Source code for smac.runhistory.runhistory2epm

import abc
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import logging

import numpy as np

from smac.configspace import convert_configurations_to_array
from smac.epm.base_imputor import BaseImputor
from smac.multi_objective.aggregation_strategy import AggregationStrategy
from smac.multi_objective.utils import normalize_costs
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory, RunKey, RunValue
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from smac.tae import StatusType
from smac.utils import constants

__author__ = "Katharina Eggensperger"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Katharina Eggensperger"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.0.1"

class AbstractRunHistory2EPM(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    """Abstract class for preprocessing data in order to train an EPM.

    scenario: Scenario Object
        Algorithm Configuration Scenario
    num_params : int
        number of parameters in config space
    success_states: list, optional
        List of states considered as successful (such as StatusType.SUCCESS).
        If None, raise TypeError.
    impute_censored_data: bool, optional
        Should we impute data?
    consider_for_higher_budgets_state: list, optional
        Additionally consider all runs with these states for budget < current budget
    imputor: epm.base_imputor Instance
        Object to impute censored data
    impute_state: list, optional
        List of states that mark censored data (such as StatusType.TIMEOUT)
        in combination with runtime < cutoff_time
        If None, set to empty list [].
        If None and impute_censored_data is True, raise TypeError.
    scale_perc: int
        scaled y-transformation use a percentile to estimate distance to optimum;
        only used by some subclasses of AbstractRunHistory2EPM
    rng : numpy.random.RandomState
        Only used for reshuffling data after imputation.
        If None, use np.random.RandomState(seed=1).
    multi_objective_algorithm: Optional[MultiObjectiveAlgorithm]
        Instance performing multi-objective optimization. Receives an objective cost vector as input
        and returns a scalar. Is executed before transforming runhistory values.



    def __init__(
        scenario: Scenario,
        num_params: int,
        success_states: List[StatusType],
        impute_censored_data: bool = False,
        impute_state: Optional[List[StatusType]] = None,
        consider_for_higher_budgets_state: Optional[List[StatusType]] = None,
        imputor: Optional[BaseImputor] = None,
        scale_perc: int = 5,
        rng: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None,
        multi_objective_algorithm: Optional[AggregationStrategy] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__)

        # General arguments
        self.scenario = scenario
        self.rng = rng
        self.num_params = num_params

        self.scale_perc = scale_perc
        self.num_obj = 1  # type: int
        if scenario.multi_objectives is not None:  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            self.num_obj = len(scenario.multi_objectives)  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821

        # Configuration
        self.impute_censored_data = impute_censored_data
        self.cutoff_time = self.scenario.cutoff  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        self.imputor = imputor
        if self.num_obj > 1:
            self.multi_objective_algorithm = multi_objective_algorithm
            self.multi_objective_algorithm = None

        # Fill with some default values
        if rng is None:
            self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=1)

        if impute_state is None and impute_censored_data:
            raise TypeError("impute_state not given")

        if impute_state is None:
            # please mypy
            self.impute_state = []  # type: List[StatusType]
            self.impute_state = impute_state

        if consider_for_higher_budgets_state is None:
            # please mypy
            self.consider_for_higher_budgets_state = []  # type: List[StatusType]
            self.consider_for_higher_budgets_state = consider_for_higher_budgets_state

        if success_states is None:
            raise TypeError("success_states not given")

        self.success_states = success_states

        self.instance_features = scenario.feature_dict
        self.n_feats = scenario.n_features

        self.num_params = num_params

        # Sanity checks
        if impute_censored_data and scenario.run_obj != "runtime":
            # So far we don't know how to handle censored quality data
            self.logger.critical("Cannot impute censored data when not " "optimizing runtime")
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot impute censored data when not " "optimizing runtime")

        # Check imputor stuff
        if impute_censored_data and self.imputor is None:
            self.logger.critical("You want me to impute censored data, but " "I don't know how. Imputor is None")
            raise ValueError("impute_censored data, but no imputor given")
        elif impute_censored_data and not isinstance(self.imputor, BaseImputor):
            raise ValueError(
                "Given imputor is not an instance of " "smac.epm.base_imputor.BaseImputor, but %s" % type(self.imputor)

