Source code for smac.optimizer.subspaces

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import copy
import inspect
import logging
import math

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.forbidden import (
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import (

from smac.configspace import Configuration, ConfigurationSpace
from smac.epm.base_epm import BaseEPM
from smac.epm.gaussian_process.augmented import GloballyAugmentedLocalGaussianProcess
from smac.epm.gaussian_process.kernels.boing import construct_gp_kernel
from smac.epm.utils import check_subspace_points
from smac.optimizer.acquisition import EI, AbstractAcquisitionFunction

[docs]class LocalSubspace(ABC): """ A subspace that is designed for local Bayesian Optimization. If bounds_ss_cont and bounds_ss_cat are not given, this subspace is equivalent to the original configuration space. Additionally, this subspace supports local BO that only works with a subset of the dimensions, where the missing values are filled by the corresponding values from incumbent_array. Parameters ---------- config_space: ConfigurationSpace raw Configuration space bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]] raw bounds of the Configuration space, notice that here bounds denotes the bounds of the entire space hps_types: List[int], types of the hyperparameters bounds_ss_cont: np.ndarray(D_cont, 2) subspaces bounds of continuous hyperparameters, its length is the number of continuous hyperparameters bounds_ss_cat: List[Tuple] subspaces bounds of categorical hyperparameters, its length is the number of categorical hyperparameters rng: np.random.RandomState random state model_local: ~smac.epm.base_epm.BaseEPM model in subspace model_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] argument for subspace model acq_func_local: ~smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.AbstractAcquisitionFunction local acquisition function acq_func_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] argument for acquisition function activate_dims: Optional[np.ndarray] activate dimensions in the subspace, if it is None, we preserve all the dimensions incumbent_array: Optional[np.ndarray] incumbent array, used when activate_dims has less dimension and this value is used to complementary the resulted configurations """ def __init__( self, config_space: ConfigurationSpace, bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], hps_types: List[int], bounds_ss_cont: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, bounds_ss_cat: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None, model_local: Union[BaseEPM, Type[BaseEPM]] = GloballyAugmentedLocalGaussianProcess, model_local_kwargs: Dict = {}, acq_func_local: Union[AbstractAcquisitionFunction, Type[AbstractAcquisitionFunction]] = EI, acq_func_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, rng: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, initial_data: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None, activate_dims: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, incumbent_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__) self.cs_global = config_space if rng is None: self.rng = np.random.RandomState(1) else: self.rng = np.random.RandomState(rng.randint(0, 2**20)) n_hypers = len(config_space.get_hyperparameters()) model_types = copy.deepcopy(hps_types) model_bounds = copy.deepcopy(bounds) cat_dims = np.where(np.array(hps_types) != 0)[0] cont_dims = np.where(np.array(hps_types) == 0)[0] if activate_dims is None: activate_dims = np.arange(n_hypers) activate_dims_cont = cont_dims activate_dims_cat = cat_dims self.activate_dims = activate_dims activate_dims_cont_ss = np.arange(len(activate_dims_cont)) activate_dims_cat_ss = np.arange(len(activate_dims_cat)) else: activate_dims_cont, _, activate_dims_cont_ss = np.intersect1d( activate_dims, cont_dims, assume_unique=True, return_indices=True ) activate_dims_cat, _, activate_dims_cat_ss = np.intersect1d( activate_dims, cat_dims, assume_unique=True, return_indices=True ) self.activate_dims = activate_dims self.activate_dims_cont = activate_dims_cont_ss self.activate_dims_cat = activate_dims_cat_ss lbs = np.full(n_hypers, 