Source code for smac.optimizer.configuration_chooser.boing_chooser

from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import copy
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import NumericalHyperparameter

from smac.configspace import Configuration
from smac.epm.base_epm import BaseEPM
from smac.epm.gaussian_process.augmented import GloballyAugmentedLocalGaussianProcess
from smac.epm.random_forest.rf_with_instances import RandomForestWithInstances
from smac.epm.utils import get_types
from smac.optimizer.acquisition import EI, TS, AbstractAcquisitionFunction
from smac.optimizer.acquisition.maximizer import AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer
from smac.optimizer.configuration_chooser.epm_chooser import EPMChooser
from smac.optimizer.configuration_chooser.random_chooser import (
from smac.optimizer.subspaces.boing_subspace import BOinGSubspace
from smac.optimizer.subspaces.turbo_subspace import TuRBOSubSpace
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory
from smac.runhistory.runhistory2epm_boing import RunHistory2EPM4CostWithRaw
from smac.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from smac.stats.stats import Stats
from smac.utils.constants import MAXINT

[docs]class BOinGChooser(EPMChooser): """ Interface to train the EPM and generate next configurations with both global and local models. Parameters ---------- runhistory2epm: RunHistory2EPM4CostWithRaw, a transformer to transform rh to vectors, different from the rh2epm used in vanilla EPMChooser, this rh2epm object needs to provide the raw values for optimizer in different stages model: smac.epm.rf_with_instances.RandomForestWithInstances empirical performance model (right now, we support only RandomForestWithInstances) as a global model acq_optimizer: smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer Optimizer of acquisition function of global models model_local: BaseEPM, local empirical performance model, used in subspace model_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, parameters for initializing a local model acquisition_func_local: AbstractAcquisitionFunction, local acquisition function, used in subspace acquisition_func_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, parameters for initializing a local acquisition function optimizer acq_optimizer_local: Optional[AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer] = None, Optimizer of acquisition function of local models acq_optimizer_local_kwargs: typing: Optional[Dict] = None, parameters for the optimizer of acquisition function of local models max_configs_local_fracs : float The maximal number of fractions of samples to be included in the subspace. If the number of samples in the subspace is greater than this value and n_min_config_inner, the subspace will be cropped to fit the requirement min_configs_local: int, Minimum number of samples included in the inner loop model do_switching: bool if we want to switch between turbo and boing or do a pure BOinG search turbo_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None parameters for building a turbo optimizer """ def __init__( self, scenario: Scenario, stats: Stats, runhistory: RunHistory, runhistory2epm: RunHistory2EPM4CostWithRaw, model: RandomForestWithInstances, acq_optimizer: AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer, acquisition_func: AbstractAcquisitionFunction, rng: np.random.RandomState, restore_incumbent: Configuration = None, random_configuration_chooser: RandomChooser = ChooserNoCoolDown(2.0), predict_x_best: bool = True, min_samples_model: int = 1, model_local: Union[BaseEPM, Type[BaseEPM]] = GloballyAugmentedLocalGaussianProcess, acquisition_func_local: Union[AbstractAcquisitionFunction, Type[AbstractAcquisitionFunction]] = EI, model_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, acquisition_func_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, acq_optimizer_local: Optional[AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer] = None, acq_optimizer_local_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, max_configs_local_fracs: float = 0.5, min_configs_local: Optional[int] = None, do_switching: bool = False, turbo_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ): # initialize the original EPM_Chooser super(BOinGChooser, self).