from typing import Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from smac.configspace import Configuration
from smac.optimizer.configuration_chooser.epm_chooser import EPMChooser
from smac.runhistory.runhistory import RunHistory, RunInfo, RunValue
from smac.stats.stats import Stats
from import TrajLogger
from smac.utils.logging import format_array
_config_to_run_type = Iterator[Optional[Configuration]]
__author__ = "Ashwin Raaghav Narayanan"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, ML4AAD"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
[docs]class RunInfoIntent(Enum):
"""Class to define different requests on how to process the runinfo.
Gives the flexibility to indicate whether a configuration should be skipped (SKIP) or if the
SMBO should simple run a generated run_info.
RUN = 0 # Normal run execution of a run info
SKIP = 1 # Skip running the run_info
WAIT = 2 # Wait for more configs to be processed
[docs]class AbstractRacer(object):
"""Base class for all racing methods.
The "intensification" is designed to output a RunInfo object with enough information
to run a given configuration (for example, the run info contains the instance/seed
pair, as well as the associated resources).
A worker can execute this RunInfo object and produce a RunValue object with the
execution results. Each intensifier process the RunValue object and updates it's
internal state in preparation for the next iteration.
**Note: Do not use directly**
stats: Stats
stats object
TrajLogger object to log all new incumbents
rng : np.random.RandomState
instances : List[str]
list of all instance ids
instance_specifics : Mapping[str, str]
mapping from instance name to instance specific string
cutoff : float
runtime cutoff of TA runs
deterministic: bool
whether the TA is deterministic or not
run_obj_time: bool
whether the run objective is runtime or not (if true, apply adaptive capping)
minR : int
Minimum number of run per config (summed over all calls to
maxR : int
Maximum number of runs per config (summed over all calls to
adaptive_capping_slackfactor: float
slack factor of adpative capping (factor * adpative cutoff)
min_chall: int
minimal number of challengers to be considered (even if time_bound is exhausted earlier)
def __init__(
stats: Stats,
traj_logger: TrajLogger,
rng: np.random.RandomState,
instances: List[str],
instance_specifics: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
cutoff: Optional[float] = None,
deterministic: bool = False,
run_obj_time: bool = True,
minR: int = 1,
maxR: int = 2000,
adaptive_capping_slackfactor: float = 1.2,
min_chall: int = 1,
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__)
self.stats = stats
self.traj_logger = traj_logger = rng
# scenario info
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.deterministic = deterministic
self.run_obj_time = run_obj_time
self.minR = minR
self.maxR = maxR
self.adaptive_capping_slackfactor = adaptive_capping_slackfactor
self.min_chall = min_chall
# instances
if instances is None:
instances = []
# removing duplicates in the user provided instances
self.instances = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(instances))
if instance_specifics is None:
self.instance_specifics = {} # type: Mapping[str, str]
self.instance_specifics = instance_specifics
# general attributes
self.num_run = 0 # Number of runs done in an iteration so far
self._chall_indx = 0
self._ta_time = 0.0
# attributes for sampling next configuration
# Repeating configurations is discouraged for parallel runs
self.repeat_configs = False
# to mark the end of an iteration
self.iteration_done = False
[docs] def get_next_run(
challengers: Optional[List[Configuration]],
incumbent: Configuration,
chooser: Optional[EPMChooser],
run_history: RunHistory,
repeat_configs: bool = True,
num_workers: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[RunInfoIntent, RunInfo]:
"""Abstract method for choosing the next challenger, to allow for different selections
across intensifiers uses ``_next_challenger()`` by default.
If no more challengers are available, the method should issue a SKIP via
RunInfoIntent.SKIP, so that a new iteration can sample new configurations.
challengers : List[Configuration]
promising configurations
incumbent: Configuration
incumbent configuration
chooser : smac.optimizer.epm_configuration_chooser.EPMChooser
optimizer that generates next configurations to use for racing
run_history : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
stores all runs we ran so far
repeat_configs : bool
if False, an evaluated configuration will not be generated again
num_workers: int
the maximum number of workers available
at a given time.
run_info: RunInfo
An object that encapsulates necessary information for a config run
intent: RunInfoIntent
Indicator of how to consume the RunInfo object
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def process_results(
run_info: RunInfo,
incumbent: Optional[Configuration],
run_history: RunHistory,
time_bound: float,
result: RunValue,
log_traj: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Configuration, float]:
"""The intensifier stage will be updated based on the results/status of a configuration
execution. Also, a incumbent will be determined.
run_info : RunInfo
A RunInfo containing the configuration that was evaluated
incumbent : Optional[Configuration]
Best configuration seen so far
run_history : RunHistory
stores all runs we ran so far
if False, an evaluated configuration will not be generated again
time_bound : float
time in [sec] available to perform intensify
result: RunValue
Contain the result (status and other methadata) of exercising
a challenger/incumbent.
log_traj: bool
Whether to log changes of incumbents in trajectory
incumbent: Configuration()
current (maybe new) incumbent configuration
inc_perf: float
empirical performance of incumbent configuration
raise NotImplementedError()
def _next_challenger(
challengers: Optional[List[Configuration]],
chooser: Optional[EPMChooser],
run_history: RunHistory,
repeat_configs: bool = True,
) -> Optional[Configuration]:
"""Retuns the next challenger to use in intensification If challenger is None, then
optimizer will be used to generate the next challenger.