0.0) scales = np.full(n_hypers, 1.0) if bounds_ss_cont is None and bounds_ss_cat is None: # cs_inner is cs self.cs_local = config_space self.new_config_space = False self.bounds_ss_cont = np.tile([0.0, 1.0], [len(self.activate_dims_cont), 1]) self.bounds_ss_cat = [] # type: Optional[List[Tuple]] self.lbs = lbs self.scales = scales self.new_config = False else: self.new_config = True # we normalize the non-CategoricalHyperparameter by x = (x-lb)*scale hps = config_space.get_hyperparameters() # deal with categorical hyperaprameters for i, cat_idx in enumerate(activate_dims_cat): hp_cat = hps[cat_idx] # type: CategoricalHyperparameter parents = config_space.get_parents_of( if len(parents) == 0: can_be_inactive = False else: can_be_inactive = True if bounds_ss_cat is None: n_cats = len(hp_cat.choices) else: n_cats = len(bounds_ss_cat[i]) if can_be_inactive: n_cats = n_cats + 1 model_types[cat_idx] = n_cats model_bounds[cat_idx] = (int(n_cats), np.nan) # store the dimensions of numerical hyperparameters, UniformFloatHyperparameter and # UniformIntegerHyperparameter dims_cont_num = [] idx_cont_num = [] dims_cont_ord = [] idx_cont_ord = [] ord_hps = {} # deal with ordinary hyperaprameters for i, cont_idx in enumerate(activate_dims_cont): param = hps[cont_idx] if isinstance(param, OrdinalHyperparameter): parents = config_space.get_parents_of( if len(parents) == 0: can_be_inactive = False else: can_be_inactive = True if bounds_ss_cont is None: n_seqs = len(param.sequence) else: n_seqs = bounds_ss_cont[i][1] - bounds_ss_cont[i][0] + 1 if can_be_inactive: model_bounds[cont_idx] = (0, int(n_seqs)) else: model_bounds[cont_idx] = (0, int(n_seqs) - 1) if bounds_ss_cont is None: lbs[cont_idx] = 0 # in subspace, it should start from 0 ord_hps[] = (0, int(n_seqs)) else: lbs[cont_idx] = bounds_ss_cont[i][0] # in subspace, it should start from 0 ord_hps[] = bounds_ss_cont[i] dims_cont_ord.append(cont_idx) idx_cont_ord.append(i) else: dims_cont_num.append(cont_idx) idx_cont_num.append(i) if bounds_ss_cat is not None: self.bounds_ss_cat = [bounds_ss_cat[act_dims_cat_ss] for act_dims_cat_ss in activate_dims_cat_ss] else: self.bounds_ss_cat = None self.bounds_ss_cont = bounds_ss_cont[activate_dims_cont_ss] if bounds_ss_cont is not None else None if bounds_ss_cont is None: lbs[dims_cont_num] = 0.0 scales[dims_cont_num] = 1.0 else: lbs[dims_cont_num] = bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont_num, 0] # rescale numerical hyperparameters to [0., 1.] scales[dims_cont_num] = 1.0 / (bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont_num, 1] - bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont_num, 0]) self.lbs = lbs[activate_dims] self.scales = scales[activate_dims] self.cs_local = ConfigurationSpace() hp_list = [] idx_cont = 0 idx_cat = 0 hps = config_space.get_hyperparameters() for idx in self.activate_dims: param = hps[idx] if isinstance(param, CategoricalHyperparameter): if bounds_ss_cat is None: hp_new = copy.deepcopy(param) idx_cat += 1 else: choices = [param.choices[int(choice_idx)] for choice_idx in bounds_ss_cat[idx_cat]] # cat_freq_arr = np.array((cats_freq[idx_cat])) # weights = cat_freq_arr / np.sum(cat_freq_arr) hp_new = CategoricalHyperparameter(, choices=choices) # , weights=weights) idx_cat += 1 elif isinstance(param, OrdinalHyperparameter): param_seq = ord_hps.get( raw_seq = param.sequence ord_indices = np.arange(*param_seq) new_seq = [raw_seq[int(round(idx))] for idx in ord_indices] hp_new = OrdinalHyperparameter(, sequence=new_seq) idx_cont += 1 elif isinstance(param, Constant): hp_new = copy.deepcopy(param) elif isinstance(param, (UniformFloatHyperparameter, UniformIntegerHyperparameter)): if bounds_ss_cont is None: hp_new = copy.deepcopy(param) idx_cont += 1 else: if isinstance(param, UniformFloatHyperparameter): lower = param.lower upper = param.upper if param.log: lower_log = np.log(lower) upper_log = np.log(upper) hp_new_lower = np.exp((upper_log - lower_log) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][0] + lower_log) hp_new_upper = np.exp((upper_log - lower_log) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][1] + lower_log) hp_new = UniformFloatHyperparameter(, lower=max(hp_new_lower, lower), upper=min(hp_new_upper, upper), log=True, ) else: hp_new_lower = (upper - lower) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][0] + lower hp_new_upper = (upper - lower) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][1] + lower hp_new = UniformFloatHyperparameter(, lower=max(hp_new_lower, lower), upper=min(hp_new_upper, upper), log=False, ) idx_cont += 1 elif isinstance(param, UniformIntegerHyperparameter): lower = param.lower upper = param.upper if param.log: lower_log = np.log(lower) upper_log = np.log(upper) hp_new_lower = int( math.floor( np.exp((upper_log - lower_log) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][0] + lower_log) ) ) hp_new_upper = int( math.ceil(np.exp((upper_log - lower_log) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][1] + lower_log)) ) hp_new_lower_log = np.log(hp_new_lower) hp_new_upper_log = np.log(hp_new_upper) new_scale = (upper_log - lower_log) / (hp_new_upper_log - hp_new_lower_log) new_lb = (hp_new_lower_log - lower_log) / (hp_new_upper_log - hp_new_lower_log) self.scales[idx] = new_scale self.lbs[idx] = new_lb hp_new = UniformIntegerHyperparameter(, lower=max(hp_new_lower, lower), upper=min(hp_new_upper, upper), log=True, ) else: hp_new_lower = int(math.floor((upper - lower) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][0])) + lower hp_new_upper = int(math.ceil((upper - lower) * bounds_ss_cont[idx_cont][1])) + lower new_scale = (upper - lower) / (hp_new_upper - hp_new_lower) new_lb = (hp_new_lower - lower) / (hp_new_upper - hp_new_lower) self.scales[idx] = new_scale self.lbs[idx] = new_lb hp_new = UniformIntegerHyperparameter(, lower=max(hp_new_lower, lower), upper=min(hp_new_upper, upper), log=False, ) idx_cont += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type of Hyperparameter: {type(param)}") hp_list.append(hp_new) # We only consider plain hyperparameters self.cs_local.add_hyperparameters(hp_list) forbiddens_ss = [] forbiddens = config_space.get_forbiddens() for forbidden in forbiddens: forbiden_ss = self.fit_forbidden_to_ss(cs_local=self.cs_local, forbidden=forbidden) if forbiden_ss is not None: forbiddens_ss.append(forbiden_ss) if len(forbiddens_ss) > 0: self.cs_local.add_forbidden_clauses(forbiddens_ss) model_kwargs = dict( configspace=self.cs_local, types=[model_types[activate_dim] for activate_dim in activate_dims] if model_types is not None else None, bounds=[model_bounds[activate_dim] for activate_dim in activate_dims] if model_bounds is not None else None, bounds_cont=np.array([[0, 1.0] for _ in range(len(activate_dims_cont))]), bounds_cat=self.bounds_ss_cat, seed=self.rng.randint(0, 2**20), ) if inspect.isclass(model_local): model_local_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_local_kwargs) if "kernel_kwargs" in model_local_kwargs_copy: kernel_kwargs = model_local_kwargs_copy["kernel_kwargs"] kernel = construct_gp_kernel(kernel_kwargs, activate_dims_cont_ss, activate_dims_cat_ss) del model_local_kwargs_copy["kernel_kwargs"] model_local_kwargs_copy["kernel"] = kernel if model_local_kwargs is not None: model_kwargs.update(model_local_kwargs_copy) all_arguments = inspect.signature(model_local).parameters.keys() if "bounds_cont" not in all_arguments: del model_kwargs["bounds_cont"] if "bounds_cat" not in all_arguments: del model_kwargs["bounds_cat"] model = model_local(**model_kwargs) # type: ignore else: model = model_local self.model = model if inspect.isclass(acq_func_local): acq_func_kwargs = {"model": self.model} if acq_func_local_kwargs is not None: acq_func_kwargs.update(acq_func_local_kwargs) acquisition_function = acq_func_local(**acq_func_kwargs) # type: ignore else: acquisition_function = acq_func_local self.acquisition_function = acquisition_function self.incumbent_array = incumbent_array self.model_x = np.empty([0, len(activate_dims)]) self.ss_x = np.empty([0, len(activate_dims)]) self.model_y = np.empty([0, 1]) self.ss_y = np.empty([0, 1]) if initial_data is not None: X = initial_data[0] y = initial_data[1] self.add_new_observations(X, y) self.config_origin = "subspace"