__init__( scenario=scenario, stats=stats, runhistory=runhistory, runhistory2epm=runhistory2epm, model=model, acq_optimizer=acq_optimizer, acquisition_func=acquisition_func, rng=rng, restore_incumbent=restore_incumbent, random_configuration_chooser=random_configuration_chooser, predict_x_best=predict_x_best, min_samples_model=min_samples_model, ) if not isinstance(self.model, RandomForestWithInstances): raise ValueError("BOinG only supports RandomForestWithInstances as its global optimizer") if not isinstance(self.rh2EPM, RunHistory2EPM4CostWithRaw): raise ValueError("BOinG only supports RunHistory2EPM4CostWithRaw as its rh transformer") cs = self.scenario.cs # type: ignore self.subspace_info = { "model_local": model_local, "model_local_kwargs": model_local_kwargs, "acq_func_local": acquisition_func_local, "acq_func_local_kwargs": acquisition_func_local_kwargs, "acq_optimizer_local": acq_optimizer_local, "acq_optimizer_local_kwargs": acq_optimizer_local_kwargs, } self.max_configs_local_fracs = max_configs_local_fracs self.min_configs_local = ( min_configs_local if min_configs_local is not None else 5 * len(cs.get_hyperparameters()) ) types, bounds = get_types(cs, instance_features=None) self.types = types self.bounds = bounds self.cat_dims = np.where(np.array(types) != 0)[0] self.cont_dims = np.where(np.array(types) == 0)[0] self.config_space = cs self.frac_to_start_bi = 0.8 self.split_count = np.zeros(len(types)) self.do_switching = do_switching self.random_search_upper_log = 1 self.optimal_value = np.inf self.optimal_config = None self.ss_threshold = 0.1 ** len(cs.get_hyperparameters()) if self.do_switching: # If we want to switch between BOinG and TurBO self.run_TuRBO = False self.failcount_BOinG = 0 self.failcount_TurBO = 0 turbo_model = copy.deepcopy(model_local) turbo_acq = TS turbo_opt_kwargs = dict( config_space=cs, bounds=bounds, hps_types=types, model_local=turbo_model, model_local_kwargs=copy.deepcopy(model_local_kwargs), acq_func_local=turbo_acq, rng=rng, length_min=2e-4, ) self.turbo_kwargs = turbo_opt_kwargs if turbo_kwargs is not None: turbo_opt_kwargs.update(turbo_kwargs) self.turbo_optimizer = TuRBOSubSpace(**turbo_opt_kwargs)
[docs] def restart_TuRBOinG(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, Y_raw: np.ndarray, train_model: bool = False) -> None: """ Restart a new TurBO Optimizer, the bounds of the TurBO Optimizer is determined by a RF, we randomly sample 20 points and extract subspaces that contain at least self.min_configs_local points, and we select the subspace with the largest volume to construct a turbo optimizer Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray (N, D) previous evaluated configurations Y: np.ndarray (N,) performances of previous evaluated configurations (transformed by rh2epm transformer) Y_raw: np.ndarray (N,) performances of previous evaluated configurations (raw values, not transformed) train_model: bool if we retrain the model with the given X and Y """ if train_model: self.model.train(X, Y) num_samples = 20 union_ss = [] union_indices = [] rand_samples = self.config_space.sample_configuration(num_samples) for sample in rand_samples: sample_array = sample.get_array() union_bounds_cont, _, ss_data_indices = subspace_extraction( X=X, challenger=sample_array, model=self.model, num_min=self.min_configs_local, num_max=MAXINT, bounds=self.bounds, cont_dims=self.cont_dims, cat_dims=self.cat_dims, ) union_ss.append(union_bounds_cont) union_indices.append(ss_data_indices) union_ss = np.asarray(union_ss) volume_ss = np.product(union_ss[:, :, 1] - union_ss[:, :, 0], axis=1) # type: ignore ss_idx = np.argmax(volume_ss) ss_turbo = union_ss[ss_idx] ss_data_indices = union_indices[ss_idx] # we only consider numerical(continuous) hyperparameters here self.turbo_optimizer = TuRBOSubSpace( **self.turbo_kwargs, # type: ignore bounds_ss_cont=ss_turbo, # type: ignore initial_data=(X[ss_data_indices], Y_raw[ss_data_indices]), # type: ignore ) self.turbo_optimizer.add_new_observations(X[ss_data_indices], Y_raw[ss_data_indices])
[docs] def choose_next(self, incumbent_value: float = None) -> Iterator[Configuration]: """ Choose next candidate solution with Bayesian optimization. We use TurBO optimizer or BOinG to suggest the next configuration. If we switch local model between TurBO and BOinG, we gradually increase the probability to switch to another optimizer if we cannot make further process. (Or if TurBO find a new incumbent, we will switch to BOinG to do further exploitation) Parameters ---------- incumbent_value: float Cost value of incumbent configuration (required for acquisition function); If not given, it will be inferred from runhistory or predicted; if not given and runhistory is empty, it will raise a ValueError. Returns ------- Iterator """ # we also need the untransformed raw y values to used for local models X, Y, Y_raw, X_configurations = self._collect_all_data_to_train_model() if self.do_switching: if self.run_TuRBO: X, Y, Y_raw, X_configurations = self._collect_all_data_to_train_model() num_new_bservations = 1 # here we only consider batch_size ==1 new_observations = Y_raw[-num_new_bservations:] # give new suggestions from initialized values in TurBO if len(self.turbo_optimizer.init_configs) > 0: self.turbo_optimizer.add_new_observations(X[-num_new_bservations:], Y_raw[-num_new_bservations:]) return self.turbo_optimizer.generate_challengers() self.turbo_optimizer.adjust_length(new_observations) # if we need to restart TurBO, we first check if we want to switch to BOinG if self.turbo_optimizer.length < self.turbo_optimizer.length_min: optimal_turbo = np.min(self.turbo_optimizer.ss_y) self.logger.debug(f"Best Found value by TuRBO: {optimal_turbo}") increment = optimal_turbo - self.optimal_value if increment < 0: min_idx = np.argmin(Y_raw) self.optimal_value = Y_raw[min_idx].item() # compute the distance between the previous incumbent and new incumbent cfg_diff = X[min_idx] - self.optimal_config self.optimal_config = X[min_idx] # we avoid sticking to a local minimum too often, e.g. either we have a relative much better # configuration or the new configuration is a little bit far away from the current incumbent if ( increment < -1e-3 * np.abs(self.optimal_value) or np.abs(np.product(cfg_diff)) >= self.ss_threshold ): self.failcount_TurBO -= 1 # switch to BOinG as TurBO found a better model and we could do exploration # also we halve the failcount of BOinG to avoid switching to TurBO too frequently self.failcount_BOinG = self.failcount_BOinG // 2 self.run_TuRBO = False self.logger.debug("Optimizer switches to BOinG!") else: self.failcount_TurBO += 1 # The probability is a linear curve. prob_to_BOinG = 0.1 * self.failcount_TurBO self.logger.debug(f"failure_count TuRBO :{self.failcount_TurBO}") rand_value = self.rng.random() if rand_value < prob_to_BOinG: self.failcount_BOinG = self.failcount_BOinG // 2 self.run_TuRBO = False self.logger.debug("Optimizer switches to BOinG!") else: self.restart_TuRBOinG(X=X, Y=Y, Y_raw=Y_raw, train_model=True) return self.turbo_optimizer.generate_challengers() self.turbo_optimizer.add_new_observations(X[-num_new_bservations:], Y_raw[-num_new_bservations:]) return self.turbo_optimizer.generate_challengers() if X.shape[0] == 0: # Only return a single point to avoid an overly high number of # random