        # Learned statistics
        self.min_y = np.array([np.NaN] * self.num_obj)
        self.max_y = np.array([np.NaN] * self.num_obj)
        self.perc = np.array([np.NaN] * self.num_obj)

    def _build_matrix(
        run_dict: Mapping[RunKey, RunValue],
        runhistory: RunHistory,
        return_time_as_y: bool = False,
        store_statistics: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Builds x,y matrixes from selected runs from runhistory.

        run_dict: dict(RunKey -> RunValue)
            dictionary from RunHistory.RunKey to RunHistory.RunValue
        runhistory: RunHistory
            runhistory object
        return_time_as_y: bool
            Return the time instead of cost as y value. Necessary to access the raw y values for imputation.
        store_statistics: bool
            Whether to store statistics about the data (to be used at subsequent calls)

        X: np.ndarray
        Y: np.ndarray
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_s_run_dict(
        runhistory: RunHistory,
        budget_subset: Optional[List] = None,
    ) -> Dict[RunKey, RunValue]:
        # Get only successfully finished runs
        if budget_subset is not None:
            if len(budget_subset) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Cannot yet handle getting runs from multiple budgets")
            s_run_dict = {
                for run in
                if run.budget in budget_subset and[run].status in self.success_states
            # Additionally add these states from lower budgets
            add = {
                for run in
                if[run].status in self.consider_for_higher_budgets_state
                and run.budget < budget_subset[0]
            s_run_dict = {
                for run in
                if[run].status in self.success_states
        return s_run_dict

    def _get_t_run_dict(
        runhistory: RunHistory,
        budget_subset: Optional[List] = None,
    ) -> Dict[RunKey, RunValue]:
        if budget_subset is not None:
            t_run_dict = {
                for run in
                if[run].status == StatusType.TIMEOUT
                and[run].time >= self.cutoff_time
                and run.budget in budget_subset
            t_run_dict = {
                for run in
                if[run].status == StatusType.TIMEOUT and[run].time >= self.cutoff_time
        return t_run_dict

    def get_configurations(
        runhistory: RunHistory,
        budget_subset: Optional[List] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Returns vector representation of only the configurations. Instance features are not
        appended and cost values are not taken into account.

        runhistory : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
            Runhistory containing all evaluated configurations/instances
        budget_subset : list of budgets to consider

        s_runs = self._get_s_run_dict(runhistory, budget_subset)
        s_config_ids = set(s_run.config_id for s_run in s_runs)
        t_runs = self._get_t_run_dict(runhistory, budget_subset)
        t_config_ids = set(t_run.config_id for t_run in t_runs)
        config_ids = s_config_ids | t_config_ids
        configurations = [runhistory.ids_config[config_id] for config_id in config_ids]
        configs_array = convert_configurations_to_array(configurations)
        return configs_array

    def transform(
        runhistory: RunHistory,
        budget_subset: Optional[List] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Returns vector representation of runhistory; if imputation is disabled, censored (TIMEOUT
        with time < cutoff) will be skipped.

        runhistory : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
            Runhistory containing all evaluated configurations/instances
        budget_subset : list of budgets to consider

        X: numpy.ndarray
            configuration vector x instance features
        Y: numpy.ndarray
            cost values
        self.logger.debug("Transform runhistory into X,y format")

        s_run_dict = self._get_s_run_dict(runhistory, budget_subset)
        X, Y = self._build_matrix(run_dict=s_run_dict, runhistory=runhistory, store_statistics=True)

        # Get real TIMEOUT runs
        t_run_dict = self._get_t_run_dict(runhistory, budget_subset)
        # use penalization (e.g. PAR10) for EPM training
        store_statistics = True if np.any(np.isnan(self.min_y)) else False
        tX, tY = self._build_matrix(

        # if we don't have successful runs,
        # we have to return all timeout runs
        if not s_run_dict:
            return tX, tY

        if self.impute_censored_data:
            # Get all censored runs
            if budget_subset is not None:
                c_run_dict = {
                    for run in
                    if[run].status in self.impute_state
                    and[run].time < self.cutoff_time
                    and run.budget in budget_subset
                c_run_dict = {
                    for run in
                    if[run].status in self.impute_state and[run].time < self.cutoff_time

            if len(c_run_dict) == 0:
                self.logger.debug("No censored data found, skip imputation")
                # If we do not impute, we also return TIMEOUT data
                X = np.vstack((X, tX))
                Y = np.concatenate((Y, tY))

                # better empirical results by using PAR1 instead of PAR10
                # for censored data imputation
                cen_X, cen_Y = self._build_matrix(