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_forbidden_to_ss( cs_local: ConfigurationSpace, forbidden: AbstractForbiddenComponent ) -> Optional[AbstractForbiddenComponent]: """ Fit the forbidden to subspaces. If the target forbidden can be added to subspace, we return a new forbidden with exactly the same type of the input forbidden. Otherwise, None is returned. Parameters ---------- cs_local: ConfigurationSpace local configuration space of the subspace forbidden: AbstractForbiddenComponent forbidden to check Returns ------- forbidden_ss: Optional[AbstractForbiddenComponent] forbidden in subspaces """ if isinstance(forbidden, ForbiddenAndConjunction): forbidden_ss_components = [] for forbid in forbidden.components: # If any of the AndConjunction is not supported by the subspace, we simply ignore them forbid_ss = LocalSubspace.fit_forbidden_to_ss(cs_local, forbid) if forbid_ss is None: return None forbidden_ss_components.append(forbid_ss) return type(forbidden)(*forbidden_ss_components) else: forbidden_hp_name = if forbidden_hp_name not in cs_local: return None hp_ss = cs_local.get_hyperparameter(forbidden_hp_name) def is_value_in_hp(value: Any, hp: Hyperparameter) -> bool: """Check if the value is in the range of the hp.""" if isinstance(hp, NumericalHyperparameter): return hp.lower <= value <= hp.upper elif isinstance(hp, OrdinalHyperparameter): return value in hp.sequence elif isinstance(hp, CategoricalHyperparameter): return value in hp.choices else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported type of hyperparameter!") if isinstance(forbidden, MultipleValueForbiddenClause): forbidden_values = forbidden.values for forbidden_value in forbidden_values: if not is_value_in_hp(forbidden_value, hp_ss): return None return type(forbidden)(hp_ss, forbidden_values) else: forbidden_value = forbidden.value if is_value_in_hp(forbidden_value, hp_ss): return type(forbidden)(hp_ss, forbidden_value) return None
[docs] def update_model(self, predict_x_best: bool = True, update_incumbent_array: bool = False) -> None: """ Update the model and acquisition function parameters Parameters ---------- predict_x_best: bool, if the incumbent is acquired by the predicted mean of a surrogate model update_incumbent_array: bool if the incumbent_array of this subspace is replaced with the newly updated incumbent """ acq_func_kwargs = {"model": self.model, "num_data": len(self.ss_x)} if predict_x_best: try: mu, _ = self.model.predict(self.ss_x) except Exception as e: # Some times it could occur that LGPGA fails to predict the mean value of ss_x because of # numerical issues self.logger.warning(f"Fail to predict ss_x due to {e}") mu = self.ss_y idx_eta = np.argmin(mu) incumbent_array = self.ss_x[idx_eta] acq_func_kwargs.update({"incumbent_array": incumbent_array, "eta": mu[idx_eta]}) else: idx_eta = np.argmin(self.ss_y) incumbent_array = self.ss_x[idx_eta] acq_func_kwargs.update({"incumbent_array": incumbent_array, "eta": self.ss_y[idx_eta]}) if update_incumbent_array: if self.incumbent_array is None: self.incumbent_array = self.ss_x[idx_eta] else: self.incumbent_array[self.activate_dims] = self.ss_x[idx_eta] self.acquisition_function.update(**acq_func_kwargs)
[docs] def add_new_observations(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Add new observations to the subspace Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray(N,D), new feature vector of the observations, constructed by the global configuration space y: np.ndarray(N) new performances of the observations Return ---------- indices_in_ss:np.ndarray(N) indices of data that included in subspaces """ if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[np.newaxis, :] if len(y.shape) == 1: y = y[:, np.newaxis] X = X[:, self.activate_dims] ss_indices = check_subspace_points( X=X, cont_dims=self.activate_dims_cont, cat_dims=self.activate_dims_cat, bounds_cont=self.bounds_ss_cont, bounds_cat=self.bounds_ss_cat, ) X = self.normalize_input(X=X) self.model_x = np.vstack([self.model_x, X]) self.model_y = np.vstack([self.model_y, y]) self.ss_x = np.vstack([self.ss_x, X[ss_indices]]) self.ss_y = np.vstack([self.ss_y, y[ss_indices]])