search iterations return self._random_search.maximize(runhistory=self.runhistory, stats=self.stats, num_points=1) # if the number of points is not big enough, we simply build one subspace (the raw configuration space) and # the local model becomes global model if X.shape[0] < (self.min_configs_local / self.frac_to_start_bi): if len(self.config_space.get_conditions()) == 0: self.model.train(X, Y) cs = self.scenario.cs # type: ignore ss = BOinGSubspace( config_space=cs, bounds=self.bounds, hps_types=self.types, rng=self.rng, initial_data=(X, Y_raw), incumbent_array=None, model_local=self.subspace_info["model_local"], # type: ignore model_local_kwargs=self.subspace_info["model_local_kwargs"], # type: ignore acq_func_local=self.subspace_info["acq_func_local"], # type: ignore acq_func_local_kwargs=self.subspace_info["acq_func_local_kwargs"], # type: ignore acq_optimizer_local=self.acq_optimizer, ) return ss.generate_challengers() # train the outer model self.model.train(X, Y) if incumbent_value is not None: best_observation = incumbent_value x_best_array = None # type: Optional[np.ndarray] else: if self.runhistory.empty(): raise ValueError("Runhistory is empty and the cost value of " "the incumbent is unknown.") x_best_array, best_observation = self._get_x_best(self.predict_x_best, X_configurations) self.acquisition_func.update( model=self.model, eta=best_observation, incumbent_array=x_best_array, num_data=len(self._get_evaluated_configs()), X=X_configurations, ) if self.do_switching: # check if we need to switch to turbo # same as above self.failcount_BOinG += 1 increment = Y_raw[-1].item() - self.optimal_value if increment < 0: if self.optimal_config is not None: cfg_diff = X[-1] - self.optimal_config if ( increment < -1e-2 * np.abs(self.optimal_value) or np.abs(np.product(cfg_diff)) >= self.ss_threshold ): self.failcount_BOinG -= X.shape[-1] self.optimal_value = Y_raw[-1].item() self.optimal_config = X[-1] else: # restart idx_min = np.argmin(Y_raw) self.logger.debug("Better value found by BOinG, continue BOinG") self.optimal_value = Y_raw[idx_min].item() self.optimal_config = X[idx_min] self.failcount_BOinG = 0 # similar to TurBO, we do a judgement every n_dimension times amplify_param = self.failcount_BOinG // (X.shape[-1] * 1) if self.failcount_BOinG % (X.shape[-1] * 1) == 0: prob_to_TurBO = 0.1 * amplify_param rand_value = self.rng.random() if rand_value < prob_to_TurBO: self.run_TuRBO = True self.logger.debug("Switch To TuRBO") self.failcount_TurBO = self.failcount_TurBO // 2 self.restart_TuRBOinG(X=X, Y=Y, Y_raw=Y_raw, train_model=False) challengers_global = self.acq_optimizer.maximize( runhistory=self.runhistory, stats=self.stats, num_points=self.scenario.acq_opt_challengers, # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821 random_configuration_chooser=self.random_configuration_chooser, ) if ( X.shape[0] < (self.min_configs_local / self.frac_to_start_bi) and len(self.config_space.get_conditions()) == 0 ): return challengers_global cfg_challenger_global_first = next(challengers_global) array_challenger_global_first = cfg_challenger_global_first.get_array() # type: np.ndarray num_max_configs = int(X.shape[0] * self.max_configs_local_fracs) # to avoid the case that num_max_configs is only a little larger than self.min_configs_local num_max = MAXINT if num_max_configs <= 2 * self.min_configs_local else num_max_configs if len(self.config_space.get_conditions()) > 0: challanger_activate_hps = np.isfinite(array_challenger_global_first).astype(int) rh_activate_hps = np.isfinite(X).astype(int) indices_X_in_same_hierarchy = np.all((challanger_activate_hps - rh_activate_hps) == 0, axis=1) num_indices_X_in_same_hierarchy = sum(indices_X_in_same_hierarchy) if num_indices_X_in_same_hierarchy == 0: return chain([cfg_challenger_global_first], challengers_global) activate_dims = [] hps = self.config_space.get_hyperparameters() for idx_hp in np.where(challanger_activate_hps > 0)[0]: if isinstance(hps[idx_hp], NumericalHyperparameter): activate_dims.append(idx_hp) else: indices_X_in_same_hierarchy = indices_X_in_same_hierarchy & ( X[:, idx_hp] == array_challenger_global_first[idx_hp] ) num_indices_X_in_same_hierarchy = sum(indices_X_in_same_hierarchy) X = X[indices_X_in_same_hierarchy] Y_raw = Y_raw[indices_X_in_same_hierarchy] if len(activate_dims) == 0 or num_indices_X_in_same_hierarchy <= max(5, len(activate_dims)): return chain([cfg_challenger_global_first], challengers_global) n_min_configs_inner = self.min_configs_local // len(hps) * len(activate_dims) else: n_min_configs_inner = self.min_configs_local activate_dims = np.arange(len(self.config_space.get_hyperparameters())) bounds_ss_cont, bounds_ss_cat, ss_data_indices = subspace_extraction( X=X, challenger=array_challenger_global_first, model=self.model, num_min=n_min_configs_inner, num_max=num_max, bounds=self.bounds, cont_dims=self.cont_dims, cat_dims=self.cat_dims, ) self.logger.debug("contained {0} data of {1}".format(sum(ss_data_indices), Y_raw.size)) ss = BOinGSubspace( config_space=self.scenario.cs, # type: ignore bounds=self.bounds, hps_types=self.types, bounds_ss_cont=bounds_ss_cont, # type: ignore[arg-type] bounds_ss_cat=bounds_ss_cat, rng=self.rng, initial_data=(X, Y_raw), incumbent_array=array_challenger_global_first, # type: ignore[arg-type] activate_dims=activate_dims, **self.subspace_info, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) return ss.generate_challengers()
def _collect_all_data_to_train_model(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Similar to the implementaiton of EPMChooser, however, we also return the raw values here.""" # if we use a float value as a budget, we want to train the model only on the highest budget available_budgets = [] for run_key in available_budgets.append(run_key.budget) # Sort available budgets from highest to lowest budget available_budgets = sorted(list(set(available_budgets)), reverse=True) # Get #points per budget and if there are enough samples, then build a model for b in available_budgets: X, Y, Y_raw = self.rh2EPM.transform_with_raw( # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.runhistory, budget_subset=[ b, ], ) # type: ignore if X.shape[0] >= self.min_samples_model: self.currently_considered_budgets = [ b, ] configs_array = self.rh2EPM.get_configurations( self.runhistory, budget_subset=self.currently_considered_budgets ) return X, Y, Y_raw, configs_array return ( np.empty(shape=[0, 0]), np.empty( shape=[ 0, ] ), np.empty( shape=[ 0, ] ), np.empty(shape=[0, 0]), )
[docs]def subspace_extraction( X: np.ndarray, challenger: np.ndarray, model: RandomForestWithInstances, num_min: int, num_max: int, bounds: Union[np.ndarray, List[Tuple]], cat_dims: np.ndarray, cont_dims: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[Tuple], np.ndarray]: """ Extract a subspace that contains at least num_min points but no more than num_max points Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray (N, D) points used to train the model challenger: np.ndarray (1, D) the challenger where the subspace would grow model: RandomForestWithInstances a rf model num_min: int minimal number of points to be included in the subspace num_max: int maximal number of points to be included in the subspace bounds: np.ndarray(D, 2) bounds of the entire space, D = D_cat + D_cont cat_dims: np.ndarray (D_cat) categorical dimensions cont_dims: np.ndarray(D_cont) continuous dimensions Returns ------- union_bounds_cont: np.ndarray(D_cont, 2), the continuous bounds of the subregion union_bounds_cat, List[Tuple], the categorical bounds of the subregion in_ss_dims: indices of the points that lie inside the subregion """ trees = model.rf.get_all_trees() trees = [tree for tree in trees] num_trees = len(trees) node_indices = [0] * num_trees indices_trees = np.arange(num_trees) np.random.shuffle(indices_trees) ss_indices = np.full(X.shape[0], True) # type: np.ndarray stop_update = [False] * num_trees ss_bounds = np.array(bounds) cont_dims = np.array(cont_dims) cat_dims = np.array(cat_dims) if len(cat_dims) == 0: ss_bounds_cat = [()] else: ss_bounds_cat = [() for _ in range(len(cat_dims))] for i, cat_dim in enumerate(cat_dims): ss_bounds_cat[i] = np.arange(ss_bounds[cat_dim][0]) if len(cont_dims) == 0: ss_bounds_cont = np.array([]) # type: np.ndarray else: ss_bounds_cont = ss_bounds[cont_dims] def traverse_forest(check_num_min: bool = True) -> None: nonlocal ss_indices np.random.shuffle(indices_trees) for i in indices_trees: if stop_update[i]: continue tree = trees[int(i)] node_idx = node_indices[i] node = tree.get_node(node_idx) if node.is_a_leaf(): stop_update[i] = True continue feature_idx = node.get_feature_index() cont_feature_idx = np.where(feature_idx == cont_dims)[0] if cont_feature_idx.size == 0: # This node split the subspace w.r.t. the categorical hyperparameters cat_feature_idx = np.where(feature_idx == cat_dims)[0][0] split_value = node.get_cat_split() intersect = np.intersect1d(ss_bounds_cat[cat_feature_idx], split_value, assume_unique=True) if len(intersect) == len(ss_bounds_cat[cat_feature_idx]): # will fall into the left child temp_child_idx = 0 node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) elif len(intersect) == 0: # will fall into the left child temp_child_idx = 1 node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) else: if challenger[feature_idx] in intersect: temp_child_idx = 0 temp_node_indices = ss_indices & np.in1d(X[:, feature_idx], split_value) temp_bound_ss = intersect else: temp_child_idx = 1 temp_node_indices = ss_indices & np.in1d(X[:, feature_idx], split_value, invert=True) temp_bound_ss = np.setdiff1d(ss_bounds_cat[cat_feature_idx], split_value) if sum(temp_node_indices) > num_min: # number of points inside subspace is still greater than num_min, we could go deeper ss_bounds_cat[cat_feature_idx] = temp_bound_ss ss_indices = temp_node_indices node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) else: if check_num_min: stop_update[i] = True else: # if we don't check the num_min, we will stay go deeper into the child nodes without # splitting the subspace node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) else: # This node split the subspace w.r.t. the continuous hyperparameters split_value = node.get_num_split_value() cont_feature_idx = cont_feature_idx.item() if ss_bounds_cont[cont_feature_idx][0] <= split_value <= ss_bounds_cont[cont_feature_idx][1]: # the subspace can be further split if challenger[feature_idx] >= split_value: temp_bound_ss = np.array([split_value, ss_bounds_cont[cont_feature_idx][1]]) temp_node_indices = ss_indices & (X[:, feature_idx] >= split_value) temp_child_idx = 1 else: temp_bound_ss = np.array([ss_bounds_cont[cont_feature_idx][0], split_value]) temp_node_indices = ss_indices & (X[:, feature_idx] <= split_value) temp_child_idx = 0 if sum(temp_node_indices) > num_min: # number of points inside subspace is still greater than num_min ss_bounds_cont[cont_feature_idx] = temp_bound_ss ss_indices = temp_node_indices node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) else: if check_num_min: stop_update[i] = True else: node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) else: temp_child_idx = 1 if challenger[feature_idx] >= split_value else 0 node_indices[i] = node.get_child_index(temp_child_idx) while sum(stop_update) < num_trees: traverse_forest() if sum(ss_indices) > num_max: # number of points inside the subregion have a larger value than num_max stop_update = [False] * num_trees while sum(stop_update) < num_trees: traverse_forest(False) return ss_bounds_cont, ss_bounds_cat, ss_indices # type: ignore[return-value]