                # Also impute TIMEOUTS
                tX, tY = self._build_matrix(
                self.logger.debug("%d TIMEOUTS, %d CAPPED, %d SUCC" % (tX.shape[0], cen_X.shape[0], X.shape[0]))
                cen_X = np.vstack((cen_X, tX))
                cen_Y = np.concatenate((cen_Y, tY))

                # return imp_Y in PAR depending on the used threshold in imputor
                assert isinstance(self.imputor, BaseImputor)  # please mypy
                imp_Y = self.imputor.impute(censored_X=cen_X, censored_y=cen_Y, uncensored_X=X, uncensored_y=Y)

                # Shuffle data to mix censored and imputed data
                X = np.vstack((X, cen_X))
                Y = np.concatenate((Y, imp_Y))  # type: ignore
            # If we do not impute, we also return TIMEOUT data
            X = np.vstack((X, tX))
            Y = np.concatenate((Y, tY))

        self.logger.debug("Converted %d observations" % (X.shape[0]))
        return X, Y

    def transform_response_values(
        values: np.ndarray,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Transform function response values.

        values : np.ndarray
            Response values to be transformed.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_X_y(self, runhistory: RunHistory) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Simple interface to obtain all data in runhistory in X, y format.
        Note: This function should not be used as it does not consider all available StatusTypes.

        runhistory : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
            runhistory of all evaluated configurations x instances

        X: numpy.ndarray
            matrix of all configurations (+ instance features)
        y: numpy.ndarray
            vector of cost values; can include censored runs
        cen: numpy.ndarray
            vector of bools indicating whether the y-value is censored
        self.logger.warning("This function is not tested and might not work as expected!")
        X = []
        y = []
        cen = []
        feature_dict = self.scenario.feature_dict
        params = self.scenario.cs.get_hyperparameters()  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        for k, v in
            config = runhistory.ids_config[k.config_id]
            x = [config.get( for p in params]
            features = feature_dict.get(k.instance_id)
            if features:
            cen.append(v.status != StatusType.SUCCESS)

        return np.array(X), np.array(y), np.array(cen)