[docs] def update_incumbent_array(self, new_incumbent: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Update a new incumbent array. The array is generated from the global configuration Parameters ---------- new_incumbent: np.ndarray(D) new incumbent, which correspondences to the global configuration """ self.incumbent_array = self.normalize_input(X=new_incumbent)
[docs] def generate_challengers(self, **optimizer_kwargs: Any) -> Iterator: """ Generate a list of challengers that will be transformed into the global configuration space Parameters ---------- optimizer_kwargs: Any additional configurations passed to 'self._generate_challengers' Returns ------- A list of challengers in the global configuration space """ challengers = self._generate_challengers(**optimizer_kwargs) return ChallengerListLocal( cs_local=self.cs_local, cs_global=self.cs_global, challengers=challengers, config_origin=self.config_origin, incumbent_array=self.incumbent_array, )
@abstractmethod def _generate_challengers(self, **optimizer_kwargs: Dict) -> List[Tuple[float, Configuration]]: """Generate new challengers list for this subspace""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def normalize_input(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Normalize X to fit the local configuration space Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray(N,D) input X, configurations arrays Returns ------- X_normalized: np.ndarray(N,D) normalized input X """ if not self.new_config: return X if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[np.newaxis, :] # normalize X X_normalized = (X - self.lbs) * self.scales if self.bounds_ss_cat is not None: # normalize categorical function, for instance, if bounds_subspace[i] is a categorical bound contains # elements [1, 3, 5], then we map 1->0, 3->1, 5->2 for cat_idx, cat_bound in zip(self.activate_dims_cat, self.bounds_ss_cat): X_i = X_normalized[:, cat_idx] cond_list = [X_i == cat for cat in cat_bound] choice_list = np.arange(len(cat_bound)) X_i =, choice_list) X_normalized[:, cat_idx] = X_i return X_normalized
[docs]class ChallengerListLocal(Iterator): def __init__( self, cs_local: ConfigurationSpace, cs_global: ConfigurationSpace, challengers: List[Tuple[float, Configuration]], config_origin: str, incumbent_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """ A Challenger list to convert the configuration from the local configuration space to the global configuration space Parameters ---------- cs_local: ConfigurationSpace local configuration space cs_global: ConfigurationSpace global configuration space challengers: List[Tuple[float, Configuration]], challenger lists config_origin: str configuration origin incumbent_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, global incumbent array, used when cs_local and cs_global have different number of dimensions and we need to supplement the missing values. """ self.cs_local = cs_local self.challengers = challengers self.cs_global = cs_global self._index = 0 self.config_origin = config_origin # In case cs_in and cs_out have different dimensions self.expand_dims = len(cs_global.get_hyperparameters()) != len(cs_local.get_hyperparameters()) self.incumbent_array = incumbent_array if self.expand_dims and self.incumbent_array is None: raise ValueError( "Incumbent array must be provided if the global configuration space has more " "hyperparameters then the local configuration space" ) def __next__(self) -> Configuration: if self.challengers is not None and self._index == len(self.challengers): raise StopIteration challenger = self.challengers[self._index][1] self._index += 1 value = challenger.get_dictionary() if self.expand_dims: incumbent_array = Configuration( configuration_space=self.cs_global, vector=self.incumbent_array ).get_dictionary() # we replace the cooresponding value in incumbent array with the value suggested by our optimizer for k in value.keys(): incumbent_array[k] = value[k] config = Configuration(configuration_space=self.cs_global, values=incumbent_array) else: config = Configuration(configuration_space=self.cs_global, values=value) if self.config_origin is not None: config.origin = self.config_origin else: config.origin = challenger.origin return config def __len__(self) -> int: if self.challengers is None: self.challengers = [] return len(self.challengers) - self._index