challengers : List[Configuration]
promising configurations to evaluate next
chooser : smac.optimizer.epm_configuration_chooser.EPMChooser
a sampler that generates next configurations to use for racing
run_history : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
stores all runs we ran so far
repeat_configs : bool
if False, an evaluated configuration will not be generated again
next challenger to use
start_time = time.time()
used_configs = set(run_history.get_all_configs())
if challengers:
# iterate over challengers provided
self.logger.debug("Using challengers provided")
chall_gen = (c for c in challengers) # type: _config_to_run_type
elif chooser:
# generating challengers on-the-fly if optimizer is given
self.logger.debug("Generating new challenger from optimizer")
chall_gen = chooser.choose_next()
raise ValueError("No configurations/chooser provided. Cannot generate challenger!")
self.logger.debug("Time to select next challenger: %.4f" % (time.time() - start_time))
# select challenger from the generators
assert chall_gen is not None
for challenger in chall_gen:
# repetitions allowed
if repeat_configs:
return challenger
# otherwise, select only a unique challenger
if challenger not in used_configs:
return challenger
self.logger.debug("No valid challenger was generated!")
return None
def _adapt_cutoff(self, challenger: Configuration, run_history: RunHistory, inc_sum_cost: float) -> float:
"""Adaptive capping: Compute cutoff based on time so far used for incumbent and reduce
cutoff for next run of challenger accordingly.
!Only applicable if self.run_obj_time
!runs on incumbent should be superset of the runs performed for the
challenger : Configuration
Configuration which challenges incumbent
run_history : smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
Stores all runs we ran so far
inc_sum_cost: float
Sum of runtimes of all incumbent runs
cutoff: float
Adapted cutoff
if not self.run_obj_time:
raise ValueError("This method only works when the run objective is time")
curr_cutoff = self.cutoff if self.cutoff is not None else np.inf
# cost used by challenger for going over all its runs
# should be subset of runs of incumbent (not checked for efficiency
# reasons)
chall_inst_seeds = run_history.get_runs_for_config(challenger, only_max_observed_budget=True)
chal_sum_cost = run_history.sum_cost(
config=challenger, instance_seed_budget_keys=chall_inst_seeds, normalize=True
assert type(chal_sum_cost) == float
cutoff = min(curr_cutoff, inc_sum_cost * self.adaptive_capping_slackfactor - chal_sum_cost)
return cutoff
def _compare_configs(
incumbent: Configuration,
challenger: Configuration,
run_history: RunHistory,
log_traj: bool = True,
) -> Optional[Configuration]:
"""Compare two configuration wrt the runhistory and return the one which performs better (or
None if the decision is not safe)
Decision strategy to return x as being better than y:
1. x has at least as many runs as y
2. x performs better than y on the intersection of runs on x and y
Implicit assumption:
Challenger was evaluated on the same instance-seed pairs as
incumbent: Configuration
Current incumbent
challenger: Configuration
Challenger configuration
run_history: smac.runhistory.runhistory.RunHistory
Stores all runs we ran so far
log_traj: bool
Whether to log changes of incumbents in trajectory
None or better of the two configurations x,y
inc_runs = run_history.get_runs_for_config(incumbent, only_max_observed_budget=True)
chall_runs = run_history.get_runs_for_config(challenger, only_max_observed_budget=True)
to_compare_runs = set(inc_runs).intersection(chall_runs)
# performance on challenger runs, the challenger only becomes incumbent
# if it dominates the incumbent
chal_perf = run_history.average_cost(challenger, to_compare_runs, normalize=True)
inc_perf = run_history.average_cost(incumbent, to_compare_runs, normalize=True)
assert type(chal_perf) == float
assert type(inc_perf) == float
# Line 15
if np.any(chal_perf > inc_perf) and len(chall_runs) >= self.minR:
chal_perf_format = format_array(chal_perf)
inc_perf_format = format_array(inc_perf)
# Incumbent beats challenger
f"Incumbent ({inc_perf_format}) is better than challenger "
f"({chal_perf_format}) on {len(chall_runs)} runs."
return incumbent
# Line 16
if not set(inc_runs) - set(chall_runs):
# no plateau walks
if np.any(chal_perf >= inc_perf):
chal_perf_format = format_array(chal_perf)
inc_perf_format = format_array(inc_perf)
f"Incumbent ({inc_perf_format}) is at least as good as the "
f"challenger ({chal_perf_format}) on {len(chall_runs)} runs."
if log_traj and self.stats.inc_changed == 0:
# adding incumbent entry
self.stats.inc_changed += 1 # first incumbent
return incumbent
# Challenger is better than incumbent
# and has at least the same runs as inc
# -> change incumbent
n_samples = len(chall_runs)
chal_perf_format = format_array(chal_perf)
inc_perf_format = format_array(inc_perf)
f"Challenger ({chal_perf_format}) is better than incumbent ({inc_perf_format}) " f"on {n_samples} runs."
self._log_incumbent_changes(incumbent, challenger)
if log_traj:
self.stats.inc_changed += 1
train_perf=chal_perf, incumbent_id=self.stats.inc_changed, incumbent=challenger
return challenger
# undecided
return None
def _log_incumbent_changes(
incumbent: Configuration,
challenger: Configuration,
) -> None:
params = sorted([(param, incumbent[param], challenger[param]) for param in challenger.keys()])"Changes in incumbent:")
for param in params:
if param[1] != param[2]:" %s : %r -> %r" % param)
self.logger.debug(" %s remains unchanged: %r", param[0], param[1])