[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4Cost(AbstractRunHistory2EPM): """TODO.""" def _build_matrix( self, run_dict: Mapping[RunKey, RunValue], runhistory: RunHistory, return_time_as_y: bool = False, store_statistics: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Builds X,y matrixes from selected runs from runhistory. Parameters ---------- run_dict: dict: RunKey -> RunValue dictionary from RunHistory.RunKey to RunHistory.RunValue runhistory: RunHistory runhistory object return_time_as_y: bool Return the time instead of cost as y value. Necessary to access the raw y values for imputation. store_statistics: bool Whether to store statistics about the data (to be used at subsequent calls) Returns ------- X: np.ndarray Y: np.ndarray """ # First build nan-matrix of size #configs x #params+1 n_rows = len(run_dict) n_cols = self.num_params X = np.ones([n_rows, n_cols + self.n_feats]) * np.nan # For now we keep it as 1 # TODO: Extend for native multi-objective y = np.ones([n_rows, 1]) # Then populate matrix for row, (key, run) in enumerate(run_dict.items()): # Scaling is automatically done in configSpace conf = runhistory.ids_config[key.config_id] conf_vector = convert_configurations_to_array([conf])[0] if self.n_feats: feats = self.instance_features[key.instance_id] X[row, :] = np.hstack((conf_vector, feats)) # type: ignore else: X[row, :] = conf_vector # run_array[row, -1] = instances[row] if self.num_obj > 1: assert self.multi_objective_algorithm is not None # Let's normalize y here # We use the objective_bounds calculated by the runhistory y_ = normalize_costs(run.cost, runhistory.objective_bounds) y_agg = self.multi_objective_algorithm(y_) y[row] = y_agg else: if return_time_as_y: y[row, 0] = run.time else: y[row] = run.cost if y.size > 0: if store_statistics: self.perc = np.percentile(y, self.scale_perc, axis=0) self.min_y = np.min(y, axis=0) self.max_y = np.max(y, axis=0) y = self.transform_response_values(values=y) return X, y
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Returns the input values. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4LogCost(RunHistory2EPM4Cost): """TODO."""
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transforms the response values by using a log transformation. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ # ensure that minimal value is larger than 0 if np.any(values <= 0): self.logger.warning( "Got cost of smaller/equal to 0. Replace by %f since we use" " log cost." % constants.MINIMAL_COST_FOR_LOG ) values[values < constants.MINIMAL_COST_FOR_LOG] = constants.MINIMAL_COST_FOR_LOG values = np.log(values) return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4ScaledCost(RunHistory2EPM4Cost): """TODO."""
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transforms the response values by linearly scaling them between zero and one. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ min_y = self.min_y - (self.perc - self.min_y) # Subtract the difference between the percentile and the minimum min_y -= constants.VERY_SMALL_NUMBER # Minimal value to avoid numerical issues in the log scaling below # linear scaling # prevent diving by zero min_y[np.where(min_y == self.max_y)] *= 1 - 10**-101 values = (values - min_y) / (self.max_y - min_y) return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4InvScaledCost(RunHistory2EPM4Cost): """TODO.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # noqa F723 super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.instance_features is not None: if len(self.instance_features) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Handling more than one instance is not supported for inverse scaled cost.")
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transform the response values by linearly scaling them between zero and one and then using inverse scaling. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ min_y = self.min_y - (self.perc - self.min_y) # Subtract the difference between the percentile and the minimum min_y -= constants.VERY_SMALL_NUMBER # Minimal value to avoid numerical issues in the log scaling below # linear scaling # prevent diving by zero min_y[np.where(min_y == self.max_y)] *= 1 - 10**-10 values = (values - min_y) / (self.max_y - min_y) values = 1 - 1 / values return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4SqrtScaledCost(RunHistory2EPM4Cost): """TODO.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # noqa F723 super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.instance_features is not None: if len(self.instance_features) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Handling more than one instance is not supported for sqrt scaled cost.")
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transform the response values by linearly scaling them between zero and one and then using the square root. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ min_y = self.min_y - (self.perc - self.min_y) # Subtract the difference between the percentile and the minimum min_y -= constants.VERY_SMALL_NUMBER # Minimal value to avoid numerical issues in the log scaling below # linear scaling # prevent diving by zero min_y[np.where(min_y == self.max_y)] *= 1 - 10**-10 values = (values - min_y) / (self.max_y - min_y) values = np.sqrt(values) return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4LogScaledCost(RunHistory2EPM4Cost): """TODO."""
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transform the response values by linearly scaling them between zero and one and then using the log transformation. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ min_y = self.min_y - (self.perc - self.min_y) # Subtract the difference between the percentile and the minimum min_y -= constants.VERY_SMALL_NUMBER # Minimal value to avoid numerical issues in the log scaling below # linear scaling # prevent diving by zero min_y[np.where(min_y == self.max_y)] *= 1 - 10**-10 values = (values - min_y) / (self.max_y - min_y) values = np.log(values) return values
[docs]class RunHistory2EPM4EIPS(AbstractRunHistory2EPM): """TODO.""" def _build_matrix( self, run_dict: Mapping[RunKey, RunValue], runhistory: RunHistory, return_time_as_y: bool = False, store_statistics: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """TODO.""" if return_time_as_y: raise NotImplementedError() if store_statistics: # store_statistics is currently not necessary pass # First build nan-matrix of size #configs x #params+1 n_rows = len(run_dict) n_cols = self.num_params X = np.ones([n_rows, n_cols + self.n_feats]) * np.nan y = np.ones([n_rows, 2]) # Then populate matrix for row, (key, run) in enumerate(run_dict.items()): # Scaling is automatically done in configSpace conf = runhistory.ids_config[key.config_id] conf_vector = convert_configurations_to_array([conf])[0] if self.n_feats: feats = self.instance_features[key.instance_id] X[row, :] = np.hstack((conf_vector, feats)) # type: ignore else: X[row, :] = conf_vector if self.num_obj > 1: assert self.multi_objective_algorithm is not None # Let's normalize y here # We use the objective_bounds calculated by the runhistory y_ = normalize_costs(run.cost, runhistory.objective_bounds) y_agg = self.multi_objective_algorithm(y_) y[row, 0] = y_agg else: y[row, 0] = run.cost y[row, 1] = run.time y_transformed = self.transform_response_values(values=y) return X, y_transformed
[docs] def transform_response_values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform function response values. Transform the runtimes by a log transformation (log(1. + runtime). Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray Response values to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ # We need to ensure that time remains positive after the log transform. values[:, 1] = np.log(1 + values[:, 1]) return values