqa else: status = StatusType.CRASHED runtime = float(obj.wall_clock_time) else: start_time = time.time() # call ta try: rval = self._call_ta(self._ta, config, obj_kwargs) if isinstance(rval, tuple): result = rval[0] additional_run_info = rval[1] else: result = rval additional_run_info = {} status = StatusType.SUCCESS cost = result # type: ignore except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) status = StatusType.CRASHED additional_run_info = {} runtime = time.time() - start_time # Do some sanity checking (for multi objective) if len(self.multi_objectives) > 1: error = f"Returned costs {cost} does not match the number of objectives {len(self.multi_objectives)}." # If dict convert to array # Make sure the ordering is correct if isinstance(cost, dict): ordered_cost = [] for name in self.multi_objectives: if name not in cost: raise RuntimeError(f"Objective {name} was not found in the returned costs.") ordered_cost.append(cost[name]) cost = ordered_cost if isinstance(cost, list): if len(cost) != len(self.multi_objectives): raise RuntimeError(error) if isinstance(cost, float): raise RuntimeError(error) if cost is None or status == StatusType.CRASHED: status = StatusType.CRASHED cost = self.cost_for_crash cost = np.asarray(cost).squeeze().tolist() return status, cost, runtime, additional_run_info # type: ignore
def _call_ta( self, obj: Callable, config: Configuration, obj_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, None]], ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict]]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ExecuteTAFuncDict(AbstractTAFunc): """Evaluate function for given configuration and resource limit. Passes the configuration as a dictionary to the target algorithm. The target algorithm needs to implement one of the following signatures: * ``target_algorithm(config: Configuration) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` * ``target_algorithm(config: Configuration, seed: int) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` * ``target_algorithm(config: Configuration, seed: int, instance: str) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` The target algorithm can either return a float (the loss), or a tuple with the first element being a float and the second being additional run information. ExecuteTAFuncDict will use inspection to figure out the correct call to the target algorithm. Parameters ---------- ta : callable Function (target algorithm) to be optimized. stats : smac.stats.stats.Stats, optional Stats object to collect statistics about runtime etc. run_obj : str, optional Run objective (runtime or quality) memory_limit : int, optional Memory limit (in MB) that will be applied to the target algorithm. par_factor : int, optional Penalized average runtime factor. Only used when `run_obj='runtime'` use_pynisher: bool, optional use pynisher to limit resources; """ def _call_ta( self, obj: Callable, config: Configuration, obj_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, None]], ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict]]: return obj(config, **obj_kwargs)
[docs]class ExecuteTAFuncArray(AbstractTAFunc): """Evaluate function for given configuration and resource limit. Passes the configuration as an array-like to the target algorithm. The target algorithm needs to implement one of the following signatures: * ``target_algorithm(config: np.ndarray) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` * ``target_algorithm(config: np.ndarray, seed: int) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` * ``target_algorithm(config: np.ndarray, seed: int, instance: str) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Any]]`` The target algorithm can either return a float (the loss), or a tuple with the first element being a float and the second being additional run information. ExecuteTAFuncDict will use inspection to figure out the correct call to the target algorithm. Parameters ---------- ta : callable Function (target algorithm) to be optimized. stats : smac.stats.stats.Stats, optional Stats object to collect statistics about runtime etc. run_obj: str, optional Run objective (runtime or quality) memory_limit : int, optional Memory limit (in MB) that will be applied to the target algorithm. par_factor: int, optional Penalized average runtime factor. Only used when `run_obj='runtime'` """ def _call_ta( self, obj: Callable, config: Configuration, obj_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, None]], ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict]]: x = np.array([val for _, val in sorted(config.get_dictionary().items())], dtype=float) return obj(x, **obj_kwargs)